Devoted to Idols
I gave them my Sabbaths…their hearts were devoted to their idols.
Ezekiel 20:12, 16
As Kenny read the passage from Ezekiel, memories from forty years ago came flooding back: Twelve-year-old Kenny had the sensation of being watched as he nonchalantly walked out of sight of his house. Once he was sure his parents could no longer see him, he trotted the half mile to the ball field. It was almost 2:00 o’clock. He was late!
He was greeted by jeers from his friends, “Where you been, Tanner? Mommy wouldn’t let you come out to play?”
“Shut up! I’m here now! Let’s play!” came Kenny’s embarrassed response.
Kenny’s parents forbid him to play sports on Sunday, saying, “Sunday is the Lord’s day. We honor God by resting from the need to accomplish things by working or pursuing our own pleasures.” How was he supposed to explain it to his friends when he didn’t understand it himself? How could having fun on Sunday be a bad thing?
Back in the present, Kenny smiled as he realized he now understood his parent’s reasoning for entering God’s rest.
We have quietly, yet steadily removed rest from the Sabbath. There’s just not enough time for us to sacrifice a day of work…or pleasure. ‘God really doesn’t expect us to do nothing for a whole day…does He?!’ we rationalize. Yet, God’s command has never changed—only our perception of it.
One day a week God invites us to put aside those things we strive to accomplish during the other six. In His invitation we’re meant to find rest for our soul; a day of reflection and restoration. During this down-time He is able to show us which things are important, and which are not. In truth, we can accomplish more by resting on the Sabbath day, allowing Him to prepare us for the next six.
Today’s scripture is controversial. We reject the notion that we are too busy, or are devoted to materialistic idols, but ask yourself, “What do I do on the Sabbath that I would have trouble giving up?”
God can’t restore us spiritually if we fail to respond to His invitation by honoring His Sabbath.
“LORD, in today’s fast-paced world I have trouble slowing down. Show me what I covet above our relationship, and help me surrender it to You. Amen.”