Thursday, March 30, 2017


For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear
Romans 8:15

Lincoln and Kate weren’t too keen on fencing off their entire property but were at whit’s end as to how to deal with Max, their golden retriever. His lack of response to their commands―a total disregard for their authority would have been a better way to describe the situation―was unacceptable.
Frequently terrorizing the neighbor’s cat, Max hadn’t responded to obedience school or the one-on-one on-sight instruction by a professional trainer. The moment the trainer left Max would take off after the cat like he’d been shot from a cannon! At this point the Howards had spent several hundred dollars, to no avail, on behavior modifications. Then a friend told them about his invisible fence system. “Works like a charm!” they said.
So they had the system installed. It consisted of a heavy-gauge wire buried along the perimeter of the property which was connected to a low voltage electrical unit. Max, in turn, was fitted with a sensing collar. Any time he got within six inches of the underground wire he received a mild shock, telling him don’t come near here! Unpleasant, each shock taught Max to fear this invisible barrier. Eventually, he became conditioned to remain within the set boundaries.
Testing boundaries is human nature. From the time we are born until the day we die we seek to find our limitations.
Sin is one such boundary we experience. And usually its consequences cause us to keep our distance. However, many times we repeat our mistakes. When we do, Satan uses the event like a shock collar, telling us we’ve gone too far and are unforgivable and unworthy of redemption. He seeks to put us in bondage…because if we reach our full spiritual potential, he loses. With every mistake he whispers toxic lies, “God would never forgive you now. Even if He did, you’d just screw up again…why bother?” Satan is lying.
Paul says if we allow ourselves to be led by God’s Spirit He will change the condition of our heart from a spirit of fear to a Spirit of sonship. Don’t believe the lies, we are never beyond the reach of God.


“Lead me by Your Spirit out of the enemy’s bondage, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”  

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Spiritual Development

The testing of your faith develops perseverance.
James 1:2

Leaning down, inches from Evan’s face, Bruce, his personal trainer, demanded, “Give me two more reps! C’mon, you can do it! Fight the desire to quit!” Evan’s arms shook as he fought gravity, pushing the barbell up with his last ounce of strength.
Both reps completed, he wrestled the barbell back onto the rack above him, and collapsed in exhaustion.
“Good job, Ev,” Bruce exhorted. “I knew you could do it!”
“I wasn’t as sure as you,” Evan replied breathlessly, then admitted, “It took everything I had to get that second rep up. I’d have never made it a third time!”
“I remember hearing you say something similar not all that long ago,” Bruce teased.
Now it was Evans’ turn to smile as he thought back to the day he’d told Bruce, “I’ll never get past two hundred.” It had taken eighteen months…but he’d just pressed two-forty seven times! He remembered Bruce’s initial assertion, “If there’s no resistance, there’ll be no gain in strength or muscle-mass.”
Bruce certainly knew what he was talking about, because although he himself had had doubts, Bruce had been positive Evan would one day accomplish the goal reached today! “Building muscle comes in stages, Ev. You don’t just bench-press two-forty over night!”
In order for growth of any kind to take place there must be opposition present. Resistance builds strength…in our bodies… our minds…and our spirits. We develop spiritual muscle as we fight spiritual battles. The more we fight, the stronger we become!
Left in our spiritual infancy we are unable to stand up under life’s trials; we are of no use to ourselves or anyone else.
James understood that our spiritual strength can only be built by going through spiritual adversity. That very adversity causes us to grow stronger, to mature as children of God so that we might become a formidable opponent of our enemy! We are to embrace challenge, not grumble about the things God allows to come our way.


“Help me maintain a positive perspective in my spiritual maturation, LORD. Give me the courage to push against the opposition so that I become the strong Christian You know I can become. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Healed or Cured?

My grace is sufficient for you.
2 Corinthians 12:9

Braden’s back pain had turned into a constant fire. The burning had become so intense that he couldn’t sit at his computer or stand for more than five minutes at a time before needing to lie on an icepack to suppress the pain. With the knowledge that God could heal him if He chose to, yet receiving no appreciable healing in response to his constant prayers had him questioning his faith. Didn’t he believe enough? His pastor had told him that healing isn’t based on someone’s spiritual performance. “Am I not living right? What's wrong with me?”
Running into a friend who’d been injured several years ago, Braden asked, “How do you do it, Quentin ? How do you remain optimistic and light-hearted in the midst of your pain? Aren’t you angry because God hasn’t healed you?”
“No, Braden, I’m not.” Quentin said. “Jesus never promised to take away all my pain. Isaiah 53:5 says that by his stripes, some translations say wounds, I am healed. I’ve learned that healing doesn’t necessarily mean God restoring me to perfect physical health, although He certainly could if He chose to. His healing promise means He’ll provide the grace necessary for me to walk in righteousness in spite of my physical suffering. What you’re talking about is being cured. Even Paul dealt with suffering of a physical nature. Yet his spirit-man was in perfect health.”
Since mankind’s fall in Eden we’ve been under attack spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Following Jesus comes with only one guarantee: we are fire-proof! The gates of Hell shall not prevail against us! Matthew 16:18 KJV
Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, set apart for the Gospel, was subjected to beatings, imprisonment, even the thorn in his side. He suffered until the day he died. So what makes us think we merit an idyllic life?
The Christian life is full of peril. Living for Christ can be more uncomfortable than dying for Him. But if we focus on Jesus, and our final reward, we’ll find healing that overshadows any cure we fail to receive.


“This pain is unpleasant and I don’t like it, Lord. Teach me to walk humbly in grace, and to focus on You instead of my problems. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”  

Monday, March 27, 2017

His Name Is Mr. Hall

Show proper respect to everyone.
1 Peter 2:17

As Pastor Bob shared with me, I sensed the deep respect and affection for the man of whom he spoke. “Mr. Hall was special. And he’ll always be Mr. Hall to me, not Walter.” He smiled, “You know, he tried to get me to call him by his first name. I just never felt comfortable calling him Walter.”
As he continued, I felt a tangible connection with Mr. Hall. It was as if he were present in the room. The clarity and warmth of Pastor Bob’s memory ushered us into his high school band room... “Mr. Hall was one of four or five men who’ve had a huge influence in my life. He was my band and choir director…and a good, godly man. He loved nurturing the hearts and minds of his students.” He chuckled as he added, “I never found out until much later that he was also the choir director at his church. I guess I wasn’t looking for spirituality at seventeen. I just liked him.”
Pastor Bob spoke fondly of how Mr. Hall encouraged him to seek God’s will for his life, and to consider the ministry. “Somehow he saw my gifting long before I did! I still call him at least once a year to catch up and check on his health. And I thank God frequently for Mr. Hall’s inspiration and encouragement.”
As I drove home, I once again thanked God for Pastor Bob’s influence in my life. God had used Pastor Bob in that capacity many times throughout the course of our friendship.
His appreciation for Mr. Hall had given me something to consider—the lack of respect so prevalent in today’s society.
We no longer use title and surname while addressing our elders. We skip right over good manners and moral principle, elevating everyone to equal standing and privilege. It would seem that teaching good manners is no longer a prerequisite in the maturation process.
Calling an adult by their first name (someone over the age of twenty-one or married) was foreign to my generation. It should be to our children’s as well.
Today’s text is not a suggestion; it is God’s directive. One we should teach and live by.

“May my words and actions reflect the honor and respect due my elders and those deserving of titles, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, March 26, 2017

You Are Doubly Mine!

You were bought at a price.
1Corinthians 6:20

“This is gonna be great Dad! I can’t wait to see how it floats,” Timmy said, looking at the 1/32 scale sailboat he and his dad had spent over sixty hours building together. As they pulled in at the marina, Timmy jumped from the truck and raced toward the shoreline. With a gentle shove, he launched the boat on its maiden voyage. He watched as it slowly moved along the water's edge. Suddenly, the small sail caught a crosswind, and quickly began moving into deeper water. Timmy hadn’t figured on it getting far enough out that he couldn’t retrieve it with the grappling rope he’d made. Now it was not only out of reach, it was disappearing over the horizon!
“We have to go to the other side, Dad! C’mon, we need to hurry!” he cried.
“Hop in the car,” his father said. “We’ll see if we can find where it comes ashore,”
Hours of searching proved futile. Timmy was crushed.
Two days later, as Timmy was walking to school, he passed the local pawn shop. In the window of the shop sat his boat! Throwing open the door, Timmy ran to the counter, “That’s my boat!” he proclaimed, pointing to the window. “Please give it to me.”
“I’m sorry, young man,” the owner said. “I paid good money for that boat. I can’t just give it to you.” Timmy didn’t know what to do. “Tell you what I’ll do,” the man said. “I’ll sell it to you for exactly what I paid.”
“Deal!” Timmy agreed, and paid the man. As he walked out the door the man heard him say, “You’re doubly mine! I made you, and now I’ve bought you back!”
What a perfect picture of how God feels about us! Created in His image, with a love so deep, He couldn’t stand losing us. So when Adam and Eve changed His plans, He sent Jesus to purchase us back.
At a price that cost Him more than we can comprehend, a debt we could not pay on our own, His great love purchased our eternal freedom! Such great love proclaims, “I created you and I have bought you back! You are doubly Mine!”


“Thank You, LORD, for making me doubly Yours! Amen.”

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Surprise Visits

You must also be ready…
Luke 12:40

In all her eighty years she’d never had such an experience! She knew she wasn’t dreaming, but how could this be? The man in white looked real enough to touch, but he had appeared out of nowhere…and was standing inside the locked door of her home!
“Who are you?!” she finally managed.
“You know who I am.” he responded with a smile.
No…yo no!" (No…I do not!)” she said in her native Spanish.
The man pointed at her Bible and said, “You have read about me many times. You know who I am.”
Perplexed she said, “I do not know who you are! Why do you say I have read about you in La Biblia?”
“Because I am Gabriel! You have been reading about the proclamation the Father spoke through me to the Chosen One in Luke’s account of my Master’s birth!”*
She was about to faint when Gabriel said, “Fear not! For I have come to tell you we are waiting for you!” Gabriel’s smile widened as he produced a beautiful dress in the same manner as his appearing. The material was unlike anything she had ever seen. “This is for you. It is the gown you will wear when you meet the Master! I will see you soon!” He smiled, and was gone; no angel, no gown!
Heaven shows up when we least expect it…in ways we have trouble comprehending…in the most illogical places…and sometimes appearing out of nowhere. Today’s story is written as events were related by this Mexican great grandmother to a missionary from Ukraine.
For reasons known only to God, we are afforded glimpses of Heaven.
As she told the story, weeks after the event, the wonder and fear of the moment was still a tangible thing. And one look was all that was needed to know it was true.
Vigilance, expecting Jesus’ return or the appearance of Heavenly beings at any given moment, is the only way to assure ourselves of being ready for Heaven.
It’s easy to become spiritually drowsy and lose sight of God’s purpose in our lives. Jesus urges us to be prepared, so His appearance won’t take us unaware!

“It’s hard to remain focused on You all the time, Lord Jesus. Awaken the Spirit within me whenever I get spiritually drowsy. Amen.”

* Luke 1:26-38
* Check on progress if possible

Friday, March 24, 2017

Why the Cross?

You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.
John 19:11

“Crucify him! Crucify him!” Over and over they petitioned Pilate, forcing his hand. Seeing their frenzied state, Pilate realized that to deny them would be to invite rebellion. With his safety in question, Pilate granted their pleas, vainly washing his hands of any guilt.
Soldiers mocked this reticent King. In shame, with a form of torture reserved for the lowest of Roman prisoners, they beat him, clothed him in the linen of royalty, and jammed a crown of thorns onto his head. Jesus spoke not a word, given completely to this selfless act of love.
Having stripped him of his dignity, they marched him through the streets of Jerusalem, to Golgotha, a crossbeam of impending death digging into his shoulders. There, they nailed his wrists to the beam, and hoisted him atop the vertical post.
When he broke his silence it was to ask his Father where he’d gone. Yet, no answer was forthcoming. Then, with his work complete, Jesus spoke into our lives, “It is finished.” In that moment, in an act of love we can’t comprehend, one for which we should be forever grateful, Jesus submitted his Spirit to the Father, and the curtain in the temple was torn in two! From top to bottom it tore, making a way for us to approach the Father!
Forty-three days later, having arisen from the grave, He ascended to the Father, and continues to speak on our behalf!
The cross of Christ is the door through which salvation comes. And though you may not understand, you and I were present that day two-thousand years ago. Not in person, but in our iniquity. We had a hand in crucifying the Holy Lamb of God.
The great wonder of God’s grace is that the submission of Jesus, the selfless love that put Him on that cross, also pursues us with its power. It represents the price of our eternal freedom. If you haven’t yet done so, would you allow that power to set you free today?

“Thank You, Lord Jesus, for submitting to the cross. Thank You Father God for sending Your Son as the propitiation of my sin. Amen.”

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Tithing Our Day

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:26

“I look at spending my mornings with God as a form of tithing,” Cheryl said. “I believe that giving ten percent of our income, the first fruit of our finances, should carry over into our relationship with Jesus.”
The statement just kind of hung there. Cheryl had broached a subject many Christians avoid like the plague.
“I’m not sure I see your point,” Penny questioned.
Cheryl continued, “God wants us to get to know and understand Him, right? That means being in a relationship where we spend time talking to Him and listening for His response so He can have input in our day. He wants to begin the day with us.” She waited a moment and added, “So wouldn’t that be like tithing our day…giving Him the first-fruits of our day?”
She pressed on, “Getting to know God is like having breakfast. We eat our first meal shortly after rising so we have the strength and energy to meet the physical demands of the day.” She could see lights coming on and continued, “We don’t wait until dinner-time to decide to have breakfast, so we shouldn’t wait until later in the day, or maybe not at all, to be nourished spiritually. We can’t dismiss God’s willingness to add strength to our day and expect to rise above our trials.” Cheryl saw new understanding dawning in their eyes.
In our busyness we tend to cut corners in our day in the hopes of finding more time to get things done. As if it were possible, we try to manufacture time by removing what we feel are unnecessary appointments from our schedule. Many times this includes our spending time with God.
David understood that when we set out on our own we are disconnected from the very Source of strength and guidance we need to navigate the day.
We wouldn’t think of sending our children to school without feeding them and giving them directions for the day. God doesn’t want to send His children out without doing the same.

“LORD, I come to you for guidance this morning, asking You to show me it’s time well spent. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Fleece

Then Gideon said to God, ‘Do not be angry with me.’
Judges 6:39

God had led Larry and Linda Holt to plant a church on the northeast side of Metro-Detroit. In just five short years, Redemption House had grown into a burgeoning fellowship. Now God was leading them to move from their small apartment into a larger dwelling in order to facilitate pastoral services such as cell groups and staff functions within a more personal home environment.
On a tight budget, with a glutted housing market, they weren’t sure how to determine which house to buy. So…led by the Holy Spirit, Larry made a bold proclamation, “I don’t believe we should search for a house. Instead, I want someone to offer us one.”
Somewhat amused by Larry’s declaration, Linda asked, “Where, exactly, did that come from?”
“I feel led to lay out a fleece,” he said. “If, indeed, God wants us to move, He can certainly handle our request.” And with that they prayed, asking that someone contact them, offering them a house.
Three days later, Larry received a phone call from a wonderful lady who had attended prophetic ministry training classes in their church. She cut right to the chase, “I understand you are looking for a home. I’d like to offer you mine. I am moving and would like to see the house used for God’s glory. I believe you will do that, and I am willing to let you have it at substantially less than market value.” And with that, God laid the foundation for Redemption House’s first parsonage.
God does not become angry when we petition Him with a fleece in the midst of discovering His will for our lives. Nor is He bashful about answering what we might consider unusual or outrageous requests when we are seeking His will. He actually prefers our asking over rash or thoughtless action.
As Gideon and the Holts discovered, God is quite capable of showing us His intentions.
If you find yourself facing a difficult decision, lay out a fleece…then expect an answer.


“I want to be sure about what I’m doing, LORD. Please give me a sign that You are pleased with my progress, and do it in such a way that I will recognize the answer could only come from You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Father’s Love

He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.
John 14:21

Mel was in turmoil. In trouble with the law, her son, Jeff, had been staying in Pennsylvania with her Daddy, while she waited tables at a truckstop in Suffolk, VA to help her ailing brother until he could fend for himself. Today was supposed to be her day off but she was covering the morning shift for a coworker. An unexpected encounter was about to change her perspective.
Two customers came in and sat down at the counter. Mel smiled, “What’ll you have?”
“Tea for me,” one responded. “Coffee, please,” the other said affably. As Mel filled their cups, the coffee drinker engaged her in conversation, “So tell me, do you have anything you need prayer for this morning?”
Mel couldn’t believe it! She immediately began to cry. Through tears she managed, “You’re an answer to prayer!” and shared that she felt like her life was falling apart. “Would you please pray for my Daddy, son and brother? And me, too?” she added.
“That’s what we’re here for!” they declared. And taking her hands, both men did just that, praying for Daddy, Jeff, and Mike, then for Mel. Following the prayer, with eyes filled-to-the-brim, Mel explained how just this morning she’d asked God, “Do you care about what I’m going through?! Are You paying attention?!”
The tea drinker said with a chuckle, “I guess you have your answer!”
“Yes I do!” she said, her heart filled with the joy of affirmation.
God is big enough to meet our greatest need, yet intimate enough to make it personal. It’s not all that difficult for Him to send a couple truck drivers to witness His love to a waitress in need of His personal touch.
These divine appointments happen on a frequent basis. Some people call it coincidence, but to those God says hello, they know better.
Are you in need of God’s intimate touch just now? If so, ask for help and entertain hope. You just might encounter one of His children, sent on His behalf, to tell you He cares and is watching you with a Father’s love.


“May I never doubt Your love for me, Father God. Amen.”

Monday, March 20, 2017

The Pen

Give, and it will be given to you.
Luke 6:38

Out of everything in the world a person could collect, Ed chose pens. “There’s nothing like the feel of a good pen in your hand,” he’d say. Quirky, but that’s how he felt.
Seated next to him at a conference, a man asked to borrow Ed’s pen. Reluctantly, Ed handed it to him, anxiously watching as the man bore down too hard on it! That’s when God asked Ed to give the man the pen. “No way!” he silently rebelled. The man handed Ed his pen back and Ed pocketed it. End of story. Or so he thought.
During a short break, Ed was engaged in conversation with a man wearing an eye-catching chain around his neck. Ed commented on how nice it was. As he looked over the man’s shoulder, he saw ‘Pen Man’ across the auditorium. God whispered again, “Give him the pen.” Ed argued with God for the rest of the conference, but finally relented. When the conference ended, Ed, pen in left hand, headed toward the man. As he traversed the distance he was stopped by ‘Chain Man.’
Reaching out to shake his hand, intending to go on, he realized ‘Chain Man’ had given him something in the handshake. Stopping in his tracks, he looked into his open hand to see the chain he’d admired!
Most of us just are like Ed. We get possessive of the things we have, feeling we’re entitled to what we’ve worked hard for! God wants to rid us of such bondage. Because when we train our hearts to be possessive we miss opportunities to be God’s blessing to others.
Reciprocity is a spiritual truth; “Give, and it will be given” aren’t just words on a page. It’s God’s directive wrapped in a promise. But if we fail to execute the first part of the equation, God can’t fulfill the second part.
Learning to hold on loosely to what God gives us is paramount to being an instrument of blessing. And the axiom, “It’s better to give than receive” is true.
Not sure? Test the theory today.

“Lord, make me a vessel of Your provision today. Help me become willing to give whatever You ask of me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Our Participation

I do not want you to be participants with demons.
1Corinthians 10:20

What seemed an innocent game had now become an obsession. Steve and Sherri’s appetite for secret wisdom had become insatiable.
Six months ago, an old friend had called, inviting them to an Ouija party, painting them a picture of fun and games where, as she put it, participants enjoyed the benefits of “inside information.”
Unaware of the sinister nature of Ouija, they had attended the party. Eventually, they even began hosting parties. Life was good!
In the months that followed, they became fixated on the game, obsessed with getting the most out of the friendly spirits that guided them. Subtly, the game took control of their lives.
A friend at work found out and spoke to Steve about the evil nature of the game, and how it would affect their lives spiritually. He spoke to Steve about how God condemned such things. But Steve laughed it off, assuring him he was mistaken.
Now, three months later, Steve and Sherri couldn’t leave the house without consulting the board, not because they hadn’t tried, but because it had become an unconscious habit. They were prisoners of evil’s influence and didn’t realize it.
Ignorance is only ignorance when we don’t know or understand the consequences of our actions. Once Steve was given the truth, with enough information to make an informed choice, he was no longer ignorant…or innocent.
Paul, in his first letter to the Church at Corinth, wanted them to understand that evil is present in the world. He also wanted them to know that we have the ability to resist evil, taking a way of escape to separate ourselves from evil’s influence. 1Corinthians 10:13
It is God’s desire that we see evil for what it is; especially when it comes cloaked in appealing invitations, luring our human desires.
Ouija is not the harmless item it appears to be. And when we choose to play the game, we participate with demons and can expect nothing but a death sentence if we refuse to repent and turn from such evil.

“Show me the nature of everything I participate in, Lord,. Help me see things for what they truly are, and give me strength to repent and turn from any evil You reveal. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, March 18, 2017

It’s In The Valleys We Grow

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust him.
Romans 15:13

“I thought things were supposed to get easier?!” Evan grumbled, referencing his relatively new walk with Jesus Christ. His belief that by giving his life to Christ, everything would be wonderful and life would no longer be a constant struggle was suffering an agonizing death.
“God never said we won’t have trials or sorrows, Ev,” Glenna said softly. She didn’t want to add to her younger brother’s frustration by pointing out that it was a bit naïve to think God would just make their lives painless and carefree. “Look at the Apostle's lives,” she added. “Paul spent half his life in prison because of his love for Jesus.” She opened her Bible and read, “Here’s what the book of Acts says about Paul and Silas. I’m reading from the sixteenth chapter. ‘After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison.’ Paul was beaten several times during his ministry, and was eventually killed for his faith. Satan hates us for following Jesus, Ev. It only makes sense that he’s going to try to discourage us.”
“Guess it was foolish to expect otherwise, huh?” Evan admitted. “I just hoped things would get easier.”
“But isn’t it easier knowing that you don’t have to face life alone anymore, Ev? Sharing it with Jesus teaches us how to live outside ourselves…to trust in His strength instead of our own.” She smiled, knowing God would bring Evan along in His time.
When we first come to Jesus we are Showroom clean…every sin forgiven…not a transgression to our name. And that’s a wonderful feeling…a feeling we desperately want to hang on to. But God knows better than to leave us on the mountaintop for too long. He knows it would spoil us, and eventually lead to our prideful undoing. He’s more interested in our sanctification than our conciliation. Through life’s trials we learn to lean on Jesus instead of trusting in our own strength. We’re secure with Him in control.
The mountaintops are wonderful, but it’s in the valleys we grow.


“I don’t much like pain-filled valleys, Lord, but I grow when we walk them together. Grant me peace in my spirit and the knowledge that You will never lead me where I don’t belong. Amen.”  

Friday, March 17, 2017

The Obedient Hairdresser

Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.
Luke 6:30

Needing new equipment, Izzy, under God’s direction, had gone to Eve’s Salon in order to purchase what she needed. Eve had been abrupt and ungracious, telling Izzy, “I’m charging you full price. I’m not about to help a competitor run me out of business.” Izzy had swallowed her pride and paid the $600 dollars Eve demanded, knowing it was the right thing to do. Because of her obedience, her solon had prospered in the five years since.
Now Izzy felt God asking her to sell the salon and start a new ministry. Having built a large clientele, Izzy’s Salon was situated on prime real estate. When word got out that she was selling the business, several competitors, including Eve, contacted the owner of the building to make an offer to rent the space. He, in turn, advised them they would have to deal with Izzy.
Three stylists contacted her with reasonable offers, yet Izzy felt God was saying, “Wait.” Several days later Eve contacted Izzy, agreeing to the asking price, as well as offering an additional $5200 dollars if she would leave the equipment!
Izzy’s obedience had come full circle. God was repaying her at over 800% interest!
Pride and the thought of someone getting the best of us have robbed more than one person of God’s blessing, because sometimes doing the right thing can leave a bad taste in our mouth.
What God asked of Izzy is what He asks of us all, “Trust Me. If you need vindicated or repaid, let Me vindicate and repay you.” What He gets from us most of the time is a skeptic’s heart. We have a hard time letting go of offenses. But it’s in the letting go that we find freedom…freedom from pride and expectations!
If we, like Izzy, leave future-results in God’s capable hands, we will find reward far beyond what anyone could ever extract from us.


“Give me faith to trust in You, LORD, and help me leave vindication and repayment up to the One Who can bring glory and joy where frustrated pride seeks a foothold. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Breath of God

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life.
Psalm 138:7

This was their most memorable vacation ever. Not because of where they’d gone or what they’d done…but because of a gust of wind; or as they put it, the breath of God. For etched in their memories was a moment of sheer terror followed by reverent awe as they watched God intervene.
Returning from vacation, the Compton’s attention was transfixed by the object hurtling through the air on a collision course with their vehicle. As if in slow motion, it flew toward them from across the median of the highway. In less time than it took to absorb the situation and react, the UFO struck the driver’s-side windshield pillar with a resounding WHACK! glancing off the car and coming to rest in the ditch. With a vise-like grip on the steering wheel, Jack slowly pulled the car off the road.
The police report would later state that the UFO, a car hood, had been ripped from a south-bound vehicle when its safety latch failed, resulting in its flight across the median, and ensuing collision with the Compton vehicle. The perceptive officer made the following entry: Tragedy was averted as the hood struck the steel doorpost of the Compton’s windshield instead of penetrating the windshield.
What his report did not say was that the hood would have come straight through the windshield, resulting in their probable injury or possible death, had it not been for a sudden gust of wind that altered its trajectory at the last minute, causing it to glance off the doorpost instead.
God, at times, shelters and protects us by altering injurious or destructive circumstances. And for the most part we have no knowledge of such events, neither knowing when nor how often He has sent angels, or intervened personally on our behalf to spare us injury, death, or tribulation. Possessing such knowledge would astonish, or worse, make us prideful.
In verse 6 of today’s text David speaks of God’s favoring the humble and His disdain for the proud. It is for the repression of our ego, and therefore our welfare, that such knowledge is withheld.

“I thank You for Your protection, Loving Father, and for helping me remain humble by not allowing me to know how often You do so. Amen.”

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Keep It ‘Simple’

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
Proverbs 3:5

Mike Bentley’s search had yielded three excellent candidates. One of these men would become his replacement as CEO of Bentley Bridge & Construction. All three were good men, trustworthy and capable. Mike wanted his replacement to be someone who didn’t miss the finer details, yet kept things simple. This final test was designed to single out that individual.
Assembled in his facility’s training room, Mike was giving them final instructions, “As you may know our testing facility is state of the art, employing some of the most complex testing methods anywhere in the world. Gentlemen,” he emphasized, “this facility is equipped with the best security system available. The electronic locks in this building automatically scramble the code each day to prevent hackers from breaking in.” The men exchanged glances.
“We have shut you in this room,” he continued, “as your final test. Which ever one of you figures out how to bypass the security system first and opens the door will be my replacement.” With that, he said, “Good luck, gentlemen,” and left.
Two men studied the door’s electronic keypad to determine the number of possible combinations and how long it would take to try them all. The third man contemplated the situation for a moment, walked to the door, turned the knob, and to the surprise and shock of the other two, opened the door and walked to a smiling Mike Bentley.
Mike had not told the men the door was locked. Yet two men believed it was because his discourse on the complexity of the security system misled them.
Satan uses this same approach to confuse and mislead us, inducing us to struggle against an obscure and imaginary foe.
When we focus on the problem it tends to consume our thoughts. We lose sight of the solution. Scripture says that a simple, rational approach is always best: come to Jesus with the problem. Spend time getting His thoughts on the matter. Learn to lean on Him instead of complicating things by running around in an unnecessary, self-induced panic.


“Lord, I bring you my problems, great and small. Show me how to handle them correctly without being manipulated by the enemy. Amen.”

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Second Chances

“He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands.”
Ephesians 4:28

The question was customary for someone being interviewed for a managerial position in a retail store. But the answer from this candidate was anything but typical.
“Eric, if you caught one of your employees stealing, would you fire them on the spot?” asked the Store Manager, a look of pre-determined expectation on his face.
Eric’s answer was immediate—and unexpected. “No, Sir.”
The Manager had a look of incredulous astonishment, “Are you serious?!”
“Yes sir.” was Eric’s honest response.
“How can you justify theft in your employ?!” the manager asked.
“I have no intention of justifying any act of stealing, Sir. You asked me if I would fire them immediately. I could not, without some fact-finding and discussion. You see, I serve a God of second chances. And because of that I would extend the same grace and mercy to the employee that I myself have been freely given, offering them an opportunity to make right their wrong, and learn from their mistake.”
The answer was given with such sincerity and conviction, showing deep wisdom, that the executive reached out his hand as he said, “I appreciate your honesty and your answer, Eric. We can use someone with your character.”
Initially this Manager expected Eric to fire his wayward employee. But, with wisdom beyond human reason, Eric knew that most, if not all of us, have needed a second chance at the things we have failed in.
Paul was adamant that those who steal must stop. Yet he did not condemn them. He simply gave them a new directive with purpose. When we are quick to judge and dismiss others for their sins we can miss an opportunity to help them get set free from that very sin.
Paul did not focus on the sin they had committed, he instead showed them grace, knowing that God can change a willing heart; Paul, himself, was the perfect example.
Don’t find yourself denying someone the chance to make right what is wrong.


Although I have fallen many times, Lord, You have not judged me harshly. May You find me full of grace, looking to help and not judge unfairly. Make me useful to You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, March 13, 2017

You’re Not Home Yet

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
Hebrews 10:35

Bill and Della had been missionaries in Africa for twenty-seven years when God called them from the field; it was time they returned to the States. As it happened a professional athlete had shared their flight, fresh off his most recent victory, the medal he’d won draped around his neck. Passengers and crew alike had jockeyed for the chance to meet him.
Arriving at their daughter’s home following the twenty hour flight, Bill was still thinking about how childish people had been, vying for the athlete’s attention. “I wonder,” he grumbled, “if people had known what we went through for the past twenty-seven years, if they’d have paid as much attention to us as they did to someone who gets paid millions of dollars a year to play a game?! It’s not right; there should have been a homecoming celebration for us!”
Always the pragmatist, Della suggested, “Why don’t you go tell the LORD how you feel and see what He has to say about it.” She watched as Bill entered his son-in-law’s study, intending to do just that.
A short time later Bill emerged, his countenance completely changed. Della asked, “So, what did God say?”
Bill smiled sheepishly, “He said, ‘Don’t worry, Bill, you’re not Home yet.’”
Most of us, if we’re being honest, are just like Bill. There is a deep-seeded desire for personal affirmation and attention…we want recognized for our accomplishments.
Apart from the help of the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to watch others receive accolades, while we go about serving Christ largely unnoticed without becoming resentful.
When we place our confidence in what men think about our actions, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment, because for the most part, they themselves are seeking approval and aren’t thinking about our accomplishments ahead of their own.
God promises us a reward if we place our confidence in Him. In doing so, we find satisfaction and peace that men cannot provide, even in flattery.
Heaven is our true Home. When we get there, our Creator will tell us exactly what we’ve longed to hear, “Well done good and faithful servant!”

“Help me look to You for everything I need, LORD, especially where recognition is concerned. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Strength to Rise

So do not fear…for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.
Isaiah 41:10

By the fourth round Carmen had been knocked down more times than in any other fight. He wasn’t sure he wanted to get back up this time. But something from deep inside pushed him up from the mat, and he rose to meet his opponent one more time.
His adversary looked on in amazement as Carmen prepared to reenter the battle. How can he keep getting up?! he wondered. I’ve given him my best, and yet he won’t stay down!
As the referee’s count reached seven, Carmen’s vision cleared. He saw the look of doubt in his opponent’s eyes…a surge of confidence welled up within him, for he could see his opponent no longer felt sure of victory.
In fact, Carmen knocked him out in the sixth round.
In the ensuing interview Carmen was asked how he continued to get up after receiving such a beating. He answered, “God encourages me to refuse to stay down when I have the strength to do otherwise. He gives me the strength to rise amidst the doubt in my mind.”
We are endowed with an indomitable spirit, but no one wins every battle. And sometimes we lose miserably. When knocked down we can do more than we ever imagined if we refuse to stay down.
Because of the nature of sin, we lose some of the spiritual battles we fight, but we need not give up or concede defeat. Carmen won more battles than he lost because he never stayed on the mat once he became conscious of his surroundings. We too can rise from what appears to be obvious defeat.
In their song, “What Faith Can Do” Christian recording artists, Kutless begin and end the song by encouraging us to find the strength to rise and make a new beginning. Their premise is anchored in faith…a faith anchored in God’s strength and ability to see us through this life.
If we hang on to God, we will find the strength to rise no matter how many times we get knocked down.

“Lead me to a place of confidence in You where my battles are concerned, LORD. Help me rise in Your great strength. Amen.”

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Eternal Destinations

…shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16

Never having seen empirical proof of God’s existence, Rod chose to believe God did not exist. Great personal heartache was the reason for his unbelief. On the way home from a school sporting event, his wife and teenage daughter had been killed in an auto accident. Rod couldn’t accept that a loving God would allow such pain. He refused to believe that in a fallen world bad things happen to good people. Instead, Rod chose to blame a God he contended did not exist.
Years had passed when a young couple moved in next door. Rod took an immediate liking to Ken and Jodie. They were the same age Rod’s daughter would have been.
One night, God became the topic of discussion. When Ken saw how Rod postured at the mention of God, he couldn’t help but ask, “Did I say something wrong, Mr. Calvin?”
“I don’t believe in God!” came Rod’s clipped answer.
Ken and Jodie listened as Rod shared about the night his heart and future hopes were shattered. With tears in her eyes, Jodie got up and hugged him. Then she and Ken shared how they had lost a child through miscarriage, and how God had carried them through their grief. Lovingly, they witnessed, silently asking God to confirm His love for Rod.
In a moment of honesty, Rod acknowledged the possibility of a Creator. Over the next six months Ken and Jodie lovingly, yet unashamedly, shared their faith with Rod. Almost a year to the day since they’d moved in next door, Rod gave his life to Christ.
Jesus came to bring eternal life, not eternity. Eternity has been in place since God laid the foundations of the Universe. Blatantly denying God’s existence and offer of eternal life does not mean that upon death we simply cease to exist.
It means choose your destination wisely: eternal life with Christ…or eternal separation apart from Him, with the horrific knowledge of having declined His offer of salvation over and over again. Choose quickly. Tomorrow may see the end of our temporal existence.

“Lord, make me sensitive to those who, like Rod, refuse to believe and accept Your love. Then use me to help them decide to live forever. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, March 10, 2017

What Love Looks Like

Love never fails
1 Corinthians 13:8

I neither heard complaint, nor saw a single self-regarding act in the two weeks I’d been a guest in Tom and Elsie’s home. The love they shared was a remarkable thing to witness…for as Elsie fought against the cancer that was slowly taking her life, Tom fought for her dignity.
One evening, I silently observed as Tom helped Elsie into bed following a long, difficult day. I was moved by the tenderness and attention he so generously lavished upon her. Helping her to a sitting position, allowing her to help herself as much as possible, Tom bent low, kissed her, and asked, “How’s that, My Love? Comfortable?”
With the understanding that this would normally be a private moment, shared by soul-mates wholly devoted to each other, I unreservedly eavesdropped, feeling I was meant to witness love’s lasting pledge. With unconstrained compassion, and a willingness to meet each need and satisfy every whim, Tom ministered to Elsie until she quietly slipped into the light sleep they had become accustom to…little snatches of rest that didn’t last long at this stage. Watching her sleep, Tom patiently awaited the moment Elsie would suddenly awaken, anxiety in her voice, asking, “Tommy?! Oh, Tommy! What will you do?!” She couldn’t stand the thought of him being alone.
Unable to embrace Elsie’s fragile body, Tom lay beside her and I was privileged to observe one of love’s greatest sacrifices as he said, “God will take care of me, My Love. I will be fine. You needn’t worry.” Shortly thereafter, with Tom holding his beloved and the knowledge they would one day be together again, Elsie went Home to Jesus.
Such genuine devotion is rarely witnessed, but is the model by which we are to live and love in marriage. Such a depth of commitment is only possible when our hearts are bent first to Jesus, and then to our spouse. It requires self-abasement; a willingness to put our spouse's welfare ahead of our own…no matter how tough the going gets.
Watching Tom and Elsie in those final days, I realized 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 had been lived out in front of me. This was what love is meant to look like. Theirs was a love that never failed.

“Help me love extravagantly and unselfishly, Lord. Help me feel toward my spouse as You feel about Your Bride. Amen.”

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Ice Dams

Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.
1 Timothy 4:16

The warm days in early March meant spring was on the way. But the cold nights, still falling below freezing, created potential issues for roofs in the community. Snow melt on warmer days created an accumulation of ice in gutters, and constant thawing and re-freezing had backed ice up more than three feet up people’s roofs, creating ice dams. If left unattended the water would siphon up and under the shingles, soaking the roof sheeting. If that happens over an extended period it rots the wood, resulting in a sagging, leaky roof. If left unattended long enough a new roof would become necessary.
That’s why Jerry was perched precariously at the top of a twenty-foot extension ladder; a feat in itself since Jerry was deathly afraid of heights. He knew if he didn’t remove the ice he’d eventually be replacing his roof. That knowledge trumped his fear!
With hammer in one hand, chisel in the other, Jerry set about chipping away at the ice, removing it in two foot sections, then moving the ladder to repeat the process all over again. By the time he finished, Jerry was exhausted; physically and emotionally. But the ice dam and his problems were gone!
In the same way that it’s better to maintain good roof conditions with preventive maintenance rather than re-roof the house after the damage is done, spiritual rot can be avoided if we tend to matters before they overwhelm us.
Like Jerry, knowledge of impending trouble can be a great motivator. But sometimes even the fear of future problems won’t move us to action. Like Paul says, we need to persevere in spiritual matters, because like Jerry’s house if he’d failed to take action, not only will we suffer in the long run, others may suffer for our apathetic approach to spirituality.
God promises if we’re diligent in maintaining our spiritual health we will reap the benefit of saving ourselves and those who our lives touch.

“Help me keep on top of the spiritual ice dams in my life, Lord. Show me how to deal with them before they become an issue that will affect me and those my witness touches. In Jesus’ Name, amen. ”

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Manageable, Comfortable, Irrelevant

Do not be afraid…
Luke 1:13, 30

Janet noticed a cute little cherub sitting among the shelf of knick-knacks. She picked it up, turning it in her hands, noticing the fine detail in the wings and features of the little angel. She decided to purchase it for a friend of hers, hoping to encourage her with this image of God’s angelic servants. Taking the figurine to the cashier, she commented on how wonderful it was to have angels around to remind us of their protection. The cashier’s response wasn’t what she’d expected…nor did she find it meeting her concept of angels.
“That cute little figurine doesn’t fit Scripture’s account of the real thing,” he said.
“What do you mean?” Janet asked.
“When you read the account of Gabriel’s appearance in the first chapter of Luke you don’t exactly picture some chubby-cheeked imp with his head cradled in his hands. God’s Word says Zechariah was ‘gripped with fear’ when he saw Gabriel! Angels are imposing. We’ve just made them acceptable by relegating them to cute-as-a-button status.”
“I never thought of it that way,” Janet said, amazed by the stark contrast in the cashier’s statement, and what she’d always thought. She set the figurine back on the shelf, realizing she’d just had a revelation. She could never return to her previously held concept of angels again.
Angels, when presenting themselves to humanity, elicit an immediate response of fear. If this were not so they would not need to proclaim, “Fear not” or “Do not be afraid” when physically appearing in our world. This does not fit the image we foster and pass along to our children and others when we display cute little cherubs.
Like everything else we fail to understand or can’t control, we make angels manageable and comfortable, rendering them irrelevant so we don’t have to contemplate reality.
Our perception has no effect on reality. God’s angels are formidable and ferocious. We should be thankful, for our enemy isn’t a little red figure with a pointed little tail and horns.

“LORD God of angel armies, I thank You that Your angels are imposing, great and mighty warriors, instead of tiny little chubby cheeked imps floating on clouds. May they always strike fear in our hearts until they proclaim, ‘Do not be afraid.’ Amen.”

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Don’t Give Up Fellowshipping

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing…
Hebrews 10:25

Bruce and Jean hadn’t been to church in over a year. Instead, they watched televangelists on Sunday morning. Their reasoning? They couldn’t find a church in which they felt comfortable. They had broken off all spiritual connections with anyone outside their family. The past year had seen a loss of spiritual insight and an increase in spiritual skepticism; especially where their extended family and friends were concerned.
Family members had encouraged them to return to their former church or find a new one, lovingly citing a need for all of God’s children to fellowship with one-another in order to maintain a healthy spiritual perspective.
But Bruce and Jean had discarded their family’s good intentions, claiming nobody understood! They had no intention of discussing the matter, or considering there was anything wrong with their relationship with God. Hence, it escaped their notice that they had become closed-minded in their assessment of all spiritual matters, judiciously applying or discarding each TV message to suit their own needs.
When we isolate, when we are not exposed to a corporate revelation of God through church fellowship and its relational benefits, we begin to filter everything through our own personal spiritual ideology, thus becoming closed-minded and growth-stunted.
Serious spiritual and physical consequences are just over the horizon when we isolate ourselves spiritually. Satan sets us up by reiterating that we don’t need anyone but ourselves. The ensuing tunnel-vision causes us to shrivel on the vine. We fail to consider that God would use someone else’s walk to help shape our own, creating a false sense of superior understanding. First we think, and eventually believe, God speaks to me differently than He does anyone else! I have a special relationship with God!
We are not meant to stand alone. God, through Paul, calls us to persevere in the faith by encouragement through fellowship. If you aren’t in a church fellowship, God suggests you find one and attend regularly.

“Help me understand the importance of meeting with other Christians, Lord, so I never isolate myself spiritually. And teach me to listen for Your voice when they speak. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, March 6, 2017

A Godly Calling

All the days for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:16

Harmon had achieved every goal set before him. He’d excelled in everything he’d done in High School graduated and Valedictorian of his class. He’d earned a degree in medicine, graduating Alpha chi and Magna cum laude from one of the nation’s most prestigious universities. Harmon was driven…and Harmon was miserable.
Harm’s parents, while well-intentioned, had expectations of their son. They had recognized he was blessed with rare intelligence, and had embarked on finding out what he was capable of. But they had never seriously included Harm in their discussions regarding his ambitions. They had simply decided he should put such knowledge to use as a surgeon, and would be satisfied in that profession.
But he, more than anything, had wanted to pursue a career in law enforcement. He wanted to work in the cyber-crimes unit, using his intelligence to ferret out online predators and the like. He wanted to make the electronic world a safer place. He’d tried talking to his parents several times, but they’d shut him down, assuring him there was no money in law enforcement and becoming a surgeon was preferable to catching criminals. They had assured him, “You will be revered by your peers!”
Sadly, Harm’s true calling was never fulfilled.
We are each endowed with specific God-ordained gifts…created to find fulfillment in the use of them. Unfortunately, and for myriad reasons, our true gifting can go undiscovered and un-nurtured because the world’s approach to achievement and perception of success get in the way.
Our parents do the best they can with the information they have to work with. Yet sometimes, they miss-read God’s gifting; especially if they don’t walk closely with Him.
Psalm 139 speaks of how intimately God knows each of us. In such intimacy there is knowledge that far surpasses our own. God alone knows what He created us to do. Obtaining employment outside His true calling isn’t necessarily sin; neither is it His perfect plan or will.
To receive His best we must look to Him for direction. It’s never too late to do that.

LORD, help me realize my potential in the gifting and field You have placed on my life, then assist me in using them for Your Kingdom. Amen.”

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Avoiding Strife

It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.
Proverbs 20:3

The plant supervisor assured Rob it would be okay if he took a few days off following his infant son’s emergency heart surgery. He told Rob to come to his office and sign the Family Medical Leave Act forms when he returned. Grateful, Rob hung up and headed back to his son’s hospital room.
Ten days later, Rob called to update his employer. They would be able to bring his son home in the morning, and he would return to work in two days.
He was stunned when his supervisor said, “Rob, two employees complained that Union procedure wasn’t followed when we allowed you time off without signing papers first. The day of surgery wasn’t an issue. But they filed a grievance against us for allowing you anything past that. I’m very sorry, Rob, but as of now, your employment has been terminated. You’re welcome to reapply, but you’ll lose your seniority, and you will have to start at entry level pay again. Goodbye.” The click on the other end of the line left him speechless.
Taken aback, Rob and his wife prayed for direction. They decided Rob should reapply, leaving the outcome to God. A week later, Rob had his job back. His levelheaded approach won favor with the front office. They admitted their negligence in handling such a delicate matter, and, working with the union, they restored everything except his seniority. Rob and Deb could live with that.
In Deuteronomy 32:35 God says, “Vengeance is mine. I will repay.” God knows that revenge is never sweet...and we should never seek it. Revenge pollutes the soul and creates spiritual turmoil.
There are few times when God expects us to stand and fight. Mostly, there are times He wants us to ask, in faith, for Him to resolve the issues we are facing, and leave the results up to Him.
The key is knowing when to do which. That knowledge comes through our having a close, unbroken relationship with God, and keying in on Him in times of trouble.
When wronged, we are to avoid strife by seeking God, not vengeance.

“Thank You for being with us in the trying times of life, LORD. Thank You for Your peace that helps us sort through what’s important in avoiding unnecessary strife. Amen.”

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sweet Fruit

Lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5, 6

The seasons were changing in Florida, and winter was descending with a vengeance.
As Glenn watched the weather forecast for the upcoming week, he was worried. They were calling for colder-than-usual temperatures. He had expected the lingering fall weather to slip into cold nights, signaling the end of the growing season, but he wasn’t thrilled by the report he had just watched. Several nights below freezing had been predicted. That was both a threat and a blessing; a threat because if it lingered more than one or two nights, his crops would sustain damage; a blessing because in order for the juice in the oranges to turn sweet, they needed cold weather.
Having suffered frozen fruit a few years ago, Glenn wasn’t anxious to repeat the experience. They’d lost several hundred crates of oranges and had even lost some tree limbs under the weight of thick ice brought on by freezing rains. That deep-freeze had seen several farmers lose their entire crops. Glenn had been fortunate enough to break even. Florida crop-futures could be a risky commodity.
All he could do now was hope and pray that the weather didn’t linger too long, damaging the fruit.
As it turned out, the cold-front lasted only one night; just long enough to bring about the final stage of ripening, and Glenn enjoyed some of the sweetest oranges he’d ever grown.
Isn’t it strange that a certain amount of distress is necessary to bring out the best in an orange? Our spiritual maturation is much the same. We mature because, not in spite of our struggles.
The secret to maintaining good spiritual and mental health is found in learning to lean on God in everything, asking Him to alleviate unnecessary and undue stress from our lives in the form of needless commitments, by submitting to Him even when we’re not completely sure of how events will turn out.
But…if we pay attention, and allow God to guide us, the process will sweeten rather than damage our fruit. That’s His promise.


“There are times I forget to ask, and times I just flat refuse to seek Your help, LORD. Thanks for Your patience. Help me choose what’s best by always leaning on You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, March 3, 2017

God’s New Thing

See, I am doing a new thing! you not perceive it?
Isaiah 43:19

Realizing that her gift of writing was from God, Patty wanted to use her love of poetry to make a difference; to affect people’s lives in a positive way. But recently, she’d encountered roadblocks and setbacks. It seemed nothing was going as planned.  
She decided to call her sister-in-law, Beulah, and pray about the situation. Following their extended conversation, God had led Patty to Psalm 22:22. “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you.” She thanked God for this encouraging word, and determined to trust Him for the manifestation of it in her life.
The next day she received a call from a man who knew of her gift of writing. He had written the music to a new hymn, and asked if she would consider writing the lyrics!
Less than a week later, following Patty’s successful compilation of some of the most powerful words God had ever given her, she received a call from the ‘Antiques Road Show’ asking if she would grace their upcoming trip to Virginia by performing part of a 17th Century women’s movement, dressed in the clothes and style of the time. Somehow they had discovered that this was one of her other passions. She’d done in-depth studies, returning to England in order to uncover tidbits of historical data. She wouldn’t even have to study for this! She knew everything by heart!
When Beulah heard the news she was overjoyed. And in another moment of God’s awesome intimacy, Beulah shared that following Patty’s call a week before, she had been praying for new outlets for Patty’s giftings!
God’s response to our prayers in these ways is not uncommon. His favor should not be thought of as unusual. We serve a God Who cares about His children. When we offer Him our gifting for the sake of others, He will put us to work.
And many times, God shows up in ways we could not have conceived, whispering, “Do you not perceive this new thing I am doing?” as blessings flow from His hand.


“I want to be used, LORD, to touch those in need of my gift. Send to me opportunities to allow You to flow through me as someone else’s blessing. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”  

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Elevator or Stairs?

Your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Isaiah 30:21

As Chris stood waiting for the elevator, he felt God suggest, “Take the stairs.” But I’m in a hurry, Lord he reasoned. And besides, I’m tired…that’s ten flights of stairs. “Take the stairs.” He heard a second time.
Fine! he silently expressed his frustration.
As he approached to the fourth floor landing, Chris heard muffled crying. Cautiously taking the next few steps, he could make out a woman’s voice, “I can’t do this anymore.” Rounding the next landing, he came face-to-face with a young woman, seated on the stairs, the step below her wet with tears. Chris quickly prayed for wisdom. “She needs to know I love her.” came God’s gentle voice. Chris asked, “Can I help you?”
As the woman’s story unfolded, Chris discovered she had been contemplating suicide. She was trying to get up the nerve to go to the roof and jump, believing this would end her problems.
As Chris shared with her about Jesus’ love and His desire and ability to carry her through her pain, a glimmer of hope appeared in the woman’s eyes. By the time Chris finished sharing, her desperation had been replaced by a desire to know the One of whom Chris spoke so highly. Chris would never forget this morning’s lesson.
Though at first resistant, Chris obeyed, and a life was saved. We’re not sure what his disobedience would have wrought; quite possibly the woman would have taken her life, losing the opportunity to come to know Jesus, and making matters worse for those she left behind. Thanks to Chris’s obedience, we’ll never know.
This lesson applies to us all…in everything we do…at all times of the day or night…whether some else is watching or not…when we feel like it, and when we don’t.
Faith is submitting every decision we make to God for approval, trusting that He always has our best interest, or someone else’s, in mind.
And sometimes, life hangs in the balance. Wouldn’t it be better to be sure?


“Father, guide my steps today and every day, as I bring each day’s choices to You for wisdom and guidance. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Joshua 1:5

Dennis traveled to work by different routes each morning, which is quite remarkable since he traveled more than thirty-five miles one-way to his place of employment. But why would someone take a different route to work each morning instead of the quickest way possible, thereby minimizing travel time and saving fuel? Why? Because Dennis was called by God to intercede on behalf of people who would probably never know they were being prayed for. As he drove through each neighborhood he prayed, asking God to meet each need and draw the families to Himself.
Dennis enjoyed his silent ministry, rising early each morning—having mapped out that day’s route the night before—to meditate on the morning’s drive. Then, he’d give his wife, Mary Ellen, a kiss, and set out to pray for the needs of the people on his chosen route.
But this morning Dennis’ heart was troubled. God hadn’t been as forthcoming in verifying which route to take, nor had he sensed any explicit prayer-assignments for those homes he would encounter. Dennis reasoned that maybe God was asking him to be faithful in spite of the silence. As he backed out of the driveway, he vented his frustration audibly, “Do you even know where I am?”
God’s response was immediate... “I always know where you are, Dennis. I have not left you. Take heart! For you are My GPS…my God Positioned Servant!”
How difficult it is when we experience God's silence. It can be, and many times is, perplexing to know He’s there and yet not hear a peep out of Him. It’s one of the ways He teaches us to choose between right and wrong, as well as learning to stay committed, in the face of adversity.
He wants us to continue in spite of His silence, growing in the knowledge and confidence that we are capable of making right choices. And if we make a mistake, He’ll be quick to nudge us through His Holy Spirit.
But never doubt His presence…you are His GPS!


“Lord, lead on, and teach me to trust You in the silence. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”