Thursday, April 9, 2015

With One Voice

Love is…
1Corinthians 13:4-8

With the pastor out of town, Jake, a local High School music teacher, was speaking this morning. “I want to bring a message today about speaking with ‘One Voice’. ‘One’ voice refers to the distinct harmony created by a barbershop quartet. As each voice, lifted in its unique pitch and quality is blended, they create something unattainable as individual vocalists.”
Jeff, also a layman in the congregation, listened intently, “Just as multiple singers can become more than their individual selves, the Church is meant to produce spiritual singularity, showing Jesus to the world in love. The day before He was crucified, Jesus told His Disciples the world would know Who’s they were if they loved, cherished, and cared for one another...”
Jake challenged the Church to seek God’s understanding of 1Corinthians 12:12, and 13:4-8, and finished with, “When we put others ahead of ourselves in love something happens. Our voice shifts from one of self-purpose and becomes part of a Spiritual symphony. When we, as Christians, live together in love our voices become the harmony that creates the ‘One Voice’.”
Jeff accepted Jake’s challenge, silently praying, This is how I want the voice of my life to sound, Lord Jesus, to merge with the other voices of Your Body. Help me love in such a way.
In 1Corinthians 12, Paul explains how the Church is made up of individual parts that work together for the good of the Body. In chapter 13, he exhorts the Church to turn away from jealousy and enmity, so the unity described in chapter 12 is made possible.
Sadly, there is a lack of trans-denominational cooperation and mutual edification within the Body.
The world is disillusioned with the disharmonious noise of today’s Christianity, they have no desire to become engaged when they listen to selfish nature where unity and fellowship should be. In short, they see hypocrisy, they hear an out-of-harmony Church.
Only by joining together in the unity of selfless love will our individual voices become transformed into something the world hears, that One Voice, and wishes to become part of.

“Father God, forgive my selfish desire to have my way. Teach me to love with ‘One Voice’ so the sound of my life is pleasing to You, and inviting to the world. Amen.”

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