Wednesday, May 31, 2023



May 31

And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

Matthew 6:7

Kurt and Stevie had been close friends for years. They had whiled away many summers exploring the neighborhood, trying not to get into too much mischief, but for ten year old army brats there was nothing more fun or worthy of their time than emulating their fathers.

“That’s a ten four, Sergeant,” Stevie spoke into his walkie talkie. “You bring your troops around from behind the enemy’s position on the south side, and we’ll move in that direction from here; Over…?”

“Moving now, Lieutenant,” Kurt responded. “We’ll hold at our next outpost until you let me know when you’re in position; Over…?”

“That’s affirmative, Sergeant,” came the reply, followed by, “Stay sharp, Malloy. When we make the final approach we’ll have them surrounded. Do your men understand their orders? Over…?”

In a voice that informed his commanding officer that he understood, Kurt answered, “I’ve given the order, Sir. They know what to do. Over…!”

“Then wait for my next transmission, Sergeant,” Stevie instructed.

Walkie Talkies are sold in pairs because two-way communication is imperative when making plans and explaining strategies; especially where ten year olds are concerned. Stevie needed Kurt to respond to his directives in order to make their battle plan work. By interacting, giving the other equal time to respond by saying, “Over…?”, these two friends were able to surround and gain victory over the enemy.

Our prayer life should resemble Kurt and Stevie’s cooperation in communication. Sadly, most of us rarely take a breath when we pray. We burst into the throne room, spit out a list of demands and leave, never waiting to see if there’s anything God would say to us in the moment. Then, for the rest of the day, we walk around unsure of whether we’re on the right track.

There are times in prayer that we need to tell God how we’re feeling, or ask for something. Scripture supports both. But prayer is meant to be an open line of communication between two parties. The next time you enter in to your prayer closet why not give this a try; “Hello, God. Is there anything You’d like to say to me? Over…?”


“Good morning, Lord, it’s me. Over…?”

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Servant or Slave?

May 30

Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way:

2Corinthians 6:4

Sitting in a local diner, the three friends were discussing the challenges of serving God. Having shared with each other some of their current battles, Chris shared how tired he had become spiritually; wishing God would remove some of the burden.

Cody asked, “Do you know the difference between a slave and a servant?”

Growing up in the 1960s, Chris had learned to equate slavery with oppression. This is easy, Chris thought as he answered, “A slave does things because he’s forced to; a servant gives of himself freely.”

He’d never heard Cody’s definition, “A servant does things expecting payment. A slave expects nothing for their work.”

Chris chewed on that as Cody continued…

“At five o’clock, a servant goes home to his family…” he said, “…a slave isn’t finished until his master says he’s done.”

As the truth of that statement penetrated Chris’s heart he had to admit he’d been expecting something for his service. While praying, “Use me, Lord,” he’d had expectations of what that looked like in his own mind; he was expecting to receive compensation for his efforts, not a hard time.

In the span of one minute, God had used Cody to show Chris the true nature of a slave…and his heart where service was concerned.

But, if owning another human being, for any reason, is wrong, then how is being God’s slave good?

In Romans 6:16, Paul tells us that we are slaves. In today’s text, reading through verse ten, Paul’s description of service sounds more like the definition of slavery. It’s riddled with hardship and pain, yet speaks to what lengths a bond servant will go for his Master.

So, what’s the difference?

Satan enslaves, hoping only to destroy!

God, in His great love, offers us and opportunity to serve in His Kingdom. He does not make us slaves.

Given the choice, whose slave would you rather be?


“Lord, I don’t want to be Your servant, always expecting a return for my service. Shift my heart so that I might become a slave who desires only to bring You glory, regardless of any pain or trial I might perceive as unfair and unwarranted. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, May 29, 2023


Trusting God for the Results

May 29

…but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

1Corinthians 3:6, 7

The story goes… There was a man walking on the beach at dawn. He noticed a young boy repeatedly bend over, pick something up, and throw it into the surf.

As the man drew near he recognized the object of the boy’s attention. Somewhat agitated, he approached the boy, “What are you doing, young man?” he demanded.

The boy gave him a cursory nod, and said, “I’m picking up starfish and returning them to the sea, Sir. If they are still lying on the beach when the sun comes up they will die. They need my help.”

“But young man,” he said, taking hold of the boy’s shoulder, “The beaches are littered with starfish, and this beach alone goes on for miles! Why do you bother? You can’t possibly hope to make a measurable difference in the lives of all those starfish.”

The boy bent down as the sun crested the horizon. He picked up another starfish and, in one gentle and well-practiced motion, tossed it into the surf as he answered the man, “Maybe not. But I sure made a difference in that one’s life.”

There is a great temptation to equate success with volume. Had the young man in today’s story seen things that way he would have spent more time considering his actions than doing the right thing, and many more starfish would have died.

The greatest historical event of all time began with one man calling twelve other men, teaching them how to serve and make disciples. That single action has resulted in the salvation of untold numbers of souls. Will everyone be saved? No. Sadly, many will choose not to accept God’s offer. Thankfully, God doesn’t think like the man in today’s story.

Taking action and trusting God for the results, putting one foot in front of the other without proof that what we’re doing is making a difference, is called faith. We are called to serve…it’s up to God to make what we do grow.


“Lord, help me walk by faith, listening for Your call, ready to take action in order to meet a need. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, May 28, 2023


There is a Hell

May 28

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator

Romans 1:25

For years Randy witnessed to his father during their long-distance phone conversations, telling him if he refused to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior he would spend eternity in Hell, separated from God. But his father vehemently asserted that there was no Hell to be saved from.

When his father became ill Randy moved back home to care for him. Over the next ten months, while Randy ministered to his father’s physical needs, he continued ministering to his spiritual needs, reading scripture and telling him of God’s great love for him. He even took him to church on Sundays when he was well enough to leave the house. At the end of each day Randy would ask, “Is there anything keeping you from asking Jesus into your heart, Dad?”

His father’s response was always the same, “Yes, lots of things.” Yet Randy never gave up. Then one Sunday, during the altar call following a particularly powerful sermon on our immortal spirit, Randy watched in awe and thanksgiving as his father raised his hand to receive Jesus into his heart! After the service, Randy’s father confided to him that his persistence had caused him to rethink his beliefs, “I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a God, and I don’t want to spend eternity apart from Him.”

Doubt is one of Satan’s favorite weapons. He tells us there is no Hell and the world loves it because it removes the consideration of consequences and accountability. Sadly, even some professing Christian pastors say, “A loving God would not send billions of people to a horrible hell!” But as sure as there is a Heaven, there is a Hell.

We can argue all we want and it won’t change that truth, or prevent people from going to Hell. God’s holiness demands we be righteous to enter His presence. Only faith in Jesus Christ, where we are cleansed by His blood, has the power to save. Anything else is a lie.


“Lord Jesus, forgive me for ever doubting Your word. I accept Your sacrifice for my sin and look forward with anticipation to spending eternity with You in Heaven. Amen.”

Saturday, May 27, 2023


Pass it On

May 27

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

Bill took his time as he showed his grandson, Nelson, how to position the crippler for the closet door header in the wall they were building. “Leave three and a half inches at the top of each crippler, Nelson. That will allow us to insert the header,” he explained.

“You know everything about building houses Gramps!” Nelson said in admiration. “Did you figure it out all by yourself?” he asked.

Bill smiled at the nine year old’s question. “No, Buddy,” he admitted. “My dad started my construction education when I was about your age. As a matter of fact, he gave me that very hammer you’re using.” With a note of ceremony in his voice, Bill said, “And now I’m giving it to you.”

Looking at the hammer with a sense of reverence, Nelson said, “Wow! Thanks, Gramps! I promise to take good care of it!”

“Let me give you one bit of advice, Nelson,” he said. “Never tire of learning and always remember there are different ways to do almost every task. Those who love carpentry have invested time in learning the trade. Learn all you can from them. Then use what you’ve learned to create works of art, and look to pass it on to future generations.”

Solomon, in today’s text, assures us that mankind is repetitive in nature; nothing we do is being done for the first time. Although individual accomplishments might differ from generation to generation, the underlying knowledge of the why and how of the world has been understood for centuries. Hence, what we do today has been done before.

This is not to dismiss or minimize our efforts. On the contrary, we should strive to fine tune those things that we’ve been doing for millennia.

Legendary UCLA Basketball coach, John Wooden, said, “You’ll never know anything you didn’t learn from someone else.” Our goal should be to devote ourselves to learning whatever God has equipped us for so we can do the best job possible, and then we will be in a position to pass on what we have learned.


“Everything I can do is because of You, Lord. Give me opportunity to pass along all You have taught me to future generations. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, May 26, 2023


The Best Sinner in Hell

May 26

For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

James 2:10

The judge’s glance shifted from the defendant to the file in his hands. These kinds of cases always caused inner conflict; compassion verses the wisdom of required justice. He’d read the file in his chambers before entering the courtroom. The defendant needed to get home to see his dying mother. She’d had only hours to live. He’d borrowed a friend’s car but had no money for gas so he’d pumped twenty dollars worth of gas at a local station and left without paying. He’d broken the law hoping the judge would understand.

“Son,” the judge said. “What you did was wrong and I cannot allow it to go unpunished. I know why you did it, but your reasoning is in error. You broke the law and no matter how justified the violation might seem to you, you must be held accountable. Therefore, you will serve six months Community Control Sanction; you must pay restitution to the filling station owner, and you will serve two hundred hours of community service at his place of business. Case closed,” he said with finality.

There is a real danger in rationalizing sin we deem as ‘SMALL’ or ‘INSIGNIFICANT’, by telling ourselves they are of no consequence. We believe that those sins should not meet the ineligibility terms God has set in place. And in that arrogant mindset we sentence ourselves to Hell. The fallacy of our own goodness, as well as the defendant’s reasoning in today’s story, is worthless.

Today’s text says if we have committed one sin we are guilty in God’s eyes. The first part of Romans 6:23 says the penalty for that sin is eternal death. But in the second part of verse 23 God provides the pardon for our sin through Jesus Christ!

We can lay claim to our own goodness; to which God will say, “You will be one of the best sinners in Hell,”or, we can lay claim to the perfect goodness of Jesus Christ and spend eternity with our Creator.


“I choose to not be one of the best sinners in Hell, Lord. Please, forgive the sin in my life. Thank You, Jesus, for taking that judgment in my place. Amen.”

Thursday, May 25, 2023


Into The Wind

May 25

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

James 1:2-3

Several different models of planes sat on the launch deck of the USS Nimitz awaiting their turn to take off. There were A-10A Thunderbolts (Warthogs), F-14A Tomcats, and F/A-18A Hornets waiting for their turn at the catapult. Each had their mission orders and was ready to complete their sortie; they had trained for moments such as this.

Having received the order to launch operation, ‘No Fly’, Admiral Houser watched as the Helmsman carried out his order to turn the Nimitz into the wind and bring her to thirty-five knots.

Within minutes the floating runway’s wind detector signaled the first part of the maneuver had been completed. A mere one minute later ‘launch speed’ had been achieved and war planes began leaving the ship. In all, some fifty planes took flight on their way to accomplish their dangerous missions as the flight deck hummed with activity. Not one aircraft failed to take to the air for lack of sufficient headwind.

Some six hours later, having successfully completed their mission, a victorious group of fighter pilots returned to the deck of the USS Nimitz.

All major airports have multiple runways laid out in differing geographical directions so that the wind can be taken advantage of. Even small-craft airports with grass runways have windsocks to show wind direction. Why? Because a headwind makes it easier to launch an airplane into the sky. This same principle can work in our lives as well.

By facing the hardships in life instead of turning from them in frustration and defeat we can use each event to rise above the challenge it presents. Is it easy? No…facing adversity never is. Is it worth the effort? Yes…the view from above gives us better perspective and a brighter outlook. Is this always possible? Yes…but it’s a choice we must make with each ordeal that comes our way.

If you run with the wind you’ll never leave the ground. Want a lift? Turn around, into life's headwinds.


“Lord, give me the strength to face my problems head-on. Teach me to use each trial to rise above the natural tendency to whine, quit, or admit defeat. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, May 24, 2023



May 24

Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray.

Isaiah 9:16

“I don’t get that commercial, Mom,” Katie said, speaking of the contraceptive ad that had just run on TV. Set in a shopping atmosphere, the commercial starred several young women contemplating the purchase of items such as a trip to Paris, a miniature Eiffel Tower as the lure, a new home, also in miniature, and different exciting careers. There were many other choices, all geared to discourage the young women from having children at this time in their lives. One girl was approached by a stork carrying a bundle, assumed to be a newborn. The young girl shook her head in the negative while holding up her hand in a ‘Stop, don’t come near me’ gesture.

“Well, Honey,” Katie’s mom began, “The drug company that sells the birth control product they just advertised is hinting to young women that if they have children they won’t be able to do or have the things shown in the commercial.”

“But that’s not true!” fourteen-year-old Katie argued. “You can do all those things if you have kids!”

“No, it’s not true; and yes, you can,” her mother agreed. “Sometimes people want to make money so badly that they misrepresent their product in order to sell it. In this case they are telling young girls they must forgo motherhood if they are ever going to have vacations or careers. Katie,” Mom said, “One of the greatest privileges of being a woman is becoming a mother. Take it from me,” she smiled, “I can’t imagine life without you and your brothers.”

Today, just as in Old Testament times, there are those who will mislead people for profit and/or to further their philosophy. If the commercial in today’s scenario had been left unfiltered, Katie might have bought into their ideology.

Big Business doesn’t care what our kids think; they just want to generate sales. As parents, it’s our responsibility to be a filter for what the world wants our children to believe.

The decision of having or not having children should be made for the right reasons, not glamorized notions in a sales pitch.


“Make me sensitive to the things my children see and hear, Lord. Give me the wisdom to be their filter in this world. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


Wait…Stand Still

May 23

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

Looking up from making sandwiches, Judy glanced out the kitchen window just in time to see her son, Jason, get slammed to the ground in a game of ‘backyard’ football. Half way to the door, intending to ‘save’ her son, the Holy Spirit ‘checked’ her, “Wait…stand still.” So she waited…and watched.

Tall and willowy, Jason looked fragile in comparison to his much larger peers. She watched as he tried once more to block the boy across from him. An involuntarily gasp escaped her as the boy flattened Jason on his way to the quarterback. Still, the Holy Spirit said, “Wait.”

As Jason got to his feet, Judy realized she’d been holding her breath. In turmoil, she watched as the next play developed. Oddly, Judy sensed something remarkable was about to happen, peace settled over her. As the center snapped the ball Jason faked his block, spun, and went out for a pass. Judy watched as the quarterback threw a perfect spiral toward the end zone. Running at full speed, Jason caught the ball and pulled it in. He was immediately tackled, but not before momentum carried him across the goal line for the touchdown! The hard hit didn’t seem to faze him in the least as he jumped up holding the ball aloft in victory. The Holy Spirit whispered, “Okay. Now you can go tell them lunch is ready.”

Had Judy gone out earlier she would have embarrassed Jason in front of his friends, robbing him of self-esteem and confidence. He would have lost the opportunity to succeed against overwhelming odds, and been kept from finding out what he was capable of. And as hard as it is to watch our children get knocked around by the world, there are times we should ‘wait’.

Jesus said we will have trouble. He also said He can deliver peace in the midst of it all; peace that will give a mother pause to allow her child to run faster, jump higher, and succeed against serious opposition; peace that ‘waits’ while the remarkable happens.


“Lord, it’s hard, as You know, to watch your children be mistreated by the world. Show me when it’s okay to interrupt and call them to lunch, or when to ‘Wait’. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, May 22, 2023


Grieve With Hope

May 22

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18:3

Justine and Jase did everything they could to bring little NoraJean into the world healthy and whole, but signs of trouble surfaced during Justine’s pregnancy. An ultrasound revealed hydrops fetalis; a condition in which fluid accumulates in the chest and abdominal cavities, requiring the heart to pump a much greater volume of blood to deliver the same amount of oxygen to the brain and body. NoraJean’s brain growth was several weeks behind as well, and some structures could not be found. They sought a cure for their unborn child. But it wasn’t to be.

On May 15th 2013, NoraJean’s tiny heart ceased beating, and on May 22nd, at 6:20pm, Justine and Jase laid eyes on their beautiful angel for the first time.

They held little NoraJean, now dressed in a white gown, with a knitted white cap. The knowledge that their little angel was no longer in pain brought comfort.

As they said goodbye the healing began. It would take tears and time, but this deep grief would pass, and healing would come.

It was not God’s plan for NoraJean to thrive in her mother’s womb for seven months only to be taken away. But a world filled with sin and sorrow emerged when Adam ate the forbidden fruit, and altered God’s plan.

But Jesus, in today’s text, gives hope and a promise to those who have suffered this loss. His statement, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” has veiled implications.

It means we must be child-like in our faith, and accept Jesus for who He says He is. It also reveals that children who die, those who are pure and not yet accountable for sin, are granted immediate access to Heaven.

We, those of us who have lost a child, will see them in Heaven if we become child-like ourselves, and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. So accept Jesus’ offer of salvation, and grieve with hope.


“Father of comfort, bring peace to the hearts of those who have lost a child. Help them grieve and mourn, bring healing where needed, and give them the hope of a reunion in Heaven. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, May 21, 2023


Please Pray For Me

May 21

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but…against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12

I watched as this grandfather buckled his two little granddaughters into their car seats. He was evidently taking them back home following a stay at ‘Grandpa’s’ last night. And me? I was trying to assimilate what I’d just witnessed. As they’d exited the house each had carried what they needed for the day. The girls both had backpacks, no doubt filled with clothes and toys, packed by Mom. But Grandpa’s burden wasn’t something you’d find as useful. In his hand was an unopened twelve pack of beer.

Having ascertained that he hadn’t yet been drinking this morning, the girl’s safety wasn’t in question. His daughter lived a short distance up the road, and the twelve pack would remain unopened until he reached his destination.

As I watched them drive away, I asked God to bring clarity of mind to this man, praying for protection against an enemy he was unaware of. I also prayed for protection over his relationship with his granddaughters. Hopefully, through other’s intercession, both spiritually and physically, he would find freedom from the torment of his addiction. Until then, he needed someone else to wage war against the demons that so effectively manipulated his thoughts and actions.

This scene was reminiscent of my own battle with alcohol and prescription drugs years ago. My children grew up in the middle of a fierce battle, and of one thing I am absolutely sure and grateful: during that time there were many people on their knees in prayer on my behalf. Had it not been for their intercession in prayer, I might never have regained my sanity.

We have the privilege of bringing before God’s throne those who don’t know the truth about this enemy who wants us dead, aren’t aware of God’s great power to save, or those who are not capable of lifting themselves.

To leave someone to fight a battle they know little-to-nothing about is akin to allowing them to endanger a helpless child; for they are one-in-the-same.

We also have a responsibility to teach them about God’s plan of freedom through Jesus Christ.


“Lord, I lift to you ________. Reveal Your great love for them. Set them free from the bondage of the enemy. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, May 20, 2023


Blind Spots

May 20

I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten…

Joel 2:25

Despite growing up in a secular home, Lee and Lynn managed to find the love of Jesus Christ. Time passed and each married and had children. As siblings do, each adopted their own unique style of parenting traits and characteristics; among them were a few that would have been better left to past generations.

One lived a blue collar lifestyle while the other owned and worked a small business. Both grew in the knowledge and wisdom of God. In both were seeds; seeds of love, and seeds of familial apathy; the latter a hand-me-down from the prior generation. A generation that had fostered sibling apathy and indifference for reasons neither could recall, nor cared to discover. And from this fertile soil grew a root that was unsatisfied with stealing just one generation of love and relationship. Lee and Lynn’s pride became a tool in the hands of an enemy so cunning and shrewd that they never saw it coming.

One moment in time, no one really remembered, became the wedge that was now planted firmly between them. Both were sure they had gone the extra mile to reconcile. Neither saw their blind spot. For the walls that had been erected stood tall, strong, and impenetrable; neither realized that what they despised in the other was a barrier of their own making.

Satan began his attack on God’s family in the Garden…and in this situation, he will not relent unless both relationships are destroyed. And no healing will be promoted unless both parties seek resolution. When that fails to happen the locusts continue their feast.

Stubbornness and pride have ended more relationships than we can imagine. The enemy knows how to manipulate us without our conscious knowledge or permission. He sows seeds of animosity and resentment against those we love. We become blinded by a need for vindication, and all reason goes out the door. As far as we’re concerned we were the ones who are wounded. It’s up to the other person to make the first move!

Is there anything so valuable that we would justify continuing to fight while losing everything meaningful in the process? When we consider the loving forgiveness that God extended to us through Christ, can we do any less?


“Healer of relationships and families, show me if there are any blind spots in my life. Restore what the locusts have eaten. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, May 19, 2023


Always On His Radar

May 19

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

2Corinthians 4:8, 9

Tyler’s run for City Council died an untimely death. Two of the signatures on his petition for election had been called into question. With no way to verify their legitimacy, Tyler was forced to withdraw his bid for candidacy.

Disappointed but determined, Tyler next sought an Aide position with one of the Freshman State Representatives. A man of unwavering faith in Jesus Christ, he sought out those who held his personal beliefs, and sent each one an application with his bio and political resume. Three offices responded, inviting Tyler to interview with them. 

Each interview seemed promising, only to end with the Representatives hiring someone else. Still, Tyler continued to trust God. The next day he received a call from someone he’d worked closely with during the recent gubernatorial race, inviting him to apply for a position within a new ‘Faith-Based’ program in the Governor’s office.

The interview had been promising, yet Tyler held his emotions in check, remembering his prior results. His concerns were short-lived as the following Monday, Tyler was called to the Statehouse and offered the opportunity to serve not only his community, but the entire state from a position even more strategic than he had thought possible!

As Christians, the only way disappointment can ever end in defeat is if we give up, believing God doesn’t care or that He isn’t paying attention to our plight. As real as it may sometimes appear, it’s simply not true that God isn’t concerned with our lives.

Paul, in his second letter to the Church at Corinth and us, wrote that although Satan might be able to blind the eyes of the unbelievers, he could not do so to those whose trust is in Jesus Christ.

Nevertheless, Paul doesn’t sugar-coat life's pressures. He admits to adversity and resistance from the enemy, but exhorts us to persevere in faith! If we will believe, like Tyler, that God has not forgotten us, we can press through the disappointments of life, remaining confident that He will provide His perfect provision at the perfect time.


“Teach me to trust that I am always on Your radar, Lord, by showing me where to step next. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, May 18, 2023


Glory Lights!

May 18

They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light.

Revelation 22:5

Mitch was still getting used to his new ‘Smart Phone’, the texting features in particular. So when he sent a text to his wife, Marie, “is ur moms power back on?” he was confused when he received several texts asking, “Who’s mom?” and “I didn’t know my Mom’s power was out!” and “Is this a joke? I’m at my Mom’s and the power never went out!”

Realizing his error, Mitch sent another text apologizing and explaining he’d been trying to contact his wife to see if her mother’s power had been restored and he’d used the wrong text ‘thread’. Marie’s name had been the first name on a mass text he’d sent earlier in the day and he assumed it was perfectly fine to just continue using that thread to communicate with his wife. Right now he was glad his mistake hadn’t been about something personal!

Just as he finished sending the apology text another reply from the initial thread came in: “My Mom and Dad have glory lights! Power always on! NEVER goes off!!!”

Realizing it had come from their close friend, Beulah, Mitch texted back, “Cute!!! U R a quick one aren’t ya!” He laughed. What a great sense of humor! Beulah’s parents had passed away years before and had been with Jesus for some time now. They definitely are never in the dark!

With our finite minds it’s almost impossible to imagine a world lit by Some One, and not some thing. But this is exactly what Jesus told John as evidenced in today’s text (pun intended).

1Corinthians 2:9 says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him…” That God created the sun to provide the perfect circumstances that cause life to flourish in His physical absence is but one grain of sand on the beaches of Heaven. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see what mysteries those other grains of sand unlock!


“May You forever be my guiding Light and Power Source, Father God. And although I can’t truly imagine what it will be like on the day you set up Your Kingdom on Earth, I await it with delightful anticipation! Amen!”

Wednesday, May 17, 2023



May 17

...consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you.

Romans 11:18

As Josh dug a little deeper beside the crack in the driveway, he found multiple roots spreading out in every direction. He was getting tired of what he viewed as their destructive growth, forcing large parts of the asphalt to heave and split.

The tree causing the issue just happened to be the one he and his sons, Matt and Scott, had planted years ago when they were just boys.

At the time, he hadn't foreseen the potential problems from planting the sapling within fifteen feet of the driveway, he was focused more on it being time invested in his boys. It had always stood as a reminder of the labor they'd shared, and how the boys had nurtured the tree early on.

Now, twenty years later, he was regretting his inexperience as a horticulturist. Everywhere he dug the pesky roots showed up. The sapling had taken hold in fertile ground and flourished, becoming a large mossy oak!

In spite of his frustration he smiled, remembering how proud the boys were when the tree bloomed after its first winter. Looking into the hole, Josh made a decision; the sentiment and meaning found in the roots outweighed his irritation. To heck with the driveway. I'll just keep patching it!

Roots provide life-giving support for the tree. Digging deep, they do everything they can to find and provide what the tree needs, letting nothing stand as a barrier to their responsibility. As parents, we try to do the same for our children.

Throughout Country Recording Artist Parmalee's hit song, 'Roots', runs a powerful message of family, home, and heritage, but at the heart of the song is a telling lyric: “No, I can't outrun these roots, even if I wanted to. Thank God I can't, their tangled up in every part of who I am, without em I know I don't stand a chance!” Wow! To recognize and embrace their familial heritage shows wisdom and maturity.

Jesus is the Root of Jesse, and He is the support our spiritual lives need. His life and sacrifice provide us the ability to not only survive but, like the tree in today's story, flourish in the face of adversity. And just like Parmalee's assessment of their tangled roots, without Jesus, we don't stand a chance.


Thank You, Father God, for sending Jesus, our life-giving Root, Who provides nourishment and strength for this life, and the security of our eternal life. Amen!”

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


Stick It Out

May 16

And whatever you do…do it in the name of the Lord Jesus…

Colossians 3:17

Glenn was tired. As a matter of fact he couldn’t remember ever feeling so energy-depleted or needing to summon the initiative to continue his task. Reminding himself why he’d volunteered for this project, he said a quick prayer and headed back inside, picked up the crowbar, and continued prying off the water-damaged baseboard along the floor of the house.

Recent floods had left many homes within the community in need of repair, so Glenn and several members from their church had volunteered to help in reconstruction projects. This was Glenn’s third such renovation, and what had at first been exciting and fulfilling had now become mundane and tedious; day after day, doing the same thing; tear out the water-damaged material so the next crew could come along and restore the dwelling to a livable residence.

The first two renovations had left him with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. So why the sudden change in attitude? Glenn couldn’t summon the elusive feelings of satisfaction he’d gotten from his earlier involvement. Repetition had a way of stealing the joy of service. But he refused to quit. He knew how much this meant to the homeowner.

It’s easy to enjoy the fruits of our labor in the midst of new and exciting things. Repetition, however, has a way of stripping the shine from the veneer and dulling the beauty of our service because Satan sends discouragement our way.

Knowing Satan will try to steal the joy in our service can work in our favor, for with that knowledge we can refuse to give in to his attacks during boring, everyday-repetition.

When we commit our efforts to Christ we work in His strength; in His light the dull and monotonous are transfigured.

Paul urged the Colossians to commit their hearts, in everything they did, to Jesus. Knowing human tendency is toward pleasure and fulfillment, Paul repeated his urgings in the twenty-third verse, Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”

Doing the glamorous is easy. Learning to stick it out in the mundane is where character is constructed.


“Lord, help me stay in the game when boredom tries to get me to quit or give less than my best. Teach me perseverance. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Monday, May 15, 2023


When We All Held Hands

May 15

But the Samaritan...when he saw him, he took pity on him.

Psalm 82:3

It was graduation day. The father of one of the graduates had been asked to perform a song for this special commencement. As he stepped to the microphone he shared the background story for the song he was about to sing.

“My third son was a bit scared on his first day of school. So I walked with him to the playground and waited until time came for students to enter the building. The playground was a scary place for a five-year-old because kids of every grade, age and size shared the same space. When the bell rang everyone ran for the door at once! Sam wasn’t very big; at three-foot-nothin’ those high school kids looked like giants!”

The father smiled as he fondly recalled the event, “I’ll never forget that day as long as I live. This big, strapping boy came over to Sam, took him by the hand, bent down and said, ‘I’ll make sure nobody bothers you, kid. Just stick with me!’ and into the building they went, Sam holding on for dear life!”

The lyrics were powerful and moving, causing tears to flow amidst the crowd… heads nodded as he sang of a time when people looked out for each other and risked their own safety to protect someone less able.

When he finished he received a standing ovation; a lesson was received, and hopefully someone would take the opportunity to reach out in the future.

It is rare, if ever, that we are chastised or rebuked for coming to someone’s aid. And many of us have benefited personally from ‘Samaritan’ assistance. So, why are we so slow to lend a hand or stop wrong-doing when it is so blatantly displayed in our presence?

Asaph rebuked the leaders of his day in the eighty-second Psalm, telling them there were things they must do; things that were right and good, regardless of worry or fear of what others might think or do. He told them to stop defending the unjust and wicked!

We, like those rulers, must heed Asaph’s words.


“LORD, cause us to heed Asaph’s instruction. Teach us to discern the just from the unjust, and defend the just without fear. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Sunday, May 14, 2023


Answer Me!

May 14

Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand.

Job 38:4

Pausing mid-sentence, Beth was mindful of the grief in her friend’s question, “Why would God allow a child to die?!” She hurt for Heather in the loss of their infant granddaughter. She also knew that some questions just don’t receive a satisfactory answer. And the ‘why’ in the death of a child tops that list.

“God took my grandbaby!” Heather said angrily.

“Heather,” Beth said softly, “God didn’t need Kelly in Heaven. He didn’t take her.”

“He did just what he did to Job!” the grieving grandmother stated. “God killed all Job’s kids and family…his livestock…everything Job had God took away! He took Kelly from us!”

“Job did lose his family,” Beth agreed. “But God wasn’t the one who took them. He gave Satan permission to do anything to Job except kill him, testing Job to see if he would curse God. He was showing Satan that Job would not denounce his Creator no matter the amount of loss.”

“He could have stopped it! Why didn't He?!”

“I don't know the answer, Heather, only God knows why...”

“Why did you take her, God?! Answer me! Why?!”

On this earth we are not born into Heaven. The realm in which we live is currently enemy occupied. Someday that will change. For now, God is limited by our free will and His greater plan for mankind.

Sadly, and yet understandably, in times of great heartache we wrongly judge His motives, and challenge our Creator: “Answer me!”

Isaiah 55:8 says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways…” So the simple answer to our question is, ‘God is God, and I am not’. But that’s not a satisfactory answer for most of us. The truth is, as it was for Job, God doesn’t owe us an answer. And that’s what infuriates us because we feel entitled.

But remember, God gave Adam a command in the Garden of Eden. Obedience was not mandatory. Adam’s disobedience came with tremendous consequences. Consequences we sometimes unjustly blame God for.


“Help me in those times when I need an answer and You are silent, Lord. Teach me to trust You as Job did. And when I scream ‘This isn’t fair!’ hold me close while giving me room to grieve. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, May 13, 2023


Representing the King

May 13

They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me…I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message…

John 17:8, 20

A flash of sunlight glinted off Carolyn’s bracelet as she walked along the wooded path. Immediately, she began praying for Jenna, the waitress she’d met only two days before.

Carolyn was a prayer warrior, an intercessor for God. God had gifted her with the ability to meet and befriend total strangers, spending time getting to know them in an effort to be God’s emissary. At some point in the conversation Carolyn would ask if they had any prayer needs. It was a rare occurrence when a need was not spoken.

As she concluded praying for Jenna, she glanced once more at her bracelet. This was how she remembered the people she’d committed to pray for. People like Jenna, the struggling single-mother of three, and young William from Haiti, who’d come here looking for a better life for his family.

Individual heart-shaped charms represented a specific need; on each charm was a name with a one-word prayer-focus reminder. With more than twenty charms, this bracelet represented the people God had given her to care for.

What a clear picture of purpose in love, seeking those who are tired and alone, wanting only to show them that their Heavenly Father cares by bringing their needs to Him in prayer.

Jesus, in John’s seventeenth chapter, says those God sent Him to minister to knew He was God’s Representative. He also reminded the Father that He had given these precious souls to Him for safekeeping. In verse twenty-six, Jesus prays, “I have made you known to them.” He had gone to the Nations and people with the expressed purpose of securing their salvation and deliverance from judgment. His prayer was that they would become one with the Father as He is one with the Father. His prayer included us.

We have the privilege of being the King’s representative, making Him known to those in need. If we listen attentively, we can be led to those who are eager to know He cared enough to send us.


“I was created to be a representation of Your love, Lord Jesus. As I go through this day lead me to someone who needs to know You care. Amen.”

Friday, May 12, 2023


Shell Judging

May 12

The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart

1Samuel 16:7

The woman on television was stunning, quite beautiful actually. John immediately felt conviction for more than just a casual appreciation of her beauty. He looked across the room at his beautiful wife. Why did he feel like he’d just cheated on her? There was no sexual attraction to the woman on TV, so why the conviction?

Just then John heard God whisper, “How do you feel about the woman standing behind her, John?” Until that moment he hadn’t even noticed the other woman. Shifting his attention, John’s initial assessment was that she was somewhat overweight and not as well dressed as the object of his discomfort.

God’s revelation was profound, “She’s as beautiful to me as your wife is to you, John. Her heart longs for fulfillment and joy. She has hopes and aspirations, virtue and gifts, just as the woman in the foreground. You are suffering from a human condition, John; shell judging. Their shells are only physical, temporal. One day soon they will be gone, and in their place immortal, eternal spirits will be set free from the bondage of human judgment.”

As sure as John was that God had revealed a spiritual character defect, he was equally sure that it wouldn’t be an easy one to change.

“Ask for My eyes and heart, John,” God counseled. “You will never see people correctly unless you ask.”

Physical beauty is measured by outward appearance and is something the world holds in high esteem. True value and lasting virtue comes from a much deeper place. A place only God sees without our ‘looks’ slowing Him down. To Him we all look the same, beautiful! Sadly, many of us can’t see past the outer shell to a person’s soul, where true beauty and worth is revealed.

Psalm 139:14 says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. It does not say anything about physical beauty.

Isaiah 53:2 says, speaking of Jesus, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him.”

I wonder; if Jesus were to show up in a crowd of two, would we notice Him?


“Give me Your eyes to see and Your heart to discern, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, May 11, 2023


You Are Already Full!

May 11

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.

Colossians 2:9

The congregation was pressing in, contending for God’s Spirit to show up in fullness. “More of You, Lord. More of You. Fill me, Lord. I want more of You!” The plea reverberated throughout the building until every voice became one.

Jay was struck by the desperate desire of his fellow believers. This wasn’t a group of people chanting to God, hoping He would respond. These people were petitioning as a starving man begs for food for his children! Yet in the midst of it all, God whispered to Jay, “You are already full…”

Unsure of the moment, Jay said, “Did You say something, Lord?”

“Yes, son, I did.”

Shaken at this revelation, Jay opened his eyes, expecting to see God standing right in front of him! As his eyes focused, they came to rest on the cross, hanging behind the altar. In that single moment Jay received a greater revelation than just hearing his Maker’s voice. For God spoke again, “You are already full, Jay. When you chose to follow My Son you received My Spirit in full measure. There is no need to ask for more. There is no more of Me to get.”

Surprised, Jay said, “So what should I be asking for?”

God’s response was as immediate as it was comprehensive, “Pray for the release of My Spirit from the chains of your understanding.”

As finite beings we lack complete understanding. Because of this, many Christians live under the misconception that when we ask Jesus to take control of our lives we only get as much of Him as we are capable of comprehending at that moment; and as we grow we receive more of His Spirit. But God does not give of His Spirit in part.

When we believe, we are wall-to-wall Holy Spirit on the inside! We need not ask for more. What we need is to ask Him to release our minds, hearts, and faith from the chains of bondage created by our misunderstanding.


“I don’t completely understand, Lord, but speak the truth of this message to my heart. Release Your Spirit from the chains of my confusion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Someone’s Gotta Move

May 10

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.

John 16:13

“The worship team is still in a state of flux,” Pastor David confided. He and Bruce had been praying God would provide the perfect worship leader for more than a year. Yet, no one had emerged as a clear candidate. Several people wanted the position, but David and the church leadership hadn’t felt God’s confirmation in any of those cases.

Then a couple months ago Ron and his wife showed up at church, and began attending services regularly.

“Ron led worship and was youth pastor at a previous appointment,” David advised the leadership. “I’ve been praying that God will make His intentions clear. I actually prayed, ‘If it’s of Your will that Ron be our worship leader, Lord, You have him come to me and ask about it.’”

It occurred to Bruce that Ron, having recently been through a church-split, might be praying the very same type of prayer. He chose his words carefully, “David, I know your heart. But what if Ron is praying the same prayer as you? ‘Lord, if this is where You want me to serve, then You make it happen.’ He’s never going to ask you, and you’re never going to ask him. And the perfect candidate for worship leader will languish, right along with our church.” He paused a couple heartbeats, “If that’s the case, then someone’s gotta move. It might be wise to leave yourself open to the possibility that that person might be you.”

If we set the parameters of God’s response to our prayers we effectively limit where and how He can resolve the situation. God will not violate free will, even in answer to prayer. Nor will He force us to listen. And like Pastor David, if His answer is not what we expected, we might miss His leading.

John, in today’s passage, wrote that God’s Spirit would come and guide us into all truth; but only if we remain open to His suggestions.

The truth is He may ask us to move in order to affect the desired results.


“Help me to listen for Your response to my prayers instead of placing restraints on my requests, Lord. Make me sensitive to Your Spirit. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


Snatched From Death

May 9

…save others by snatching them from the fire…

Jude 1:23

“Hey Dad! Is Mom there with you?” Eric sounded somewhat breathless.

“Yep, we’re both here,” Dad responded.

“Put me on speaker phone. I gotta share what just happened!” he said.

Activating the ‘Speaker’ button, dad said, “Okay, Mom and I are both listening…”

“It was so cool!” Eric began. “I just saved somebody’s life!”

“What?! How?!” they asked in unison.

“I was standing on the corner waiting for the light to change when this older woman stepped off the curb and took two steps into traffic,” the excitement and emotion in his voice was evident.

Mom and Dad looked at each other as Dad prompted their son to continue, “Okay…?”

“There was a car coming, and it wasn’t slowing down! There was no way it was going to be able to stop!” Eric’s voice was trembling.

Adrenaline’s still pumping! Dad smiled.

“Without thinking,” Eric went on, “I stepped into the street, reached out, grabbed her and jumped back to the sidewalk just as the car swept by! I had to hold on to her to keep her from falling!”

“That’s incredible!” Mom said. “Thank You, Jesus!” they both echoed. “What did the lady do?” Dad asked.

“She turned around and hugged me like she was never gonna let me go, shouting, ‘You saved my life! You saved my life! You snatched me from certain death!’” Eric ended his account with, “It was awesome!”

Secretly, we all hope and pray we would be able to respond as Eric did if faced with these same circumstances. The truth is…most of us will never be put to the test.

Today’s text, however, exhorts us, at any given moment and without warning, to be prepared to snatch people from the spiritual fires of eternal death. It should be, as Eric’s actions were, instinctive on our part. Having encountered someone who has wandered into spiritual traffic our response should be decisive, immediate, and without hesitation.

The danger is real, and imminent. And we should always be prepared to take action; because if we’re not, we could miss the chance to snatch someone from the flames of eternal damnation.


“Holy Spirit, give me discernment to see those who have stepped into spiritual traffic. Then give me courage to snatch them from the fires of spiritual death by introducing them to Jesus. It’s in His Name I pray, amen.”

Monday, May 8, 2023


Teach With Creative Wisdom

May 8

Whoever scorns instruction will pay for it, but whoever respects a command is rewarded. The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.

Proverbs 13:14

“This is stupid!” Jason’s frustration was directed at his homework assignment.

“Watch your mouth young man!” his mother admonished. “What are you complaining about?”

“Math! I hate it!” he spat. “Why’s it so important that I know how to divide fractions? I’m never gonna use this stuff when I grow up anyway!”

Seeing an opportunity to change her son’s frustration into curiosity, she asked, “You want to help your dad build houses someday, right?”

“Yah…” Jason answered tentatively. “What’s that got to do with math homework?”

“Well, your dad uses math all the time,” she said. “As a matter of fact, that tape measure you’re so fond of playing with is math-on-a-stick.”

“No way!” Jason said.

“Yes way!” she said smiling. “Have you ever looked closely at the lines and numbers painted on the yellow surface of the tape?”

“Sure, I’ve seen em,” he answered. “Dad makes marks beside ‘em. That’s what I’m talkin’ bout!” Jason said victoriously. “You don’t need math to use a tape measure…it’s got the numbers already printed out for ya. All you gotta do is mark where the numbers tell ya to.”

“How will you know which numbers to make a mark beside if you don’t know how to add, subtract, or divide?” she quietly asked.

“Dad’ll teach me!” he said confidently.

“Dad’ll be teaching you how to do math then,” she said.

The look of surprise on his face told her that her son needed a minute to think about that.

“Dad uses math?” came his bewildered response.

“Couldn’t do his job without it,” she said.

We, as parents, have the opportunity to create curiosity and wonder in the minds of our children. We can make learning exciting by attaching significance to their field of study.

And like Jason’s mother, we need to be creative.

In verse 13 Solomon says whoever scorns instruction will suffer. Our children are the ones who will suffer if we fail to make learning exciting and desirable. Solomon also says that whoever teaches with wisdom is passing on life…life that will see our children contributing in great ways to God’s kingdom in society.


“Omniscient Father, give me the imagination and creative wisdom necessary to help my children enjoy learning. Amen.”

Sunday, May 7, 2023


Up and Moving

May 7

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

1Corinthians 9:24

Carl rubbed the sleep from his eyes and swung his feet to the floor. The digital clock read 4:15. Maybe I oughta just stay in bed this morning. After all…I don’t have to leave for work until 8:00. But as much as his flesh wanted him to pull the covers back over his head, his spirit knew he would feel differently about things once he was up and moving. Twenty minutes later, in the second mile of his run, that fact was being born out.

Carl was training for an upcoming marathon. And although he’d been running each morning for more than ten years, the debate over whether to stay in bed or go for his morning run was a familiar one. It never lasted more than a moment these days but he remembered when he’d first begun running. It had required determination to overcome the desire to lie back down. Carl had never forgotten his coach’s admonition: “If you fail to prepare properly you will most certainly not perform at the level you expect.”

By ascribing to his coach’s training philosophy, Carl had improved his personal best in almost every race he’d run, and was now considered a worthy opponent by his peers.

Our spiritual life must be lived with this same level of conviction and determination. If we are to rise above the temptation to lay down in defeat we must live with purpose, fostering a winning spirit.

Paul says we’re fooling ourselves if we run with anything less than the expectation of winning, because if we fail to give the best we have each and every day, we’ve already begun to lose the race.

When Satan plants seeds of indifference, “Stay home today, you’re tired… or…You can let devotions go today…you’re on top of things,” we can only blame him for the whisper; whether we lie down or persevere is our choice.

Paul exhorts us to win! If you’re tired, encourage yourself to prevail…you’ll feel differently about things once you’re up and moving!


“Birth in me a determination to excel in my spiritual life, Lord. Awaken in my spirit a desire to run to win! In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, May 6, 2023



May 6

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature…

Colossians 3:5

“My chords don’t sound anything like yours,” Eric said, shaking his hand, trying to restore feeling to his fingers.

“I’ve been playing for twenty-seven years,” Lew said. Holding his hand so Eric could see his fingertips, Lew explained, “My fingertips are well-calloused, so when I press the strings against the neck it’s like using the rounded end of a ball-peen hammer.” He grinned, “Right now yours are more like putty. And it’s hard for you to put the right amount of pressure on the strings. But they will toughen up, and the chords will sound crisp. Give it time. It’ll come. I promise.”

Eric looked at his fingertips, “I’m thinking mine are more like hamburger than putty!”

Lew laughed, remembering how his fingers had cracked and bled when he’d first learned to play. “Looks familiar,” he admitted. “I soaked mine in salt water for a few minutes each day. You should too. It stings a might, but it keeps infection from setting in and it helps toughen the skin….helps build those calluses.” As an afterthought he added, “Whatever you do don’t use lotion; it softens your fingertips.”

This is the perfect example of how our hearts become hardened to sin. Like learning to play the guitar, the things we practice create calluses. These calluses allow us to become insensitive to any spiritual or emotional discomfort involved. The more we do these things, the thicker the calluses become. Eventually, there is little to no sensation whatsoever.

Today’s text says that we must get rid of the sinful things that rule our lives; to do that we must reverse the process of hardening our heart.

Reading God’s word is the equivalent of applying lotion to the hardened area of our heart. Each time we apply the word it softens a little more of the callus. Verse 2 says, “Set your minds on things above.” When we commit God’s word to our heart it removes any callousness we have toward God, and builds calluses where they belong, between us and Satan.

And as uncomplicated as it sounds… if you’re living in sin, stop it! God is offering you a choice right now. My prayer is that you will put to death anything that stands between you and God. Sometimes it can take a while. Give it time. It’ll come.


“Scrub away the hard spots of my heart, Lord. Make it soft so Your word can penetrate with life-changing results. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, May 5, 2023


Follow Your Dreams

May 5

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit...

John 15:16

As the Hospice nurse listened, Gracie lamented, “I wish I’d had the courage to live my life as I wanted.”

“What do you mean, Gracie?”

“I mean that my heart's desire was to dance, not become a lawyer, trying cases that for the most part didn't matter to me beyond my responsibility to the client.”

“So why didn't you dance?”

“Expectations... Everyone in my life thought I was destined to do 'great things as an attorney!'” The later part was said with no small amount of sarcasm and regret.

The nurse understood. She'd heard this many times. “But that's not what your heart wanted?” It was more a statement than a question.

“I watched Juliet Prowse dance with Elvis Presley in his movies when I was a little girl. I knew that was what I wanted to do when I grew up.”

“What happened?”

“Everyone in my life echoed the same sentiment, 'Dancing won't give you the financial security that the law will, honey.' I wasn't strong enough to stand my ground, so I gave up trying to convince everyone how much dance meant to me.” The sadness was palpable.

God has purposed us to do something special, yet many times that 'something' gets trampled in the dust of living. And for whatever reason, we give up on our dreams.

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Which means God will take what we do, and make the best of it. Yet, His desire is that we follow His initial leading, the fire which burns within us each time we think about doing that very thing.

I am not abdicating rebellion, but I am suggesting we weigh the cost of neglecting God's appointment for our lives. He chose us to do something special, something unique to us, so it comes down to a choice: do we believe God knows what He's doing, and how to provide for us? that thing within us just a dream not meant to be fulfilled? The answer is yes to both except for the perception of the second choice. It is a dream, placed in our heart by God, and meant to be fulfilled!

Only you know what that dream is, and only you have the choice to follow it.


“Papa, help me fulfill the dream You planted within me before my birth. Give me the courage to live that life above all others. In Jesus' Name. Amen.”

Thursday, May 4, 2023


Make Them Thirsty

May 4

You are the salt of the earth.

Matthew 5:13

Remembering how much the concession stand had cost him their last time out, Ron decided to try a different strategy for movie night. Looking in the rear-view mirror at his three boys, he said, “Ok, here are the rules for snacks tonight; one item each,” he stated, “be it candy or popcorn. And only one drink. No refills.”

He was unmoved by the concerted, “Awwwe, Dad!” His wife Erin hid her smile, trying not to let either her children or her well-intentioned husband discover her amusement at the attempt at snack suppression. After all, half the fun of going to the movies was stuffing yourself with Raisinetes, Goobers, and popcorn….then chasing it all down with a ‘Jumbo-Sized’ soft drink.

“I mean it,” Ron said. “The last time you boys about cleaned me out. Come to think of it,” he added, “if you get popcorn, nothing larger than a medium drink.”

“Scrooge,” Erin whispered.

“Not Scrooge, just smart,” Ron responded. “I’m not going to be lured into the cinema’s marketing ploy. You know darn well they salt the heck out of their popcorn just to sell you more pop.”

“I still say you’re a Scrooge,” she said, with her smile now on full display.

Salt, in Jesus’ day, as in ours, has many uses. Among them is the preservation of meat and fish. But in today’s scenario Ron understood the salt’s ability to create great thirst. He was trying to save himself some money by deterring that effect.

Jesus, on the other hand, was talking about creating a great thirst. He was giving the crowd information of great value, information which made them thirsty for more. Once thirsty this thirst could only be quenched with the gospel of Jesus Christ…the upcoming shedding of His blood for the forgiveness of the sin of mankind…true freedom!

We, like those present at the Sermon on the Mount, have the ability to be salt to those who don’t know Jesus. If we will study Jesus’ life, and make ourselves available, we can have the privilege of telling others about God’s Son, and what His blood can do.


“Lord Jesus, fill me with the knowledge of Your word that I might be able to create a thirst in those I encounter. Amen.”

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


My House…My Rules

May 3

And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?

Luke 16:12

“Sure,” Chet answered the caller, “the hall is available the twenty-third. I’ll put you on the calendar. Just remember, no alcohol and no smoking.” With that he hung up and wrote the caller’s name on the calendar, securing the hall for their wedding reception.

His final comment caused me to ask, “Do you get requests to rent the hall for wild parties?”

“You’d be surprised,” he said. “There was a group a few years ago,” he reminisced. “When they failed to return the key long after the appointed time, I went down to see what was going on. I walked in the back door and found two guys lying on the floor, drunk as skunks. I ignored them and went into the main hall. I’d never seen such a mess, and haven’t had one since,” he emphasized. “Whiskey bottles littered the floor. They’d had beer on ice in a couple large washtubs; both of which had been dumped on the floor; there was water everywhere.”

Chet chuckled as he shared how he’d handled the situation. “I grabbed those two by their collars, pulled them up off that floor, and ran them out the back door. I told ’em, ‘Take your money and get out! This is my house! When you come to my house you abide by my rules. If you can’t do that, don’t bother coming back!”

Respect of others and their property, is something we learn the same as good manners and good moral character. If these are found lacking in anyone it is generally because they were never taught how to behave themselves, either at home or in public.

You never have to tell someone with good manners to respect someone else, or their property. It never enters their mind to disrespect someone.

Sadly, in our ‘it’s all about me’ society, self-interest presumes that because they paid to rent the space, they are entitled to bring their own set of rules to the party.

By failing to teach our children to respect others and their property, we are fostering an untrustworthy generation.


“Lord, may I treat others as if I’m doing it to You. Amen.”

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Stay In The Race

May 2

Fear of men will prove to be a snare.

Proverbs 29:25

Speaking in regard to some friends who didn’t believe as he did, Andrew began, “I was constantly arguing with them, trying to validate my position. I even showed them scripture to back it up. Didn’t matter…they weren’t listening.”

He continued, “I decided to talk to a godly friend outside my church. He patiently listened as I poured out my heart. ‘Andrew,’ he said when I’d finished, ‘I see you running a race. And you’re running well. You’re out ahead of everyone else and things are going well. But I hear the spectators on the sidelines jeering…telling you you’re running the wrong race. I see you leave the track and run up into the grandstands to argue with them.’”

Andrew paused a moment, remembering his friend’s words so he could quote them verbatim. When he continued his voice carried the power of the revelation he’d received, “He put his hand on my shoulder. ‘Andrew,’ he said, ‘even if you win the argument, you’ll lose the race. Don’t waste time vindicating yourself. Just run the race God set before you and let Him handle the crowd.’

Andrew smiled, “That one statement wiped away years of frustration and completely changed my perspective. And it’s kept me focused on the work God wants me to do instead of on what men think about what I’m doing.”

In our need for affirmation, it’s easy to let what others think dictate our actions and behavior. And while we should always, in humility, consider the welfare of others, we must never allow their opinion to hinder our taking action upon God’s intended purpose for our lives.

When God gives us a directive we should seek to follow it. Although it is wise to seek godly counsel in implementing the process by which we act, it should never deter us from the course set before us.

Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not a human, that He should lie.” Therefore, if He tells you to do something, don’t leave the race to argue in the grandstands.


“Help me put to death the fear of men, LORD, that I might run the race with the singular purpose to carry out Your will for my life. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, May 1, 2023


The Gun on the Bible on the Desk

May 1

In the beginning God created…

Genesis 1:1

Nicole walked into the pastor’s office to tell him two reporters from the New York Times were here to see him. That’s when she noticed the handgun lying on his Bible. Bemused, she asked, “Is that for our two guests?”

Following her line of sight, he smiled. “It’s a thought,” he teased, in light of the reason the reporters were here. They’d come to interview Pastor Ron and one of his parishioners.

Jack Newbrook, a science teacher at the local Middle School, had been embroiled in an employment-termination hearing for more than a year following the school board’s demanded that Jack remove all religious symbols, including his Bible, from his classroom. Jack had removed everything but his Bible, sighting his First Amendment right to leave it on his desk as long as he didn’t teach from it. Terminated without pay pending the final ruling, the hearings had just passed their first anniversary. It had been a long battle.

As Pastor Ron locked the gun in his desk drawer, he explained to Nicole how the gun had come to be there. “I bought it from my brother-in-law. He was in town so he dropped it off to save me a trip.” Then on a mischievous note, he added, “But the Bible stays where it is. And if they mention it, I might just unlock this drawer.”

Though somewhat humorous, today’s scenario is disturbing. Regrettably, events like this take place on a daily basis in our public schools across America because the immoral-minority hates the sight of the Bible. To impose their ideology they must discredit it, part and whole, and are currently working toward that end by attacking “In the beginning…” with Evolution.

Satan is patient. He’s been around for millennia. A few short generations mean nothing if he can attain his objective. He’s fine with baby steps as long as the silent-majority passively play spectator, unwilling to engage in the controversy. Because given time without opposition, he’ll get what he’s after.

What will we do—or perhaps it will be our grandchildren—when they come to our homes and demand that we remove all religious symbols, including our Bibles?


“LORD, may I not be ashamed of my life’s purpose as a Christian, to influence the world for Jesus Christ. Amen.”