Friday, January 17, 2025


Grace Is For Today

January 17

We urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain…now is the time for God’s favor,

2Corinthians 6:1, 2

Sharon awoke with a migraine, “Lord, I’m not sure I can do this again today…” It wasn’t as much a statement as it was a frustrated plea. Actually, it wasn’t the headache that caused her frustration. It was her four-year-old daughter, Kaylee’s medical condition that continued to wear on Sharon’s resolve.

Knowing what she needed to do, yet not really feeling like it, Sharon prayed anyway, “Lord, give me the grace to make it through this day. Help me be the right example for Kaylee. Please hold her and carry her through these last two chemo treatments. Help Don and me to be faithful in the midst of adversity, and teach Kaylee more about You today than she knew yesterday; show her Your favor. Guide our steps as well as our words, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Sharon got out of bed, took a couple Tylenol, and headed for Kaylee’s room, “Rise and shine, Kiddo!” Sharon said brightly. “Only two more treatments and you get a vacation!”

Oh, Mommy!” Kaylee said, matter-of-factly. “I told you…its no big deal. I’m a big girl; ’member?”

Grateful for her daughter’s positive outlook, Sharon smiled a mischievous smile and dove toward her daughter, knocking her backwards, onto her bed. The ensuing pillow-fight was just what they needed. And miraculously, when it was over, Sharon’s migraine was gone!

Each day we awaken to many of the same problems we had when we went to sleep the night before. But yesterday’s grace won’t cover things today; it isn’t meant to.

We are to draw anew on the favor of God each day, asking only for enough grace to navigate today.

God did not give us the promise of no adversity. He did, however, promise the grace to make it through each new day as we come to Him for solace, comfort, wisdom, and favor.

God wants to meet you where you’re at today, with exactly what you need.


“Lord, I thank you for each new day You provide. Help me look for the possibilities instead of moping around in self-designated grief. Thank You for Your favor and grace this day. I give You praise in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Giving Our All

January 16

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.

Colossians 3:23

Billy had been blessed with the skills of a natural athlete. He’d carried a .360 batting avg. throughout his college career and was an all-star shortstop. Today Billy was attending winter tryouts with the Cleveland Indians organization.
“Okay, Mitchell, let’s see you take a few!” the infield coach hollered, and hit a screaming grounder in Billy’s direction. Billy fielded the ball with little effort and threw a line-drive to the first baseman. After several similar plays the coach hit him some fly balls. With deceptive ease, Billy positioned himself under each pop fly, caught the ball, and sent it on a string to home plate. Coach told Billy to come by his office following tryouts.

When Billy knocked on the door the coach asked him to take a seat, “You know, Billy, you’re a rare one…a natural. They’re considering signing you. But I need to know something.” The coach continued, “You've got talent, Son, there’s no denying it. It comes easy to you…maybe too easy. Everyone else out there today had to give their all to make an impression. You on the other hand coasted right on through.”

Billy’s response was expected, “I gave you 110 percent today. What more do you want?”

I want more than just enough to get by. And by the way, you can’t give more than 100 percent. And if you think you gave your best today you’ll never reach your potential. Quite frankly, that’s what I’m afraid of.”

God wants our all, not just enough to get by. When we hold out, our relationships suffer; with God and everyone we encounter.

The widely-used oxymoron, “I gave 110 percent!” is, at best, a misnomer that we have the ability to give better than our best efforts at any given time. And sadly, society has adopted the mindset that when we find something worthy of our better-than-best effort, we give it!

You are 100 percent God’s creation. It’s impossible to give more than you are. But what you are is exactly what He wants; your best, no more, and no less. Do the math.


May You find in me the willingness to give You all that I am, Lord, at all times, in all things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


More Than Just A Chance

January 15

…it is appointed unto men once to die,

Hebrews 9:27 KJV

Trying to assimilate the doctor’s devastating diagnosis of stage-4 colon cancer, Jeremy had decided to speak to his pastor. Pastor Raymond Miller listened as his long-time parishioner and friend shared how he felt about it, “I never seriously thought about dying, Ray. I always figured I’d live forever.” After a pause he added, “Or that Jesus would Rapture me and the Church first.”

Jeremy spoke candidly, comfortable with this man, “I know what the Bible says, Ray. You know…the part about our appointment with death.”

Ray remained silent, knowing Jeremy would work his way through this.

“But now…” Jeremy picked back up, making an attempt at levity, “now there’s a chance I’m actually going to die!” Jeremy went silent; his crooked smile belied his true feelings.

Ray broke the silence, “Jeremy, you said that you might die from this cancer…and that’s one possibility. The truth is—that short of the Rapture—we must all face death. It’s more than just a chance, as you jokingly said, it’s a fact. But it’s also an opportunity…an opportunity to lean on God instead of trying to navigate life in our own strength. Jeremy, God wants you to be rightly-related to Him, not just saved…and to fight for life until the day He takes you home, no matter when that is.”

The human mind is wonder-filled. The scope of its full potential is unfathomable, yet it is equipped with a tremendous capacity for denial where death is involved.

Not many of us really contemplate our own death. We watch those we know and love face it, but for some reason we don’t really believe it will happen to us any time soon; if ever.

Each of us is on a collision course with death. It is imminent. We are literally unable to cheat it. With such knowledge, how can we allow our salvation and/or sanctification to remain in limbo, hanging on to the chance that our death won’t occur today?

Being rightly-related means moving toward our goal, not holding it at arms length.


“Draw me ever closer, Lord Jesus. My mind wants to deny the truth that death is more than just a chance. Help me live like I might just see Your face today. Amen.”

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

 Prepare To Be Great

January 14

Greater love has no one than this...

John 15:13

The man stood quietly, head bowed in humility, as he accepted the award for heroism. There was a sense he didn’t feel comfortable with such attention. He did, however, hold the Mayor’s gaze as the man shook his hand and spoke something private. Then, as the Mayor moved on to the next recipient, the man’s gaze returned to the floor.

As the eyes of the audience moved to watch the next person to be honored for a different act of bravery, one pair remained on the man. No one but she truly understood the act of selfless compassion that found him here today; for her life was the life he had saved.

In one blinding moment her world had exploded in twisted metal and fire. Coming upon the wreck just moments after it had happened, this quiet man had risked his life to extricate her from the wreckage of her crumpled and burning vehicle. In the process he had received third degree burns on his hands and arms yet had refused to leave her to die.

He had declined all subsequent interviews, stating he’d done nothing to warrant attention; “I only did what needed to be done.”

The same selfless attitude that caused this man to shun the accolades of his peers is the very attribute that enabled him to put another’s welfare ahead of his own. Not that he did not value his own life, but rather, was willing to disregard personal injury and risk death in the hope that he might save another.

In our day-to-day life, great love is not usually measured in the literal laying down of our lives. It is more often than not measured in our willingness to be used to meet the every-day needs of those within our sphere of influence.

Each of us has an innate desire to help others; it’s God-given. But fulfilling God’s gift through us requires participation; He never imposes His will on us…even for the sake of another.

Doing the every-day things right, unselfishly helping meet the needs of those around us, prepares our hearts and minds to be inclined to take affirmative action in a perilous situation if called upon. Be prepared.


“Help me be a selfless servant to those who need me today, Lord Jesus. Amen.”

Monday, January 13, 2025



January 13

But thanks be to God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1Corinthians 15:57

Gerald awakened with complete recollection of his dream: A soldier in uniform, he had suffered defeat at the hands of a vicious and cunning enemy. He felt shame and self-loathing for what he considered utter defeat! Crouched on one knee, one arm resting on his other knee, his helmet tucked under the other arm; he was contemplating his incompetence when Jesus showed up!

“Oh, Lord, please go away!” he exclaimed. “I am not worthy of Your presence. I cannot endure Your gaze!”

But Jesus did not retreat. Instead, He placed His hand on Gerald’s shoulder and said, “You are not defeated. You are a great warrior! You focus on this one battle. Yet, you have won many victories in My service!”

“But Lord…” Gerald said, “It was such a strategic battle!”

“And what valor you displayed!” Jesus proclaimed. And after a moment He questioned, “Son, did you learn from this battle?”

“Yes, Lord.” Gerald answered.

“And what did you learn?” Jesus prompted.

“Not to take the enemy’s advancements lightly!” came his impassioned response.

“And will you?” Jesus asked.

“Will I what?” Gerald asked, momentarily lost in his anger.

“Take him so lightly the next time?” Jesus asked with a smile turning up the corners of his mouth.

“No!” Gerald said with resolve.

“Then you were not defeated.” Jesus said.

He lifted Gerald to his feet, placed his helmet on his head, and declared, “I have already defeated the enemy, Gerald. Remain in Me. For in Me you are undefeatable!” And with that, Gerald had awakened with new and valuable understanding.

Satan would have us focus on failure, looking at things with a distorted perspective.

Jesus speaks a different language; one of truth and encouragement: “You can learn from each battle!”

By focusing on Jesus, and taking what we learn from each skinned knee, bump or bruise, we become more seasoned in battle, and learn to lean on His strength instead of our own. We come to understand that the only way we can lose is by giving up our will to fight.


“Lift me above my failures, Lord Jesus. Show me how to remain in You, so I don’t become distracted by the enemy. Help me become undefeatable in battle! Amen.”

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Geographical Relationships

January 12

Fathers, do not exasperate your children;

Ephesians 6:4

Kane hollered as he left the house, “I’m heading out! Don’t know when I’ll be back!” When he hadn’t returned by 11:30pm his parents weren’t too concerned. However, when his father, Blake, rose at 5:00am to find Kane still not home, he became concerned.

Three days later Kane called to let them know he was alright, and not to worry.

“It’s a little late for that,” his father growled. “Your mother and I are worried sick! Where are you?!”

“Look, Dad,” Kane responded in an impatient tone, “you never cared where I was before. You never even questioned my hollering ‘don’t know when I’ll be back’ when I left the other day! I don’t know why it should matter now! You don’t care if I come back. All you care about is what this will look like when your friends find out! You’re so wrapped up in them and your careers…you barely acknowledge Chris’ and my existence, let alone provide any evidence you care!” Kane was on the verge of an emotional meltdown, and decided to end the conversation; “I’ll call back in a couple days!” he said abruptly, and hung up.

Still holding the phone, and digesting what Kane had said, Blake had to admit much of what his son had said was true. They were totally committed to their friends and careers. And they had pursued 'those' relationships to the exclusion of their children!

It is possible to be geographically close to someone and remain light-years away in relationship.

Family, after our relationship with God, should come first. Aspirations and goals can serve as motivation if handled correctly, but to exclude our most precious relationships to attain them is destructive and wrong.

We are to model wisdom to our children, teaching them how to relate to God, their siblings, and the world. If we fail to invest in them we not only miss out on wonderful experiences, we fail to provide the tools necessary for healthy emotional and spiritual growth.


“Draw me close, Lord. Teach me to rightly relate to those You have entrusted me with. Cause me to sense when they need my attention. Give me wisdom to know how to balance my time as You would have me do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Saturday, January 11, 2025


Acquainted With His Grief

January 11

A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:

Isaiah 53:3 KJV

Caught in another lie, Jenna was trying to explain her inability to stop, “I’ve tried, Mom! But it’s like…” she paused, struggling to articulate her thoughts, “It’s like I hear myself telling another lie…like someone else has taken control of me, and I’m just a spectator.”

Her father’s comment brought the sting conviction, “It’s hard to trust you, Jenna. We struggle to believe you.”

“I know, Daddy!” Jenna said. “I honestly don’t know why I can’t stop.” Her apparent frustration told them that, at least in this case, she wasn’t lying.

Receiving divine inspiration her father asked, “Do you remember your first lie, Jenna?”

“No,” came her embarrassed reply.

“That’s because of all the lies that have followed.” He let that sink in, then continued, “Jenna, once we get used to doing something it becomes second nature. If it’s something wrong, any conviction we were intended to feel loses its desired effect. When we no longer feel sorrow for our sin we have become desensitized to its destruction. Honey, for every lie you’ve ever told, or will tell in the future, Jesus took a beating.” He saw this was a revelation, and added, “He suffered so we could gain victory over the sin in our life.”

Between sobs Jenna said, “I’m…so…sorry…Daddy!”

“Jenna, you know how you said it felt like someone else took control of you?” She nodded.

He continued, “That’s not Jesus, because Jesus wants to set you free, not watch as satan holds you in bondage. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.” came her subdued response.

Our definition of an acquaintance is someone we know; yet not intimately. We have shared no deep connection; there is no lasting bond. Within the human definition of today’s text there is no hope of defeating sin.

Only Someone truly acquainted with the sorrow of our sin has the knowledge of how to defeat it. Jesus’ acquaintance with grief is unlike ours; and so is His power to overcome!

Sin will reign in our lives until we become intimately acquainted with the sorrow and grief of the One Who can defeat it.


“Take me deep enough that I can know You intimately, Lord, then take me deeper, to where sorrow and grief conquer sin. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”