Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Tribute to my Mother and Father in law

Husbands, Love Your Wives
December 9

Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.
Colossians 3:19

“Let’s you and me have a dance, Momma,” T.J. said as he took Irene’s hand. She smiled up at her husband as their grandson quietly played his guitar. T.J. moved his feet to the rhythm of the guitar, holding tightly to his sweetheart’s hand. In turn, Irene allowed him to move as far as she could reach.   
Peering through a crack in the door so as not to interrupt, a daughter, granddaughter, and an ICU nurse witnessed this precious event. “Ohhh… That’s so sweet!” the nurse whispered, moved to tears by the love and tenderness with which the ninety-four-year-old husband treated his ailing wife. They were mute observers, watching an intimate moment.   
In spite of the fact that Irene lay in a hospital bed, tubes protruding from her head following brain surgery, they acted like teenagers, with eyes only for each other. Just two lovers declaring their affection, silently stating there was no power that could dampen their spirits. They were serving notice to the Universe that through it all their love remained as strong as that day sixty-six years ago, when they’d said, “I do…”
What a wonderful example of love in action. T.J. was letting Irene know she was still, and would always be, his ‘dance partner’.   
God created men to be strong, so when adversity comes they are equal to the challenge. But husbands must also be gentle, not allowing harshness a place in their marriage. So, God instructs husbands to be gentle, loving their wives with a tenderness that bears witness to a sacrificial love.       
Fellas, God realized we’d need reminding. So He had Paul address this specific issue in two of his letters. Why? Because men are not naturally-gentle creatures! We tend to meet life head on, with our sleeves rolled up, reserving tenderness for special occasions. And by saying it twice God ensured His directive would carry the significance intended.  
T.J.’s deep enduring love wasn’t forced. It had become natural for him to show Irene affection. Any man can learn to express such tenderness if they so desire. God wouldn’t have told us to do it if it wasn’t possible.        

“Help me love the way You love, Lord. Help me be gentle when needed. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”  

From More Snapshots: continuing the spiritual journey
By: Craig Clouston
c.clouston creations, LLC ©2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Arch the Angel
November 25

And do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Luke 18:16
They’d been practicing for the school’s Christmas play for a week, and Mrs. Doty still hadn’t made a decision regarding the lead character. “Lord, I know whoever I choose will do a wonderful job, but I feel like Arch is supposed to be someone specific. Help me choose the right child.”
Putting it out of her mind long enough to read this morning’s entries in her students’ daily journals, she smiled, marveling at nine-year-olds’ perspec­tives on what was important. She could hear each little voice as she read their entry. How precious each child was to her. She spent her life nurturing little hearts and minds because of her love for children and teaching.
Finally, she came to Pete’s journal. “I love God. He is my Lord,” this morn­ing’s entry read. A preordained moment—she had asked, and here was the answer!
Three weeks later, Mrs. Doty’s third-grade class took the stage in what was to be one of the most memorable performances of her tenure. Arch stole the show. The smallest boy in the class, Pete was wonderfully animated as he glided across the stage singing, “I can zoom, and I can hover when I’m workin’ under cover, and folks never seem to see the likes of me.”
Children are approximately forty percent of our population—and one hundred percent of our future. The generation we are raising up for tomorrow should be the focus of today.
A child’s heart is a rough gem in need of polishing. Many of us have been blessed by the strong hand of a father, the attentive love of a mother, and the extra polishing by the Mrs. Dotys in life.
Sadly, others have never known the dedication of someone devoted to cultivating their spirit. Instead, they heard they were no good and would never amount to anything.
Innocence yields to direction. It learns to treat in keeping with how it is treated.
“Do not hinder them” is a directive.
“Help me polish my kids correctly, Lord. Give me the wisdom and patience to bring a precious gemstone from these rough-cut stones You have entrusted to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21

You turn things upside down, as if the potter were…the clay!
Isaiah 29:16

Driving home from a business trip, Kathy noticed that some of the billboards and bumper-stickers she saw shared a common theme. As the theme sank in its message disturbed her: “Save Our Planet-Stop Off-Shore Drilling!” and “Save A Tree-Kill A Lumberjack!” One proudly proclaimed “Animals Have Rights-Spay Or Neuter Your Vet!” They were all geared toward elevating the earth and its creatures to the top of the World’s to-do list. These special-interest groups were out to save everything but humans.
Kathy decided to document as many of these “Counter-Humanity Messages” as she could during the remainder of her trip. In all she compiled over one hundred and fifty pro-planet billboard and bumper sticker slogans.
Upon returning home she decided to do an internet search. Typing in the words “Save the Earth” she was astonished to find over sixty-two million listings!
Investigating further, she found that many groups received some form of government funding while their websites listed numerous ways one could contribute to their efforts. Millions, if not billions of taxpayer dollars were being used to fund the efforts of their “Planet above People!” campaigns.
With startling clarity Kathy realized Creation had been turned upside-down in light of God’s commission to Adam: “Fill the earth and subdue it…rule over every living creature.”
While I believe raping our planet and cruel disregard for animal welfare is not what God intended, He left no doubt as to which has dominion and is meant to survive.
Since the fall in the Garden of Eden, Satan has done his best to deceive us. Special–interest groups are one form of deceit that is gaining popularity in today’s world-view market. They are more concerned with our use of resources and animal rights than with genocide, tyranny, or starvation. They elevate the earth and its creatures above God, and the needs of humanity. This is exactly opposite the commission given in the Garden. 
In a world where many no longer consider God our Creator, it is reprehensible, yet no surprise, to find creation being elevated above the Creator.

“Creator of all things, forgive our ignorant pride that causes us to disregard Your commands. Cause us to repent and once again worship the Creator instead of creation. Amen.”

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Vigil

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him.
Psalm 127:3

Every room in the house was full. Family and friends smiled and laughed while keenly aware of the common bond that brought them here. They were holding vigil, awaiting the passing of the patriarch of the family who held a special place in each of their hearts. They had come to share in the final hours of his life. Looking at each face you just knew they were remembering the good times past…offsetting the sadness of today.      
Throughout the house, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren laughed and told jokes as they shared an informal lunch; and all of this his wife of sixty-six years absorbed from the couch by his bed.
These were his descendants, the linage that would carry on; his heritage and reward from the Lord. His love for each compelled them to come and be close at this time.   
Had you walked into the house without knowledge of the circumstances you might have thought it was a party, for they understood that this transition was to be celebrated more than mourned. Yes, they would miss him. But the knowledge of his destination outweighed the sorrow, at least for today, for he was headed Home to see Jesus!
There could be no greater epitaph than to be surrounded by our children and offspring as we go home to be with Jesus, listening to them celebrate our transition from this life into the fullness of joy that awaits every believer and follower of Jesus Christ. Such an image is testament to a life well-lived and a family well-loved, through good times and bad.
This comes from loving with abandon those who we have been charged by the Lord to care for in the short time we are here on Earth. James 4:14 says we are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. This phase of life is short. Eternity awaits us.
If you’re not sure that this would be the scene around your death bed, make every effort to set things right so that your passing from here into eternity will bring celebration and not a veil of sorrow and regret.      

“Thank You, Father God, for my children. They truly are my heritage and reward. Thank You for always watching over them. Amen.”

Thursday, November 10, 2011

He Records Each Tear

Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?
Psalm 56:8 NKJV

Going through Helen’s belongings was proving to be as difficult as Ken figured it would be. Having experienced the pain of loss before, he’d put it off for the first six months following his wife’s death. Today he hoped that sorting through things might bring some comfort and chase away his melancholy.    
As Ken opened the ornate jewelry box, his eyes fell on the small vial with the purple ribbon tied around the neck. His tears began anew. “I forgot about this, Lenny…” he silently whispered. Holding the little glass container at eye level, he read the small tag he himself had attached to the vial, “He knows your pain and has recorded every tear. He misses nothing and comforts your soul.” His crying intensified until he was sobbing.
Twenty years ago, they’d lost their oldest daughter, Laura, to cancer. At a time when he and Helen needed comfort and the assurance that God was aware of their pain, a friend had given them a plaque with Psalm 56:8 written over the picture of a scroll with God’s hand holding a quill.     
This was a special vial. For in it was their daughter’s tears, tears Ken had wiped from Laura’s eyes and placed in this vial during her battle. He’d given the vial to Helen as a reminder that God was keeping track of her heartache, one tear at a time.
Reminded of how they’d weathered that storm, Ken found renewed hope for the future.     
In the midst of our deepest pain we have more questions than answers. And sometimes God feels far away, distant and aloof. But through each trial we face He offers comfort, sometimes through a verse of scripture, sometimes through a kind word from a friend, always in a way He hopes we’ll recognize as personal.
Does it end the pain? Not entirely. But He offers us healing, and promises to make it bearable if we’ll give Him our burden.
Thanks to David, we can take comfort in the knowledge that God not only knows about our heartache, but catches and records every tear…because that’s what a loving Father does.

“In this dark night of my soul, Lord, catch and record each tear I cry. Give me hope for the future. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

'Politically Correct' Coverage at 'See You at the Pole' in Mt. Vernon

I find it a sad commentary that the only article today in the Mount Vernon News written to cover the gathering of Christian Students in 'See You At The Pole, a time where like-minded kids come and share their faith within the Mt. Vernon School District, would contain merely a statement from Mt. Vernon High School Principal, Kathy Kasler, instead of including what the students might wish to share about the event. 
In her statement, Kasler makes it evident that she is speaking 'politically correct' by providing the information that the school is showing no favoritism in allowing the FCA the opportunity to assemble. We wouldn't want to get in trouble again! Would we...?
This is yet one more attempt at making sure God, or should I say Jesus Christ, is kept in his box, away from those who don't like That Name.
I am curious...did Mount Vernon News, ask any of the students what they thought or felt about their time of prayer?

Friday, September 9, 2011

A Language of Faith
September 9

I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois.
2Timothy 1:5

Grandma Doris never liked hearing the words shut up. She said they hurt her ears and her heart. So when Grandma Doris was around, you said, “hush” or “be quiet.” If she heard anything else, you were in for a major scolding!
Grandma Doris emigrated from England in 1904 at the tender age of seven. She brought with her all her worldly possessions and an already deep faith in Jesus Christ. She married Grandpa Earnest, a preacher, and together they passed on the inherent traits of a pioneer: press ahead in kindness and never look back in regret.
The legacy passed on by Grandma Doris was given to her by her father and his father before him. In the lineage of both Grandma Doris and Grandpa Earnest there is a history of profound faith in Jesus Christ.
For at least six generations before and the two since, there have been preachers and lay leaders serving God, great men and women of faith. Grandma Doris’s death left a hole in people’s hearts but not their faith.
That heritage lives on and is testament to what was important to Grandma Doris: loving Jesus and using words to edify and not impair the lives of those we meet.
It seems like such a simple thing, teaching children the value of using kinder language rather than harmful words. But it’s in the simple things that we discover our true character. How we treat others, such as which words we use, speaks volumes of who we are and what we believe. Harsh language says we are not concerned about how we gain the results we are seeking.
Paul wrote to Timothy in regard to testifying with power. He said to testify in love and self-discipline, letting God do the convicting. Too many times our society uses words with shock value to make a point. Paul tells us that kind words, full of grace, will accomplish the task. We are to testify of Jesus’ love and do it in a language of faith passed on from generation to generation.

“Lead me to speak kindly in faith, Lord. May I always testify to Your love with words of grace. In Jesus’ Name, amen”

Friday, August 19, 2011

Another from my upcoming book, More Snapshots: continuing the spiritual journey

Lying and Dying
September 9

You have not lied just to human beings but to God.
Acts 5:4

The doctors could not find the root cause of Euwan’s illness. About a year and a half ago he’d begun feeling ‘unhealthy’. “I don’t know,” he’d say, “I just don’t feel right. I feel…odd.”
As the days turned into weeks Euwan’s quest to find out what was wrong intensified. He went from his family practitioner to a specialist in viral diseases. But the weeks turned into months, and Euwan grew worse. At this point he was willing to try anything. So he went to a local church, and asked the pastor to pray for him.   
Before he prayed, the pastor asked, “When you first noticed the symptoms, what was going on in your life?”   
Euwan thought for a bit, and realized that the onset coincided with a business deal he’d brokered. Reluctantly, he told the pastor.  
“Well,” the pastor said, “What kind of a deal did you make? Was it fair and beneficial for both sides?”
Instantly Euwan remembered what he’d said to the board members of the company they’d purchased. His own words came back like hammer blows to his heart: “Yes, we intend to keep all your employees…” But as soon as the merger had been completed, Euwan ordered a down-sizing. They had always intended to minimize the workforce to save their company money.         
Illnesses of this nature happen every day, but mostly aren’t attributed to the root cause. Lying has physiological consequences that can lead to death. Euwan’s conscience wouldn’t allow him to deny what he’d done, and it had taken a huge toll on him.   
When we lie there is only one option that will restore us: the truth. God already knows we lied, and is waiting to see what we’re going to do. What we fear most is disclosing the truth to those to whom we’ve lied, because we fear their wrath. But, tell them we must.          
Whether they forgive us or not, God will, and He is hopeful that we will repent.
What we do with that opportunity is up to us.     

“Lord, if I have lied, help me make it right. Set me free from the bondage of deception, and help me to always speak the truth. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, August 14, 2011

From More Snapshots: continuing the spiritual journey

Just Point and Click
August 1

I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.
1Corinthians 2:1

Nancy was an amateur photographer. Nature was her medium, butterflies and hummingbirds her forte’. She loved capturing images for posterity, and over the years she had taken some pretty awesome pictures. So many, in fact, that she could publish a book, showcasing some of her more dramatic shots.  
One picture in particular always caught the eye of those who looked through her extensive portfolio. The bright orange center of each tiny violet bloom contrasted vividly against the deep green leaves of a beautiful butterfly bush. Framed in the center of the picture was a hummingbird moth, collecting nectar from each flower. The tiny moth’s wings beat a thousand times a second as it hovered over the plant. That a moth could so closely resemble a bird was astounding! Its luminescent bronze wings and feathery-looking fan tail were so intricate in detail. The similarities between its namesakes were remarkable. The fact that Nancy had captured its fragile beauty was even more impressive.     
When asked how she managed to capture such wonderful images, Nancy replied, “Honestly? I just point and click. The more I adjust the settings and set up for the ‘perfect photo’, the worse it turns out. Every print you see was a point and click picture.”  
Nancy’s approach to photography is a wonderful example of how God wants us to share the gospel, with simple and understandable words, leaving the conviction and revelation to Him. He has good reason.
There is nothing more confusing and frustrating than when someone uses eloquent speech in an effort to display their extensive vocabulary or their grasp of the situation, when simple words would do.       
Paul reminded the Church at Corinth that he had not used eloquent speech to woo them. He’d spoken to them about Jesus in simple, understandable terms. And if anyone could have wooed them with eloquence, it was Paul. But he was wise enough to understand that wordy speeches fail to present the true nature of salvation through Jesus Christ.
So the next time you share the gospel, why not give the ‘just point and click’ method a try.  

“Holy Spirit, help me keep it simple as I share about Jesus. Amen.”

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sticks & Stones
August 3

Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the LORD, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat.
1Samuel 1:7

Laura wiped at her tears as she walked up the drive, she didn’t want Dick to see she’d been crying. “I hate mean people!” She vehemently cursed under her breath, not noticing or caring as the bus faded into the distance.  
Thoughts from today’s trip whirled through her head. Why does this always happen? Why are people so mean? And…why can’t people just leave me alone?! She would never get used to the stares, and the names. I never hurt any of them, and still they call me hurtful names, staring at me as if I’m some kind of monster! The tears began anew.
At seventeen, Laura had been in an explosion involving a gas grill. It had left her with burns over thirty percent of her body…the right side of her face had required extensive cosmetic surgery, leaving disfigurement that could not be hidden. She was still receiving monthly treatments to stretch on-going skin grafts.
Laura hated visits to the city. Because no matter how much she prayed, she always saw that look, and heard those comments.  
Why couldn’t people see past the scars? “Why couldn’t You have just let me die in that explosion?!” she challenged God for the hundredth time.
Sticks & stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Most of us have used this come-back as a form of protection for lack of a better defense. The idiom is a lie, name-calling hurts.
And for good reason, it undermines our personal confidence while telling us we are defective and unacceptable; it wounds a heart longing to be loved.
Hanna was so affected by name-calling that she wept until she couldn’t eat! But God heard Hanna’s cry. And he hears ours, too. Like Hanna, we too might endure ridicule we do not deserve, but in the end our sorrow will turn to joy. There is no guarantee that our situation will soon change as there is no shortage of mean-spirited people. But God hears our cry. And in time He will take away our pain.

“Lord, help me bring healing instead of pain. Guard my tongue and words. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Agents of Prophecy

Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.
Colossians 3:21

Dell was one of the smartest kids in school. He was also one of the most under-achieving freshmen Mr. Holman ever taught. Finding ways to engage the young man had proven a challenge.  
Mr. Holman talked to Dell’s other teachers and some of his friends, intending to discover why someone so bright seemed to care so little about his future. What he discovered was disturbing. Dell’s father was a bully. Although he never touched Dell physically, he broke his spirit mentally and emotionally, spewing venomous curses at him, “You’re so stupid! You can’t even tell the difference between a spark plug and a fuel injector! What the hell is wrong with you?! You’ll never be a mechanic! You’re worthless!”          
Knowing otherwise, Mr. Holman determined to show Dell who he really was. Over time, he was able to penetrate Dell’s protective barriers. Once inside, he spoke words of truth; words to edify and nurture; words of encouragement and support. And by his senior year, Dell’s poor self-image had been replaced by one of hope-filled anticipation. His grades mirrored his intellect, and he began setting goals for the future.  
Day in and day out the man who should have been encouraging Dell was beating him down. And Dell, instead of looking toward a successful future in a career he could find pleasure and happiness in, aspired only to survive and escape his father’s harsh treatment.          
We are agents of prophecy. Our children hear everything we say. Not only do our words speak loud and clear, our body language and voice inflection have much to say as well. Make no mistake…they will become who we tell them they are.        
Fathers, don’t make the mistake of telling your daughter, “Go change your clothes, you look like a whore!” or she just might turn to the streets for a father’s love.  
Our kids go from stroller to SUV in less time than it takes to blink. We have only a small window of influence. We should look for every opportunity to invest wisely.
Sometime today, tell your children how smart they are, and how blessed you are to have them.        
“Holy Spirit, give me words of encouragement to speak over my children; help me build their self-esteem. And hold my tongue in times of frustration to keep me from discouraging them. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”    

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Take a Stand

Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?
Psalm 94:16

At the beginning of the 2011 U.S. Open, NBC broadcast a lead-in meant to stir the hearts of patriotic Americans. With flags flying in the breeze and soldiers standing at attention, a group of children held their hands over their hearts and recited the ‘Pledge of Allegiance.’  
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…” They paused, and the picture cut from the children to soldiers standing at attention, saluting our Nation’s most honored symbol.  
“And to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation…” There was a discernable sense of pride on the faces of the children as they took the sacred pledge. The pause lingered, the viewers awaited the declaration of the real reason for our freedom…   
“With liberty and justice for all.” the kids proudly proclaimed.  
And with that the announcer began NBC’s coverage of the U.S. Open Championship.
“Under God” had been cut from the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ not once, but twice. Sadly, NBC had removed the most important statement in the ‘Pledge’ on purpose. Within minutes the telephone switchboard had overloaded, and their email mailbox was full from the responses of true Americans.  
In their feeble apology an hour later, NBC stated, Regrettably, a portion of the Pledge of Allegiance that was in that feature was edited out. It was not done to upset anyone and we’d like to apologize to those of you who were offended by it.”
Funny, but no one mentioned that the word “indivisible” had also been edited. The reason? By cutting ‘under God’, NBC was trying to render our United States divided, so they couldn’t use it either.  
And in truth, we are no longer ‘one nation, under God.’ We have been effectively divided by left wing liberals, gays and homosexuals, and every other godless enterprise that hates God.
But unless you are willing to take a stand with God, as David did in today’s text, remain quiet. No one wants your opinion.  
I hope that statement makes you angry…angry enough to take action.

“God, I am sorry for not standing up for You and this great Nation. I re-pledge my allegiance to You. Open doors for me and give me another opportunity to speak on Your behalf.  In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, June 3, 2011

From Snapshots: a spiritual look at daily life

By Invitation Only
June 3

Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.
Luke 14:15

She had not always been a popular woman. But today they were begging for an invitation to tonight’s party. Reporters lined the sidewalks by the gate, waiting for her to appear and bless them with an invitation. They stood for hours, waiting.
When the owner of the estate made her appearance, it was brief. She smiled and read a short, pre-written statement; “As none of you responded to my prior invitations, I have invited a select group to dine with me tonight. My guests will be arriving momentarily, please be considerate and allow them to pass. Once again, this banquet is by invitation only. Please do not attempt to gain entrance or you will be arrested, and I will prefer charges against you.” With that she returned to the house.
Ten minutes later, limousines from every escort company in the city began pulling up to the gate. They provided proof of invitation, then drove to the large portico and presented their guests to the hostess.
To the paparazzi’s amazement, the guests appeared to be beggars and homeless people. The hostess had them chauffeured from their cardboard homes as though they were royalty!
In the blink of an eye all invitations to the Feast in the Kingdom will be sealed and no more will be issued. The King will determine that the banquet should begin, and there will be no admittance to those who do not have a personal invitation.
Until then God continues to issue an open Invitation to any and all who would receive Him. Because of the blood of Jesus we have the right to R.S.V.P.; which is to tell the Host whether or not we plan to attend.
Those who respond will partake of all the goodness of the Kingdom. They will be seated in a position of prominence at the King’s table.
And just like those in today’s story, there will be many who will be turned away, never having accepted God’s Son. Admittance to Heaven is by Invitation only. Have you sent your R.S.V.P.?

“I gratefully accept Your Invitation today, Lord. Thank You for sending Your Son to escort me to the Dinner Party. Amen.”

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Stuck in Saturday
I tell you the truth … you will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.
John 16:20

Penny lay awake, the heartache tonight not much less than a year ago. She hadn’t slept much since Richard had died.
Married only six months, Richard had died when his car skidded on a patch of ice. The vehicle had gone over the guardrail above a deep gorge, roll­ing several times before coming to rest at the bottom. It had been several hours before he was found, and it had taken several more to remove him from the wreckage; he’d lived for two days before succumbing to his injuries.
Penny was numb, yet her brain never shut down. She rarely went a full ten minutes without it all playing back in her mind: the scene at the trauma center, the two days in ICU, the funeral, and the emptiness. It seemed her life was stuck on replay.
Penny cried out to God for answers, answers that probably wouldn’t relieve the ache or make this any easier.
Family and friends felt she was stuck in her grief. They continued to min­ister to her in love, praying that her outlook would brighten, bringing this profound grief to an end.
Anyone who has lost a loved one or a friend knows the depth of Penny’s heart­ache. Their absence creates a hole in us that refuses to be refilled; we’ve lost someone so precious that to think otherwise would feel like betrayal.
Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, did what He could to reassure His disciples of His resurrection. But on Good Friday nothing could take away the sting, the shock, or the pain in their chests. And all day Saturday they tried unsuccessfully to console themselves.
Then came Sunday!
The truth is if we live long enough, we will experience Penny’s pain. If we love deeply, we will grieve the same way. But someday our grief will turn to joy. It’s Jesus’ resurrection that keeps us from getting stuck in Saturday.
Death came on Friday, resurrection on Sunday, but there was a very long day in between. It’s okay to grieve. But do it with hope.
“Give us strength to walk on in the pain, Lord. Thank You that, because of Jesus, this pain will turn to joy. Amen.”

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Into Satan’s Domain
April 13

“On those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. For unto us a child is born.”
Isaiah 9:2, 6

There had been no end to the frustration and struggles Rena had endured. It seemed like the deck had been stacked against her from birth. Born two months premature to a drug-addicted mother who couldn’t support her, she’d been in and out of foster care until the age of twelve and had finally found a permanent home with the Donaldsons.
Rena, who suffered with subdued mental acuity, had struggled in the school’s special needs class. She couldn’t seem to make the pieces of the puzzle fit. The Donaldsons prayed that before the next school year something would break in their daughter’s favor.
When next year arrived, Mom led Rena into her new classroom. They were greeted by bright colors and life-size animated figures pasted on every wall in the room. On the chalkboard was a pastel rainbow arching over the words, “Welcome to Miss Jenny’s Classroom!” Rena pulled Mom down to her level and exclaimed, “I like this place, Mommy! Can we stay awhile?”
Miss Jenny greeted them with a bright smile, knelt down, and said, “I’ve been so excited and just couldn’t wait to meet you, Rena. Welcome to my classroom! We’re going to have so much fun!”
In one brief moment, Rena’s struggles changed. Instead of it being Rena against the world, it became Miss Jenny and Rena in a partnership that could see possibilities for the future. Miss Jenny loved to turn on the lights for those who struggled to understand. She was gifted in discerning a child’s needs and developing a curriculum to meet those needs.
When Jesus entered Satan’s domain over seven hundred years after Isaiah’s prophecy, it was a light-switch event. In one brief moment, Israel had a new teacher; One Who cared about their welfare and future.
Jesus showed them a brighter path that led out of the darkness into His marvelous light. You can hear Him say, “I’ve been so excited and just couldn’t wait to meet you!”  

 “Father of the bright and morning Star, we give thanks for Your precious gift of light and love. Teach us to faithfully follow Jesus path through this dark world. Amen.”

Monday, April 4, 2011

Made for Laughter
April 4

A cheerful heart is good medicine… Proverbs 17:22

Nancy and Craig constantly looked for little ways to make each other laugh, and enrich their marriage. This particular morning found Nancy headed out the door for the day as Craig was finishing breakfast. They never parted without a ‘what if’ kiss. ‘What if something terrible happened and they did not see each other again?’ So, getting up from the table, Craig joined his beloved at their favorite spot, the doorway between the dining room and kitchen. Nancy stood on the step above the threshold, Craig on the kitchen floor, several inches below her. This offset their height difference making for the perfect fit. As they embraced and kissed a mischievous thought came unbidden, to Craig. Not given time to brush his teeth prior to Nancy’s heading out the door, he realized, with increasing amusement, here was a moment given by God! Leaning back while still holding her around the waist, he looked into Nancy’s eyes and said, “I guess this makes me a cereal kisser!” Spontaneous laughter with a twinkle in their eyes, gave testimony to the love they shared. These precious moments, given of God, deepened their relationship with each other, and God.
We were created with an expressive nature and it testifies to what’s going on in our heart.
Many of us suffer from heavily burdened hearts, rarely displaying any sign of joy or happiness. God Himself desires to bring complete joy to our lives that we might recognize His Nature and learn to emulate it. It is my belief that we bring a smile to our Creator’s face when we laugh with abandon. One of my favorite paintings is of a head-thrown-back, all-teeth-showing, belly-laughing, Jesus. We weren’t created to walk around with a downcast countenance showing everyone how miserable we are. We will find what we look for… joy is optional. Yes, there will be sorrow, but if we look for a light heart we just might find one—filled with laughter.

“Help us look to create those seemingly insignificant moments in life, Lord. Teach us to laugh as You intended, to love each other passionately, with fervor and great joy! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Apostle John’s Bio

Who was John?

Ø      John was born in Bethsaida on the Sea of Galilee in the year 6 AD.
Ø      Before he met Jesus, John was a fisherman; not uneducated yet not born and raised to be a writer.  
Ø      He was the son of Zebedee and Salome, and brother of James (Apostle, not ½ brother of Jesus). Mark 3: 17 
Ø      He was one of the Twelve original Apostles of Jesus. Matthew 10:1-4; Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-16
Ø      Named ‘Boanerges’ by Jesus, meaning ‘Sons of Thunder’. Also Mark 3: 17
Ø      The ‘disciple whom Jesus loved’John 13: 23
Ø      Apostle (spoke with authority).
Ø      One of the 3 in Jesus’ inner circle (Peter, James and John mentioned throughout the Gospels).
Ø      He was the last surviving of the Twelve Apostles and died around the age of 94—
Ø      The only apostle to die naturally. Died in the year 100 AD.
Ø      A cousin of Jesus. If Mary and Salome were sisters, as scripture seems to imply, John the Apostle and Jesus were first cousins. This would make him related to John the Baptist whose mother was Mary's cousin, Elisabeth. Luke 1
"Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary (Salome), the wife of Cleophas (Zebedee), and Mary Magdalene." John 19:25 KJV

Where was John when he wrote?
Ø      Ephesus (Turkey) for Gospel of John and the Epistles; then exiled and sentenced to work the mines on the Isle of Patmos where he received and wrote the events foretold in the book of Revelation.
Ø      He was later freed and returned to serve as Bishop of Edessa in modern Turkey.

When did John write?
John didn’t write anything until late in life…
Gospel of John - AD 70 – 85
Revelation – AD 54 – 96
Epistles (1, 2 & 3rd John) – AD 85 – 95
John most likely dictated his latest writings to his aide and scribe, Polycarp, who became Bishop of Smyrna, who in turn taught Irenaeus, who became Bishop of Lugdunum (Both have writings available online).

John suffered for the Gospel of Jesus Christ:
Exiled to Patmos, a small island off the south-west coast of Turkey, by Roman Emperor Domitian (who was known for his persecution of the early Christian Church) after being plunged into boiling oil and suffering no effects (it is believed every witness to this in the Coliseum became believers). Written of by Second Century theologian, Tertullian in his work, The Prescription against Heretics chapter 36.

First Century Historians
  • Aufidius Bassus
  • Ban Gu
  • Ban Biao
  • Dio Chrysostom
  • Claudius
  • Quintus Curtius Rufus
  • Fabius Rusticus
  • Getica (Dio)
  • Jasher
  • Josephus
  • Justus of Tiberias
  • Titus Labienus (historian)
  • Liu Xin
  • Livy
  • Marcus Cluvius Rufus
  • Valerius Maximus
  • Mucianus Nicolaus of Damascus
  • Asconius Pedianus
  • Plutarch
  • Seneca the Elder
  • Servilius Nonianus
  • Thallus (historian)
  • Marcus Velleius Paterculus
  • Ban Zhao
Check out the following links:

Historians: Christian Historians: Modern Day Church Historians:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

From More Snapshots

You Are Already Full!
May 11

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.
Colossians 2:9

The congregation was pressing in, contending for God’s Spirit to show up in fullness. “More of You, Lord. More of You. Fill me, Lord. I want more of You!” The plea reverberated throughout the building until every voice became one.
Jay was struck by the desperate desire of his fellow believers. This wasn’t a group of people chanting to God, hoping He would respond. These people were petitioning as a starving man begs for food for his children! Yet in the midst of it all, God whispered to Jay, “You are already full…”
Unsure of the moment, Jay said, “Did You say something, Lord?”
“Yes, son, I did.”
Shaken at this revelation, Jay opened his eyes, expecting to see God standing right in front of him! As his eyes focused, they came to rest on the cross, hanging behind the altar. In that single moment Jay received a greater revelation than just hearing his Maker’s voice. For God spoke again, “You are already full, Jay. When you chose to follow My Son you received My Spirit in full measure. There is no need to ask for more. There is no more of Me to get.”
Surprised, Jay said, “So what should I be asking for?”
God’s response was as immediate as it was comprehensive, “Pray for the release of My Spirit from the chains of your understanding.”   
As finite beings we lack complete understanding. Because of this, many Christians live under the misconception that when we ask Jesus to take control of our lives we only get as much of Him as we are capable of comprehending at that moment; and as we grow we receive more of His Spirit. But God does not give of His Spirit in part.
When we believe we are wall-to-wall Holy Spirit on the inside! We need not ask for more. What we need is to ask Him to release our minds, hearts, and faith from the chains of bondage created by our misunderstanding.   

“I don’t completely understand, Lord, but speak the truth of this message to my heart. Release Your Spirit from the chains of my confusion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Saturday, February 26, 2011

From My Upcoming Sequel: More Snapshots

Snatched From Death
May 9

…save others by snatching them from the fire…
Jude 1:23

 “Hey Dad! Is Mom there with you?” Eric sounded somewhat breathless.
“Yep, we’re both here,” Dad responded.
“Put me on speaker phone. I gotta share what just happened!” he said.
Activating the ‘Speaker’ button, dad said, “Okay, Mom and I are both listening…”
“It was so cool!” Eric began. “I just saved somebody’s life!”
“What?! How?!” they asked in unison.
“I was standing on the corner waiting for the light to change when this older woman stepped off the curb and took two steps into traffic,” the excitement and emotion in his voice was evident.
Mom and Dad looked at each other as Dad prompted their son to continue, “Okay…” 
“There was a car coming, and it wasn’t slowing down! There was no way it was going to be able to stop!” Eric’s voice was trembling.
Adrenaline’s still pumping, Dad realized.
“Without thinking,” Eric continued, “I stepped into the street, reached out, grabbed her and jumped back to the sidewalk! I had to hold on to her to keep her from falling!”
“That’s incredible!” Mom said. “Thank You, Jesus!” they both echoed. “What did the lady do?” Dad asked.
“She turned around and hugged me like she was never gonna let go, shouting, ‘You saved my life! You saved my life! You snatched me from certain death!’” Eric ended his account with, “It was awesome!”
Secretly, we all hope and pray we would be able to respond as Eric did if faced with these same circumstances. The truth is…most of us will never be put to the test.  
Today’s text, however, exhorts us to, at any given moment and without warning, be prepared to snatch people from the spiritual fires of eternal death. It should be, as Eric’s actions were, instinctive on our part. Having encountered someone who has wandered into spiritual traffic our response should be decisive, immediate, and without hesitation.  
The danger is real, and imminent. And we should always be prepared to take action; because if we’re not, we could miss the chance to snatch someone from the flames of eternal damnation.

“Holy Spirit, give me discernment to see those who have stepped into spiritual traffic. Then give me courage to snatch them from the fires of spiritual death by introducing them to Jesus. It’s in His Name I pray, amen.”

Friday, February 18, 2011

Perfectly Unique Imperfections
February 18

But when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.
1Corinthians 13:10

As the master-glassblower puffed gently, a small bulb appeared at the end of the forging tube. Working with quick, decisive motions, she rolled the six foot tube along a lintel while her apprentice held thick, wet newspaper under the glass, creating a more slender tube. A more forceful puff of air, and a larger bulb was created at the end of the tube. The apprentice now used a cup-shaped, cast-steel ladle to shape the vase as the forging tube continued to spin. Working in unison, one blowing and spinning the tube, the other handling the glass with different tools, they achieved the desired effect. Frequently, the entire work of art was placed back into the furnace for reheating. When asked why the glass was continually placed in the furnace she answered, “The glass has many imperfections. As we re-fire the glass we remove many, but not all of them. The remaining imperfections are what make each creation unique; it gives the piece more value.”
Until the day Jesus comes back for the Church, we will be imperfect. This does not translate into “useless”. In the same way the vase has great value, even though it is flawed, we too are of great value to God. The trials of life refine us. God uses the Holy Spirit to influence our lives in one way, while He reveals truth to us in another. He places us into the forging fires to remove our imperfections. What is left is a less-flawed vessel. As we walk through the fire we become a purer version of the person God means us to be. The Holy Spirit urges us while God directs us. Our refining yields the desired effect. As the forgings cool, we reflect a clearer image of the One Who is perfect in every way.

“Please use me, Lord. I need to feel valuable. I want to make a difference in this life. Guide me through the refining fires so I reflect a better representation of Your image to those I meet along life’s path. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Reluctant Church in America

What the H#*! is Wrong With Us?!

 “S#*! My Dad Says” is one of TV’s latest attacks on American morality, insulting our intelligence, taxing our tolerance, and testing to see just how far the boundaries, and our silence, can be stretched; all in the name of comedy and free speech. And passively, we sit saying nothing. We even refuse to address the fact that ‘Stuff’ is not a four letter word.  
Yes, the show’s creators have changed the audio translation for listening ears, but not the show’s name as it appears with suggestive expletives during its airing and in any and all advertisement.  
So why hasn’t CBS launched a full-on assault by using the profanity in the cover-title of Justin Halpern’s book, the source from which the show is derived?
Could it be that deep down they know Americans wouldn’t remain silent if they took that last step? Or is it part of the continuing practice of desensitization TV audiences have been subjected to for the past two generations?
I could hope it was the former if not for all the historical evidence to the contrary, that, and the knowledge that evil is patient.
Evil, in this case progressive immorality, has all the time in the world and sees nothing wrong with waiting while each successive generation moves farther and farther from the self-censorship of the fifties and sixties, when morality and conscience refused to allow Hollywood the freedom to do as they please and to hell with what everyone thinks, or what residual effect it has on our children and society as a whole.
Sitcoms have become the ‘Out-of-the-closet’ platform of the Twenty-first century, testing the socially acceptable waters in the deepest parts of the ocean. And why not, no one has offered meaningful resistance. Up until now there has been nothing but token attempts at mounting opposition to the direction Hollywood and the liberal media are steering our nation. 
Moral and societal decline happens when good men and women sit idly by hoping someone else will do or say something. When no opposition arises this evil becomes narcissistic, breeding in the vacuum of ambiguity, cloning and crossbreeding deadlier strains of immorality.
With each successive generation the lines are smudged a little more until there are no lines, and we are left with only a murky lens with which to view our sin-filled world.
We are in need of corrective lenses, lenses that humanity cannot produce the prescription for. And here in lies the problem. By refusing to admit to our blurred vision and hardened hearts it’s easier to claim ignorance. You can’t be held accountable for something you know nothing about, right?
We are comfortable letting godless men and women perpetrate their views and values on the world as long as they don’t bring us into the picture. And by this inaction we propagate the evil, quietly turning the channel if we encounter something that stretches the boundaries of impropriety and immorality.
It’s still somebody else’s fight.
The truth is, in many cases, we are too busy to enter the battle. We have sold our soul to the demands of time. In a society that invented fast food for the sake of maximizing our time in order to cram even more events into our day, we can no longer answer the question of why we refuse to sit still. Not only can we not sit still, we must be entertained. If you are like most Christians you can’t remember the last time you contended for the presence of God. Mostly because we’ve not listened to wise instruction, or been taught the importance of contending as it relates to our relationship with God, and to the Church as a whole.
In his book ‘Escape to God’ Jim Hohnberger writes, ‘Organized religion may prove to be the greatest substitute for a saving knowledge of God that the world has ever known. A great danger lies in complacency.’ He goes on later in the book to say, ‘Within us lies the ability to choose whatever level of existence we want. The freedom to choose, the ability to exercise our will, is the greatest gift with which God has endowed the human race. Properly used, the human power of choice, in response to God’s grace, connects us to the God of the universe, and through His power and direction, we will become a blessing to the world. Improperly used, the same power of choice will guide the human into actions that make the whole world shudder.’
So, if we would believe what Jim says, we can become an instrument of blessing and change. Or, we can, by our inaction, allow the encroachment of evil in a world our children and grandchildren will inherit.
As believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we should be engaged in the Word of God, and in the battle. But the choice remains ours: change the channel, or ask God how we can effect change.  
Know this ahead of time…there are no easy fixes. Stepping up to the responsibility of godly action requires spending time with God and in His word. That, or pull the veil back over our heart and mind and go back to ‘business as usual.’
2 Timothy 3:16 says, ‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.’
God is seeking volunteers to equip.