Monday, August 31, 2015

Devoted to Idols

I gave them my Sabbaths…their hearts were devoted to their idols. 
Ezekiel 20:12, 16

As Kenny read the passage from Ezekiel, memories from forty years ago came flooding back: Twelve-year-old Kenny had the sensation of being watched as he nonchalantly walked out of sight of his house. Once he was sure his parents could no longer see him, he trotted the half mile to the ball field. It was almost 2:00 o’clock. He was late!
He was greeted by jeers from his friends, “Where you been, Tanner? Mommy wouldn’t let you come out to play?” 
“Shut up! I’m here now! Let’s play!” came Kenny’s embarrassed response. 
Kenny’s parents forbid him to play sports on Sunday, saying, “Sunday is the Lord’s day. We honor God by resting from the need to accomplish things by working or pursuing our own pleasures.” How was he supposed to explain it to his friends when he didn’t understand it himself? How could having fun on Sunday be a bad thing? 
Back in the present, Kenny smiled as he realized he now understood his parent’s reasoning for entering God’s rest. 
We have quietly, yet steadily removed rest from the Sabbath. There’s just not enough time for us to sacrifice a day of work…or pleasure. ‘God really doesn’t expect us to do nothing for a whole day…does He?!’ we rationalize. Yet, God’s command has never changed—only our perception of it. 
One day a week God invites us to put aside those things we strive to accomplish during the other six. In His invitation we’re meant to find rest for our soul; a day of reflection and restoration. During this down-time He is able to show us which things are important, and which are not. In truth, we can accomplish more by resting on the Sabbath day, allowing Him to prepare us for the next six.  
Today’s scripture is controversial. We reject the notion that we are too busy, or are devoted to materialistic idols, but ask yourself, “What do I do on the Sabbath that I would have trouble giving up?” 
God can’t restore us spiritually if we fail to respond to His invitation by honoring His Sabbath. 

“LORD, in today’s fast-paced world I have trouble slowing down. Show me what I covet above our relationship, and help me surrender it to You. Amen.”

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Kinsman Warriors

So he said, “These are the two who are anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth.”
Zechariah 4:14

Mitch and Lee frequently communicated during the day; mostly by text messaging.
Lee was Mitch’s nephew. He was also a seasoned cop.
Each morning Mitch lifted Lee to the Lord, asking that God give Lee wisdom and strength, with the accompaniment of supernatural protection so he could protect the citizens of his community. “Thank You, Almighty God, for always being conspicuous in Lee’s life. And for always speaking to him in ways he understands. Help him make the right decisions today. Show him things he needs to see, and give him discernment beyond his own. Infuse him with Your strength so that he can protect those You have placed in his care,” Mitch prayed.
As he carried out the duties of his vocation each day, Lee was aware that God would show him the things he needed to see, and speak to him about the things he needed to know. He knew that apart from God, there was no way he could make a real difference. “Thank You, Lord, for those who faithfully pray for me. Thank You for always watching my six. Help me see what’s really happening on the streets today. Surround me with Your warring angels, and use me to make this city a safer place.”
When in uniform, we immediately know that Lee is a warrior. But to look at Mitch no one would suspect that he serves God in the same capacity, because he fights his battles inconspicuously.
In today’s passage, the two olive trees represent Zerubbabel and Joshua, one a prince the other a priest; both endued with the gifts and graces of God's Holy Spirit. Although contemporaries, they were of different vocations. But both were mighty men of God.
The same holds true of Mitch and Lee. Both men were created for battle. And so were you. Like Zerubbabel and Joshua, you were created to serve the Lord of all the earth. And whether you serve in the sight of others, or quietly behind the scenes, you are no less integral, no more valuable. You are kinsman warriors.


“Almighty God, fill me with Your strength and the fearlessness of a warrior. Watch over me as I engage the enemy on Your behalf. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Eye of the Storm

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
Mark 4:39

For various reasons, many had chosen to remain behind and ride out the storm. Yet as Katrina bore down on the gulf coast, those who had stayed were questioning the wisdom of their decision.
With wind and waves battering their house, the Cullison’s were wishing they’d left when their neighbors had. But it was too late; storm surge blocked the evacuation routes. They were destined to see this through to the end.
As the driving rain beat upon their shuttered windows, one thought became apparent; this was going to be a long day. Around 11:00 am the wind abated, the skies cleared, and they ventured outside for a look. The eye of Katrina had arrived.
The destruction was incomprehensible. Complete homes were gone; debris and wreckage littered the neighborhood. Only the fact that their house was situated on a low hill had kept the storm surge from their doorstep.
Knowing this respite would be brief they checked the exterior of the house and then returned inside to await the arrival of the back wall of the eye, and the rest of the storm. It was remarkable how such peace could exist in the midst of such fury.
The storms of life come with and without warning, beating relentlessly upon us. But, like the eye of a hurricane, there is a place where the winds and the waves are held at bay.
Jesus’ words brought peace to a perilous situation…and the hearts of His disciples.
In the poem, ‘The Eye of the Storm’, the author writes, “…the waves may be mountains, the fields battle planes, and the earth be immersed in a deluge of rains, yet the soul stayed on God may sing bravely it's Psalm for the heart of the storm is the center of calm!”
Our refuge and peace are found in the Person of Jesus Christ. For when our eyes are on Him, we are resting in the eye of the storm.


“Lord Jesus, speak to the winds and the waves in the storms of my life, and bring peace to my heart. Amen.”

Friday, August 28, 2015

He Hears Me When I Cry

I love the LORD, for he heard my voice…Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.
Psalm 116:1, 2

“Mooooom!?” echoed a young girl’s cry from the shallow end of the pool. Nancy instinctively turned her head toward the cry. Seeing Lindsay wasn’t in any immediate danger, she walked over the where her daughter was splashing water in the face of her cousin, who was doing the same to her.     
“Make him stop, Mom!” Lindsay complained. 
Nancy stifled a laugh, “If you don’t like it, stop splashing Shawn. And, Shawn, big boys aren’t supposed to pick on little girls, especially when it’s their younger cousin,” she admonished her nephew.  
With the situation settled for the time being, Nancy walked back to her chaise lounge and lay back down.
“Where’d you go?” Polly asked opening her eyes just enough to look in her sister’s direction.  
“I heard Lindsay hollering at Shawn.”  
“In this chaos?!” Rachel exclaimed. “There’s got to be two hundred screaming kids in that pool! How’d you hear Lindsay’s voice above all that noise?”    
“I guess my ears are tuned to hear my kids when they need me,” Nancy said. “You’ll hear your baby’s voice when he’s born, too,” she added, pointing to her friend's growing tummy.  
As a mother’s ears hear the sound of her child’s voice among a hundred other screaming kids, so is God able to hear our individual cry among the countless voices who cry out to Him.  
The Psalmist was so impressed by the turning of God’s ear to his cry of distress, “Then I called on the name of the LORD: ‘LORD, save me!’ ”, that he resolved to call on the LORD for the rest of his life. 
It is unfathomable to us that God can and does hear our voice even when millions, if not billions of voices are calling His Name at the same time. Omniscience and omnipotence give Him the ability to not only hear us, but enable God to minister to us intimately at the same time He is ministering to others. And although we may not totally understand how God works, we can rest assured that He hears us when we cry. 
“I am amazed that You can hear me when I cry, LORD. Thank You for always listening. Amen.” 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

How Big Is Your Vision of God?

Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. 
Isaiah 54:2, 3

A missionary from Bandung, Indonesia, Tanya was back for a family wedding. She had come to share with our congregation in this morning’s service. Her message was about God’s vision for us, corporately and individually. She began by asking, “How big is your vision of God? Did you come today expecting Him to fill you up? If so, what size vessel did you bring for Him to fill?” 
Using one of the church’s trash cans as a visual aid, she said, “This trash can holds much more than a drinking glass; both represent vessels that can be filled. So I ask again: What size vessel did you come with today? God will fill whatever you brought, but only an amount equal to our vision of Who He is. How big is your vision of God?”
She spoke about the beauty in Indonesia, the waterfalls, and how powerful they are. “If you came to get water from one of our waterfalls and you only brought a drinking glass it would be filled in less time than it would take to blink your eye. However, if you brought a larger vessel, like this trash can, you could hold so much more! God’s love and grace is like that waterfall roaring over the cliffs. There is more than we can hold, and it’s never-ending. So learn to expect more…and bring the largest vessel you can!”  
We, the church, are the City of Zion that today’s text refers to. Our hearts are occupied by God’s Holy Spirit. Isaiah’s prophecy of Zion’s future glory is ours. But in order for it to be of any use, we must tap into this Inner Source and His power.     
Everyone we meet, regardless of the image they portray, needs God’s love and grace because every heart is created by God to commune with Him. We can impact those hearts if we allow God to fill us to overflowing.   
To do this we must enlarge our tents (Make more room for God to fill). i.e.: come expecting to be filled by a larger than life God.     

“Fill me to overflowing, Lord, so that I might leak into the lives of those You bring my way. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Un-reluctant Benefactors

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7

As Marie left her mom and dad’s, her brother-in-law, Kenny, gave her a hug and slipped something into her hand. “It’s not much,” he said, with a look that conveyed there’d be no argument. “We figured you guys might be able to use it. And tell Mitch I don’t want to hear any complaints!” he added good-naturedly, knowing his brother-in-law would accept their gift, but might feel a bit uncomfortable about it.  
What Kenny and Irene didn’t know was that Mitch and Marie had made a house payment just that morning, and their checking account had a balance of only $4.25, a woefully insufficient amount to cover the two utility bills that were due for disconnect in three days.  
Mitch and Marie had prayed when making the house payment that God would provide a way to keep them from losing phone service. Thanks to their un-reluctant benefactors there was enough to pay both bills and fill the gas tank! Now they’d be able to go to church on Sunday! 
God does not intend for everyone to start handing out money. But He does expect us to extend a helping hand when He asks. God wants to know the answer to this question: “If I ask you to help your fellow man, are you willing to respond without reluctance?”  
Many of us have the means to, yet we hold on tightly to what we have, believing: “It’s my money!”    
The fact is…its all God’s to begin with. We are merely supposed to be good stewards of what we have.  
God is eager to bless others through generous hearts. That’s why He asked Kenny and Irene. They weren't looking to be blessed; they were looking to be God’s hand of provision. The wonder-filled part is that, although they’d have done it without God’s reciprocity, Kenny and Irene got blessed as well.       

“Father, when I take inventory of the things I have I realize that You are generous, Your provision for my life is such a blessing. Help me hold on loosely to everything You’ve given me, and ready to pass it along at any given moment. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Agents of Prophecy

Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.
Colossians 3:21

Dell was one of the smartest kids in school. He was also one of the most under-achieving freshmen Mr. Holman ever taught. Finding ways to engage the young man had proven a challenge.
Mr. Holman talked to Dell’s other teachers and some of his friends, intending to discover why someone so bright seemed to care so little about his future. What he discovered was disturbing. Dell’s father was a bully. Although he never touched Dell physically, he broke his spirit mentally and emotionally, spewing venomous curses at him, “You’re so stupid! You can’t even tell the difference between a spark plug and a fuel injector! What the hell is wrong with you?! You’ll never be a mechanic! You’re worthless!”
Knowing otherwise, Mr. Holman determined to show Dell who he really was. Over time, he was able to penetrate Dell’s protective barriers. Once inside, he spoke words of truth; words to edify and nurture; words of encouragement and support. By his senior year, Dell’s poor self-image had been replaced by one of hope-filled anticipation. His grades mirrored his intellect, and he began setting goals for the future.
Day in and day out the man who should have been encouraging Dell was beating him down. Dell, instead of looking toward a successful future in a career he could find pleasure and happiness in, aspired only to only survive and escape his father’s harsh treatment.
We are agents of prophecy. Our children hear everything we say. Not only do our words speak loud and clear, our body language and voice inflection have much to say as well. Make no mistake…children will become who we tell them they are.
Fathers, don’t make the mistake of telling your daughter, “Go change your clothes, you look like a whore!” or she just might turn to the streets for a father’s love.
Our kids go from stroller to SUV in less time than it takes to blink. We have only a small window of influence. We should look for every opportunity to invest wisely.
Sometime today, tell your children how smart they are, and how blessed you are to have them.


“Holy Spirit, give me words of encouragement to speak over my children; help me build their self-esteem. And hold my tongue in times of frustration to keep me from discouraging them. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”     

Monday, August 24, 2015

Who Will Meet All Your Needs?

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

It was 1980, several years before I allowed God back into my life. Until then I didn’t realize playing the lottery wasn’t the best way to invest my family’s finances. We played the big jackpot on a weekly basis, betting the same six numbers every time.
The company I worked for had gone on strike several weeks before, and we were down to our last five dollars. Faced with the choice of buying milk for our two year old son or placing that weekly five dollar bet, I stopped at the store and used our remaining funds to purchase milk. Our son’s welfare came before my hopes of hitting the lottery.
Curious, we watched the Saturday evening drawing. The first number matched, then the second, and third. We couldn’t believe it when the fourth and fifth numbers hit as well! But when the sixth and final number matched, we just sat there, wondering if Satan was being allowed to play a cruel joke on us. For three years we had played the same numbers each week, never hitting the big jackpot. Yet that day, when we had no money on the line, our numbers came up, and the 1.7 million dollars that could have been ours went unclaimed.
Today’s story is true, and I have never once regretted buying the milk. I don’t know how many times I’ve told the story, but each time I do, I smile, because to tell you the truth, considering the lifestyle I was living, getting that much money would have been signing my death warrant. I believe God was protecting me…and my family.
Sadly, many individuals, desperate to find their way out of financial, moral, or emotional poverty, spend their life chasing false hope.
Scripture tells us that there is only One hope…and that He will meet all our needs. I believe that, because from that day in 1980 to this, we have never gone without. Our children even attended college, and are now on their own.
I can honestly say that my God has met every need we ever had. My hope truly is in Christ Jesus. I pray yours is also.


“Bless You, Father, for always giving us exactly what we need. Amen.”  

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Harps and Halos

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away…
Revelation 21:1

As I talked with Roger, I had a vision of Jesus introducing me to family members I had never met on earth. We were surrounded by a multitude of relatives, all waiting to say ‘Welcome!’
“Heaven is so glorious…I can’t wait!” I said. “I’ll get to meet my Grandfathers, who did much to advance the Kingdom of God, and thereby passed on to me the legacy of serving Jesus Christ. We’ll be reunited with those we’ve lost. You’ll see Hope once more...”
Roger’s voice held the conviction of a man who believed God’s promise, “1 Corinthians 2:9 says, ‘Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.’” He shared, “I tell my congregation that Heaven has been misrepresented by those who don’t know what awaits us…it’s more glorious and tangible than where we are today. But when you’ve never experienced it firsthand it’s difficult to visualize the truth.”
 “It’s sad,” I said, “God’s own people don’t have a true picture of what Heaven looks like. It’s been portrayed as harps and halos by people who haven’t understood what God’s word really says.”
There will be harps in Heaven (Revelation 14 &15). As for the halos, we will receive certain crowns (James 1 & 1Peter 5). But Heaven is so much more!
Roger’s comment about visualization is a plague upon the Church. Many Christians have been given a pitiful view of Heaven, if they’ve been given one at all.
But Scripture is quite clear in that our Heavenly existence will be tangible, with commerce and employment (Matthew 25). We will serve the Lord with joy…nothing will have the drudgery or sense of toil it has here on earth (Revelation 22).
1 Corinthians 2:10 says, “But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.” If you don’t know what the scriptures indicate about Heaven, look it up. As you do, ask the Holy Spirit for a glimpse of the truth. I guarantee that if you look, He’ll show you the Heaven today’s text truly represents.

“Give me a true picture of Heaven, Holy Spirit. Show me a glimpse of my Heavenly Home. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Pounded and Polished 

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—
1 Peter 1:6, 7 

I was taken with the beauty of the coastline along California Highway 101, specifically the rocky outcroppings that towered above the Pacific Ocean. The stretch of road I was traveling followed the west coast of San Francisco Peninsula, passing by the Año Nuevo State Reserve and the historic Pigeon Point Lighthouse. I was in some beautiful country to say the least. 
Just north of the San Francisco area, near Goat Rock and the point at which the Napa Valley spills into the sea, I stopped and got out. I was struck by the rugged the coastline. Rocks of varying sizes and shapes protruded from the ocean, marking this as a dangerous area for watercraft if you didn’t know the shoreline. Seals bobbed on the waves, watching as I walked along the shore.     
There was no mistaking the high-water mark. Year after year the waves pounded upon the rock, wearing away its sharp edges. There was a beauty in the grain and texture of the polished rock that was not evident higher up the cliffs. It was, to say the least, quite stunning; the contrast remarkable. One looked smooth and refined, the other harsh and treacherous. The power released as the surf pounded against the rocks was awesome! The pounding waves had polished and removed the rough exterior, revealing the beauty within.    
Like the beauty of those rocks after the waves pounded and polished them for millennia is our spirit following years of great trials and grief. Much desired is the end result. 
Understandably, most of us want the wise spirit without enduring the hardships that carve and shape such results. To expect great wisdom by any other means is idealistic. No one enjoys the pounding, but few, if any, would trade the experience for anything we have to offer.    
Rejoice in such trials, and give God praise for holding you in the storms that produce a genuine faith that the world can easily see.    

“Lord, as You polish me give me the strength and grace to give You praise. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, August 21, 2015

Built-in Protection

For the LORD loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. They will be protected forever…
Psalm 37:28

Eddie was fascinated by the changes he noticed in the tadpole’s roundish bodies. In just two days they’d gone from having only eyes and a tail to having four legs! “Daddy, hows come the tadpoles have legs now an’ their tails are gettin’ shorter?” he asked, mystified by this overnight phenomenon.
“Tadpoles are actually baby frogs, Eddie. They go through stages of growth called metamorphosis.”
“Meta what?” the six-year-old asked.
Josh laughed, and enunciated, “Met…a…mor…pho…sis, Eddie. It’s when something new begins to grow and other things disappear…like the tail.”
“Oh…” Eddie responded, unsure, but trying to figure it out.
“God made them that way to protect them. When they’re first born they start out swimming, and turn into frogs in about three weeks.” Josh continued to explain, “Usually they’re born in these little puddles to keep fish from eating them while they’re still small. Once they grow legs they can hop to the nearest source of water. As they go through metamorphosis, different animals want to eat them. And even though God protects them, some still get eaten by predators like weasels, mink, and large-mouth bass.”
“Look at that, Daddy!” Eddie pointed, “That one is walkin’ outta the puddle! If all them things think they taste so good, how’s it ever gonna grow up?!”
Josh thought a moment, “Do you see how he’s a different color than the younger tadpoles?”
“Well, his green skin will help him hide him in the marsh around our pond.”
“Ohhhh…that’s way cool!” Eddie said. “God is really smart! They got built-in protection!”
Just as God has provided protection for tadpoles, He has placed safeguards within our reach. The difference is that, unlike the frog, we have to ask for His protection. Once past our ‘tadpole stage’ we become accountable. At that point we must choose.
David’s 37th Psalm is one of ‘either or’. We can either accept God’s built-in protection through Jesus Christ, by which we receive His righteousness and all of the promises in Psalm 37, or…we can refuse, and remain vulnerable and in constant danger, with no promise of tomorrow.
“Lord, I need and want Your protection. Please hide me from the enemy in the righteousness of Christ. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Evidence of Jesus

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy…
1 Peter 1:8-9

Our Postmistress, Jane, has one of the most pleasant outlooks I have ever observed. Nothing dampens her spirits. Not even today’s inclement weather. So, as the low-hanging clouds continued to dump torrential rain, her part in our inevitable verbal exchange could be somewhat predicted.
“Morning, Miss Jane.” I said, opening the always enjoyable dialogue.
“Beautiful day, isn’t it?!” she replied.
Attempting to see if I could throw Jane off her game, I said, “At forty-five thousand feet possibly.”
With a look of shock on her face, and fists on her hips, Jane responded in mock indignation, “Well…I’ve never heard such a poor interpretation of such a beautiful day! I’ve always known your lovely wife was the one with the bubbly personality. But I did have hopes for you,” she teased. “I can’t believe that you are unable to see the beauty of such a fine day!”
“No evidence to base it on,” I teased.
“Just like a man!” she chided. “Always have to have proof!”
Jane represents a wonderful few who view life as it is meant to be viewed, without the need of stimulation in the form of sunshine and rainbows. The truth is that the sun was shining. The fact that its rays hadn’t made it to this particular part of the world didn’t change that truth.
And so it is with those who choose to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Although none of us has seen Him, we know He exists and is alive. To true Christians this fact is absolute and indisputable, we need no further proof.
Yet, the world demands evidence in the flesh. And without it they continue going about their day, living unto themselves.
We, as Christians, are supposed to be the evidence they demand. But when we fail to exhibit inexpressible and glorious joy, Jesus is misrepresented. I know we all have problems, so does Jane. It just doesn’t affect her attitude.


“Father, I believe without visual proof. Help me act in accordance with my belief. Help me exhibit inexpressible and glorious joy, that I might be the evidence of Jesus. Amen.”   

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Choose Life

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
Romans 8:6

Jeremy spent his days in a place so spiritually dark that rational thought was elusive. Eventually the darkness became so oppressive that he decided, If this is all there is, to hell with it! He wasn’t sure how he was going to end things…he just wanted to do it quickly…before he lost his nerve. Jeremy entertained several scenarios. Each method was viable. But the last thing he wanted was to screw this up!      
Then, out of nowhere came a moment of clarity, What if there’s more than this?
But the enemy was relentless… There must not be. If there was, you’d have figured it out by now.
On and on it went, one thought after another. Finally, Jeremy got a pistol from the lock box in his father’s closet. As he raised it to his temple, a voice whispered, “If you kill yourself you will definitely find out the truth, but then it will be too late to do anything about it.” Laying the pistol on his nightstand, he realized he didn’t want to find out he was wrong.
Jeremy had been governed by the flesh for so long that he felt his only choice was to silence the negative thoughts that continued to plague him. Thankfully, a remnant of truth kept him from pulling the trigger. However, today’s text tells us that unless Jeremy changed what governed his thoughts, he would eventually find himself with a gun to his head once more.  
Although we have no choice over the things that influenced our childhood, we can, with Jesus’ help, effect positive changes as we mature. We can, as Paul says in Romans 12:1-3, renew our minds. God, through Paul, tells us that our minds are controlled by the things we entertain. Although we are not quick to admit it, there are only two kinds of thought: godly/edifying or evil/deluded; good fruit or rotten fruit; life or death. We have the power to choose life.

“Lord Jesus, encourage me by Your Spirit to choose life each day, and stand against the lies of Satan. As I commit myself to Your care, show me what I need to do today. Amen.”

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

God Loves The Mets*

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Eric grew up loving life. He really enjoyed sports, food, and music…but most of all, Eric loved people. A few years ago, Eric said goodbye to the local small town radio station where he had been employed and moved to the west coast to join childhood friend, Ian, in pursuing a career in music. Shortly there after, he found himself working part-time at one of the largest Bay-area radio stations.   
Michael, golf pro and coworker from the station, invited Eric to play a round of golf with him and his wife, Alice. Steve, the sports director of the station would round out the foursome. As they played and chatted, sharing fragments of personal history, Eric learned Steve had been part of the 1986 NY Mets organization. Immediately, Eric felt compelled to share a pertinent childhood story, “It was 1986,” Eric began. “It appeared the game was lost…no chance the Mets would win.”   
Steve smiled as the story unfolded.   
“Mom was a stickler for bedtime, but that night, following my relentless appeal to watch my favorite team, she surrendered. Mom said it was my prayer that did it. ‘God, take care of the little boy who looks like Ian, and please let the Mets win the World Series. Amen.’ That was my prayer.” He smiled, “Mom let me go back downstairs! At that moment, the TV cameras panned the outfield. Hanging from the upper deck was a sheet that said, ‘God loves the Mets!’ Mom said, ‘The Mets are going to win…I know it!’ She said she knew they’d win because it would be a benchmark to building my faith.” Looking at Steve, Eric said, “You know the rest of the story. Poor Billy Buchner lives in infamy…but my Mets won! The truth is it did have a big impact on my faith.”  
God cares about even the small things in a seven-year-old’s life. To think that 25 years before, as a seven year old, Eric had requested victory for his favorite team…a team Steve was affiliated with, and that their paths would cross this day. God has always ordered Eric’s steps.   
When we understand that God has purposed our lives we can, like Eric, trust Him to direct our steps.    

“Lord of my life, thank You for always keeping my feet headed in the right direction. May You always continue guiding my steps. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”  

*Co-written by Nancy Clouston

Monday, August 17, 2015

Illuminating the Road of Life

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105

It was raining heavily; the clouds had lowered until they obscured everything but the road itself. The car’s headlights fought to illuminate even the smallest piece of real estate. Walter’s eyes hurt from the constant strain. “In all my years of driving, these roads are the worst I’ve seen! And I can’t even see the potholes for the rain!” he complained.
I’m pretty sure ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ is what they call what happened next.
“I’m surprised they haven’t flattened all four tires or swallowed the car whole!”
WHAM! The car lurched toward the shoulder of the road as Walter fought to maintain control. Then the right rear tire struck the pothole with tremendous force, causing the car’s rear end to momentarily loose contact with the road.
The next thing Penny saw was the guardrail coming at her too fast for Walter to do anything about. “Look out!” she hollered, just before hitting it and bouncing back onto the highway.
Miraculously, Walter regained control and stopped the car. Startled, shaken, yet unharmed, they got out and surveyed the damage. The right side of the car would need extensive body work and both right-side tires would need replaced. Walter called for a tow truck, thankful they had not been injured.
Harsh winters in the Midwest wreak havoc on paved roads. During the day, snowmelt finds its way into every crack and crevice. As the sun goes down, so does the temperature. The water freezes and transforms the cracks into crevices. As this procedure repeats itself, the asphalt breaks apart, leaving potholes the size of small cars.
In much the same way, the sin in our lives causes the road we travel to become rough and treacherous, filled with spiritual hazards.
God’s word provides the illuminating light necessary to navigate the road safely so we can move over and around the obstacles. But unlike the headlights of Walter’s car, God’s word cuts through the murkiest nights, showing us where danger lurks.
We have a choice…remain on the road riddled with destruction, or follow the path He has lighted for our safety.


“Lord of Light, show me the hazards that lay ahead. Illuminate my path and keep me from harm. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, amen.”

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Refuse to be Used

How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
Psalm 133:1

Addie wasn’t just disappointed, she was angry, “This carpet is the wrong shade of blue! We ordered ‘Slate Blue’, not ‘Saxony Blue’!”
“I’m sorry, Ma’am,” the driver said. “This is what the purchase order said to deliver,” he said, showing her the manifest.
“I don’t care what your piece of paper says! I know what we ordered!”
The driver was getting uncomfortable. He’d had unsatisfied customers before, but this lady was coming unglued. “Well, why don’t we call the store and talk to the salesman who sold you the carpet.”
“You do that!” she spat. “And while you’re doing that, I’ll call the pastor and we’ll see what he has to say about your establishment’s incompetence!”
In truth, the color difference in the two shades was virtually indiscernible. But this woman was acting like he’d sold her firstborn into captivity.
As the driver dialed his boss, the thought popped into his head that Dad was right; carpet color creates major issues when it comes to dealing with churches.
Sound silly? Unfortunately, today’s story is factual. More churches have split over the color of their new carpet or the style of chairs or pews to use in the sanctuary than theological or doctrinal differences.
David, in today’s text, had seen both the good and bad in people by the time he wrote the 133 Psalm. He, like his son, Solomon, discovered that living in unity was preferable to an atmosphere of strife and dysfunction. Both wrote frequently about the benefits of being like-minded and working together instead of letting little things become much larger issues. They knew that when pettiness surfaces, good sense goes out the window. Sensible people become irrational and nasty, and nothing can stop a move of God more quickly.
Satan searches constantly for petty hearts within the church, and wherever he can find willing participants, he puts them to work.
The only way to ensure that God has His way with in our lives is for us to refuse to be used by the enemy.

“Holy Spirit, make me aware when Satan is trying to enlist my participation. Show me if I become petty and divisive. Help me create a spirit of unity among the brethren. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Drinking Buddies

Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.
Hebrews 5:18

The four Sholan brothers were talented. Their family band, ‘Whippoorwill’ played frequently throughout the continental United States. Many weekends they treated the neighborhood to a country music concert of sorts as their band practiced for upcoming gigs on the front porch. They were, quite honestly, very good. The problem was they were not just brothers, they were drinking buddies. For the most part, no one complained about the noise…except on the weekends when they drank. On those weekends their mood shifted from placid amicability, to raucous indifference.
The atmosphere around the neighborhood became tense. Their song choices took on a darker tone; songs with questionable lyrics were belted out without consideration that ladies, teens and toddlers were within earshot. When that happened trouble wasn’t far behind. Parents would herd their kids indoors before the usual tripping over cords and falling over amplifiers ensued.
Finally, the neighbors took the issue to City Council, where council members passed an ordnance forbidding the ‘outdoor’ playing of music without the issuance of a special permit.
Eventually, a spirit of animosity settled over the neighborhood.
When we drink to get ‘comfortable with ourselves’ or set out to drown our sorrows, we numb our senses. God says not to do that. Drinking leaves us vulnerable, and causes us to do things we mostly regret, or even worse, don’t remember. We not only make fools of ourselves, we are in dangerous spiritual territory.
God wants drinking buddies, but not the alcoholic kind. He wants those who are willing to drink deep of His Spirit, those who want to be filled with the joy and wonder of His anointing and love.
When we get drunk on wine we lose self-control, we shut out the voice of God and reason, and we are no longer able to discipline ourselves with wisdom and good judgment, and…we tend to annoy innocent people.


“Keep me from the debauchery of alcohol and other sordid mind altering chemicals. I would much rather know what it feels like to be drunk in the Spirit. Right now, in this moment, fill me with joy and laughter. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, August 14, 2015

Go and Live Like It!

For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.
Hebrews 8:12

Lloyd was the Director of a 'Young Adults Program'. One of his favorite teaching methods was the use of word pictures, a practice that caught and held the attention of his students.
Yesterday, Lloyd had directed his students to dress in formal attire when they came to today's class. Unsure of his intention, they nonetheless showed up in suits and dresses. As they entered, they each received a small scroll.
The lesson today was on letting go of past mistakes. Lloyd instructed his students to write their deepest regrets and past transgressions on the scrolls and then tie them back up.
When everyone was finished, Lloyd had them pile into the school’s bus for a trip. Their destination turned out to be a funeral home. When they entered there was an empty casket at the front of the small chapel. Lloyd preached a message on forgiveness, and then instructed his students to pass by the casket, and drop their scroll in, signifying the death of past sins. He then had six young men carry the casket to a waiting hearse. They proceeded to the cemetery, where Lloyd performed a graveside service. At the conclusion Lloyd said, “The past is dead. As of this minute, life begins anew. Go and live like it!”
Isaiah 43:18 and 19 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” God, in essence, says, “I have given you a clean slate!” His deepest desire is that we reach our full potential as godly children. He wants us to understand that He is not mad at us, nor disappointed in us. All toddlers make mistakes, and need guidance and direction. God is actually contemplating our future, watching each step with the wisdom of an understanding Father.
But if Satan can keep us focused on our sins we will never feel worthy of living a Christ-like life with Jesus.
The truth is all our mistakes, past, present, and future, have been atoned for (Hebrews 10:10-14). Go and live like it!


“Thank You, Jesus, for cancelling out my sin. Thank You, Father God, for giving me a clean slate. I accept these truths! Amen.”

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Rice Bowl

“This poor widow has put in more than all the others.
Luke 21:3

The congregation listened as the pastor spoke of those who had lost so much during the recent tornado outbreak. As he spoke, a member of the congregation came forward and dropped a check in the offering plate. Many eagerly followed suit, including a widowed mother of three.
The pastor noticed her gift was not monetary in nature, but was instead, a small wooden bowl. Knowing the woman was extremely poor, he stepped over to her and quietly said, “God appreciates your generous gesture, Molly. But isn’t this the bowl you carry rice home from the market in?”
Her challenge ended any argument, “Can’t the poor give as well?”
“Yes,” was all he could say.
Another member of the congregation stood and said, “I will give you $1000 for that bowl!”
Stunned, the woman watched as the man came forward and placed a check in the plate to cover his purchase. He then turned to the congregation, lifted the bowl in both hands, and said, “I have here in my hands a valuable bowl. Who will give me $100 for it?” In less than thirty seconds the bidding reached $4000! “Sold!” he shouted.
After the new buyer came forward and settled her debt, she turned and said, “Many of you bid against me in an effort to buy this special, one of a kind bowl. I would like to offer each of you a chance to buy it…” and the little bowl was auctioned off once more. Time and again, the bowl was sold to the highest bidder. And when the auction finally ended, the little rice bowl had raised more than $86,000!
God appreciates all who give…especially when it benefits others directly. Yet, when we give out of our poverty, it moves His heart. And He, in turn, moves the hearts of those who witness such generosity.
Scripture says God loves a cheerful giver. It’s a matter of our heart, not our bank account. What do you have that would thrill God’s heart if you generously gave it away to benefit another?


“Everything I have is Yours, Father God. In this moment I ask You to show me how to give as the woman with the rice bowl. Teach me the true nature of generosity. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Revenge is the LORD's

It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them
Deuteronomy 32:35

Perry’s schedule had just been changed and Thursday, not Wednesday, was now his mid-week evening shift. He’d unduly been suspended for a week for missing his shift, “I called as soon as I discovered the oversight, but she told me not to bother coming in.”
Norm asked his son, “Have you missed any work in the year you’ve been there?”
“Nope. It doesn’t seem fair.” He expanded a bit on the situation, “My supervisor doesn’t like me, and I have a hard time liking her…she’s kinda petty. One evening, shortly after she’d taken over the position,” Perry noted, “she saw me walking from the patio. I had both hands full, yet she pointed to a napkin on the floor and growled, ‘Pick up that napkin!’ I looked at her and said, ‘Can’t you give me a hand and pick it up instead of exercising your authority?’ She didn’t like my standing up to her, and she’s treated me like crap ever since. I’m not stressed out. I just called so you and Mom could pray with me.”
Norm was angry, but tried not to let his voice betray his emotion, “Well, let’s ask God to resolve the issue...” and the three of them prayed that God would have His way in this situation.
It’s easy to get caught off guard, allowing the enemy to push our buttons. But God says, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
In today’s text, God assures us that He is watching what is going on, and will avenge us in His time, even telling us that disaster will befall them. But…we can help change that if we will pray for them, and let God change the hearts of our enemies.
It’s impossible to do in our own power, so trust in His Power instead. When we turn things over to Him, He changes our heart while attempting to change theirs.


“Father, there are times I want revenge, and it’s hard not to get angry. Help me realize that I give people control of my life if I give in to my anger. Give me peace instead, and judge them according to Your will. Amen.”

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

One or the Other

He who is not with me is against me...
Luke 11:23

The young girl stood, trying to make a decision. She thought she’d settled the matter before leaving the apartment, but now, standing in front of the local Planned Parenthood clinic, she wasn’t so sure. She had decided to resolve this unplanned pregnancy by abortion, and had been told Planned Parenthood would provide the procedure at no cost. This morning she’d read in the Planned Parenthood abortion pamphlet, that the sixteen-cell mass, called the Morula stage of pregnancy, wasn’t a living being. But something inside her told her they were wrong. Her Sunday School teacher’s words echoed in her mind: “Life begins at conception. Even the female egg and male sperm are forms of life.” If that’s true, she admitted, then this isn’t just ‘a shapeless mass of cells’ inside me, like the pamphlet says!
Turning, she walked slowly back to her car, her earlier decision reversed. One way or another, she was going to have this baby. She’d trust God to work out the details. Right now she had to figure out how to tell her parents.
A modern day euphemism found on tee shirts and bumper stickers states, “If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” In other words, “If you’re not with me you’re against me.” There is no room in that statement for gray areas…you are on one side or the other.
Today’s story sheds light on one such case. Planned Parenthood offers abortions to women, many in their early teens, mindful of the fact they are killing the unborn. In the time it took me to write this devotion there have been over 300 abortions. In a study by the Guttmacher Institute, the website Conservapedia shared statistics stating that nearly 148 abortions are performed every hour in the United States alone.
There is no middle ground on this issue. Jesus told the Pharisees, “He who is not with me is against me.” On whose side do you stand?
Don’t let another child die without your voice being heard.

“Father of Life, forgive us for such evil. Give us the courage, wisdom, and strength to handle the legal issues and moral perversion involved in such a horrendous crime. Help us reach those who casually and heartlessly end life without conscience. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Monday, August 10, 2015


I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

J.J. smiled as she watched Jim approach her teller window using a walker. She smiled because Jim’s ‘never-give-up-or-in’ attitude blessed her, and spoke volumes about the man. His perseverance silently encouraged everyone that knew him. He helped keep their perspective focused on things that mattered.
“Morning, J.J.!” he greeted. “How are you doing this fine morning?”
“Just wonderful Mr.Gault. And how are you?” she asked.
“I couldn’t be better if I was twins!” he replied jovially.
Born with polio, Jim had determined at a young age that he would not be defined by his disease. He’d graduated Valedictorian of a senior class of more than 300 students, and gone on to receive a bachelors, masters, and graduate degree from the Ohio State University. Since then it seemed as though everything he put his hand to had prospered. Many credited Jim’s success to a ‘Midas Touch’ of sorts. The truth was Jim worked harder than everyone else. For most of his life Jim had been the first to arrive and the last to leave the office. He was a dedicated man.
J.J. smiled at his ‘twins’ comment and said, “I’m not sure the world could take two of you anyway, Sir.”
He laughed, finished his banking business, and headed for one of the bank’s offices. He stopped in front of the door marked ‘CEO’. But instead of knocking, Jim opened the door, shuffled his way to the desk, and took his usual position…behind the desk.
Thirty years ago, Jim, recognized the need for a family-oriented, full-service bank. Undaunted by the challenges such an undertaking presented, Jim founded the credit union, and has never missed a day of work.
We have a choice as far as life is concerned. We can either play the hand we’ve been dealt, or we can sit on the sidelines, moping about how bad we’ve got it. It’s kinda hard to do the latter with people like Jim as an example.
If we refuse to be undaunted by whatever hurdles or obstacles we face, we will be amazed at where we find ourselves twenty years down the road. No matter how bad you think you’ve got it, God can and will give you the strength to carry on.


“Give me strength, Lord! Then lead…and I’ll follow! Amen.”

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Remembering God!

The men of Ephraim…turned back on the day of battle; they did not keep God’s covenant…They forgot what he had done…
Psalm 78:9, 10, 11

These neighborhood parents were tired of burying their children. Drive-bys and drug-deals-gone-bad had taken too many lives. Organizers of the community’s ‘Block Watch’ assembled for one specific purpose: to keep the drug dealers and gangbangers out of the neighborhood.
But gang members and dealers paid little to no attention to block watches. They presented little more than a sign decrying the community’s disapproval. They knew that people were afraid to take an actual stand. Sure, they’d holler from their porches and make threats, but nobody wanted to face-off against them. That is, until Jamal moved into the neighborhood.
Jamal Bennet was a godly man, a peace-loving man. But when God asked Jamal to move to Garland Heights and take a stand, Jamal moved. He understood God was calling on his experience for the purpose of setting this neighborhood free…he knew how to stand. He’d stood on the wrong side of this issue for years. But when God got hold of him things changed. Knowing how gangs operated, Jamal would move into a neighborhood, organize and teach its citizens how to stand in battle. With God’s strength and guidance, he’d cleaned up six communities.
There are some who run to the battle when all others are running away. These are people who have a deep understanding of Who their strength comes from, and what their future holds. Having been given freedom through Christ, Jamal had made a decision to use his past in God’s service, showing people how to be set free from tyranny. He could stand in the face of true danger because he stood in God’s strength instead of his own. He had a history with God; one he could call on in battle.
Each of us has at least some history with God. He wants to use it to encourage us when times get tough…for us, and those He would send us to. If we keep His commands and remember it’s God Who delivers, we will never need to run from the enemy.


“LORD God Almighty, remind me of Who You are, and help plant my feet firmly in the direction of the battle. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Wisdom Is Ageless

Do not forsake wisdom…
Proverbs 4:6

The two mowers droned as they moved back-n-forth in adjoining yards; one pushed by a man in his fifties, the other by a young Amish boy no older than nine. The man had been mowing his lawn since his early teens. Being Amish, the boy had probably been mowing for a few years himself.
Occasionally, the man glanced to watch the boy, observing his ability to push a mower larger than himself, and judged the wisdom of the neighbor for hiring such a young boy to do such a potentially dangerous job.
The boy finished as the man was mowing the final few strips at the back edge of his property. He watched as the boy pushed his mower to the edge of the hill, just above where the weeds were allowed to flourish, tipped it on its side so the handle held the weight of the mower, and used a heavy stick to clean the clippings from the underside of the deck, rendering it ready for future use. Then the boy and his driver loaded up and drove away.
Having always cleaned his mower just prior to mowing, the man decided to try the boy’s clean-up method. Surprisingly, he discovered the clippings were removed with greater ease when done this way!
Young he may be…the Amish boy had been well-taught and had inadvertently passed along to the older man a nugget of wisdom.
It would have been easy for the man to dismiss the boy’s actions, believing he knew the better way to clean his mower, and in doing so he would have missed out on an easier, simpler way of completing the task.
When we become close-minded toward learning we have lost the potential to grow and gain wisdom. Solomon called it forsaking wisdom.
As simple as this story is, it makes the point quite well. Are we willing to remain open to learning until death, from someone of questionable age?
Jesus said we must become as a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It applies to gaining wisdom as well.


“Lord, may I never be so ignorant as to refuse to learn from whomever You place in my life to teach me something. Help me remain open-minded and observant. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Friday, August 7, 2015

Counter-Clockwise Christianity

From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
John 6:66

John’s garden consisted of a broad spectrum of fruits and vegetables; from tomatoes and peas to banana and bell peppers; sweet corn and broccoli to melons and potatoes; acorn squash and Brussel sprouts to zucchini and pole-beans. Retirement had its privileges; John could spend as much time as he wanted nurturing each plant, making sure no weeds escaped his notice of eviction.
One day a passerby stopped to comment on John’s hard work, “I love to see someone tending their garden!” he exclaimed. “Those are some of the finest pole-beans I have ever seen! How do you grow them so tall?”
John, pointing to the bottom of the ten foot tripod-shaped bean poles, answered, “When the vines first begin looking for a place to attach their tendrils you have to give them a hand.” He made animated circular motions, indicating how he’d woven the vines onto the poles. “But the most important part is how you wrap them on the poles. You see…” he said, leaning closer as if to say I’m sharing a great secret, “the beans will only grow when wrapped in a clockwise direction. If you wrap them counter-clockwise, the beans not only refuse to grow, they will die within three days.”
John’s statement is true: pole-beans won’t grow against their nature. They literally get their own way…or rebel and die.
Many Christians are like John’s pole-beans; they thrive as long as they get what they want, yet rebel, leaving Jesus, to die a spiritual death because what He asks is too hard for them.
Jesus knew he would lose followers, yet didn’t try to stop them from leaving. He understood that some people won’t conform to another’s will. Living for Christ requires our voluntary commitment. Understanding this, Jesus gently reaches out, and guides us in the most beneficial direction. Whether He weaves our lives into something beautiful, or we go our own way, is a choice. Jesus candidly asks, “Will you allow Me to tend your life? Or will you leave me too?”


“I want to be a strong, healthy servant, Lord. Shape my life, and when I whine about the bending, help me remember that You know what’s best. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Drink Deeper Still!

…let him come to me and drink…streams of living water will flow from within him. 
John 7:37, 38

Grace Community had been looking for property to build on for three years when a wonderful opportunity was presented to them. A local business owner had decided to sell his business. The rural property consisted of a warehouse large enough to house a sanctuary and several rooms; two showrooms large enough for several more rooms and office space; and a twenty-five hundred square foot home; all well-maintained, sitting on six acres.
Having discovered through a mutual friend of Grace Community’s need, the businessman contacted them, offering his property at an amazingly low price. Before long they had signed a sales contract. A few weeks later, with closing under way, the water well gave out. It would need drilled an additional thirty feet to guarantee a sufficient water source.
After considering the additional cost of drilling, the church decided to proceed, and contacted the owner to let him know. They were astonished to find out he had completed the drilling, at no cost to them. To top it off, he had installed a brand new water pump!
This businessman had been blessed by God many times. As far as he was concerned he could do no less than turn over the property in the best condition possible, at the price they had settled on, handling any after-costs himself. He was letting God’s life-giving water continue its course.
It may seem unusual to have a deal of this nature find you, yet, when God is teaching the hearts of men, supernatural things happen. God teaches for the purpose of building relationships, and in seeking to discover His nature He wants us to come thirstily.
The businessman, being well watered, understood the giving-nature of God, and how God uses His children to bless others. God had already established in him a giving heart; doing the upgrade was a no-brainer.
Jesus says, “Come closer; drink deeply!” And as our relationship develops; He beckons us, like drilling the water-well deeper into its source, to drink deeper still, becoming life-giving streams!


“Loving Father, when I see the beginning of Your heart, and have experienced some of Your goodness, open my heart, and take me deeper still. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

When Evil Knocks

Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion…resist him, standing firm in the faith.
1Peter 5:8, 9

The heavy tapping sounded odd. With the shades drawn, Nora couldn’t see who was at the door. Getting out of the recliner, she drew back the curtain to get a look. Surprised by what she saw, she involuntarily jumped back, ripping the curtain from the window! Standing at the front door was a full-grown, Herford bull!
Regaining her feet, Nora shoved the recliner in front of the door and headed downstairs to alert her mother.
Her abrupt arrival in the kitchen startled Jane, “Honey, what’s wrong?”
There’s a bull at the front door!” took a moment to register.
“A what?!” Jane asked.
After assuring her mother she wasn’t joking, they ascended the stairs. The bull was nowhere in sight. That was when they heard the commotion downstairs. Descending the stairs, they found the huge bull shoving at a storage bin on the back porch!
Realizing it was the Amish neighbor’s bull, and he not having a telephone, they weighed their options, anxiously discussing what they should do. Finally, Jane snuck out the upstairs door to her car, and went to get the neighbor. After what seemed like forever to Nora, Jane returned. As the man got out of the car he cautioned Jane to wait in the car until he got the animal back in the pasture, because as he put it, “That’s one evil bull!”
It would be great if everything dangerous to our spiritual well-being could be identified this easily. If so, we could imitate Nora’s response by barring the door, refusing danger easy access. Then we could discuss our options with God.
But, for the most part, Satan does not roar; he prowls silently, using more subtle approaches that we fail to recognize. Once inside the door, he is relentless.
Peter says to be alert in our efforts to recognize Satan’s schemes, and to resist his tempting offers.
The only way to recognize such deception is through a constant connection with the One Who reveals evil’s true nature. Then when evil knocks…we’ll know to bar the door.


Lord, teach me to discern the enemy’s subtle temptations, and give me the faith to resist his lies. In Jesus’ Name, amen.   

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Take a Stand

Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?
Psalm 94:16

At the beginning of the 2011 U.S. Open, NBC broadcast a lead-in meant to stir the hearts of patriotic Americans. With flags flying in the breeze and soldiers standing at attention, a group of children held their hands over their hearts and recited the ‘Pledge of Allegiance.’
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…” They paused, and the picture cut from the children to soldiers standing at attention, saluting our Nation’s most honored symbol.
And to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation…” There was a discernible sense of pride on the faces of the children as they took the sacred pledge. The pause lingered, the viewers awaited the declaration of the real reason for our freedom…
With liberty and justice for all.” the kids proudly proclaimed.
And with that the announcer began NBC’s coverage of the U.S. Open Championship.
Under God” had been cut from the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ not once, but twice. Sadly, NBC had removed the most important statement in the ‘Pledge’ on purpose. Within minutes the telephone switchboard had overloaded, and their email mailbox was full from the responses of true Americans.
In their feeble apology an hour later, NBC stated, “Regrettably, a portion of the Pledge of Allegiance that was in that feature was edited out. It was not done to upset anyone and we’d like to apologize to those of you who were offended by it.”
Funny, but no one mentioned that the word “indivisible” had also been edited. The reason? By cutting ‘under God’, NBC was trying to render our United States divided, so they couldn’t use it either.
And in truth, we are no longer ‘one nation, under God.’ We have been effectively divided by godless enterprises and ideologies that hate God.
But unless you are willing to take a stand with God, as David did in today’s text, remain quiet. No one wants your opinion.
I hope that statement makes you angry…angry enough to take action.

God, I am sorry for not standing up for You and this great Nation. I re-pledge my allegiance to You. Open doors for me and give me another opportunity to speak on Your behalf. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, August 3, 2015

What Do I Know Of Holy?

I am the LORD, who makes you holy.
Exodus 31:13

Standing alone on a secluded stretch of beach, Jen was awed by the vastness of the ocean. She was pondering her pastor’s recent sermon: “What do you know of holy?”
With the surf pounding her legs, she was reminded of God asking Job, “Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb?” Job 38:8
Trying to fathom the implication of all this being spoken into being by a God she didn’t really understand, Jen was convicted of 'role-playing' her way through life.
She’d always held a secret resentment against God for being so demanding. She wanted to do as she pleased, yet retain her right to Salvation.
In this moment, catching a glimpse of God’s true nature, Jen admitted, “I’ve always wanted You on my terms; knew all I wanted to know; had You all figured out.
“But You’re a paradox. Because a God big enough to handle my problems, and small enough for me to understand, is no god at all.
“You created all this…spoke it into motion,” she said with reverence. “Why should You care about me? Or that I live a holy life?” Which prompted, “Why do You care…and what, exactly, do I know of being holy?”
Tossing another shell out to sea she had to admit, “Not much.”
With a never-ending love God continued wooing her, asking for the un-surrendered parts of her life, all the while surrounding her with examples of His nature.
Holy is the sacred and reverent nature of God that can neither sin, nor abide it. Holiness for the Christian is sought by the process of sanctification; our lifestyle changes for the better, small increments at a time.
With our sanctification in mind, and growth toward holiness in Jesus Christ the goal, God asks to divinely influence our lives through the power of His Holy Spirit.
Conversely, our human nature resists complete surrender, attempting to live 'mostly-holy', through the power of self-control. However, holiness is a lifestyle of complete surrender, unattainable through self-control because of the very nature of sin.
Daily surrender must replace self-control, allowing God access to live…in and through us.
Though we may not understand it, like Jen, we can begin by submitting ourselves each day to the Holy Spirit's instruction, understanding that God will teach us all we need to know about holy.

“LORD, as I surrender to Your guidance today, teach me what is means to be holy. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Adapted from the song: “What Do I Know Of Holy” by Addison Road

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Change of Desire

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Andrew and Jamie loved ministering to the people of Cedarville, TX. They couldn’t imagine being any place else.
Then one August morning, as Andrew was sitting in his office at the church, he suddenly felt a longing to be anywhere but Cedarville. Just two weeks before he’d told someone he didn’t want to be anywhere else. Now, he had no explanation for this about-face. Andrew spent a couple hours in prayer seeking God’s leading, wanting to know why his heart had changed so dramatically. And in answer to his prayer, God told Andrew that he and Jamie would be leaving Cedarville by November 1st.
Always ready to do as God asked, Andrew went home to tell Jamie wheat God had told him. Upon arriving at the house, Andrew saw a for sale sign in the front yard. That’s strange he thought as he entered the house. “What’s with the for sale sign in the front yard?” he asked Jamie.
“The landlord came by today and said he’s selling the house. We have until November 1st to be out,” she told him.
Events and circumstances were order by God to move Andrew and Jamie forward…into the next phase of their ministry. In their case, the Wommacks prepared to move, knowing God had ordained them to minister somewhere else, ending their time in Cedarville.
Following God’s plan for our lives requires knowing God. This is not a casual acquaintance. It’s a relationship that’s prepared to do and go where He calls; be it a change of address, a change of jobs…or just a change of heart.
Like the automatic pilot on an airplane, God suggests course corrections, giving us ample indicators that will bring us to our preferred destination. But we need to be sensitive to God’s leading in order to recognize these course corrections. Otherwise, they just appear as frustration-filled barriers.
A life yielded to God produces unfathomable blessing. Yet, God will not alter our course, Himself. He will only point us in the right direction. The choice to follow is ours.

“Lord, make me sensitive to Your leading. Help me put fear of the unknown where it belongs…in Your capable hands. Lead on. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Inspired by Andrew Wommack
Written by: Craig Clouston for More Snapshots: continuing the spiritual journey

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Just Point and Click

I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.
1 Corinthians 2:1

Nancy was an amateur photographer. Nature was her medium, butterflies and hummingbirds her forte’. She loved capturing images for posterity, and over the years she had taken some pretty awesome pictures. So many in fact, that she could publish a book, showcasing some of her more dramatic shots.
One picture in particular always caught the eye of those who looked through her extensive portfolio. The bright orange center of each tiny violet bloom contrasted vividly against the deep green leaves of a beautiful butterfly bush. Framed in the center of the picture was a hummingbird moth, collecting nectar from each flower. The tiny moth’s wings beat a thousand times a second as it hovered over the plant. That a moth could so closely resemble a bird was astounding! Its luminescent bronze wings and feathery-looking fan tail were so intricate in detail. The similarities between its namesakes were remarkable. The fact that Nancy had captured its fragile beauty was even more impressive.
When asked how she managed to capture such wonderful images, Nancy replied, “Honestly? I just point and click. The more I adjust the settings and set up for the ‘perfect photo’, the worse it turns out. Every print you see was a point and click picture.”
Nancy’s approach to photography is a wonderful example of how God wants us to share the gospel, with simple and understandable words, leaving the conviction and revelation to Him. He has good reason.
There is nothing more confusing and frustrating than when someone uses eloquent speech in an effort to display their extensive vocabulary or their grasp of the situation, when simple words would do.
Paul reminded the Church at Corinth that he had not used eloquent speech to woo them. He’d spoken to them about Jesus in simple, understandable terms. And if anyone could have wooed them with eloquence, it was Paul. But he was wise enough to understand that wordy speeches fail to present the true nature of salvation through Jesus Christ.
So the next time you share the gospel, why not give the ‘just point and click’ method a try.


“Holy Spirit, help me keep it simple as I share about Jesus. Amen.”