Tuesday, May 21, 2024

 Momentarily Distracted

May 21

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus … so that you will not grow weary.

Hebrews 12:2,3

It was the state track and field championships, and James was confident. He’d cruised to victory in his qualifier and didn’t expect any serious competition in this event.

He’d trained hard for the one-hundred-meter hurdles, spending several hours each day perfecting his technique. He could soar over all ten hurdles, clearing them by no more than an inch. It was all in the snap and lean.

“Take your mark, set … ” Pow! The starter’s pistol sounded.

James got a good start and quickly took the lead. Snap the leg, stretch for the next hurdle, stride, he repeated to himself.

As he approached the final hurdle, James’ lead had increased to ten meters over his nearest competitor. Glancing left and right to see where everyone else was, James’s focus was momentarily distracted—just long enough for him to mistime the last hurdle.

Striking the top of the hurdle with his lead foot, James stumbled and fell headlong onto the track.

What had appeared to be a state title turned into devastating disappointment.

As he lay there regaining his senses, James realized he’d struck the hurdle because he’d waited too long to look back. That split second of distraction had caused him to misjudge the distance; it had cost him the race.

It only takes one brief moment to become distracted. The pride of self-sufficiency can take our eyes off our intended target. In doing so, even for a moment, we can miss the mark, become disoriented, and possibly lose the race.

Distraction is one of Satan’s most frequently used weapons. “Hey, over here,” he whispers. And we unwisely give credit to a defeated enemy, looking away from Jesus for a glimpse at the world.

It’s hard to remain constantly focused on Christ, not giving rent to the devil.

That’s why the author of Hebrews was so adamant about fixing our eyes on Jesus, not just casually glancing His way once in a while.

There will always be hurdles in life, and we must have single-minded purpose if we are to clear them safely.


“I tend to lose sight of You from time to time, Lord. Help me fix my sight on You alone. Amen.”

Monday, May 20, 2024

 The Kid and the Camaro

May 20

Feed my sheep.

John 21:17

“No way! You serious?” Benjy asked.

Kyle, his older brother, had just handed him the keys to his 1968 Z28 Camaro.

Kyle looked him straight in the eye and said, “It was always gonna be yours, kid. Just ‘cause you made a mistake didn’t mean I wasn’t gonna follow through on my promise. Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?”

Kyle was referring to a night six months ago when he was still in Afghanistan. Benjy had snuck the Camaro out for a joyride and had gotten stopped for speeding. His dad had made him write Kyle a letter explaining the incident. Benjy figured Kyle would be so angry that he wouldn’t follow through on his promise to give him the car when he turned eighteen.

But Kyle understood. He’d made mistakes. Looking at the excitement on his little brother’s face, Kyle had to smile. All the times he and Benjy had shared working on the car before he’d shipped out on this last tour of duty had provided precious memories while he was away. Benjy had spent more hours washing and waxing the Z than Kyle had!

He pulled Benjy’s letter from his pocket and handed it to him. “Don’t forget, but don’t let it define your future.” A look of sorrow replaced the excitement on Benjy’s face momentarily; true remorse showed he was sorry for his impulsive action.

Has Jesus ever reinstated you? Has He taken you back to something or someplace you have abused and given it back?

Restoring is what Jesus does. He isn’t looking to break our will, just bend it in the right direction.

Peter’s heart was right. He’d just demonstrated a streak of impetuousness that needed eradicated.

We’ve all done things that we shouldn’t have—some of them pretty serious, some of them harmful. But that’s what is so amazing about the grace of God. It cannot be outrun! It’s always there, waiting for us to fulfill our mission, waiting to restore us to a place of healing, where our impulsiveness is turned into kingdom purpose.

As in Peter’s case, he’d made mistakes. But Jesus didn’t allow it to define his future.


“Thank You for that grace that never stops pursuing me, Lord. Help me redefine my future. Amen.”

Sunday, May 19, 2024

 The Tenement

May 19

Take care of my sheep.

John 21:16

Jim and Char sold their Colorado ranch and used the money to purchase a rundown Colorado Springs tenement. They immediately began renovation, believing God had led them to this decision.

Over the next seven months they experienced times when they wondered how things would work out, but they never questioned that it would. Several times the project seemed doomed to delay, only to see miraculous things bring them back on schedule. Eight months to the day they’d sold their ranch, they opened the homeless shelter.

Char hired workers and interviewed volunteers between cooking and cleaning. Jim spent his days calling and visiting local businesses and churches asking for donations. His evenings were spent doing structural maintenance and whatever else needed done.

By the end of the first month, they were feeding and housing twenty-seven men and women. Both Jim and Char fell into bed exhausted at the end of each day. Feeding cattle and horses on the ranch had been rough work that had yielded a sense of accomplishment. Yet, it couldn’t touch meeting the needs of God’s flock!

God isn’t going to ask most of us to sell our homes and take on such a daunting task. But we are all capable of feeding God’s sheep, and He expects us to do our part. Learning what our responsibility is requires thought and effort.

Not all of God’s sheep are starving from a lack of physical nourishment or a lack of housing. Many need nourishment of another kind. Some of our elderly need rides to the store and help with their shopping. Broken families need a compassionate ear and wisdom in how to handle specific situations; their children need a mentor that may no longer be in the home.

Most of us fit in the category of going to work every day to provide the service we were hired for. A smile from behind the counter can do more for the person who needs to see it than all the money in the world.

Nourishment comes in a variety of packages. Discovering what someone needs requires us to be discerning, looking for signs.


“Give me discernment, Lord. Show me who needs my help today. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, May 18, 2024


May 18

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Romans 5:5

They each held a fist full of violets as they rode the thirty minutes to see Gramma in the nursing home. They were so proud of picking them—one or two at a time—from the blanket of little flowers covering the plush grass under the grape arbor.

The sisters had picked until they had what amounted to two brilliant bouquets of blue, purple, and white love! With smiles that matched the joy in their heart and climbing on stools to be seen, they held them at arms length and announced, “Here!” Gramma, who’d had a stroke recently, managed a smile. Delighted Gramma had liked their present, the little girls jumped from their stools and ran from the room, heading for their next encounter with life.

Shaking their heads and smiling, Mom and Dad watched as the girls flew out the door. They continued to sit at Gramma’s bedside, marveling at the vitality of life. In two, it was increasing; in one, it declined, and through it all, the love remained alive, attentive, and selfless. As a tear slipped from Mom’s cheek to the collar of her dress, she thanked God for creating flowers so little girls could use them to say, “I love you!”

The cycle of life retains a hope for the future. In each little kindness, we reflect the love of God that His Spirit produces in us. As we grow older, we become more sensitive to His leading and to the gifts He gives us along life’s journey.

As flowers bloom in season, we too develop into something beautiful as we draw nearer to God. We are blessed with special moments and memories that construct the substance of life. In those memories lies hope for the future.


“Father of love, thank You for giving me relationships that cause my heart to soar and tumble with the events of life. May hope be seen in my life as I do my best to reflect the presence of Your Holy Spirit. Forgive me when it doesn’t and help me adjust my attitude. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, May 17, 2024

 Quiet Words

May 17

The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of fools.

Ecclesiastes 9:17

Janet liked Reed. He was one of the most intelligent and engaging people she knew. However, because of his intellect, Reed sometimes engaged in the wrong thing at the wrong time. Reed had the potential to rub you the wrong way because he tended not to recognize or care when he was stepping on toes.

This evening’s event was becoming one such occasion … ”No, Sir, you are wrong!” Reed adamantly asserted.

Janet, hearing the annoyance in Reed’s voice, hurried over, grabbed him by the arm, and politely excused them. Once clear of the room, she asked, “What do you think you’re going to accomplish arguing with the senator?”

“I want him to admit the truth about partial-birth abortion!” he said in defense of his actions. “He spun his stand on mass murder of the unborn, sighting errant statistics slanted to meet his liberal agenda!” Reed said malignantly. “I was setting him straight!”

Janet measured her response. “Look, Reed. We agree abortion is wrong; and partial-birth is especially vile. But this event is neither the time nor the place to confront the senator. If you want to debate the issue, call his office and set an appointment.” 

Janet felt for Reed. His stand was one she shared. But he lacked the wisdom to temper his words. Hoping he would hear the wisdom in her words, she added, “Demeaning him in public won’t change his heart, Reed.”

“Perhaps,” Reed conceded. “But wrong is wrong … no matter how you spin it.”

Reed may have meant well but his actions were misdirected and inappropriate.

Colossians 4:5–6 says we should be wise and full of grace when dealing with unbelievers. The wise seek instruction from God, through His Holy Spirit, before debating matters of importance; be it abortion, or otherwise.

Being sensitive to the Holy Spirit allows God the opportunity to temper our words with grace, and opens our heart to His leading so our words plant seeds of truth, not enmity.


“Teach me wisdom, Lord. Help me to know and present Your truth quietly in love. Amen.”

Thursday, May 16, 2024


May 16

You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house.

1 Peter 2:5

John’s mind was filled with questions. He’d received a call from his mother saying she had something to give to him. He, his wife, Marilyn, and their granddaughter were on their way there now.

As John walked into the foyer of the old farmhouse he grew up in, he spotted a long-forgotten metal ammunition case painted with tan porch enamel sitting on the side table. A deep chuckle escaped him as the distant past came rushing into the present.

Opening the lid, John pulled out a wooden building block. He was transported sixty years into the past when he’d last held these building blocks; back to the days spent on the sewing room floor building some of the most world-changing architecture. The older he got, the more intricate the structures became. What began as three blocks stacked upon each other had evolved into foundations for shopping centers, skyscrapers, and train stations.

Tinker toys, Lincoln Logs, and of course, these beloved wooden blocks had occupied much of his time during the long winter months. A sense of nostalgia, accompanied with emotion, surprised John. He thought of how he’d learned about building a life by playing with these simple blocks. “You had to lay a good foundation in order to raise a strong structure.” He smiled as he turned and handed the block to his granddaughter, letting her get the feel of it.

It is impossible to build anything of substance without a solid foundation. John remembered the lessons from his childhood well; how he’d always made sure the bottom row of blocks were set just right before building higher. This had become true of his spiritual life. And his foundation remained solid.

If we are to grow and become the person God intends to use in His kingdom, we must first build our lives on the chief cornerstone … Jesus.

Peter emphasized the need to crave spiritual milk that we might grow up. And grow up we will. Our stability will be determined by the nutrition we ingest and the foundation upon which we stand. It is imperative to be nourished correctly, and only on Christ will we stand against the storms of life.


“On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand! Amen.”

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

 Who Says?

May 15

For when you eat of it you will surely die.

Genesis 2:17

The boys had been friends since Carp’s family had moved in beside Benny’s. Growing up together in a small-town subdivision, they shared troubles and triumphs, bumps and bruises. For six years they’d been exploring life together; today they were in the woods that bordered their backyards.

“If you eat that thing, you’re gonna get sick,” Carp said.

“Who says? It’s only a stupid mushroom, Carp,” Benny fearlessly replied as he popped the pinkish-looking mushroom in his mouth and began chewing. “See, I told you. Harmless. Here, try one,” he dared.

“No way! My dad said to leave the pink-colored mushrooms alone. He said they’d make me really sick, maybe even kill me.” No sooner had Carp made his declaration than Benny got a funny look on his face and started choking.

“My lips and tongue are getting numb. Help me, Carp. I’m gonna die!” he blurted out in fear.

“Spit it out! Spit it out! C’mon, we gotta get you home quick!” Carp said, grabbing his friend’s arm and slinging it over his shoulder.

Fifteen minutes and two shots later, a scared and remorseful Benny was loaded onto a stretcher, an IV in his small arm to offset the anaphylactic shock he was experiencing.

Carp and Benny represent two general mindsets within society. One believes what they are told and follows the rules set before them; the other must figure it out for themselves. Many of us fall into the latter, causing ourselves and those we love a multitude of problems.

There is within us an incessant need to discover, lay claim to, and control the issues of life. God created us to go forth; but in some areas, such as today’s example and text, we are forbidden to proceed. One step across the line can result in death, physically and/or spiritually. Who says? God says!

We are given free will. His Spirit tells our spirit which things are off limits. Even in our mistakes, His grace will chase us to the ends of the earth. He leaves it up to us to respond.


“My independent mind-set leads me to places I shouldn’t go, Lord. Please help me rein in that insatiable desire to explore places that are off limits. Amen.”