Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nature’s Example

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2

Phil’s ten year old son, Kyle, fidgeted in the blind as they watched the first glimmer of light tint the eastern sky. “When’s somethin’ gonna happen, Daddy?”
“Be patient Buddy,” Phil whispered, patting Kyle’s shoulder.
As light began transforming the morning from nondescript shapes into recognizable landmarks, he heard the sound of geese honking overhead. Flocks of migratory birds were flying south to their wintering grounds.
Phil wanted Kyle to witness one of nature’s most amazing events…and hopefully teach him a valuable lesson. As flock after flock flew overhead, Phil pointed and said, “Do you see how they all fly in a V formation, Kyle?”
“Yah,” replied Kyle, questioningly.
Just then a lead goose left his position at the point of the V. This was the moment Phil had been waiting for, “Do you see how that goose dropped out of formation and is moving to a place at the end of one of the legs of the V?”
“Uh Huh,” Kyle grunted.
“Watch how the second goose in line moves up to take his place.”
“Why’d he do that, Daddy?” Kyle asked in wonder.
“The flock has a long way to fly before winter, Buddy,” Phil explained. “They instinctively switch leaders every so often. By taking turns they conserve energy, Kyle. It’s how God made them.”
Nature is not shackled by the belief it was meant to be self-sufficient or make it on its own. Only man instills that mindset in their offspring.
Through the simple act of watching geese, Phil was teaching Kyle that although the world may tell him otherwise, it is not a sign of weakness to accept help. Wise people share their burdens; it’s one of God’s provisions for helping us overcome the sin that so desperately seeks to destroy us.
We can learn a lot from Nature’s example. By sharing the responsibility of getting to where God is leading us we can avoid many of the pitfalls and barriers of life, and in so doing fulfill Jesus’ command to ‘carry each other’s burdens’.

“Help me to not refuse assistance in overcoming the world, Lord. Give me a humble spirit that understands the wisdom of accepting help. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, November 29, 2019

Just One Drop

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
Ephesians 2:13

Dale had just pricked his finger to test his blood-sugar when Jenna walked into the room. The twelve-year-old glanced at her father, “Seems like a lot to go through every day, Daddy. Doesn’t it ever frustrate you?”
Dale smiled, “Awe, Honey, this is nothing. It’s just one drop of blood a few times a day. And it keeps me healthy. I’ll gladly go through the slight discomfort in order to have a better quality of life.”
Jenna’s countenance brightened at the remark, “I guess I hadn’t thought about it that way. I guess I would do it too if it made me feel better… But if that machine needed any more than one drop of blood I think I’d get sick just trying to activate it!”
Dale laughed, “Me too, Jen. “
The unit beeped as she left the room. Dale looked at the display where his glucose level had appeared. He picked up a syringe and the vial of insulin and administered the necessary dosage.
Technology is amazing. Just one drop of blood on a test strip tells us how imperfect our body chemistry can be. Chemicals in the strip mix with the glucose in our blood and this mixture is then transmitted to the hand-held meter. The meter analyzes the thick liquid, and registers the glucose number on the view screen. The diabetic then knows how much insulin to administer in order to get their blood sugar back in balance. This procedure allows us to maintain healthier blood.
There is, however, a source of blood that is not only perfect, but has the most remarkable properties. Just one drop has the power to set free all who are in bondage, save the lost, and heal the sick. It ushers those who accept it into the presence of God. It makes the imperfect perfect.
It is the blood of Jesus, and it is the most powerful entity in the Universe. But it only works when it’s applied to a sinner’s heart. For without the blood we remain lost, apart from God’s presence.
If you’ve not asked Jesus to apply His blood to your heart I urge you to do so today. It is a decision you will never regret.

“Lord Jesus, I ask You to cover me with Your blood, and make me a new creation. Amen.”

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Love of a Father

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!
1John 3:1

Sixty-five year old, Dick Hoyt crossed the finish line a fraction of a second behind his son. The satisfaction in his eyes was due to the smile on Rick’s face.
Father and son have competed in more than twenty-four Boston Marathons, two hundred twelve Triathlons, fifteen of them being the ‘Iron Man Triathlon’ in Hawaii, have skied in cross-country events, and gone mountain climbing.
When you add all the miles jogged, swum, biked, and skied, their accomplishment is noteworthy. But what makes it extraordinary is that every mile is completed with Dick pushing Rick in a wheelchair, towing him in a dingy, and carrying him on the handlebars of his bike. You see, Rick is a quadriplegic.
This amazing love story began when one of Rick’s classmates was paralyzed in an accident, and the school organized a charity run for him. As Rick watched the race he pecked out on his computer, “Dad, I want to do that!”
Dick, a self-proclaimed porker, couldn’t run a mile, let alone five! But the smile on his son’s face was a great motivator. After their first race, Rick typed, “Dad, when we were running, it felt like I wasn't disabled anymore!”
So each weekend the duo is engaged in some form of competition; a father loving on his son with all his heart, a son reveling in his father’s great love.
As a father I can say I have loved my children with a special love, spending precious time with them, building strong bonds of love.
Today’s story is a lesson in lavishing. Dick exemplified the Father, loving extravagantly, giving generously of himself, holding nothing in reserve so his son could experience life to its fullest.
It is this same love that compels our Heavenly Father to call us sons and daughters, heirs to the Kingdom of Christ. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son”, so all His other children have the right to call Him Father.

“Thank You, Father, for a love I don’t quite comprehend, but so desperately need. Thank You for sending Jesus to make a way for me to be called Your child. Amen.”

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

From Gratitude to Thanksgiving

My tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long.
Psalm 35:28

Worship at Trinity Assembly is always sweet, and today was no exception. God had been given permission to move, and He was taking full advantage of the attitude of worship. With voices united in praise the congregation’s anthem rose. And in a moment orchestrated by the Holy Spirit, God overflowed through one of the worship team…
“There is liberty in Jesus, yes liberty! There is freedom in Jesus, yes freedom!” The praise emanating from Dwight was otherworldly, pure, almost surreal. He quite literally sang to God the music of his soul. Birthed in the depths of his spirit, his soul was given wings through his voice. It resonated throughout the sanctuary, and was infectious! The entire congregation enjoined his praises! “Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Jesus, for setting us free!”
Dwight sang communal praises to the King as each person’s voice added to the harmony, “Ohhh, we bless You, Lord! We bless You, Jesus!” In one moment of perfect unity their praises were ushered into the presence of the Lord. Amens and hallelujahs reverberated throughout the sanctuary. The song continued, their unconstrained thanksgiving rising to meet the Father’s approval. Yes, worship at Trinity Assembly was sweet.
We sometimes live vicariously through others, grateful they have given perfect pitch to our off-key singing; or in those moments they’ve given voice to our unspoken thoughts. There is nothing wrong with experiencing joy and closeness to God through the gifts and gratitude of others…as long as we don’t let it end there.
In one of his sermons, Dr. David Jeremiah said, “I doubt there is anyone here who doesn’t have a spirit of gratitude. But gratitude is not thanksgiving until it is expressed.”
To leave unuttered praise in our hearts is like appreciating a wonderful meal without sending our compliments to the Chef, because we think he already knows he’s a good cook, right?
Recognizing God’s blessing in our lives is only half the matter. For if we fail to utter praises for the things God has done we will eventually find ourselves fostering a spirit of entitlement.
God is worthy of our praise, praise He should hear from our lips.

“May the gratitude of my heart never go unuttered, Lord Jesus, because You alone are worthy of my praise! Amen.”

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

His Glorious Riches

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

Making handcrafted wind chimes had become more than a hobby, and I was realizing my make-shift sander wasn’t very efficient.
From time to time I discussed my future dreams for the business with Don, a valued and respected customer. In the process I told him about a new sander I had been saving for until something unexpected had come up, requiring the use of what I’d saved. I was simply sharing.
Two weeks later, Don called and asked if he could drop by to deliver some aluminum pipe I had ordered. When Don arrived he invited me to lunch. We shared a wonderful time of fellowship over great food, then headed back to the house to discuss the chime he wanted for his granddaughter.
“If you had that sander we talked about where would you put it?” Don asked, referring to the limited work space in my small shed.
“Right here in this corner,” I said, pointing to the only space available. “I’ll move the dresser into the larger part of the building and put the sander in there on an angle.”
Don grinned and said, “You’ll need to get busy then, because I have something in the back of my truck for you.”
Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Don was blessing me with the very sander I had dreamed of buying!
Having bought several of my chimes, Don’s awareness of my need was one of appreciative understanding. So when God spoke to him, he simply followed His request to its conclusion.
We have the ability to be God’s answer to someone’s hope-filled prayer. The possibilities are endless; from a piece of machinery to a hug or a lift to the store. If we will listen and respond when the Holy Spirit speaks, we can be the one God uses to meet one of His child’s needs.
Don’s response to my need was to faithfully follow God’s suggested will. God will never force us, but once we’ve obediently complied, we will never again hesitate to be used as part of His glorious riches.

“Provider God, show me who You want to meet a need for and give me the faith to follow Your will. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

There is no quicker way to make God smile than to obey.
This devotion is dedicated to Don & Maryanna Harley, who know God intimately
and listen when He speaks.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Talked to Sleep

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:15 KJV

Dewey and Kathy were flying home from Indonesia. The plane they were on had three seats on one side of the isle and two on the other. They were assigned to the side with three. Giving Kathy the window seat, Dewey sat in the middle.
A few minutes later, a middle-aged man of oriental descent took the isle seat beside Dewey. He appeared nervous and it was almost impossible to miss his vice-like grip on the armrests. In an attempt to take the man’s focus off his obvious fear of flying, Dewey leaned over and introduced himself. The man gave Dewey his name and then said, “I don’t like flying; especially long flights like this. I get can’t sleep because I’m too nervous. But traveling is part of my job, so I have no choice.”
Dewey decided to engage the man in conversation. Once again, the gentleman reiterated his distaste for flying, and asked Dewey if he was nervous. When Dewey responded “no” the man asked how he managed that? Dewey explained that he always prayed before boarding the plane. The man considered Dewey’s response but said nothing, and the conversation ended. Five minutes later Dewey glanced over to discover his new neighbor was sound asleep!
Upon awakening an hour and a half later, Dewey smiled and asked, “Did you have a good nap?”
The gentleman grinned, and said, “Yes, I did indeed! Talking to you made me able to sleep.”
The outward manifestation of an inward relationship brought peace to this man’s heart and soul. The assurance in Dewey’s voice, along with the calm manner in which he spoke, silenced the spirit of fear within him. The man, not completely understanding how it happened, knew it was something about Dewey that had made it possible for him to sleep.
Our attitude and actions have a profound effect on those we come in contact with. They will either see something they desire, or we will leave a bad taste in their mouth. Shouldn’t they see something desirable?

“Lord, may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You and those I meet. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Peelin’ Carrots

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it
Proverbs 22:6 KJV

It was late fall and the boys were visiting Gramma while Daddy ran some errands. Wyatt, a thoughtful 6 yr old, and Garrett, a rambunctious 4 yr old, were busying themselves, playing and chattering…doing the things they enjoyed doing at Gramma’s house.
As afternoon turned to evening and darkness was settling in Wyatt declared, “We’ll just have to spend the night, Gramma. It’s getting dark.”
“Your dad will be here soon. You have school tomorrow,” she said continuing to prepare vegetables for the next day’s dinner.
“Can I help, Gramma?” Wyatt asked.
Always quick to invite the boys’ assistance in the kitchen, she pulled a chair to the sink, “Sure, Wyatt!” She loved teaching her grandsons things that would help them in the future.
Garrett asked if he could help, too. Not really excited to share his time with Gramma, Wyatt exclaimed, “He’s too little to peel carrots!”
Helping Garrett climb up on the chair, Gramma assured Wyatt, “Garret needs to learn too, just like you did, so he can go to school,” she said as a reminder to Wyatt of the times he’d helped her peel carrots when he was Garrett’s age.
As Wyatt scooted over, giving his younger brother room on the chair, he pondered a moment and then proclaimed, “Now Gramma, I haven’t’ peeled one carrot in school!”
Raising our children is our responsibility, and no one else’s. In this we must be deliberate, because what we pour into them as they mature is what will come out.
Our responsibility is to nurture them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We must instill integrity and good moral character in our kids if they are to be good citizens, loving parents, and positive role models.
Their future actions will be a result of what we take the time to teach them now. So pull a chair up to the kitchen sink, and invite your child or grandchild to help peel carrots.

“Help me raise my children to be godly, moral, and responsible, Lord, and to treat others with compassion and the attitude of a servant. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lead By Example

In everything set them an example by doing what is good.
Titus 2:7

Returning home from deployment in Afghanistan, Powerlifter and Bodybuilder Shawn Frankl felt led to train out of ‘Big Iron Gym’, in Omaha, Nebraska, because the owner, Rick Hussey, was a renowned trainer. That the gym was a two hour drive from Shawn’s home didn’t deter him. But after ten years, Shawn questioned whether he was making any impact there for Christ. He and his wife, Melissa, discussed his concerns but agreed to stay on at Big Iron. Shawn had never forced his faith on anyone at the gym, especially Rick. He’d just lived it out, and over time they realized he wasn’t a ‘One-Show Pony’…he believed in this God he served.
Rick was a great trainer, and Shawn did everything he was told. And because of Shawn’s commitment, Rick respected him. So when Rick’s cancer reemerged, he asked Shawn who he thought he should go to for treatment. Sensing the time was right, Shawn replied, “Rick, the only way you’re really gonna get fixed is to give your life to Jesus Christ.” Rick did just that…
Two months later, at Rick’s funeral, hundreds of people showed up to honor the man they’d all respected. Shawn had placed two-hundred Bibles on a table for anyone who wanted one. The pastor concluded his powerful message by inviting those who wanted to follow Rick’s lead to invite Christ into their hearts. When the funeral was over not a single Bible was left. People had indeed followed Rick’s example!
The result of Shawn’s willingness to be Christ’s example at Big Iron Gym was Rick’s eventual salvation. Because of Rick’s reputation as the preeminent trainer in Powerlifting, people followed his advice. So at his funeral it was only natural that many followed his example and invited Jesus into their hearts. There will be people in Heaven who might have otherwise perished because Shawn led by example.
What we do as Christians matters. How we represent our Savior will have an impact on those who are watching. Like Shawn, we are meant to lead others to Christ by the example we set.

“Lord Jesus, teach me to be a great follower so I can lead others to You. Amen.”

Friday, November 22, 2019

Crossing The Line

Fathers, do not exasperate your children...
Ephesians 6:4

Glenn had taken one look at the way Jeff was dressed and decided the best way to discourage his son from wearing pants four sizes too small was to make an example of him. So…focusing the video camera, Glenn said, “Turn around…slowly...keep your hands up.” Reluctantly, Jeff did as his father instructed. “It looks like you done stole a midget’s pants! I bet you can’t even pull ’em up!”
Angry for being subjected to such treatment, Jeff hoped this impromptu documentary would soon end. But his nightmare was only beginning, because Glenn, figuring he had enough footage, uploaded the clip to the internet. He turned to Jeff, “You think lettin’ your underwear hang out looks cool? Let’s see what people on YouTube think.”
In less than twenty-four hours the video went viral, getting over 280,000 views. In the ‘Comments’ section people wrote things like, Kudos to you, pops! and Now that’s novel parenting! I’da never thought of that! and Awesome, dad!
After reading another dozen such comments, Glenn figured he’d made his point and deleted the link.
At first look this appears to be a harmless form of apparel censorship; even a little amusing. But, was Glenn’s attempt at unconventional discipline appropriate? Was what he did acceptable parenting in a world where senseless people say spanking is child abuse?
Answer this question: Would you strip your son to the waist, pull his pants halfway to his knees, and put him on display in the town square, open to everyone’s ridicule, a target for their lewd remarks? Not only would he be open to the ridicule of every sane passerby, he’d be free game for those who are just plain mean, and the mentally ill. You could be creating a potentially dangerous situation.
Had Glenn stopped at just shooting the video, and then compelled Jeff to change clothes, it might have been effective without crossing the line. But airing family issues on YouTube goes against today’s text, because we should never, for any reason, humiliate our children.
If you don’t approve of the clothes your kids are wearing, sit them down and discuss the matter; set guidelines, and enforce them.

“Lord, help me remain sensitive to the possible consequences of how I discipline my children. Help me to be a loving parent. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Treasure Hunt

“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine…and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?
Luke 15:3, 4

Reluctant to give up searching for his missing cell phone, Pastor Don headed out the door for Sunday morning services. The thought of not recovering the phone, with all his contact information and important messages, continued to plague him all morning. Even in the midst of bringing the Morning’s message he couldn’t keep from thinking about it, I gotta find that phone!
Arriving home following the service, he began another round of ‘Treasure Hunt’. He prayed it wouldn’t be another fruitless search. He started by rummaging through both cars again, dialing his number from his wife’s phone, listening for any faint noise. Nothing. He hunted through every room in the house once more. Still nothing.
Taking a break, he sat down on the couch. On a whim, he dialed his number once more. Buzzzz…buzzzz…buzzzz… He was sitting right on top of it!
Unable to retrieve the phone by reaching through the cracks, he got his tools and disassembled the sectional. Unexpectedly, with his lost phone now in hand, he was euphoric, even giddy. He felt as if he’d just won a great prize!
Today’s scenario is a perfect example of how God feels about those who are lost. His heart and Spirit are forever seeking them.
As Christ-followers we are called to join His Treasure Hunt. Whether in a far-off country, or in some storm-ravaged place where people cry desperately for help, we are called to be light; called not out of a sense of responsibility, but because it’s one of the greatest privileges we have been given…passing on the grace we have so freely received!
More than ever we should be hunting in our own counties, cities, and neighborhoods. Unfortunately, the fear of what others might think can become a deterrent.
Ask yourself: If the task to propagate the first-century church had been given to me, would it have survived? Would anyone know who Jesus Christ is because of me?
Don’t allow fear to stop you from sharing the Gospel. Leave the comfort of the ninety-nine and hunt for the one.

“Lead me to those who are lost, Lord Jesus, and give me the courage to introduce them to You. Amen.”

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Not Who I Am

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Matthew 5:17

A 'Case Manager' at Job & Family Services, Ken clearly remembered being slapped across the face the last time this woman had been in his office. “Liz, I know our last appointment didn’t end the way you’d hoped, and the truth is I wish I could have helped you. But the program guidelines wouldn’t allow it.”
“So… you gonna deny me again?!” she immediately challenged.
“I’m going to do whatever the guidelines call for, Liz.”
As Ken reviewed the verifications Liz had provided, he realized that another ‘denial’ was exactly what this case would result in. “I’m sorry, Liz, but you don’t meet the income guidelines again.”
Incensed, she started to rise…
“Wait… please…” Ken implored. “I have something I’d like to propose.”
Hesitantly, she settled back into the chair, “What?!”
“Tomorrow is Saturday. I would like to come to your house and repair your car, myself. Look…I know you think I’m uncaring and heartless, and in your shoes I might feel the same, but what I do is not who I am.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I do care about you and your situation. but I don’t control what the program guidelines dictate. I do, however, have to abide by them. But it doesn’t mean I don’t understand or care. So…if you’ll allow me, I’ll come by to fix your car and pay for it myself.”
Skeptical, Liz accepted the offer.
Following the repairs that next evening, Liz asked, “Why would you do this for me, especially after the way I’ve treated you?”
Ken smiled. Give me the words to answer that question, Lord…
Had Ken not compassionately reached out to Liz she might never have known that the rigid person she encountered wasn’t at all who he was.
Many times, when doing what the rules dictate, we are judged unjustly; because what we do does not always define who we are.
Jesus told the people that His coming did not reject or eliminate the law, but that grace should now accompany it.
As Disciples of Jesus Christ, we have the opportunity to extend grace on a daily basis, and reveal Whose we are, if we only choose to explore the possibilities.

“Lord, help me see people for who they are and not judge them by what they do. Please, show me where I can be Your hands and feet today. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Pumpkin Patch Prophecy *

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy…
Acts 2:17

Renee, and her husband, Ken, had shared a beach house with family and friends seven hundred miles from home. Following a great week they started for home, a four vehicle caravan of sorts. Shortly into the trip Ken’s pick-up truck began running rough, and the thought of driving through the mountains like this not an option. Ken told the others to go ahead, and he and Renee withdrew from the caravan at the next small town, searching for a mechanic.
Unknown to them, three days prior, Renee’s sister, Rachelle, had a vision and called another sibling, Mary, to ask her to pray. In the vision she’d seen a horrible car crash; Renee had been fatally injured. She asked Mary to keep the details between them, knowing that though Ken had been attending church and growing, he was still unsure about this “listening to the Holy Spirit” stuff. The two agreed, praying with diligence that God would intervene.
Arriving home before Ken and Renee, the ‘caravan’ told of an awful accident. With tires squealing and hard braking, they had barely escaped.
Following an extra day and night, with a mechanic finding no problem, Ken and Renee returned home, the pick-up running perfectly. Once home they reported a great trip; they’d even seen two memorable sights in the small town. One, a huge field with hundreds of pumpkins! The other, a small church wedding with the wedding party lined up outside as the Bride and Groom departed. “What a picture!”
Mary looked at Rachelle. The exact details in the vision Rachelle had shared with her! As they told Ken, his eyes widened. “This Holy Spirit stuff is real isn't it?” he said.
How awesome: one had a vision, the other got his sight. And the prophet Joel said these things would happen. Ken’s reluctance to believe in prophecy was wiped away in one weekend. God had spoken to Rachelle before the incident, and had caused ‘engine problems’ in Ken’s pick-up to keep him from experiencing the heartache of losing Renee.
This is a true story. Whether you choose to believe it is entirely up to you. God does speak to His people and show them mysteries.

“Make me a believer, Lord. Amen.”

* Devotion written by Nancy Clouston

Monday, November 18, 2019

As Good As His Word

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.
2 Corinthians 1:20

“God told me I’d meet my wife when I transferred to Lee University,” Josh told the group attending the training seminar. “But when I finished my junior year and still hadn’t met someone I began to wonder… ‘Was I mistaken? Hadn’t God promised me a wife?”
He shook his head, “By the end of my senior year I hadn’t had a single date! I’d been so sure Mrs. Holland would have appeared by now. But she was a no-show. I returned home puzzled.”
“Reflecting on my time at Lee I realized I had met a girl in my first year at Lee…we had become friends… But she was with someone else. So she couldn’t have been the one… could she? We kept in touch after graduation, and I found out she broke it off with the other guy. We talked on the phone every so often, then a couple times a week, and eventually every day. Ultimately, we got married. So…God hadn’t reneged on His promise; He just said I’d meet my wife at Lee. He didn’t say we’d get married there. It’s funny how we hear God say something and immediately form our own version of how that is supposed to look.”
Josh never questioned God’s promise, yet at the end of his time at Lee he was puzzled. Had God actually spoken the promise? Or, had he imagined the whole thing?
It’s a natural response that when God’s promise doesn’t come to fruition immediately we begin to doubt.
Only faith or prior experience with having waited on the fulfillment of one of God’s promises can silence our suspicious heart.
Scripture tells us that our promises come through Christ, and our faith says ‘let it be so’. When we hear from God we can be sure that what He has spoken will come to pass. He is as good as His word; His word just might look a little different than what we were expecting. So keep an open mind…and hold fast to what God said.

“Give me the faith to hold onto your promise, Lord, no matter how long it takes. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hope That Never Fades

In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.
1Peter 1:3, 4

It had been five weeks since Matt had been laid to rest. Those five weeks had been a time of reflection for Kim, recalling different events God had used to weld her and Matt’s lives into a strong marriage. As much as she missed Matt she was thankful for their more than thirty years together.
These five weeks had also been a time of agonized waiting, waiting to say goodbye to another precious member of her family. That’s what they were doing this morning, saying goodbye to her son, Ryan, who had succumbed to ALS at the early age of twenty-seven. This morning Kim was helping her daughter-in-law, Michael, make final arrangements. Occasionally, the sorrow would overcome one of them and they would stop what they were doing and just embrace each other.
Were it not for their faith, they might have easily found themselves raising their fists to God in anger. Instead, they spoke fondly of special times spent with their spouses. In truth, they were thankful that God had not allowed father or son to languish and suffer long illnesses.
When someone we love is taken from us the shock of their death can take a while to register. When it does there is sorrow and grief, with a sense of loss that feels as if it will never go away. As Christians, we can take comfort in the fact that our parting and grief is temporal.
Although it has been some time since their passing, Matt and Ryan’s physical loss is still deeply felt by Kim and Michael. I’m equally confident both hold tightly to the promise and hope of a Heavenly reunion.
It is this hope Jesus bought with His blood on the cross of Calvary. And it is this knowledge that brings comfort, and a hope that never fades.

“May the hope and promise of a grand reunion give us comfort, Lord. Amen.”

Saturday, November 16, 2019

After The Fire

And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
1Kings 19:12

Trudie was surprised by the sudden and powerful nudge of the Holy Spirit, “Call Nell…” Obeying the unction, she dialed her good friend’s phone number, and waited for a response from the other end of the line. There was none, as the call went to voicemail. After trying two more times, with the same results, she felt another nudge, “Get ready and drive to Nell and Jack’s house.”
Never one to discount or ignore this type of urgency of the Spirit, she told her husband, George about the divine messages, and about not being able to contact Nell.
“Well, we’d better go,” George said.
So they climbed in the car, and began the three hour drive. At about the half-way point Trudie attempted to call again, but each time it went to voicemail. Concerned, they decided to go the rest of the way even though they had no more than God’s incomplete instructions to go on.
Arriving at Jack and Nell’s, they found no one home. Again God spoke, “Go to the hospital…” Trudie and George pressed on, arriving at the hospital some twenty minutes later. “Is there a Nell or Jack Clouston admitted here?” Trudie asked the receptionist.
“Yes, Jack was admitted on Saturday.”
Minutes later, Jack and Nell were surprised to see their life-long friends walk through the door. And even more surprised, and blessed, when Trudie related the course of events that had led them here.
God’s voice is neither thundering nor loud. It is intimate and personal, reaching deep into our soul. His voice can be commanding and urgent, yet soft and comforting. Hearing His voice requires listening with our spiritual ears. As today’s text says, God is not in the fire, we will find Him speaking to us in a gentle whisper.
Once we’ve heard Him, we have a choice: obey or disregard the restrained request. If we want the blessing of having our obedience rewarded as were Trudie and George, we must obey God’s leading.
Once we’ve followed God’s leading we will never again need more than that first, gentle whisper to begin the next journey.

“Father, help me to always be attentive to Your voice. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Vigil

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him.
Psalm 127:3

Every room in the house was full. Family and friends smiled and laughed while keenly aware of the common bond that brought them here. They were holding vigil, awaiting the passing of the patriarch of the family who held a special place in each of their hearts. They had come to share in the final hours of his life. Looking at each face you just knew they were remembering the good times past…offsetting the sadness of today.
Throughout the house, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren laughed and told jokes as they shared an informal lunch; and all of this his wife of sixty-six years absorbed from the couch by his bed.
These were his descendants, the linage that would carry on; his heritage and reward from the Lord. His love for each compelled them to come and be close at this time.
Had you walked into the house without knowledge of the circumstances you might have thought it was a party, for they understood that this transition was to be celebrated more than mourned. Yes, they would miss him, but the knowledge of his destination outweighed the sorrow, at least for today, for he was headed Home to see Jesus!
There could be no greater epitaph than to be surrounded by our children and offspring as we go home to be with Jesus, listening to them celebrate our transition from this life into the fullness of joy that awaits every believer and follower of Jesus Christ. Such an image is testament to a life well-lived and a family well-loved, through good times and bad.
This comes from loving with abandon those who we have been charged by the Lord to care for in the short time we are here on Earth. James 4:14 says we are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. This phase of life is short. Eternity awaits us.
If you’re not sure that this would be the scene around your death bed, make every effort to set things right so that your passing from here into eternity will bring celebration and not a veil of sorrow and regret.

“Thank You, Father God, for my children. They truly are my heritage and reward. Thank You for always watching over them. Amen.”

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Celebrate Today!

a time to be born and a time to die… a time to weep and a time to laugh
Ecclesiastes 3:2, 4

It was approaching midnight and the crowd in the waiting room had dwindled to a handful of people. The long hours awaiting my granddaughter’s birth were filled with an extended dialogue between my wife, Nancy, my son, Eric, and me.
Eric and Lindsay’s childhood dominated the conversation. We laughed as we recalled events, each account bringing fond memories. As happy and laughter-filled as these memories were they were overshadowed by one particular event that evoked only sadness, and a sense of premature grief. Eric and Lindsay had lost a childhood friend in a tragic accident on New Year’s Eve a few years ago.
But on this night restoration of celebration was taking place.
“You know what tomorrow is, right?” Eric said.
“Yep. Linds and I were talking about that last week,” Nancy responded.
Eric looked at the clock on his iPhone, “It’d be fitting if Lindsay waits twenty minutes to have Jozlyn.”
Knowing the significance of tomorrow, I joined the conversation, “Frankie would have been what, thirty-five?”
“Thirty-six,” Eric said, still saddened by the loss of his close friend.
“It’ll be bittersweet, but it’ll be a great reason to celebrate November fourteenth again,” Nancy said, bringing the thought full circle.
One life ends, another begins. Such is the uncertainty of our days upon this earth. Psalm 139:16 tells us the day of our death is a known point in time. Yet, we tend to treat this fact with impunity. We’d rather not consider such truth...and because of our denial we take today for granted.
Today’s text reminds us that life is cyclical. We are born knowing we will one day die. This knowledge should motivate us to appreciate the present with the passion God intended. His desire is that we greet each new day with a desire to know Him better while finding joy in what we do.
November fourteenth hadn’t been ‘celebrated’ in a long time. However, with Jozlyn’s birth, our children once again had reason to laugh and rejoice as the memory of a close friend took on new meaning.

“Lord of life, thank You for the miracle of life and the gift of today. Help me celebrate this day with purpose. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Special Needs

Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
1Samuel 16:7

Michael Garcia approached the group, intending to take their dinner order. As he got close enough to hear the conversation that thought changed. One member of the group aired a demeaning insult that could be heard several tables away. “Special needs children should be special somewhere else!”
Michael, and everyone else who heard the comment, was taken aback. He knew they were referring to Milo Castillo, the Down-Syndrome five-year-old who sat at the next table. The Castillo family, regulars at Laurenzo’s, were shocked to hear such open slander. Being fond of Milo, the comment angered Michael. He approached the table, and with all the civility he could muster, said, “I'm not going to be able to serve you.”
“What?! Why not?” they asked.
“Because of your insensitive remark. How could you say that?” Michael demanded of the one who had spoken the heartless slur. “How could you say that about a beautiful 5-year-old angel?”
How have we sunk to the level of cruelty required to denigrate and belittle someone as tender as a five-year-old? Sadly, insensitive intolerance is all too common today, and offensive comments are made without apology or excuse. It would seem some people can’t get past outward appearance when it makes them uncomfortable. If anyone had special needs in Laurenzo’s that night it was the man who made the comment, because he was in serious need of a heart transplant. Voicing such an opinion in such a vulgar manner revealed a heart hardened by some unforgiven wounding.
Thankfully Michael, without thought of how his refusal to serve the group would affect his employment status, immediately responded to the intolerant customer. His action, applauded by not only the Castillo family and the owners of Laurenzo’s, was direct, decisive, and appropriate.
We should take a page from God’s Book, and look at the heart, which in Milo’s case is purer than driven snow, unpretentious, and more humble than someone born without Down-Syndrome.

“Father of all those You call special, soften our hearts to see the true worth of everyone we meet. And may we champion those who need a voice. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
2Corinthians 2:11 KJV

Kurt and Stevie decided to settle the matter by means of arm wrestling. They’d grown up watching the movie ‘Over The Top’ starring Sylvester Stallone, the truck-driving good guy, who beat the odds by winning the Las Vegas Arm Wrestling Tournament, and the top prize of a new semi.
Today it wasn’t a truck at stake, but a single baseball card of disputed ownership.
“No cheating!” Stevie admonished.
“I don’t cheat!” Kurt spat back. “I do what Sly did to gain an advantage!” he countered, referring to Stallone’s positioning his hand slightly over his opponent’s thumb to help cancel any size advantage by the use of leverage.
“That’s not fair! You’re bigger than me! I get to go ‘over the top!’” Stevie argued, as they wrangled for position.
Few things are as entertaining as two adolescent boys settling their battles through competition. Spurred on by an increase in testosterone, they exaggerate body language, posturing in an attempt to intimidate each other and gain a psychological advantage. This contest proved to be no different as Kurt and Stevie fought for any advantage. After all…there was a baseball card at stake!
Unexpectedly, Kurt hollered, “Go!” and instantly, Stevie was pinned.
“That’s not fair! I wasn’t ready!” Stevie argued, rubbing his sore arm, pointing out yet another problem with young aggression.
Leverage, defined as ‘an advantage in position or in means at one’s disposal’ is what Satan uses to gain unfair advantage when he detects weakness. Paul encourages us not to be ignorant of these devices.
In today’s text, Paul is speaking about forgiveness for sinners, by sinners. We are not to act as Satan, taking unfair advantage of others, and unwittingly becoming one of his pawns. As difficult as this sometimes is, we need to take a breath, step back, and ask God to provide the desire to exhibit the same grace we ourselves have been extended.
If practiced faithfully, grace and forgiveness become the leverage by which we overcome the enemy’s wiles.

“Lord, help me discern any advantage the enemy would use as leverage in my life. Give me wisdom and conviction to live for You alone. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Monday, November 11, 2019

One Moment of Perfect Love

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
John 13:34

The rafters of the Van Hoosen Middle School Auditorium in Rochester Hills, Michigan, reverberated above the crowd’s cheers. The motivation for their excitement? Seventh grader Owen Groesser, team manager turned player, had come off the bench as a substitute.
Owen was beloved by his teammates and coach, and they celebrated Owen’s appearance on the court as much as anyone. The reason? Owen was born with Down Syndrome.
The game resumed and the building shook even more as Owen took a pass on Van Hoosen’s end of the court. Everyone watched, including the opposing team’s players, as Owen launched his first shot attempt in organized basketball. The ball banked off the backboard and swished through the net! The noise level escalated to a raucous timbre. Owen had just made a 3-pointer!
Ecstatic over Owen’s achievement, the crowd was showing their approval of his shot and Coach Jeff Howell’s decision to give Owen some playing time.
Not satisfied with his initial success however, Owen sank a second 3-pointer just minutes later! The reaction of the crowd was so great that Coach Howell played Owen the next night as well, where he sank two more 3-point baskets. At the end of the game the team rallied around Owen, hoisting him upon their shoulders in victory!
In a time when there is an ever-increasing pressure to win it’s refreshing to hear a story of real sportsmanship emerge. There are few things in life that rival the fulfillment that emanates from the hearts of those who care enough to not only include Owen as one of the team, but herald his presence and triumphant accomplishments.
Only a heart that loves unselfishly would sacrifice the limelight so someone else might know the sensation.
This was a ‘team effort’ committed to bringing Owen a rare moment of joy he will remember for the rest of his life. It is one moment of perfect love. It is this love Jesus gives to us twenty-four seven, three sixty-five.

“Lord, I thank You for fostering within me an unselfish love that has no agenda. May You find me anxious to help initiate and participate in these moments of perfect love. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Testimony of Love

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Proverbs 12:18

Now in her nineties, Martha had taught Second Grade. “Emma was a beautiful little girl, but I could tell there was something wrong that day.” She shook her head sadly, remembering how her heart hurt for Emma.
“She just sat there, gazing longingly out the window at the other children as they laughed and played. I asked, ‘Why aren’t you outside with the other kids?’ Her answer broke my heart. ‘They don’t want to play with me, Mrs. Stull. They think I stink.’
I sat her in my lap and hugged her tight. I remember telling her, 'You are beautiful and I love you.’ She looked up at me and smiled. The belt on her tattered and soiled dress was hanging loosely so I tied it in a knot and told her to tell the others it was a ‘love knot’ tied by Mrs. Stull.
I always wondered what happened to Emma. Then one day, some thirty years later, a woman called my home and asked, ‘Are you the Mrs. Stull who taught at Elmwood Elementary School?’ I said I was, and she said, ‘Oh, I’m so glad I found you! I wanted to tell you how much it meant to me that you cared enough to put me in your lap and hug me that day! You saved my life! You didn’t know it, but my brother was sexually molesting me at the time, and I felt so worthless… but you told me you loved me, and that gave me the strength to go on! I now speak world-wide, telling women my story, encouraging them, and assuring them that they are beautiful and worthy of God’s love!’
We have the power to help heal wounds if we take the opportunity to say a kind word or do a kind act when it presents itself. Simple acts of kindness can heal a hurting heart, and far outlive the healer’s lifetime.
Emma was dealing with far more than any eight-year-old girl was ever meant to when Mrs. Stull saw a hurting child and acted in love. We can do the same when Holy Spirit leads us to those who are hurting.

“Lord, show me someone who is hurting today, and fill my mouth with words of wisdom, so they feel Your love. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Heart of Worship

These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
Isaiah 29:13

Daniel paused while leading worship, “I grew up in the church. I had given my life to Jesus, and was active in youth group. I sang in the junior choir and attended church faithfully …” he paused. “But as far as worshiping the Lord went, I was only going through the motions. I worshiped God merely because I felt like it was my duty; like a slave obligated to his master.”
Daniel’s countenance changed as he continued, “But we were made for worship! And as scripture says, God inhabits the praises of His people. When that happens, Heaven invades Earth! God comes to us!”
“But as I said before, I’d invested nothing of myself … I was going through the motions out of a sense of responsibility.”
Daniel smiled, “But there came a moment, a moment when I finally understood this simple truth: God wants us to be in relationship with Him so we can discover how deep, how wide, and how far His love extends! I finally understood!”
He laughed, “Now I worship Him because I want to, because I love Him and I just can’t tell Him enough how much I appreciate Who He is and what He’s done for me!”
“So tonight, let go of your inhibitions, misconceptions, and fears, and worship God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength!”
True worship is born out of knowing we have been given mercy instead of spiritual death, grace instead of God’s wrath. Worship begins in each heart, birthed after this revelation, and then pours forth from a willing heart, a hungry heart, a heart of gratitude and understanding.
Today’s text reveals that many before us have held God at arm’s length, ignorant of the immensity of the sacrifice made to secure our redemption. Sadly, many never come to that understanding. You know when you witness it, because once the revelation hits you that God sacrificed His own Son on your behalf, it is impossible to merely offer Him lip service.

“Father of redemption, I want to bring You the praise of my heart! Fill me with the song You gave me at my birth so I can sing it to You! In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Deeper Truth

Pray without ceasing…
I Thessalonians 5:17 KJV

Austin Miller is an exceptional young man. Always polite, he conducts himself with quiet confidence. His quick smile is disarming, his clever wit remarkable. Of average height, his straight back and lean muscular physique convey an impression of competence. He is handsome, yet would be embarrassed at the compliment. His deep blue eyes hint of a wisdom beyond his years.
If you spent any time around Austin you would discover a spiritual boldness, notably in the marketplace. His younger brother, Lee, never passes on an opportunity to tease his ‘super spiritual’ big brother. One recent event bears witness...
After having his braces tightened that day, Austin got up in the middle of the night to take some pain medication. On his way back to bed, he overheard his parents coughing from colds they’d passed back and forth. Going to their bedroom he asked if he could pray for them. After praying he returned to his room.
At breakfast the next morning Austin looked confused when his parents thanked him for his nighttime prayer. He didn’t remember any of it!
Lee looked at Austin and exclaimed, “No way! Now he’s sleep-praying?!”
Most of us have experienced or heard of sleep-walking. But prior to reading this devotion I doubt if many of us had ever heard of sleep-praying. I know I never had.
I’m not sure this is what Paul meant when he urged the Church at Thessalonica to pray without ceasing. However, Austin’s experience reveals a deep truth; that what is in our hearts comes so natural that it can occur in our sleep. Prayer is so much a part of Austin’s life that when the need presented itself, he responded spontaneously. According to his parents the prayer was animated and on point.
I believe this exemplifies Paul’s exhortation.

“Lord, I want my prayer life to be so natural that I would even bring You praise in my sleep. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, November 7, 2019

No Sign of Life

I have come that they may have life...
John 10:10

Bill and Amy were out for their evening walk, which took them past Amy’s Grandmother’s house. As they passed the house Amy glanced through the window. Seeing her Grama sitting on the couch, she waved. Walking on Amy said, “I don’t think she saw me.”
As they passed by on their second lap, Amy realized her Grama hadn’t moved since their last time by. Suddenly concerned, they turned up the drive and approached the front window, hoping to catch some sign of life. “I can’t tell if she’s breathing or not, Bill!”
It appeared Amy’s Grandmother had died while watching TV. The door was locked and knocking on the window got no response. Bill dialed 911, and the operator dispatched a police cruiser and squad to the residence. Arriving on scene, the officer decided to kick the door in. As he did the knob flew from the door, hitting Thelma in the forehead. To everyone’s surprise she awoke with a start! Seeing a uniformed officer looming over her, she blurted, “What are you doing in my house?!”
“I’m sorry, Grama,” Amy exclaimed, “but we thought you were dead!”
With her heartbeat returning to normal, Grama rubbed her forehead and replied sheepishly, “Nope, just taking a nap. I took my hearing aids out and fell asleep sitting up.”
Jesus came to give us eternal life. And with one act of surrender, that life can be ours. Many have made the decision to follow Jesus. Others have either never heard of Him, or have decided they are satisfied with the life they've chosen.
Like Amy and Bill, we should care enough to take action when we encounter someone who shows no sign of life. It may be difficult to tell where a person is in their walk with Jesus Christ, but it is usually evident when there is no walk at all.
It is every Christian’s privilege to share the hope they have in Jesus Christ. We are meant to be Jesus' hand extended. We have firsthand knowledge of of mercy and grace, and we should be happy to pass it along, knowing God will take things from there.

“Holy Spirit, point out to me those around me who are perishing and give me the courage to speak to them about Jesus and the life they can have by surrendering to His care. Amen.”

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Bringing God Praise

Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.
John 15:8

It was Wednesday evening and the mid-week service at church was only a half hour away. Marilyn had planned to go straight to the church after shopping. But as she reentered her credit card’s PIN the machine’s display once again said ‘DECLINED’. I thought for sure I had activated this card. Now what do I do? The grocery store didn’t accept checks and all her money was in this single account. There wasn’t time enough to go home, come back, and make it to church on time. Searching her purse, Marilyn found fifteen dollars, thirteen short of the total.
As her seventy-six year-old mind struggled to come up with other options an attractive young woman suddenly stepped forward, “I’ll take care of it,” she said, swiping her card.
As the young woman turned away Marilyn said, “You must be a Christian.”
The young lady nodded, and they both moved to the bagging area where introductions were made. “Charlene,” she said, intentionally withholding her last name while extending her hand. Smiling, Marilyn promised to pay Charlene’s act of kindness forward, making a silent vow to be on the lookout for an opportunity to bring God glory by helping someone in need.
The natural progression for a Christian’s life is one of bearing the fruit of good deeds. We are supposed to conduct ourselves in such a way that people realize our actions are the product of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. This is not something to be preferred; it should be the motivating factor that gets us out of bed each morning.
In every occasion we are given a choice; to serve ourselves or others. Church historian, Bernhard Loshe, wrote, “Since we authenticate God’s salvation by our lives and words, we can either impugn or enhance God’s reputation by bad or good examples.”
Being on the giving end of God’s blessing, as Charlene was, is one of the most fulfilling rewards we will ever experience. But the most important benefit of such action is that it brings God praise.

“LORD, I want the life I live to bring You praise. Help me be the light that draws others to You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Two Very Different People

And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
Genesis 4:8

Growing up, Tim and Paul faced challenges no child was ever meant to face. Both mother and father were alcoholics, and never sought treatment for their disease. As boys, Tim and Paul had suffered beatings from their father while fending for themselves finding something to eat, doing their own laundry, and everything else necessary for survival.
As the years passed, Tim became angry and lashed out at society, eventually adopting a lifestyle of criminal behavior. He found himself incarcerated more than he was free.
Paul, in sharp contrast, became a police officer, serving the community his parents had been a drain on.
On patrol one night, a call came over Paul’s radio, asking for any officers in the vicinity to respond to a hostage situation. Paul and his partner were only six blocks away and responded immediately. When they arrived at the address Paul was shocked to find out the hostage-taker was his brother, Tim.
Realizing he was too close to the situation, Paul remained in the cruiser while his partner joined the SWAT Team that was already on the scene. After a tense two hour standoff, police were able to negotiate a peaceful resolution, taking Tim into custody.
How do two people who experience the same circumstances, tumultuous or otherwise, wind up on opposite ends of the personality/psyche spectrum?
Some time ago, I heard an explanation that has stuck with me. It may be the best explanation I’ve ever heard: “If you drop two bottles they will both break. But it’s the way they break that determines what happens with the remnants. One breaks and shatters into a million pieces, crushed by the experience. The other shatters and a sharp weapon is fashioned.”
Everyone encounters unfair challenges in life. The difference in how we respond and develop has always been whether we, like Paul, allow our hearts to be healed, or, like Tim, allow bitterness to take root. Disappointment is inevitable, discouragement is a choice.

“Lord, I choose to give You the shattered pieces of my life to bring healing. Take those pieces and fashion a weapon for Your service. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, November 4, 2019

He Comes to…Destroy

The thief comes only to…destroy;
John 10:10

When Mark and Vanessa Rodriguez returned from vacation they weren’t prepared for what they found. Sometime during their absence there’d been a break-in. Their home was trashed. Finding no sign of forced entry, Mark asked Vanessa, “Did you forget to lock the door when we left?”
Vanessa reacted immediately, “What do you mean did ‘I’ forget to lock the door?! You were the last one out…remember?!”
They had gone on this vacation to try and relieve the stress in their marriage, to rekindle the spark that was there when they’d first met. They’d spent hours walking hand in hand on the beach, and shared time alone in the condo…just the two of them.
Alone, away from the demands of the world, they talked and assessed their life. Mark had promised to cut back on his hours at work, and had committed to really listening to Vanessa. She, in turn, promised not to take everything he said as an attack. When the week ended, they knew that the same deep love they’d had for one another still burned inside, but the old patterns had reemerged. In a moment of clarity, Mark saw what was happening, and said, “I’m so sorry, Nessa. It doesn’t matter how it happened. It’s not worth fighting over.” They both realized that reconciliation was going to take a concerted effort.
In the same way the Rodriguez home was ransacked, Satan wants to bring ruin to our relationships. There is an unparalleled bitterness that drives him to destroy the things of God. It’s personal because he hates God…and every one of His children, so he tries to undermine our relationships.
Using the wedges of loneliness, mistrust, pride, heartache, entitlement, and many other tools, Satan sets about driving us apart. Over time, we forget how it all started, but, unwilling to give in, we assert our right to hang on to our bitterness and resentment. We hold on to blame, and Satan wins.
Only by bringing our problems to Jesus can we ever hope to find healing and reconciliation. With this critical information, shouldn't we deny Satan the opportunity to destroy our lives?

“Lord Jesus, I come today asking forgiveness for my stubborn heart. Heal this relationship and make it new. Show me how to surrender my will to You. Amen.”

Sunday, November 3, 2019

He Comes to…Kill

The thief comes only to…kill.
John 10:10

Noella cringed as if doing so would soften the cutting blow. “You’re so stupid! I wish I’d had an abortion!” her mother screamed. But no matter how hard she tried, Noella couldn’t stop the words from penetrating her heart. But her mother wasn’t finished, “Your father was just like you…worthless!”
All the way to school her mother’s words echoed in her mind.
Born with fetal alcohol syndrome, Noella’s first twelve years of life had been anything but pleasant. With multiple learning disabilities, and underdeveloped for her age, she found herself at a disadvantage. Her classmates shunned her. And her teachers seemed not to care that she was failing in every class. Their conditioned response each time she requested additional assistance was, “There’s just not enough time to help every individual student, Noella. Ask your mother for help.” It seemed there was no one she could turn to.
And then, the school hired Mrs. Shoemaker as the Administrator for Student Assistance. She conducted assessments of each student that fell under her authority. When she met Noella something drew her to the small sixth grader. “How would you like it if you and I became friends?” she asked.
“Ohhh!” the joy poured from Noella’s heart. “That would be wonderful!”
The enemy will stop at nothing to kill our spirit, and to that end, He uses discouragement, depression, slander and every other weapon in his arsenal in order to commit emotional and spiritual assassination, things such as circumstances and events, family and friends.
Sadly, many parents fall into his trap. Regardless of what we think, there is no valid excuse. Saying, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that…” may be the right thing to do afterwords, but the results are still the same…we have wounded our child’s spirit. We must refrain from saying hurtful things.
If we are to be successful in raising emotionally healthy children we must be diligent in policing our words and actions. We should pattern our parenting skills after Mrs. Shoemaker instead of Noella’s mother. Investing wisely in our children requires conscious effort. When the enemy tries to enlist your assistance, refuse to participate.

“Father, may I always speak words of encouragement and edification to those I have influence over. Help me guard my words. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, November 2, 2019

He Comes to…Steal

The thief comes only to steal…
John 10:10

Sitting in his tree stand for an afternoon bowhunt, the hunter watched as the squirrel scurried from one place to another, looking for acorns. Each time he found a nut the squirrel would place it in his mouth while he dug a hole, then he would bury it with the intention of digging it up when food became scarce during the late-winter months.
For hours, the squirrel diligently hunted and gathered so that he might have food stored against times of need. As sunset approached the squirrel climbed his den tree and settled into his nest for the night, no doubt satisfied with the work he’d accomplished.
As the hunter continued to watch, he noticed an animal slinking along in the gathering darkness. As it drew closer he realized it was an opossum. He watched as the scavenger went from one cache to another, digging up the squirrel’s acorns and eating them. In less than half the time it had taken the squirrel to find and bury the nuts the opossum had found and eaten every one. And then off he plodded…his belly full of someone else’s provisions.
The opossum is a natural-born thief. He, like Satan, steals what rightfully belongs to others. The big difference is Satan knows better, and does it anyway. As a matter of fact, scripture says he looks for opportunities to steal everything we have. He is especially keen on stealing the promises of God.
One example would be when he sends the spirit of confusion to steal God’s word as we read our Bible, attempting to keep us from gaining strength through understanding. In this we must be deliberate, asking God to open the scriptures to us, and then planting it deep in our heart by meditating on what He shows us.
We must be tenacious in hanging on to the things God gives us. Knowing the enemy is coming to steal gives us power. With such knowledge we can take action.

“Holy Spirit, Help me remain vigilant. Please alert me when the enemy is attempting to steal something from me so I can be ready to take authority over his actions, in Jesus’ Name. Show me how to derail his attempts. Amen!”

Friday, November 1, 2019

What Matters Most

So Abram said to Lot, “Let’s not have any quarreling between you and me…If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left.
Genesis 13:8, 9

For more than thirty-five years, Dick and Craig had been hunting partners, longer than they’d been brothers-in-law. Needless to say they’d spent a lot of time together in the woods. They cherished this bond in a manner reserved for the closest of friends. Hunting with family and friends over the years had been fun, yet this bond was different. The camaraderie and experience of each hunt shared was something special, each peculiarly memorable. Only the chance to hunt with their children brought the same anticipation and satisfaction.
With siblings and offspring outnumbering hunting spots on the family farm, and no shortage of mature whitetails running around, it could have been dog-eat-dog or seniority could have trumped the most recent arrivals to the family. Not to say there hadn’t been a few tension-filled moments over the years as goals and personalities clashed, but in the end, and for the right reasons, relationships had persevered over goals.
It was understood that any tree stand on the property was open to any family member on any given day; because no animal, regardless of size and trophy potential, was more important than family, friends, or relationships.
There is nothing in this life, or the next, more important than the relationships we are entrusted with. No one understood that more than Abraham. Given the history of what he had done over the years for his nephew, Lot, Abraham had every right to lay claim to every piece of land stretched out before them. Yet because of his great love for Lot he chose to remove the chance of animosity from the equation by allowing him to choose first.
The next time you’re faced with the choice of conquest over relationship please remember; our funerals will be attended by those who loved us, those we invested in, not by whitetail deer or any other trophies we hold in high esteem.

“Teach me to be a lasting and thoughtful friend, Lord. Help me to hold those You bring into my life above anything that tempts me to place it before that relationship. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”