Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Safe in His Hands

The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands.
John 3:35

Don was repairing his weed eater on the workbench in his tool shed when a sudden, loud buzzing, zipped past his ear. He felt a little silly for having jumped when he realized it was a humming bird.
It had come through the open shed door and flown right to the window above the workbench. Back and forth it flew, moving up and down and side to side, looking for an exit. Finding none, its little wings seemed to beat even faster. But it would not leave the window. Don gently reached up and tried to shoo the bird from the window by placing his hand between the bird and the glass. But to no avail.
Don wondered if he could capture the bird by using both hands. Slowly, so as not to further alarm the frightened bird, he raised his cupped hands. Reaching the last inch, Don felt the tiny creature settle into his hands. As the bird felt Don’s touch, all movement ceased…its tiny wings stopped fluttering, and Don felt his teeny feet latch onto his finger.
Walking to the door, he extended his open hands. Immediately the bird flew away, unharmed. Don smiled as the mini jet streaked across the sky, heading for the nearest tree to rest.
Many times we find ourselves, like the hummingbird, looking for a way out of situations we were sure held the promise of something good; the path seemed clear and safe. So we ventured in, only to find out too late that it was a trap. Like the hummingbird, we were/are unable to find a way of escape on our own.
Like Don, God is reaching out to rescue us through the outstretched hands of His Son, hoping we will allow Jesus’ nail-scarred hands to hold us in that place of complete safety and rest.
Having placed all things in Jesus’ capable hands, God wants that to include us. But free will won’t allow His interference. That choice is ours. We can, however, rest assured that when we yield to Jesus, we will be safe in His hands.


“Lord Jesus, settle this restless spirit in me that tends to flutter in vain. Right now, I willingly place myself in Your hands. Amen.”  

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