Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Because Of His Great Love

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ…
Ephesians 2:4, 5

“Mom lived in fear the last year of her life,” Nancy confided. “Alzheimer’s robbed her of every last shred of physical strength and emotional stability.”
“I’m sorry,” Craig said. “That must have been so hard watch.”
“The hardest part was seeing how it shook Mom’s faith. She seemed unable to grasp the fullness of the Holy Spirit.”
“It’s disheartening to witness a loved one losing their identity. Many people, as you said, have experienced a crisis of faith wondering why God would allow this to happen.”
Nancy nodded, “As terrible as that last year was, the final four days of Mom’s life were wonderfully reassuring. God revealed Himself in the most conspicuous of ways.”
“How so?”
“Right before Mom died, the fear departed. It didn’t reduce or decline…it left completely, it was entirely gone. In its place was complete and utter peace, with moments of lucidity.
“Several times Mom voiced that she wanted to go home. We tried to reassure her, ‘Mom, this is your house,’ we’d say. Or, ‘ You are home, Mom.’ But she didn’t seem to hear.” Nancy’s smile held a slight chuckle, “It took us a couple days before we realized she was talking about Heaven…!”
I smiled, guessing what Nancy would say next…
“Mom said she saw Jesus during those last four days. As incredible as it sounded, we never questioned the validity of her testimony. The change that had come over her could only have been due to something supernatural, so we knew she was telling the truth. Jesus had shown up, eased her pain, and prepared her for the trip home.”
Alzheimer’s is one of the worst consequences of the fall in the Garden of Eden. Yet in spite of this fact, today’s account has been a recurring theme during the last days of many Alzheimer’s patients. I have been witness to no less than four of these blessings.
God, in His infinite mercy, reaches into the lives of those afflicted and removes the veil of confusion.
When it happens it is amazing to behold. The Spirit of God, through Jesus Christ, is remembered and has come alive once again!


“Lord God, we thank You for making Yourself known at a time when it is most needed. May we always appreciate the presence of Your Spirit. Amen.”

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