Grace Is For Today
January 17
We urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain…now is the time for God’s favor,
2Corinthians 6:1, 2
Sharon awoke with a migraine, “Lord, I’m not sure I can do this again today…” It wasn’t as much a statement as it was a frustrated plea. Actually, it wasn’t the headache that caused her frustration. It was her four-year-old daughter, Kaylee’s medical condition that continued to wear on Sharon’s resolve.
Knowing what she needed to do, yet not really feeling like it, Sharon prayed anyway, “Lord, give me the grace to make it through this day. Help me be the right example for Kaylee. Please hold her and carry her through these last two chemo treatments. Help Don and me to be faithful in the midst of adversity, and teach Kaylee more about You today than she knew yesterday; show her Your favor. Guide our steps as well as our words, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Sharon got out of bed, took a couple Tylenol, and headed for Kaylee’s room, “Rise and shine, Kiddo!” Sharon said brightly. “Only two more treatments and you get a vacation!”
“Oh, Mommy!” Kaylee said, matter-of-factly. “I told you…its no big deal. I’m a big girl; ’member?”
Grateful for her daughter’s positive outlook, Sharon smiled a mischievous smile and dove toward her daughter, knocking her backwards, onto her bed. The ensuing pillow-fight was just what they needed. And miraculously, when it was over, Sharon’s migraine was gone!
Each day we awaken to many of the same problems we had when we went to sleep the night before. But yesterday’s grace won’t cover things today; it isn’t meant to.
We are to draw anew on the favor of God each day, asking only for enough grace to navigate today.
God did not give us the promise of no adversity. He did, however, promise the grace to make it through each new day as we come to Him for solace, comfort, wisdom, and favor.
God wants to meet you where you’re at today, with exactly what you need.
“Lord, I thank you for each new day You provide. Help me look for the possibilities instead of moping around in self-designated grief. Thank You for Your favor and grace this day. I give You praise in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”