Monday, March 3, 2014

Not on Our Own

This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.
Romans 3:22

As they reached the trendy restaurant, the couple noticed the scruffy-looking teenager soliciting passersby on the corner. Panhandlers were a city staple. “Got a couple bucks, mister?” came his routine greeting. “What are you doing out here, young man? And where are your parents?” the woman asked, the mother inside her rising up.
“Whadda ya care, lady?” came his defensive response. “I got no parents. I take care a’ myself. You got any cash or not?”
“Have you eaten, son?” spoke the man, kindly. “We would be honored if you would join us for dinner.”
Unsure why, he accepted their offer.
Having settled the matter, they headed into the restaurant with the young man in tow. When the maitre d’ saw them, a quick, disapproving manner assumed his countenance. It was his way of trying to discourage them from bringing street trash into his establishment. This was an establishment they frequented. So letting the maitre d’ know that the young man would be joining them, they were grudgingly seated at their usual table. The young man couldn’t believe what he’d just witnessed, someone taking a stand for him in the presence of resistance.
There are those who frown on persons who are unable to pull themselves out of the mire under their own power.
Where would we be if God had left us to pull ourselves out of our own sin? Without Jesus going to the cross, we would be damned for eternity. We could not, regardless of the length of time given, manage to do something we are incapable of.
Sometimes people need help. Salvation seeks out the surrendered, those who are aware of their inability to defend themselves before a righteous God. The maitre d’ has as much right to it as the orphan. If we assign salvation to those who look worthy, we will miss opportunities to show others the door to salvation in Jesus Christ.

“I really don’t know whose heart You’re working on at any given moment, Lord. Help me understand that none are worthy, but all may come. Lead me to someone in need of Your love. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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