Thursday, December 19, 2013

There Is Always Jesus!

The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name … will remind you of everything I have said to you.
John 14:26

As Doris sat in on the Bible study of her daughter’s home group, she frequently interrupted. “When are my children coming to get me?” Her daughter, Laura, would simply take her hand and say, “Mom, I’m right here. I’m your daughter, Laura.” This had become commonplace due to Doris’s battle with Alzheimer’s. But on this night, an important lesson was taught by the one afflicted by this disease.
Part way through the study, Doris opened the Bible in her lap, turned to a specific text, and in a quiet, unassuming voice, asked, “May I read from God’s Word? I believe it is relevant to your discussion.”
Echoed by everyone else, the leader said, “By all means, Doris, please share what God has shown you.”
In a strong voice, Doris read and then went on to explain the verse. “Our Jesus hides Himself in our heart at our conception. And when all other things fail or are lost to our mind, He surfaces, reigning supreme. There is always Jesus!”
Tears mingled with amens filled the room as a picture of Doris being cradled in the arms of her Savior emerged. She may not remember her name or her family, but she would never forget her Jesus!
Heart-wrenching to observe, Alzheimer’s patients lose their own identity and the memory of those whom they have nurtured and loved. Such a cruel disease. And yet, God has not abandoned them.
To date, no one is able to sufficiently explain how or why memory loss becomes more than wondering where we left our car keys. This, for the most part, turns into role reversal; the parent, who for so long nurtured the child, now needs care. Babysitting takes on new meaning as they revert to a childlike existence. Yet, if we listen through the confusion, God assures us that all is not lost!
In one Spirit-filled moment, God shows us that when all else seems lost, there is always Jesus!

“Lord of life, though we may not understand Your ways and though we tire from the care giving, assure us today that when all else is lost, there is always Jesus! Amen.”

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