Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Dime

“…see that you also excel in this grace of giving…God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 8:7, 9:7

Kelly and Barb had been going to Grove Nazarene for almost a year when they decided it was time to get on board financially. Actually, it was more Barb’s idea than Kelly’s. Still not completely sold on tithing, Kelly reluctantly wrote a check for ten percent of their week’s income, and stuck it in his shirt pocket.
During church he weighed the merits of giving away their hard-earned income to a church that, as far as he could see, didn’t really need his money. The silent debate raged even as the ushers began receiving the offering.
With the basket just two rows away, Kelly noticed his three-year-old daughter reaching for something on the floor. Being a conscientious father, Kelly had scanned the carpet and chairs for anything a small child might find and stick in their mouth when the usher had seated them. Having found nothing earlier, Kelly was surprised, when holding a dime at arm’s length, she asked, “Can I put this in the basket, Daddy?”
Perceptive enough to recognizing the significance of the mysteriously-appearing dime—ten cents being ten percent of one dollar…God’s mandate for tithing—Kelly couldn’t get the check out of his pocket and into the basket fast enough!
In the subsequent weeks and months, God showed Kelly that his faithfulness in tithing would be met with God’s faithfulness in meeting every financial need.
God will not pry from our hands what is rightfully His…ten percent or otherwise. He will, however, provide object lessons for our benefit such as having Paul share the eager generosity of the Macedonian’s with the Corinthian church (2 Corinthians 8:1-7) in the hope they might follow the Macedonian’s lead. He provided a similar lesson for Kelly using his daughter and a dime.
God considers us sensitive enough to understand these lessons, leaving the response to us. He’s looking for those who would advance His Kingdom; not simply out of obedience, but out of a glad heart that finds joy in seeing His Kingdom prosper.


“Teach me to hold on loosely to the things You have given me, Father. Create in me a heart that cheerfully invests in the Kingdom of Your Christ. Amen.”

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