Monday, December 28, 2015

Coincidence or Divine Intervention?

For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
Philippians 2:13

Elsie headed to the kitchen to pour a cup of tea, but continued listening as the TV host introduced her next guest, “Please welcome Jan Johnson to the show.”
That’s strange, Elsie thought. Someone else named Jan Johnson.
Jan had been one of Elsie’s dearest friends, but she hadn’t spoken to her in awhile.
Finished fixing her tea she returned to the living room and almost dropped the cup and saucer as she saw it was her Jan Johnson on the Cooking Channel! Wow! I guess a lot has happened since I last talked with Jan! I think I’ll call her, she thought, reaching for the phone.
Elsie and Jan had grown up together, attended the same college, they’d even gotten married the same year before Jan’s husband’s job had taken them from rural New Jersey, to New York City, resulting in infrequent correspondence.
Jan picked up on the second ring. “Hello?” came the familiar voice.
“Jan!” Elsie exclaimed. “I just saw you on TV.”
Oh, Elsie!” Jan squealed in delight. “I was just thinking about you the other day! I told Ken I needed to call you! I miss you so much.” Elsie could hear a quiver in her friend’s concluding remark.
“What’s the matter, Jan?” Elsie asked, dispensing with pretense.
“Oh, Elsie,” Jan confided. “I’ve been having such a crappy day…and here you are, calling me! You’ve always known when I needed you!”
The God Who spoke the Universe into motion certainly has the capacity to whisper our name when we need Him to. Yet, if we are to believe that God works in our lives through divine intervention, rather than believe such events are only a matter of coincidence, we must first believe that God cares for us, and wants us in an intimate relationship with Him.
With that revelation comes an understanding that He can, and does, work in and through us to achieve His purposes. He is eager for us to recognize these are not coincidences but divine appointments.

“Help us to see Your hand at work in our lives, Lord. Teach us to be discerning so we don’t miss those intimate moments You orchestrate for our behalf. Amen. ”

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