Friday, November 14, 2014

Today's post is dedicated to my Granddaughter, Jozlyn's birth and life, and to Frank Matheny's memory, both very precious to us.

Celebrate Today!

a time to be born and a time to die… a time to weep and a time to laugh
Ecclesiastes 3:2, 4

It was approaching midnight and the crowd in the waiting room had dwindled to a handful of people. The long hours awaiting my granddaughter’s birth were filled with an extended dialogue between my wife, Nancy, my son, Eric, and me.
Eric and Lindsay’s childhood dominated the conversation. We laughed as we recalled events, each account bringing fond memories. As happy and laughter-filled as these memories were they were overshadowed by one particular event that evoked only sadness, and a sense of premature grief. Eric and Lindsay had lost a childhood friend in a tragic accident on New Year’s Eve a few years ago.
But on this night restoration of celebration was taking place.
“You know what tomorrow is, right?” Eric said.
“Yep. Linds and I were talking about that last week,” Nancy responded.
Eric looked at the clock on his iPhone, “It’d be fitting if Lindsay waits twenty minutes to have Jozlyn.”
Knowing the significance of tomorrow, I joined the conversation, “Frankie would have been what, thirty-five?”
“Thirty-six,” Eric said, still saddened by the loss of his close friend.
“It’ll be bittersweet, but it’ll be a great reason to celebrate November fourteenth again,” Nancy said, bringing the thought full circle.
One life ends, another begins. Such is the uncertainty of our days upon this earth. Psalm 139:16 tells us the day of our death is a known point in time. Yet, we tend to treat this fact with impunity. We’d rather not consider such truth...and because of our denial we take today for granted.
Today’s text reminds us that life is cyclical. We are born knowing we will one day die. This knowledge should motivate us to appreciate the present with the passion God intended. His desire is that we greet each new day with a desire to know Him better while finding joy in what we do.
November fourteenth hadn't been ‘celebrated’ in a long time. However, with Jozlyn’s birth, our children once again had reason to laugh and rejoice as the memory of a close friend took on new meaning.


“Lord of life, thank You for the miracle of life and the gift of today. Help me celebrate this day with purpose. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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