Friday, November 25, 2011

Arch the Angel
November 25

And do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Luke 18:16
They’d been practicing for the school’s Christmas play for a week, and Mrs. Doty still hadn’t made a decision regarding the lead character. “Lord, I know whoever I choose will do a wonderful job, but I feel like Arch is supposed to be someone specific. Help me choose the right child.”
Putting it out of her mind long enough to read this morning’s entries in her students’ daily journals, she smiled, marveling at nine-year-olds’ perspec­tives on what was important. She could hear each little voice as she read their entry. How precious each child was to her. She spent her life nurturing little hearts and minds because of her love for children and teaching.
Finally, she came to Pete’s journal. “I love God. He is my Lord,” this morn­ing’s entry read. A preordained moment—she had asked, and here was the answer!
Three weeks later, Mrs. Doty’s third-grade class took the stage in what was to be one of the most memorable performances of her tenure. Arch stole the show. The smallest boy in the class, Pete was wonderfully animated as he glided across the stage singing, “I can zoom, and I can hover when I’m workin’ under cover, and folks never seem to see the likes of me.”
Children are approximately forty percent of our population—and one hundred percent of our future. The generation we are raising up for tomorrow should be the focus of today.
A child’s heart is a rough gem in need of polishing. Many of us have been blessed by the strong hand of a father, the attentive love of a mother, and the extra polishing by the Mrs. Dotys in life.
Sadly, others have never known the dedication of someone devoted to cultivating their spirit. Instead, they heard they were no good and would never amount to anything.
Innocence yields to direction. It learns to treat in keeping with how it is treated.
“Do not hinder them” is a directive.
“Help me polish my kids correctly, Lord. Give me the wisdom and patience to bring a precious gemstone from these rough-cut stones You have entrusted to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21

You turn things upside down, as if the potter were…the clay!
Isaiah 29:16

Driving home from a business trip, Kathy noticed that some of the billboards and bumper-stickers she saw shared a common theme. As the theme sank in its message disturbed her: “Save Our Planet-Stop Off-Shore Drilling!” and “Save A Tree-Kill A Lumberjack!” One proudly proclaimed “Animals Have Rights-Spay Or Neuter Your Vet!” They were all geared toward elevating the earth and its creatures to the top of the World’s to-do list. These special-interest groups were out to save everything but humans.
Kathy decided to document as many of these “Counter-Humanity Messages” as she could during the remainder of her trip. In all she compiled over one hundred and fifty pro-planet billboard and bumper sticker slogans.
Upon returning home she decided to do an internet search. Typing in the words “Save the Earth” she was astonished to find over sixty-two million listings!
Investigating further, she found that many groups received some form of government funding while their websites listed numerous ways one could contribute to their efforts. Millions, if not billions of taxpayer dollars were being used to fund the efforts of their “Planet above People!” campaigns.
With startling clarity Kathy realized Creation had been turned upside-down in light of God’s commission to Adam: “Fill the earth and subdue it…rule over every living creature.”
While I believe raping our planet and cruel disregard for animal welfare is not what God intended, He left no doubt as to which has dominion and is meant to survive.
Since the fall in the Garden of Eden, Satan has done his best to deceive us. Special–interest groups are one form of deceit that is gaining popularity in today’s world-view market. They are more concerned with our use of resources and animal rights than with genocide, tyranny, or starvation. They elevate the earth and its creatures above God, and the needs of humanity. This is exactly opposite the commission given in the Garden. 
In a world where many no longer consider God our Creator, it is reprehensible, yet no surprise, to find creation being elevated above the Creator.

“Creator of all things, forgive our ignorant pride that causes us to disregard Your commands. Cause us to repent and once again worship the Creator instead of creation. Amen.”

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Vigil

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him.
Psalm 127:3

Every room in the house was full. Family and friends smiled and laughed while keenly aware of the common bond that brought them here. They were holding vigil, awaiting the passing of the patriarch of the family who held a special place in each of their hearts. They had come to share in the final hours of his life. Looking at each face you just knew they were remembering the good times past…offsetting the sadness of today.      
Throughout the house, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren laughed and told jokes as they shared an informal lunch; and all of this his wife of sixty-six years absorbed from the couch by his bed.
These were his descendants, the linage that would carry on; his heritage and reward from the Lord. His love for each compelled them to come and be close at this time.   
Had you walked into the house without knowledge of the circumstances you might have thought it was a party, for they understood that this transition was to be celebrated more than mourned. Yes, they would miss him. But the knowledge of his destination outweighed the sorrow, at least for today, for he was headed Home to see Jesus!
There could be no greater epitaph than to be surrounded by our children and offspring as we go home to be with Jesus, listening to them celebrate our transition from this life into the fullness of joy that awaits every believer and follower of Jesus Christ. Such an image is testament to a life well-lived and a family well-loved, through good times and bad.
This comes from loving with abandon those who we have been charged by the Lord to care for in the short time we are here on Earth. James 4:14 says we are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. This phase of life is short. Eternity awaits us.
If you’re not sure that this would be the scene around your death bed, make every effort to set things right so that your passing from here into eternity will bring celebration and not a veil of sorrow and regret.      

“Thank You, Father God, for my children. They truly are my heritage and reward. Thank You for always watching over them. Amen.”

Thursday, November 10, 2011

He Records Each Tear

Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?
Psalm 56:8 NKJV

Going through Helen’s belongings was proving to be as difficult as Ken figured it would be. Having experienced the pain of loss before, he’d put it off for the first six months following his wife’s death. Today he hoped that sorting through things might bring some comfort and chase away his melancholy.    
As Ken opened the ornate jewelry box, his eyes fell on the small vial with the purple ribbon tied around the neck. His tears began anew. “I forgot about this, Lenny…” he silently whispered. Holding the little glass container at eye level, he read the small tag he himself had attached to the vial, “He knows your pain and has recorded every tear. He misses nothing and comforts your soul.” His crying intensified until he was sobbing.
Twenty years ago, they’d lost their oldest daughter, Laura, to cancer. At a time when he and Helen needed comfort and the assurance that God was aware of their pain, a friend had given them a plaque with Psalm 56:8 written over the picture of a scroll with God’s hand holding a quill.     
This was a special vial. For in it was their daughter’s tears, tears Ken had wiped from Laura’s eyes and placed in this vial during her battle. He’d given the vial to Helen as a reminder that God was keeping track of her heartache, one tear at a time.
Reminded of how they’d weathered that storm, Ken found renewed hope for the future.     
In the midst of our deepest pain we have more questions than answers. And sometimes God feels far away, distant and aloof. But through each trial we face He offers comfort, sometimes through a verse of scripture, sometimes through a kind word from a friend, always in a way He hopes we’ll recognize as personal.
Does it end the pain? Not entirely. But He offers us healing, and promises to make it bearable if we’ll give Him our burden.
Thanks to David, we can take comfort in the knowledge that God not only knows about our heartache, but catches and records every tear…because that’s what a loving Father does.

“In this dark night of my soul, Lord, catch and record each tear I cry. Give me hope for the future. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”