Sunday, May 17, 2015


You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house.
1 Peter 2:5

John’s mind was filled with questions. He’d received a call from his mother saying she had something to give to him. He, his wife, Marilyn, and their granddaughter were on their way there now.
As John walked into the foyer of the old farmhouse he grew up in, he spotted a long-forgotten metal ammunition case painted with tan porch enamel sitting on the side table. A deep chuckle escaped him as the distant past came rushing into the present.
Opening the lid, John pulled out a wooden building block. He was transported sixty years into the past when he’d last held these building blocks; back to the days spent on the sewing room floor building some of the most world-changing architecture. The older he got, the more intricate the structures became. What began as three blocks stacked upon each other had evolved into foundations for shopping centers, skyscrapers, and train stations.
Tinker toys, Lincoln Logs, and of course, these beloved wooden blocks had occupied much of his time during the long winter months. A sense of nostalgia, accompanied with emotion, surprised John. He thought of how he’d learned about building a life by playing with these simple blocks. “You had to lay a good foundation in order to raise a strong structure.” He smiled as he turned and handed the block to his granddaughter, letting her get the feel of it.
It is impossible to build anything of substance without a solid foundation. John remembered the lessons from his childhood well; how he’d always made sure the bottom row of blocks were set just right before building higher. This had become true of his spiritual life. And his foundation remained solid.
If we are to grow and become the person God intends to use in His kingdom, we must first build our lives on the chief cornerstone … Jesus.
Peter emphasized the need to crave spiritual milk that we might grow up. And grow up we will. Our stability will be determined by the nutrition we ingest and the foundation upon which we stand. It is imperative to be nourished correctly, and only on Christ will we stand against the storms of life.

“On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand! Amen.”

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