Saturday, March 8, 2025


Manageable, Comfortable, Irrelevant

March 8

Do not be afraid…

Luke 1:13, 30

Janet noticed a cute little cherub sitting among the shelf of knick-knacks. She picked it up, turning it in her hands, noticing the fine detail in the wings and features of the little angel. She decided to purchase it for a friend of hers, hoping to encourage her with this image of God’s angelic servants. Taking the figurine to the cashier, she commented on how wonderful it was to have angels around to remind us of their protection. The cashier’s response wasn’t what she’d expected…nor did she find it meeting her concept of angels.

“That cute little figurine doesn’t fit Scripture’s account of the real thing,” he said.

“What do you mean?” Janet asked.

“When you read the account of Gabriel’s appearance in the first chapter of Luke you don’t exactly picture some chubby-cheeked imp with his head cradled in his hands. God’s Word says Zechariah was ‘gripped with fear’ when he saw Gabriel! Angels are imposing. We’ve just made them acceptable by relegating them to cute-as-a-button status.”

“I never thought of it that way,” Janet said, amazed by the stark contrast in the cashier’s statement, and what she’d always thought. She set the figurine back on the shelf, realizing she’d just had a revelation. She could never return to her previously held concept of angels again.

Angels, when presenting themselves to humanity, elicit an immediate response of fear. If this were not so they would not need to proclaim, “Fear not” or “Do not be afraid” when physically appearing in our world. This does not fit the image we foster and pass along to our children and others when we display cute little cherubs.

Like everything else we fail to understand or can’t control, we make angels manageable and comfortable, rendering them irrelevant so we don’t have to contemplate reality.

Our perception has no effect on reality. God’s angels are formidable and ferocious. We should be thankful, for our enemy isn’t a little red figure with a pointed little tail and horns.


“LORD God of angel armies, I thank You that Your angels are imposing, great and mighty warriors, instead of tiny little chubby cheeked imps floating on clouds. May they always strike fear in our hearts until they proclaim, ‘Do not be afraid.’ Amen.”

Friday, March 7, 2025


Don’t Give Up Fellowshipping

March 7

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing…

Hebrews 10:25

Bruce and Jean hadn’t been to church in over a year. Instead, they watched televangelists on Sunday morning. Their reasoning? They couldn’t find a church in which they felt comfortable. They had broken off all spiritual connections with anyone outside their family. The past year had seen a loss of spiritual insight and an increase in spiritual skepticism; especially where their extended family and friends were concerned.

Family members had encouraged them to return to their former church or find a new one, lovingly citing a need for all of God’s children to fellowship with one-another in order to maintain a healthy spiritual perspective.

But Bruce and Jean had discarded their family’s good intentions, claiming nobody understood! They had no intention of discussing the matter, or considering there was anything wrong with their relationship with God. Hence, it escaped their notice that they had become closed-minded in their assessment of all spiritual matters, judiciously applying or discarding each TV message to suit their own needs.

When we isolate, when we are not exposed to a corporate revelation of God through church fellowship and its relational benefits, we begin to filter everything through our own personal spiritual ideology, thus becoming closed-minded and growth-stunted.

Serious spiritual and physical consequences are just over the horizon when we isolate ourselves spiritually. Satan sets us up by reiterating that we don’t need anyone but ourselves. The ensuing tunnel-vision causes us to shrivel on the vine. We fail to consider that God would use someone else’s walk to help shape our own, creating a false sense of superior understanding. First we think, and eventually believe, God speaks to me differently than He does anyone else! I have a special relationship with God!

We are not meant to stand alone. God, through Paul, calls us to persevere in the faith by encouragement through fellowship. If you aren’t in a church fellowship, God suggests you find one and attend regularly.


“Help me understand the importance of meeting with other Christians, Lord, so I never isolate myself spiritually. And teach me to listen for Your voice when they speak. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, March 6, 2025


A Godly Calling

March 6

All the days for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Psalm 139:16

Harmon had achieved every goal set before him. He’d excelled in everything he’d done in High School graduated and Valedictorian of his class. He’d earned a degree in medicine, graduating Alpha chi and Magna cum laude from one of the nation’s most prestigious universities. Harmon was driven…and Harmon was miserable.

Harm’s parents, while well-intentioned, had expectations of their son. They had recognized he was blessed with rare intelligence, and had embarked on finding out what he was capable of. But they had never seriously included Harm in their discussions regarding his ambitions. They had simply decided he should put such knowledge to use as a surgeon, and would be satisfied in that profession.

But he, more than anything, had wanted to pursue a career in law enforcement. He wanted to work in the cyber-crimes unit, using his intelligence to ferret out online predators and the like. He wanted to make the electronic world a safer place. He’d tried talking to his parents several times, but they’d shut him down, assuring him there was no money in law enforcement and becoming a surgeon was preferable to catching criminals. They had assured him, “You will be revered by your peers!”

Sadly, Harm’s true calling was never fulfilled.

We are each endowed with specific God-ordained gifts…created to find fulfillment in the use of them. Unfortunately, and for myriad reasons, our true gifting can go undiscovered and un-nurtured because the world’s approach to achievement and perception of success get in the way.

Our parents do the best they can with the information they have to work with. Yet sometimes, they miss-read God’s gifting; especially if they don’t walk closely with Him.

Psalm 139 speaks of how intimately God knows each of us. In such intimacy there is knowledge that far surpasses our own. God alone knows what He created us to do. Obtaining employment outside His true calling isn’t necessarily sin; neither is it His perfect plan or will.

To receive His best we must look to Him for direction. It’s never too late to do that.


LORD, help me realize my potential in the gifting and field You have placed on my life, then assist me in using them for Your Kingdom. Amen.”

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Avoiding Strife

March 5

It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.

Proverbs 20:3

The plant supervisor assured Rob it would be okay if he took a few days off following his infant son’s emergency heart surgery. He told Rob to come to his office and sign the Family Medical Leave Act forms when he returned. Grateful, Rob hung up and headed back to his son’s hospital room.

Ten days later, Rob called to update his employer. They would be able to bring his son home in the morning, and he would return to work in two days.

He was stunned when his supervisor said, “Rob, two employees complained that Union procedure wasn’t followed when we allowed you time off without signing papers first. The day of surgery wasn’t an issue. But they filed a grievance against us for allowing you anything past that. I’m very sorry, Rob, but as of now, your employment has been terminated. You’re welcome to reapply, but you’ll lose your seniority, and you will have to start at entry level pay again. Goodbye.” The click on the other end of the line left him speechless.

Taken aback, Rob and his wife prayed for direction. They decided Rob should reapply, leaving the outcome to God. A week later, Rob had his job back. His levelheaded approach won favor with the front office. They admitted their negligence in handling such a delicate matter, and, working with the union, they restored everything except his seniority. Rob and Deb could live with that.

In Deuteronomy 32:35 God says, “Vengeance is mine. I will repay.” God knows that revenge is never sweet...and we should never seek it. Revenge pollutes the soul and creates spiritual turmoil.

There are few times when God expects us to stand and fight. Mostly, there are times He wants us to ask, in faith, for Him to resolve the issues we are facing, and leave the results up to Him.

The key is knowing when to do which. That knowledge comes through our having a close, unbroken relationship with God, and keying in on Him in times of trouble.

When wronged, we are to avoid strife by seeking God, not vengeance.


“Thank You for being with us in the trying times of life, LORD. Thank You for Your peace that helps us sort through what’s important in avoiding unnecessary strife. Amen.”

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Sweet Fruit

March 4

Lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5, 6

The seasons were changing in Florida, and winter was descending with a vengeance.

As Glenn watched the weather forecast for the upcoming week, he was worried. They were calling for colder-than-usual temperatures. He had expected the lingering fall weather to slip into cold nights, signaling the end of the growing season, but he wasn’t thrilled by the report he had just watched. Several nights below freezing had been predicted. That was both a threat and a blessing; a threat because if it lingered more than one or two nights, his crops would sustain damage; a blessing because in order for the juice in the oranges to turn sweet, they needed cold weather.

Having suffered frozen fruit a few years ago, Glenn wasn’t anxious to repeat the experience. They’d lost several hundred crates of oranges and had even lost some tree limbs under the weight of thick ice brought on by freezing rains. That deep-freeze had seen several farmers lose their entire crops. Glenn had been fortunate enough to break even. Florida crop-futures could be a risky commodity.

All he could do now was hope and pray that the weather didn’t linger too long, damaging the fruit.

As it turned out, the cold-front lasted only one night; just long enough to bring about the final stage of ripening, and Glenn enjoyed some of the sweetest oranges he’d ever grown.

Isn’t it strange that a certain amount of distress is necessary to bring out the best in an orange? Our spiritual maturation is much the same. We mature because, not in spite of our struggles.

The secret to maintaining good spiritual and mental health is found in learning to lean on God in everything, asking Him to alleviate unnecessary and undue stress from our lives in the form of needless commitments, by submitting to Him even when we’re not completely sure of how events will turn out.

But…if we pay attention, and allow God to guide us, the process will sweeten rather than damage our fruit. That’s His promise.


“There are times I forget to ask, and times I just flat refuse to seek Your help, LORD. Thanks for Your patience. Help me choose what’s best by always leaning on You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, March 3, 2025


God’s New Thing

March 3

See, I am doing a new thing! you not perceive it?

Isaiah 43:19

Realizing that her gift of writing was from God, Patty wanted to use her love of poetry to make a difference; to affect people’s lives in a positive way. But recently, she’d encountered roadblocks and setbacks. It seemed nothing was going as planned.  

She decided to call her sister-in-law, Beulah, and pray about the situation. Following their extended conversation, God had led Patty to Psalm 22:22. “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you.” She thanked God for this encouraging word, and determined to trust Him for the manifestation of it in her life.

The next day she received a call from a man who knew of her gift of writing. He had written the music to a new hymn, and asked if she would consider writing the lyrics!

Less than a week later, following Patty’s successful compilation of some of the most powerful words God had ever given her, she received a call from the ‘Antiques Road Show’ asking if she would grace their upcoming trip to Virginia by performing part of a 17th Century women’s movement, dressed in the clothes and style of the time. Somehow they had discovered that this was one of her other passions. She’d done in-depth studies, returning to England in order to uncover tidbits of historical data. She wouldn’t even have to study for this! She knew everything by heart!

When Beulah heard the news she was overjoyed. And in another moment of God’s awesome intimacy, Beulah shared that following Patty’s call a week before, she had been praying for new outlets for Patty’s giftings!

God’s response to our prayers in these ways is not uncommon. His favor should not be thought of as unusual. We serve a God Who cares about His children. When we offer Him our gifting for the sake of others, He will put us to work.

And many times, God shows up in ways we could not have conceived, whispering, “Do you not perceive this new thing I am doing?” as blessings flow from His hand.


“I want to be used, LORD, to touch those in need of my gift. Send to me opportunities to allow You to flow through me as someone else’s blessing. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, March 2, 2025


Elevator or Stairs?

March 2

Your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

Isaiah 30:21

As Chris stood waiting for the elevator, he felt God suggest, “Take the stairs.” 

But I’m in a hurry, Lord he reasoned. And besides, I’m tired…that’s ten flights of stairs. 

“Take the stairs.” He heard a second time.

Fine! he silently expressed his frustration.

As he approached to the fourth floor landing, Chris heard muffled crying. Cautiously taking the next few steps, he could make out a woman’s voice, “I can’t do this anymore.” Rounding the next landing, he came face-to-face with a young woman, seated on the stairs, the step below her wet with tears. Chris quickly prayed for wisdom. “She needs to know I love her.” came God’s gentle voice. Chris asked, “Can I help you?”

As the woman’s story unfolded, Chris discovered she had been contemplating suicide. She was trying to get up the nerve to go to the roof and jump, believing this would end her problems.

As Chris shared with her about Jesus’ love and His desire and ability to carry her through her pain, a glimmer of hope appeared in the woman’s eyes. By the time Chris finished sharing, her desperation had been replaced by a desire to know the One of whom Chris spoke so highly. Chris would never forget this morning’s lesson.

Though at first resistant, Chris obeyed, and a life was saved. We’re not sure what his disobedience would have wrought; quite possibly the woman would have taken her life, losing the opportunity to come to know Jesus, and making matters worse for those she left behind. Thanks to Chris’s obedience, we’ll never know.

This lesson applies to us all…in everything we do…at all times of the day or night…whether someone else is watching or not…when we feel like it, and when we don’t.

Faith is submitting every decision we make to God for approval, trusting that He always has our best interest, or someone else’s, in mind.

And sometimes, life hangs in the balance. Wouldn’t it be better to be sure?


“Father, guide my steps today and every day, as I bring each day’s choices to You for wisdom and guidance. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, March 1, 2025



March 1

I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Joshua 1:5

Dennis traveled to work by different routes each morning, which is quite remarkable since he traveled more than thirty-five miles one-way to his place of employment. But why would someone take a different route to work each morning instead of the quickest way possible, thereby minimizing travel time and saving fuel? Why? Because Dennis was called by God to intercede on behalf of people who would probably never know they were being prayed for. As he drove through each neighborhood he prayed, asking God to meet each need and draw the families to Himself.

Dennis enjoyed his silent ministry, rising early each morning—having mapped out that day’s route the night before—to meditate on the morning’s drive. Then, he’d give his wife, Mary Ellen, a kiss, and set out to pray for the needs of the people on his chosen route.

But this morning Dennis’ heart was troubled. God hadn’t been as forthcoming in verifying which route to take, nor had he sensed any explicit prayer-assignments for those homes he would encounter. Dennis reasoned that maybe God was asking him to be faithful in spite of the silence. As he backed out of the driveway, he vented his frustration audibly, “Do you even know where I am?”

God’s response was immediate... “I always know where you are, Dennis. I have not left you. Take heart! For you are My GPS…my God Positioned Servant!”

How difficult it is when we experience God's silence. It can be, and many times is, perplexing to know He’s there and yet not hear a peep out of Him. It’s one of the ways He teaches us to choose between right and wrong, as well as learning to stay committed, in the face of adversity.

He wants us to continue in spite of His silence, growing in the knowledge and confidence that we are capable of making right choices. And if we make a mistake, He’ll be quick to nudge us through His Holy Spirit.

But never doubt His presence…you are His GPS!


“Lord, lead on, and teach me to trust You in the silence. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, February 28, 2025


Common Threads*

February 28

Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD is the Maker of them all.

Proverbs 22:2

What a strange weekend. Everywhere Trevor looked he saw a familiar face.

What made it strange was that Trevor and his wife, Erin, Erin’s sister, Carolyn, and her husband, Dick, were on vacation two hundred miles from home. And yet, person after person looked familiar. If he’d seen one look-alike he’d seen fifty!

He’d noticed the curious phenomenon yesterday, while they were shopping. Several times he’d seen a friendly face only to remember where he was and that the odds were it wasn’t actually them.

The next day in church Trevor looked around the sanctuary noticing men, women, and children who bore strong resemblance to friends back home. Knowing this wasn’t a coincidence, he silently asked, Okay, Lord, what are you trying to tell me?! But God remained silent.

With vacation over, they headed home. Stopping along the way to grab some dinner, Trevor decided to share his experience with everyone. As he began to share Dick’s eyes lit up. “Me too!” he said surprisingly. “I thought I saw your brother, Tim, yesterday! How weird is that?!” Erin and Carol had also had the same experience! This was more than strange!

In that moment God spoke to Trevor, “There is a common thread running through humanity. None are strangers to Me. Rich and poor, saved and unsaved…I made them all. These are your brothers and sisters.”

It has become human nature to insulate ourselves from the seedy or questionable characters of life, looking on them as unsavory; those people with whom we’d rather not interact. And while I am not advocating that recovering alcoholics and addicts cavort with drunks and junkies, or that we must all minister in the crack houses of our neighborhood, I am suggesting that if God brings someone questionable across our path we not dismiss them as an inconvenience.

There is no more than a 0.2 percent difference in the DNA of every race on the planet, though skin color and distinguishing features may suggest otherwise, God says we are family. How would you treat your sister if she were in need?


“Teach me to treat everyone with the respect and dignity with which I want to be treated, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

*DNA percentage obtained from: www.ChristianAnswers.Net on 08/27/2009 by Author

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Eternal Homelessness

February 27

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners…for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.

1Timothy 1:15, 16

Wendy had walked past Rufus’ cardboard box on a daily basis since she’d begun working at Kelvin’s Furniture. That was two years ago. But why was she thinking about him this morning? She reflected on the many times she’d brought him coffee and breakfast…even extending him a hand up once; offering to make him a loan of sorts to help him find a job.

He’d refused, sighting that he just didn’t have the emotional or physical strength to meet daily workforce demands…he seemed content to live out his life in a 4’x 8’ box.

Wendy shelved the memories and finished getting ready, then left for work.

As she walked she considered this morning’s sensitivity to the Spirit. The closer she got to Rufus’ box the more sensitive her heart became. Strange, but she felt a sense of freedom.

As she drew near she could see the box wasn’t in its customary space. A policeman told her Rufus had died during the night…he’d frozen to death. Instead of feeling guilt or remorse over her inability to bring him in out of the cold, she felt peace. She had talked to Rufus about Jesus, and knew he had accepted Him as Lord and Savior. The reality in the meaning of his earthly departure brought Wendy comfort. Rufus was no longer homeless! He was finally Home!

Homelessness is an ugly blight on humanity. We are not to judge, we are to reach out. We have no idea what they deal with on a daily basis and for whatever reason, some people cannot overcome the adversities that leave them homeless; some even feel more comfortable on the sidewalk than in a shelter or home.

Jesus came to stamp out eternal homelessness by offering us an Eternal Home!

Truthfully, to be homeless on earth and know Jesus as Savior is acceptable. We are all nomads here; our earthly existence is only temporal. It’s our eternal destination that matters to Jesus. He wants us to come Home!


“Help me reach out to those who are headed for eternal homelessness, Lord. Give me courage to approach them and offer them eternity with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


If You Get There Before Me

February 26

For God so loved the world…

John 3:16

Mitch and Daryl had been best friends since second grade. If you saw one…you saw them both. So it wasn’t a surprise when Daryl shared some words at Mitch’s funeral…“Mitch and I shared life; hunting, fishing, girlfriend choices…I could tell Mitch anything without fear of ridicule. He was my best friend.” Daryl smiled a lonely smile, “I think we probably only get one of those in a lifetime.

“Mitch and I had an agreement. Whoever got to Heaven first is supposed to ask God some questions on the other’s behalf. What Mitch wanted me to ask God isn’t important today. He’s got his answers. But what he wanted me to ask you is; are there any of you who don’t know Jesus? If you don’t, we invite you to get to know Him. You see, as much as I’d like to think I was Mitch’s best friend…that’s not true; second best would be more accurate. Jesus was Mitch’s best friend…and He wants to be yours too. He’ll give you something no earthly friend can ever give you…life everlasting!”

He surveyed the crowd, and smiled confidently, “I do know what Mitch is asking God right at this moment. You see…we both agreed to ask God to use the one left behind at the other’s funeral to bring salvation to those who don’t know Him. Friends…this life is short…and once we die our choice is sealed. If you haven’t made that decision, let it be today.”

Is today the day that you or someone close to you will die? No one knows.

If Jesus is not your Savior, I invite you to ask Him into your heart right now.

If you’ve already accepted Him as Savior, and you know someone who hasn’t…go talk to them; make a phone call; write a letter or email; say a prayer for them…but don’t let the sun set without taking action.

Don’t wait until someone is speaking a eulogy over a coffin…because then it will be too late.


“Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, sent to die for my sin. Forgive those sins, and come into my heart today. Take control of my life and lead me into eternal life. Amen”

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Out Of The Wilderness

February 25

He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

John 10:3

Jake was nervous as he surveyed his surroundings. This was his first out-of-state deer hunt and he lacked confidence. He’d been assigned this section of woods before being dropped off by his guide for the morning’s hunt. It was miles from civilization; the closest hunter was approximately two miles away.

Jake wasn’t afraid of getting shot. He’d met and felt he could trust everyone in the hunting camp; they were all seasoned hunters. Besides, they were far enough apart as to be out of shooting-range of each other.

What was slightly unnerving to Jake was being on his own in the wilderness. He would have to make decisions based on his limited knowledge of the area. He freely admitted his lack of ‘mountain woodsmanship’ and sought to remember everything he’d been told and tested on prior to being dropped off; survival skills were at the top of the list. Jake didn’t want to make a potentially dangerous mistake, because the deep-seeded reason for his concern was that he wasn’t sure he could find his way out if they never came back for him!

All of us—without exception, and from time to time—will find ourselves in a spiritual wilderness where one patch of woods looks like every other, and nothing appears familiar. If we’re not careful we could make things worse by heading off on our own…in the wrong direction.

Regardless of whether God orchestrated our circumstances to get us alone, or we’ve done something to cause this unwelcome isolation by not having thought our actions through to their logical conclusion, we’re unable to affect our own rescue.

Jesus knows how to lead us out of our wilderness. His Word says we know the sound of His Voice. But in order to hear Him we must quiet ourselves, and allow Jesus to speak through the worries of our day. 

Take heart! Because unlike Jake, we never have to worry about whether Jesus is coming back for us.


“When I find myself in the wilderness, help me quiet my mind so I might sense Your presence. Speak to me in ways I will understand, Lord, and lead me out of this spiritual desert. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Monday, February 24, 2025


The Optimistic Hypocrite

February 24

Woe to you…you hypocrites!

Matthew 23:23

John was well-respected as one of the most active members in the church. He tithed and gave to needy causes and even sat on several committees. So when one of the young men in the church called him a hypocrite to his face, it seemed the teenager was destined for discipline.

“Why would you call me a hypocrite?” John asked. “I love the Lord…and the work I do for Him.” he professed.

“And working for Satan, too?” the teen rejoined.

John was taken aback. “How dare you?!” he said. “Do you know how serious false accusations are?!”

“It’s not a false accusation,” the teen said bluntly. “I know what you do behind closed doors; so does God. You just think it’s a secret,” he added.

John fought to compose himself. “I don’t know what you think you know, but spreading rumors and destructive lies is defamation of character, young man! Do you realize charges could be brought against you for such talk?”

“Charges?! Against me?! What about you?! Serving alcohol to minors during private parties from that well-stocked bar at your cabin on Lake Erie?”

How could this kid know about that?! I haven’t told or invited anyone from around here to the cabin. How did this kid find out?!

Optimistic hypocrisy is the art of judging others as the real sinners while we ourselves live by a different standard, appearing as impressive symbols of Jesus’ sanctifying power. We do things, believing in our hearts we are good enough and worthy of salvation, refusing to surrender our whole heart because we enjoy a little sin. John believed his was hidden from those who mattered. In his arrogance, he was found out, unintentionally showing people that he was, indeed, hypocritical of what he professed.

The Pharisees felt they were superior, living by a different set of rules. Jesus called them on it.

There is a line across which we are not to wander. In his song, 'The Fall Line' Jack Johnson related to an unseen, yet real line that, once crossed, denotes losing our grip on honesty and falling into hypocrisy. It's equivalent in scripture is a religious spirit.

It is easy to judge others, while we, ourselves, do some of those same things, it makes us feel just a little bit better about our own failures.

But, as Jesus says in today's text, it is wrong and brings its own judgment. If we persist, we might just find ourselves, like John, being called out.


“Reveal anything that doesn’t belong in my life, Lord, and help me surrender it to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Sunday, February 23, 2025


Catch The Wind

February 23

As you do not know the path of the wind…so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.

Ecclesiastes 11:5

Meg held the dandelion in her tiny hand, took a deep breath, and gently launched the hundreds of seeds skyward. “Look, Mummy!” she squealed with delight. “Look at em go!” Meg was mesmerized as she watched the dandelion disintegrate, its individual seeds scattered to the wind; such an integral part of the flower’s reproduction through dispersal.

Meg’s joy wasn’t exactly anchored in the procreation of the little wildflower, she sensed a bit of mystery in the way the seeds gave way to her gentle breath, floating as if weightless, to destinations unknown.

Reaching down, separating stem from root, Meg smiled as she twirled another dandelion between her fingers and gently blew. She giggled as the flower exploded, its seeds wafting away on the gentle breeze, followed by the inevitable questions: “Where do they go, Mummy? Is it far away? What happens when they get there?” And finally, “Why did God make em so fuzzy, Mummy?”

“Well, Meg,” her Mum explained, “they go wherever the wind carries em…it could be far away, indeed! As far as ‘What will they do?’ They’ll set down roots and become new dandelions.” She thought for a moment, and then answered the remaining question, “God made them fuzzy so they can catch the wind, Meg.”

God has a perfect plan for our lives. And if we allow Him, He will direct our path. The catch is that His work in our lives tends to be a mystery to us. Not knowing what will happen, or where we will end up, can be intimidating. Without experiential faith we generally avoid change, even knowing it’s God who beckons.

The Maker of the Wind will not forcefully blow us about, instead, He sends the Gentle Wind of the Holy Spirit to guide us to our life’s destination.

By raising our hands to Heaven, giving Him permission to influence our flight path, we become like the fuzzy dandelion seed, catching God’s Wind and floating toward His divine plan.


“Blow me to where I’m supposed to be, Lord. Complete Your work in and through me as I faithfully submit to Your plan for my life. Amen.”

Saturday, February 22, 2025


A Change In The Atmosphere

February 22

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb…

Luke 1:41

There was something different about Jessie. Wherever she went people took notice. It was as if the atmosphere around her was thick with goodness and joy. Always smiling and cheerful, Jessie’s presence was tangible. It wasn’t an act; she really was a cheerful person! She had reason to be otherwise if she chose.

A single mother of three, Jessie worked long hours making sure her girls had each need met. Arriving home from work, she spent time with each child, making sure they were on target at school…and in life. They shared a deep and abiding love.

Jessie’s relationship with her children was born out of her relationship with Jesus. She gave Him the credit for her ability to rise above the demands of being a single parent, especially with three teenage girls! She eagerly proclaimed that because of Jesus’ faithfulness she was able to look at each day as a blessing to be lived to the fullest instead of a sentence to be served with a fatalistic mind-set. Through continually submitting to Jesus, Jessie had learned to let goodness seep through instead of allowing her struggles to choke the life out of her and her family.

There are those who are just good people, people you enjoy being around; Jessie was good people!

When John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth’s womb it was because the Son of God was present in Mary’s womb. Jesus’ arrival was felt in the atmosphere!

God wants us, like Jessie, to affect the atmosphere by bringing a spiritually-charged tangibility with us wherever we go; to our workplace, the grocery store, our schools…everywhere we find ourselves.

When we look to Jesus for our strength to live as victors, instead of victims presenting a defeatist attitude, He is able to change the atmosphere around us. His Spirit manifests in power in the face of adversity so that others not only take notice, but want to receive this same overcoming power.


“Lord, make me an atmosphere changer for You! Teach me to rely so completely on You that life no longer drags me down. Come near so that Your presence is detected through the life I live. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Friday, February 21, 2025


Our Future Hope!

February 21

There is surely a future hope for you...

Proverbs 23:18

Jenny practiced devoutly for the upcoming National Talent Search tryouts being held in her city. She was nervous about performing in front of the judges, but she couldn’t shake the sense that singing was what she was created to do. So Jenny purposed herself to sing as best she could. And Jenny could sing!

She was used to landing the lead role in her High School Drama Club’s annual musical. And though you might think that would have prepared her for this competition, this was not a group performance where she happened to be the best singer. This was an on her own challenge against some very talented individuals. All she could do was give it her best and hope she came out on top…or close to it.

Jenny was looking for the validation of her dream; this opportunity could give it to her if she placed well. Standing in the wings, awaiting her chance, she uttered a prayer of hope, “Lord, whatever comes I ask for three things; give me strength to do my best today and every day; if this is my future, give me hope to carry on; but most of all…I pray that you receive all the glory. Amen.” and she took the stage.

Jenny advanced in the competition until becoming one of twelve finalists. Her dream was becoming a reality!

There is within each of us an innate hope, placed there by our Creator, to do something meaningful, and toward that goal we remain unsatisfied with anything less than our best effort.

To get from point A (where we are today) to point B (where we desire to be) we must travel with purpose, always looking toward our objective, yet understanding the trip is more about our maturation than the destination. 

In order to be useful to God today we must remain in the present. So when the road gets rough, look just far enough ahead to remember: Hope is the ability to look toward the future in such a way that it gives us confidence in the present. 

Jesus is the Hope in which our confidence must reside.


“I surrender to Your leading, Lord. Guide me safely to my intended destination, and don’t let me miss life as we walk this road together. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Help Them Hear!

February 20

Consequently, faith comes by hearing…the word of Christ.

Romans 10:17

Paul had been blinded in an industrial accident many years before but refused to allow the blindness to limit him. He was frequently seen walking around town without the aid of a companion-dog or mobility cane. He’d taught himself to navigate the downtown corridors by using his acute hearing; he knew where he was by listening to the echoes.

While standing at an intersection, waiting for the light to change, a bystander watched as Paul stepped off the curb the moment the light changed. Dumbfounded, the man watched Paul walk across the street and into the corner drugstore without a single misstep. Amazed, he decided to ask Paul how he did it. 

He entered the store to find Paul standing at the counter, handing the clerk his shopping list. As the clerk went to fill the order, the man spoke, “Excuse me,” he began. “My name is Mark Goddard.”

“How do you do, Mark?” Paul said, extending his hand.

“I’m fine,” he answered, shaking Paul’s hand. “I watched you on the corner a minute ago, and I’m amazed at how you knew when the light changed. How did you know?” he asked in wonder.

Paul’s smile was as bright as his outlook. “I heard it change, Mark. The loss of my sight has heightened my hearing,” he said, then suggested, “Mark, the next time you’re downtown and traffic is light, listen for the little chunk the stoplight makes. You’d be amazed at what you hear when you really listen.”

Mark observed Paul and was led to ask probing questions, questions that gave Paul the opportunity to share the reason for his ability to confidently navigate life in the midst of adversity.

There are many who have never heard the message of the gospel due to the white-noise of the world. And because of their spiritual deafness they will die, never having understood that Jesus came so they might live.

As Christians, we should live in such a way as to help them hear the love of Jesus Christ.


“Help me live a life that speaks of Your love and forgiveness, Lord Jesus. Make me a book for others to read, and a voice for those who have lost their spiritual sight. Amen.”

Wednesday, February 19, 2025



February 19

Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!

Revelation 19:9

Everyone was having a wonderful time as children’s laughter mingled with adults. And that was good since so much thought had been put into planning the evening. Invitations had been selected and sent weeks ago; the menu had been planned with care, dietary needs of several guests had been carefully considered; the event had been well thought-out.

But it might not have gone as well had it not been for considerate hosts. You see, there was one eventuality the Bolivars had not planned on; they weren’t expecting anyone to bring their children. So when the Parsons showed up with their six-year-old twins it could have been an uncomfortable moment. 

But June, being the consummate hostess, welcomed them unreservedly, then excused herself as her husband, Bob, brought the Parsons and their children to the well-stocked playroom where their grandchildren played when visiting. He knew June wouldn’t want anyone to witness what she would do next.

As unobtrusively as possible, June set up a small table and chairs adjacent the dining area, complete with lace tablecloth and place-settings for eight, hoping the six additional settings would convince their guests that their children had been expected.

June’s dinner invitations failed to indicate she and Bob had planned an adult-only event. She’d also forgotten to include RSVP cards that might have tipped her off to the oversight. To her credit, the thought of excluding the unexpected children never crossed her mind.

There is a celebration for which everyone has been sent an invitation; none have been excluded. It will be the feast to end all hunger. Honored guests will dine with the King! Joy and laughter will be shared on a scale never before witnessed.

Our reservation is waiting. Jesus has provided for our seat at the table, complete with blood-stained name cards. Yet, without our RSVP, once the dinner begins, any who fail to respond to the King’s invitation will watch in horror as their place settings are removed from the table.

Don’t wait, thinking you have plenty of time to respond. It only takes a moment to complete and send your RSVP.


“Lord Jesus, I accept this precious invitation to Your wedding supper. Forgive and cleanse me from my sin. Take up residence in my heart and confirm my reservation today. For it’s in Your Name I pray. Amen.”

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Feathers In The Wind

February 18

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3

Anger seemed to be Danielle’s only emotion. From the moment she arose until she laid her head back on the pillow, she exuded frustration, displeasure, and impatience with everyone around her. When her children began exhibiting the same behavior, constantly fighting, the older calling the younger hurtful names, Danielle’s husband said, “You need to do something about how you treat people.”

Seeking resolution, together they sought Christian counseling. The first week the psychologist asked Danielle to complete an exercise. Upon Danielle’s agreement, the counselor said, “I want you to find a down pillow, take it to the center of a large field, cut it open, and scatter the feathers in the wind.”

Danielle thought it strange, and said so, but agreed to do as requested.

The following week, having proudly advising her counselor of completing the task, Danielle was disheartened when the counselor said, “This week’s assignment is to go back to where you scattered the feathers and collect each and every one of them.”

“Why, that would be impossible!” Danielle cried in anger.

The counselor pointed out, “And so it is with our words. Once they have left our heart through our mouth we can never retrieve them or completely heal the wound that careless words cause.”

Like feathers in the wind, we have no idea where the sting of carelessly-spoken words might end. One thing is for sure: they will not remain where we turned them loose. Wounding words carry far beyond what is readily evident and dwell in the memories of those we wound.

Many never know the lengths…and depths…to where their words have traveled. And for one reason or another, hurting people hurt other people. When the heart is full of hurt it flows out, into every part of our life.

The only way to stop the hurt from spilling over is for our heart to be healed. And the only healing that can truly take it away is the loving-kindness of Jesus Christ.

If you have been deeply hurt, I invite you to come to Jesus. Exchange your pain for His peace.


“Lord Jesus, I come today with heart full of ache, not completely sure how You can remove it, but trusting what Your words says. Please…bind up my wounds and take away this pain. Amen.”

Monday, February 17, 2025


Who’s Living In Your House?

February 17

And who knows but that you have come to this royal position for such a time as this?

Esther 4:14

Billy had always been a sickly young man, catching every new antibiotic-resistant strain of virus that surfaced, ending up in extended hospital stays. It seemed he just might die before his twentieth birthday if things kept up this way. 

By his mid-teens, Billy had outgrown some of the tendencies to catch every germ that came around, yet his doctor harbored doubts as to whether Billy would ever be able to lead a normal life, but not his parents.

Because of his mother’s constant nurturing, always tending his needs, and a father who poured his life into his son while seeking every remedy possible, Billy beat the odds! 

 Today Billy is a normal, healthy man. He is the CEO of a large and successful E-Business, creating over $100 million in revenue each year. His hundreds of employees make better-than-average wages with generous benefit packages. As they gain longevity in the company they earn the opportunity to own part of it through a program Billy labeled, “Share-Cropping”, where they can purchase company stock with the option to bring non-employees into the exchange through a special, lower-cost buy-in rather than the company stocks traded for on the open market. It was Billy’s brainchild, his way of giving back to the people who helped make his business such a success.

This unassuming young man, who might never have seen his twentieth birthday were it not for his parents nurturing love, became a godly success. His success touches the lives of tens of thousands, if not millions of people. Billy’s parents didn’t know they were nurturing a future CEO who would take the world by storm through e-commerce. They just loved him…and gave him every opportunity to succeed.

Did Jessie know the future-king of Israel was living in his house? Or did Mordecai know his daughter was born for such a time as this? Probably not. Yet in their homes was future-royalty, which begs the question: Who’s living in your house?


“Lord, help me parent future-royalty. Guide me as I assist them in becoming who You created them to be. Help me nurture the gifting You have purposed in their hearts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Sunday, February 16, 2025


Sow Integrity!

February 16

These commandments that I give you…impress them on your children.

Deuteronomy 6:6, 7

Bethany hiked along the same path each day. One day she encountered a litter of pups in the path. Instead of walking, each of them dragged their hind legs. As she walked they barked, playfully dragging themselves after her. Noticing an older woman watering a flower garden in the yard the pups had come from, Bethany crossed the short distance through the brush intending to strike up a conversation. The pups followed along, yipping at her feet. “I hope I’m not being too forward,” she began, “but I was wondering, why do your puppies crawl instead of walk?”

The woman smiled knowingly and nodded toward the side of the house. “Follow me,” she said, leading Bethany around the corner. There, lying in the shade on a cushion was a dog. Bethany could see she was fresh, and assumed her to be the mother of the puppies.

The woman called, “Dixie?” The dog rose and headed in their direction…dragging her hind legs. “She was hit by a car last year,” she explained. “And I couldn’t bring myself to euthanize her. She had them,” she continued, pointing at the pups, “and there’s nothing wrong with a single one of them,” she declared. “I’ve tried to get them to walk upright, but they want no part of it. They drag their hind legs because their mother does.”

The spiritual implication in today’s story is a sad, yet unnecessary fact. Children neither understand nor care when harmful, destructive, or limiting behaviors are being modeled for them. All they know is that Mommy and Daddy are doing it and that’s what they want to do.

If we live carelessly so will our children. Our character defects will be inadvertently, or heedlessly, passed on to our children. If we fail to teach them how to walk uprightly, with good moral character and spiritually-grounded ethics and values, they will reap a harvest of our sowing.

We reap what we sow—much more is reaped than was sown—and it will be reaped long after the sowing. Our children deserve a beneficial harvest.


“Help me be the best example I can possibly be for my children and the world, Lord. Guide my words and deeds. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Saturday, February 15, 2025


Be Prepared

February 15

Be very careful, then, how you live…making the most of every opportunity…

Ephesians 5:15

Jason McElwain recently showed the world how to make the most of an opportunity.

Born with autism, this manager of the Greece-Athena High School basketball team in Rochester, NY, had tended the needs of the team for the past three years; encouraging them, and mopping up their sweat. Because of his commitment, Coach Jim Johnson decided to let Jason suit up, and sit the bench for the last game of the season. As it turned out Jason did much more.

With four minutes left on the clock, Coach Johnson stood and pointed at Jason, “You’re in McElwain!” The crowd showed their appreciation for the gesture with loud applause and shouting. Little did they know that they were in for an extraordinary experience that would have the roof and walls of the gymnasium shaking before it was over.

As the game resumed Jason’s teammates fed him the ball, wanting him to make at least one basket before time ran out. His first two shots were air-balls. But the third, from three-point range, touched nothing but net! Jason had scored! But he wasn’t satisfied. As a matter of fact, he was just getting started.

In those final four minutes Jason caught fire, “As hot as a pistol!” he would later tell reporters, and managed to hit six three-point shots in a row, scoring a total of twenty points! His last basket, right at the buzzer, created total mayhem, emptying the bleachers, as fans and teammates alike thronged around Jason to celebrate his achievement.

When interviewed after the game Jason said, “Being autistic, I’m used to feeling different. But never this different…never this wonderful!”

Achieving success has to do with fostering an indomitable spirit, and making the most of every opportunity we are given.

Had Jason given up after his first two shots he might have settled for just being in the game. But his intention was to give everything he had, to make this opportunity everything it could be. He refused to be defined by the shots he missed and kept giving his all. And what he accomplished was a feat beyond everyone’s wildest dreams.

‘Awesome’ usually happens at the point where preparation and perseverance meets opportunity.


“Lord, may my heart aspire to make the most of every opportunity and achieve my utmost for His Highest. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, February 14, 2025


Free Yourself!

February 14

Free yourself from the chains on your neck, O captive Daughter of Zion.

Isaiah 52:2

Britton watched as the wild mustang walked right up to where the fence had been, and stopped, refusing to take another step. This was the result of an extended conditioning experiment to see if he could teach the horse to respect imaginary boundaries.

First, Britton strung a heavy page-fence around the small pasture; its woven-wire a strong barrier against the mustang’s efforts to escape. Once the mustang grew weary of straining against the fence, Britton stung double strands of electric fence just inside the perimeter of the page fence, and removed the higher, stronger fence.

The mustang, noticing the enclosure looked different, edged cautiously up to the thin strands of wire. Seeing less of a barrier, he sniffed, and then placed his nose against the top strand…WHAM! the charge of electricity hit his nose, causing him to lunge away! He returned and tested it again receiving the same unpleasant jolt of electricity. Twice more he tested the fence before keeping his distance.

Britton then removed the top strand, and waited to see what the mustang would do. Seeing the wild horse had no inclination to approach the final barrier, he removed the fence altogether. For all intents and purposes the mustang could run free if he so desired. But due to the fear of impending pain, he did not move past the imaginary boundary.

Pain, regardless of its form, is a powerful deterrent. It can render the strong powerless. Jolted by life’s pain-filled circumstances, some of us refuse to risk freedom from captivity for fear of the pain.

God wants us to know He will remove each bar from the cage until there are none left. Yet, even with all His help, at some point we must take a step toward freedom. For even God will not make us submit ourselves to our greatest fears in order to trade imaginary pain for true freedom.

Jesus came to redeem us, to set us free from oppression, real or imagined. But He will only come so far. We must decide to be free.


“I come today, Lord Jesus, trusting that You will lead me to safety. Set me free as I take this first step. Amen.”

Thursday, February 13, 2025


Silence the Enemy!

February 13

I have given you authority…to overcome all the power of the enemy;

Luke 19:19

On the way home from an exhausting day, Jerry wondered if it was his son on the cell phone with Nan. “Is that Alan?”

“Yes…He says ‘Hi Dad!’.” Nan relayed her son’s greeting.

“Hi Son,” he returned. “Ask him if he has any blank CDs…and would he mind dropping off a couple on his way to work in the morning?”

She forwarded Jerry’s request and received Alan’s response. “Alan says ‘Sure’ but you could stop by and get them tonight.”

Tired, and misunderstanding Alan’s response, Jerry reacted impatiently, “I don’t want to stop by tonight! Tell him forget it! If he doesn’t want to drop them off in the morning I’ll find a couple, myself!”

“What’s wrong with you?!” Nan asked, surprised by Jerry’s attitude. She covered up the receiver, “You don’t have to act like that. He was just saying you could come get them in case you wanted them before morning!” She listened into the phone again, “He wants to know what’s wrong…he doesn’t understand your reaction. Neither do I!” she spat. “He was just trying to help!”

The car filled with deafening silence; Jerry stewing in misery over the actions of his weariness; Nan in the wounding of her son by the man she loved.

The malady of events that lead to rash behavior when we fail to think ahead of our actions can leave deep wounds and build resentment, creating a wedge in our relationships.

Jerry loved his son with a deep and abiding love. He knew Alan would never shrug off his request. It wouldn’t have been a big deal to swing by Alan’s house; but Jerry allowed weariness to cloud his thoughts.

Nan, stuck between the two men in her life, couldn’t comprehend or condone Jerry’s conduct. Both considering separate terms of reckoning, suffered unnecessarily.

We have a choice in these matters: reconcile, and begin the healing through apology and forgiveness, or remain under the enemy’s control. All silencing the enemy requires is laying down our pride and taking up our God-given authority.


“Forgive me, Father, for the way I indiscriminately wound because of my thoughtless behavior. Help me think ahead so I can avoid injuring others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Second-Man Likeness

February 12

…so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven.

1Corinthians 15:49

Larry and John were lamenting the argument of the ages; both with strong opinions; neither giving ground.

“Eve caused Adam to sin, and, consequently, the entire human race,” Larry espoused.

“No, Eve did not cause Adam to sin,” John asserted. “Adam could have resisted and said ‘No! It’s wrong!’ but instead he gave in to temptation without much forethought or resistance.” he countered.

Larry didn’t like Adam taking the blame; as a man it left a bad taste in his mouth. “I still say Eve took advantage of Adam, offering him the apple and seductively enticing him. I can hear her now, ‘Take a bite, Honey…it’s sooo good! Surely God won’t kill us!’” Larry’s words were venomous and heart-felt. “Adam never had a chance!”

“You know, Larry,” John said, holding up his hand, motioning for a truce. “No matter who’s to blame, all that matters is that because of what happened that day, we needed a Redeemer, Someone Who could make us right with God. Thank You Jesus! If not for Him we are lost forever.”

“Amen to that.” They’d finally found common ground.

If Adam was the first father of the human race; hence the first man, we needed Another, who could say NO! to temptation; a Redeemer of mankind; the Second Man.

While destined to reign over the earth, Adam fell into sin, and caused us to forever need a replacement for the pattern God intended. Adam’s sin, resulting in our sinful nature, is the likeness we are born with. We take on Adam’s likeness under the influence of temptation, living out of our sin instead of in the Spirit.

For us to enter heaven we needed a Second Man to Father our race. So God sent Jesus. Who, in the flesh, was able to live a life complete and sinless by living in the Spirit at all times. It is this likeness, that of the Second Man, that must shine through our sin. And the only way to ensure this outcome is to accept Him as our Lord and Savior.


“Lord Jesus, I want to exchange my sinful likeness for Yours, the likeness from heaven. Please, forgive my sins, and come into my heart. Amen.”

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


No Prisoners

February 11

No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him…

John 6:44

Mark was sorting through the doubt and confusion, and explaining, as best he could, to his Sophomore Science teacher, Phil Grant, how God expected too much. “Why’s this so hard?” Mark waited a moment for Mr. Grant to answer. With no answer forthcoming, he continued, “If God would just give me a sign or something it would make this a lot easier. Then I’d know for sure.” He sounded less than confident.

Phil sensed the pent-up frustration in Mark’s heart. Mark was just like most skeptics…he wanted empirical proof of God’s existence before choosing to follow Him. Mark didn’t want to take this last step in faith. He wanted to know God would be there to catch him when he jumped!

Sensing an opportunity, Phil offered, “God doesn’t take prisoners, Mark. He’s not interested in holding you hostage. He wants you to come of your own free will because He knows it won’t work any other way.”

“That’s the problem…” Mark voiced.

Taking a chance, Phil interjected, “Would you believe conclusively if God spoke to you audibly so you could bypass the whole faith thing? Or would you, in a day or two, begin to doubt you’d heard His voice at all?”

Mark had to admit he wasn’t sure. He thought it would make all the difference…but...he didn’t know.

“Mark…God will move heaven and earth to draw you to a place of trust and surrender, but He won’t choose for you. He loves you too much to do that.” He could sense Mark was close to a choice, and he figured he’d said enough. The rest was up to Mark.

God is not interested in strong-arming people into becoming followers; nor will His nature allow it. Love does not coerce what it treasures. It creates an atmosphere in which the intended purpose can be achieved, leaving the results to the treasured ones. 

And, although God refuses to force His love on us, He will draw us right up to a crisis of faith, and patiently wait for us to make a decision. Time after time, God speaks into the stillness, quietly wooing us, because He will not take prisoners.


“I surrender my heart in faith to You, LORD. Teach me to trust without empirical proof. Amen.”

Monday, February 10, 2025


It’s All About Jesus

February 10

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words.

1Corinthians 2:4

Steve had never met a salesman like Ken. Ken asked several questions to find out what Steve was looking for, and suggest three specific vehicles to look at. After test-driving each, Steve carefully looked them over. He checked under their hoods and even laid on the ground to check the undercarriage. While he did this, Ken told Steve about the previous owners and how they had treated each vehicle. He offered bits of information about each vehicle, including problems he knew of.

Steve had never met a salesman so open and unassuming. And to top it off, when he was finished, Ken handed him his card and said, “I’d be happy to answer anymore questions you might have, just give me a call when you decide what you’d like to do,” and started to walk away without the usual, “How would you like to set up your payments?” no pressure.

Steve called, “Wait a minute!” When Ken turned around Steve asked, “You’re not going to give me your best pitch?”

Ken smiled, “That was it. Look Steve, I’ve been in sales a long time and I believe people should get what they want when they make a purchase, not what I want. You deserve to know the truth about what you’re buying, and it’s my responsibility to disclose everything I know. I’d be less than honest if I didn’t. And hard sales leave a bad taste in my mouth.”

What a novel idea! Tell someone the truth, and let them decide what to do!

That is exactly what Paul did in Corinth. He shared Jesus with simple words, and left the decision to the Corinthians.

One of the best-educated men of his time, Paul knew how to persuade someone to believe as he did. Yet, He didn’t feel the need to dazzle people with his intellect or rhetoric. He understood that God was going to take his words and transform them into life-giving knowledge.

Presenting Jesus is about Jesus, not us. God is quite capable of promoting His Son.


“I need strength more than flowery words when I encounter someone who needs to know You, Lord Jesus. Just give me simple words to explain what I know about You. Amen.”

Sunday, February 9, 2025


Led Astray

February 9

I am afraid that…your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

2 Corinthians 11:3

The passengers received no advanced warning before the plane dropped out from under them, falling more than 1000 feet in less than six seconds. All they knew was they had free-fallen for what felt like an eternity before the floor returned under their feet, and the plane leveled off; it wasn’t something they cared to repeat.

The pilot’s subsequent apology did little to calm their fears, “I am sorry for any anxiety this unexpected event may have caused,” he said, then continued, “Our auto-pilot has malfunctioned, causing the sudden drop in elevation. We have assumed manual control of the aircraft and will be returning to Scottsdale. We thank you for your patience.”

Concern among the passengers now turned to unrest. What if another system failed?! The audible lament from several frightened individuals did little to bring comfort to the rest of the passengers.

Fortunately though, nothing else failed, and twenty-five minutes later they were safely on the ground. A little apprehensive, but overjoyed the malfunction hadn’t resulted in catastrophic consequences, they were shuttled to another plane where they continued on to their intended destination.

Systems fail; sometimes without warning. We can be cruising through life, on auto-pilot, not paying close attention to the course we’re on until a malfunction occurs, and find ourselves in the midst of a serious situation. Knowing what to do and taking corrective action is critical. But taking preventive measures is better by far.

By tending to our spiritual flight-plan before we encounter rough weather may not assure us of avoiding turbulence, but we will certainly be better prepared to deal with temporary system failure.

Where are you headed? The wise person takes time to map out their flight-plan before taking off. Detours and unexpected problems are inevitable, but if we have a plan going in we stand a much better chance of surviving an in-flight glitch. Avoid disaster, and register your flight-plan today.


“Lord, help me not to carelessly wander through life on auto-pilot. Show me the course You have mapped out for me and help me stay on it. And when I stray off course, gently guide me back. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Saturday, February 8, 2025


Grieve With Hope

February 8th

Let the little children come to me…for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Matthew 19:14

Desiree didn’t know how to feel. Neither did Josh. They had just lost a child to miscarriage.

The doctor said, “it wasn’t a viable fetus; only tissue at this stage.”

Unable to comprehend their loss, they decided by unspoken agreement to deal with it silently…and individually. 

Desiree grew distant. 

Josh withdrew into silent rebellion. He began to medicate his pain with alcohol. Living like this felt like hell, and he was determined not to feel anything.

Desiree languished in an emotion-tossed ocean, battered by the relentless waves.

Life became a sequence of going to work, silently eating supper together, and feeling like hypocrites at church on Sunday because of the hidden anger aimed at the Throne.

When Desiree wept, Josh tried his best to comfort her, but what could he say? Sorry we lost the…the what? Was it a baby, or wasn’t it?! It was safer to not talk about it. And neither was willing to rip the newly-formed scab from its wound. Perhaps it would heal if left alone…

Then one day Desiree and Josh met a counselor from the local Pro-life Pregnancy Center, who explained that there was hope for the future. Slowly, through counseling, light pierced the darkness, and hope replaced loss.

Miscarriage is one of the most misunderstood and least talked about forms of loss. It steals the unseen. Having never held this child outside the womb, the loss becomes an intangible. The pain is indifferent and ambiguous, yet deep and inexpressible.

Having experienced two miscarriages, I can attest to the emptiness and unremitting sorrow over such loss.

I would, however, like to present a hope-filled perspective: What a privilege these children are extended, to never be subjected to sin, pain, or sorrow…and to grow up in the Light of Life!

We will meet them one day in the greatest family reunion the world has ever witnessed! Until then, never allow anyone to tell you your child was only tissue. Mourn your loss and grieve with hope.


“Father of life, I bring before You each wounded heart that has experienced this loss. Touch them with Your truth and bring healing to their scarred hearts. Give them hope! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Friday, February 7, 2025

Sowing Good Seeds

November 1

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6

I watched as my son-in-law, Corey, and my son, Eric, walked my parent's rural property with my granddaughter, Jozlyn, following Easter dinner. The 62 degree day was a welcomed change from the grip of a winter that had been both cold and snowy, and up until three weeks ago seemed it would never release it's death-grip.

Watching succeeding generations follow in our footsteps brought a smile to my face. We had invested both time and love in our children, praying they would become good examples for their peers, and role models for their children. They had, indeed, become individuals of integrity and wisdom.

I watched as Corey swept brush out of Jozlyn's way with his foot, mindful that her little feet and legs might easily became entangled in the prickly weeds of winter. My smile widened as the height of imitation played out before me.

Like a track sprinter backing into the starting blocks, seventeen-month-old Jozlyn, bent down, placed her hands on her daddy's shoe, and with one foot, shoved at the weeds she had just witnessed Daddy brush out of the way. Stretching her little body, Jozlyn continued pushing at the one single weed that refused to yield.

Keep pushing, Little J,” Daddy encouraged.

Resetting herself, she stretched as far as her little body could reach. The defiant weed moved! She stood, looking up...

That's my big girl!” came the response she had worked so hard for.

And with that, they continued their stroll.

What do we look like to our children? What do their innocent little eyes see when we're not paying attention? Do we want them to imitate those actions? Do we exhibit good moral character, or inadvertently teach them things we'd rather they not witness?

In the same way today's text suggests that parents teach their children the right way to live so they won't forget went they get older, our actions can just as easily give them a heritage of destruction to fall back on.

Everything we do and every step we take is an example of how we view life, and what we are teaching the next generation to emulate.

It requires mindful investment to raise good kids, intentionally showing them how to be honest and trustworthy. We will reap what we have sown.

What kind of adults do you want your to children to become?


“Help me be the right example for my children and the world, Lord. Amen.”

Thursday, February 6, 2025


In Faith

February 6

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Matthew 21:22

Doug was in the first year of his pastorate at Faith Hill Fellowship. One of his responsibilities was facilitating a weekly drug-rehab meeting in the church’s basement. After loading a box of supplies into the back of the van, Doug, and his wife, Linda, climbed in for the ten mile trip to the church.

Doug noticed the gas gauge read empty. “That’s strange,” he commented.

“What’s strange?” she asked.

“I filled the tank yesterday, now it’s empty.” Realization dawned, “Somebody broke into the garage and siphoned our gas last night!”

“No way!” Linda wasn’t sure if she was more mad than scared over the sanctity of their home being violated.

Doug forced himself to focus on the immediate problem…he began to pray, “Lord, we need to be at this meeting. I ask that You restore what the thief has stolen. Please cause what gas is left in the tank to get us there. Amen.”

“You can’t be serious!” Linda argued. “We’ll never make it!”

“God’s word says that if we believe, we have what we ask for. I believe He’ll get us there,” he said pragmatically. So, pulling out of the garage, they put feet to their faith. As they drove the gauge never moved. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the church without incident. Opening the van’s back door to get the box, Doug was amazed to find a $20 dollar bill lying beside it. It hadn’t been there when he’d loaded the box! Besides stretching the gas, God had mysteriously provided for a tank of gas too!

Doug and Linda will never forget the way God answered their prayer. It is well they shouldn’t; it was answered exactly as they had believed for in faith!

Stories like Doug and Linda’s are not uncommon. Divine arrangements are no big deal for the Creator of the Universe. Our expectations, however, tend to lack unyielding belief. We generally give up before the manifestation.

God is interested in teaching us about His nature, and will go about doing that in wonder-filled ways that stretch both us…and our faith. Would you, in faith, be willing to ask, expecting His answer?


“Lord, Your word says I should ask believing. Help me believe. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Blindsided By Pride

February 5

Then Hezekiah repented of the pride of his heart,

2Chronicles 32:26

Lisa loved to sing. And since she’d begun singing for Jesus, she enjoyed it even more. Her voice was amazing; her range unlimited. The sweet resonance in her voice produced a rarely-heard quality. It was as though every song she sang had been written for her. This was her passion, her ministry, and she’d always spent time in prayer choosing just the right song for each performance.

The accolades and compliments were diverse and well-deserved; “What a tremendous gift!” “You have such a wonderful voice!” “Oh! I wish I could sing like that!” her fans would say, appreciative of her talent.

And Satan, unwilling to leave Lisa’s service to God uncontested, began seducing her, “You don‘t need to pray about which songs you sing. God wants what’s best for you, doesn’t He? You should be choosing songs that showcase your voice, songs that expose your tremendous range and matchless talent.”

And so began a period of self-indulgence. Forgotten were the warnings of getting caught up in selfish ambition. In time the joy began to fade. In its place came complacency. And one night, during a performance, she forgot the lyrics, her voice cracked, and she fled the stage in humiliation and shame. 

Realizing she’d become proud, Lisa wept in regret. Moved by this revelation she repented, asking God to forgive her prideful heart, “I promise, Lord, if you allow me to sing again, I will do my best to never allow Satan to blindside me with the glory meant for You.”

Pride is seductive. It tells us how wonderful we are instead of reminding us from Whom our gifts come. Caught up in the applause, the temptation to focus on our gift instead of the Gift-Giver becomes strong. Instead of serving for God’s glory we become driven by the gift.

But thank You, Jesus, for not allowing us to remain there in our pride-induced ignorance!

King Hezekiah, moved by God’s wrath, saw his pride and repented. Should God expose us as prideful, we have only to follow Hezekiah and Lisa’s examples.


“I’m more easily deceived than I want to admit, Lord. Show me when my pride is flexing its muscles so I can willfully bring it under control. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Reflecting Our Faith

February 4

…living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God…

Romans 12:1

Jake was learning to walk, and his parents, Olivia and Michael, couldn’t wait to witness those first few steps. Olivia held Jake from behind while Michael coaxed him, “C’mon Buddy!” The look on their faces showed both anticipation and anxiety. “It’s okay, Jaky, Daddy won’t let you fall; trust me,” he assured his son.

Jake took a tentative step, turned, and looked up at his mother, seeking reassurance. She smiled and echoed Michael’s words of encouragement, “Daddy won’t let you fall, Honey. Go ahead…walk to Daddy.”

Jake grinned, and letting go of Olivia’s hand, wove his way to Michael in a bobble-headed journey lasting six independent steps!

The subsequent mixture of tears and jubilation startled Jake, causing him to respond in confusion and tears. Michael lifted him to eye-level and smiled, saying, “Sorry, Jake. We didn’t mean to startle you. Everything’s okay,” Michael said, and tossed Jake into the air and caught him. This was one of Jake’s favorite things; his tears instantly turned to giggling and laughter. Michael stood him on the floor and said, “Mommy and I are so proud of you!”

“You’re such a big boy, Jake! You walked so far! And Daddy didn’t let you fall,” Olivia added, emphasizing the didn’t let you fall so Jake could make the connection between his fear, and learning to trust.

Paul’s letter to the Romans is a guide to Christian living; the learning curve between our faith and trust…and God’s ability to handle us with care. Paul invites us to live through the power of the Holy Spirit for Christ through faith.

Faith expresses itself through obedience; it always reflects what’s hidden inside. In our Spiritual infancy, we, like children learning to walk, are hesitant; we must assess the risk before submitting ourselves to Someone with which we have no history. We guard each step until we find we are on solid ground.

As we mature we learn to trust unreservedly. And once in true relationship, our lives become pleasing and holy, reflecting our faith.


“Lord Jesus, help me become a living sacrifice that others might see You though me. Guide and protect me as I renew the way I think about my life, lived for Your glory. Amen.”