Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Right Time

At just the right time, when we were still powerless.
Romans 5:6

“Stop worrying, Loran. He’ll be here like he promised,” Gail said to her son.
“You think so?” asked the apprehensive twelve year-old. “I sure hope he doesn’t forget. He never called to remind me, you know.”
“Honey, Uncle Bob knows how much this game means to you. He knows you’ll be ready to go. You’re worrying for no reason. You’ll see. He’ll be here at 6:30 like he said,” she reassured him.
At 6:25, Bob’s truck pulled in the driveway. He jumped out with a smile on his face and waved at Loran, who had jumped off the porch and was running to meet him. “You goin’ somewhere, Loran?” he asked teasingly.
“Aw, Uncle Bob. Stop teasin’!” he said as he threw a punch at his uncle’s stomach. “You know darn well where we’re goin’.”
Bob eluded the punch and rubbed Loran’s head. “We’re gonna have a great time tonight, buddy! Fifth game, tied at two apiece. Our guys are gonna do it this year. I can feel it!” Bob’s excitement transferred to Loran.
“If we don’t get goin’, we’re gonna be late!” Loran scolded.
Jumping back in the truck, Bob looked at his sister and winked. “Guess he’s right. We don’t wanna be late for the game. I’ll have ‘im back kinda late, sis. Don’t wait up.”
Paul spoke to the Romans about God’s timing. How God’s appointed time, or kairos time, a specific moment when God shows up, is always the right time.
This verse in Scripture tells us that God’s timing is impeccable. He’s never early, never late. Yet we fret and invite stress into our lives because we doubt He’s remembered His promises. Like Loran, we think because we haven’t heard from Him lately that we’ve fallen off His radar.
Waiting stretches and tests our faith. During a time of God’s silence, we can lose hope and sight of the truth. In the silence is where Satan whispers, “God doesn’t care.” But that’s a lie. If we immerse ourselves in His word while we wait, we will find the assurance that He will show up at just the right time!

“Sometimes I doubt that You’ll show up when I need You, Father. Help me wait in faith. Amen.”

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