Monday, August 3, 2015

What Do I Know Of Holy?

I am the LORD, who makes you holy.
Exodus 31:13

Standing alone on a secluded stretch of beach, Jen was awed by the vastness of the ocean. She was pondering her pastor’s recent sermon: “What do you know of holy?”
With the surf pounding her legs, she was reminded of God asking Job, “Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb?” Job 38:8
Trying to fathom the implication of all this being spoken into being by a God she didn’t really understand, Jen was convicted of 'role-playing' her way through life.
She’d always held a secret resentment against God for being so demanding. She wanted to do as she pleased, yet retain her right to Salvation.
In this moment, catching a glimpse of God’s true nature, Jen admitted, “I’ve always wanted You on my terms; knew all I wanted to know; had You all figured out.
“But You’re a paradox. Because a God big enough to handle my problems, and small enough for me to understand, is no god at all.
“You created all this…spoke it into motion,” she said with reverence. “Why should You care about me? Or that I live a holy life?” Which prompted, “Why do You care…and what, exactly, do I know of being holy?”
Tossing another shell out to sea she had to admit, “Not much.”
With a never-ending love God continued wooing her, asking for the un-surrendered parts of her life, all the while surrounding her with examples of His nature.
Holy is the sacred and reverent nature of God that can neither sin, nor abide it. Holiness for the Christian is sought by the process of sanctification; our lifestyle changes for the better, small increments at a time.
With our sanctification in mind, and growth toward holiness in Jesus Christ the goal, God asks to divinely influence our lives through the power of His Holy Spirit.
Conversely, our human nature resists complete surrender, attempting to live 'mostly-holy', through the power of self-control. However, holiness is a lifestyle of complete surrender, unattainable through self-control because of the very nature of sin.
Daily surrender must replace self-control, allowing God access to live…in and through us.
Though we may not understand it, like Jen, we can begin by submitting ourselves each day to the Holy Spirit's instruction, understanding that God will teach us all we need to know about holy.

“LORD, as I surrender to Your guidance today, teach me what is means to be holy. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Adapted from the song: “What Do I Know Of Holy” by Addison Road

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