Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Septic or Sanctified

But you were washed, you were sanctified.
1 Corinthians 6:11

Warren listened as the group discussed sanctification. There were varying perspectives; but, the main assumption was they were saved and that was enough. He smiled as he recalled the vision God had given him a few years before at a time when he had felt the same.
“Think of it this way, Warren,” God began. “You’re struggling through life, doing the best you can. But then you realize you’re standing up to your chin in a septic tank. In your revelation, you determine that you cannot get out of the tank on your own, yet you come to believe that Someone else has the power to lift you out of the stench and onto solid ground, i.e., salvation.
“Let’s say you accept His offer to be removed from your helpless situation, and He lifts you out of the mire and stench. In that moment, you are saved—but you still stink! You are still covered in contaminants that must be removed so you can be free of the vile things in your life. That is the process of sanctification. Unless you allow Me to wash away the dirt a little at a time, you will continue to smell like the world.” Warren smiled as he shared with them God’s desire that we be washed in the water of sanctification.
For many Christians, there is a sense of complete relief when they receive salvation, and that’s as far as they care to venture. Their lives are filled with things they would need to give up if they intended to come into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. They don’t care that they still stink like the world; saved is good enough.
Others don’t know there is more. So they continue on in blissful ignorance, smelling, not knowing something can be done to ‘purify them.’
Some come to the knowledge that God wants more for us, and they set out to be washed in the waters of sanctification only to become uncomfortable, stopping part way through the process. God’s desire is that we make a life-long commitment to sanctification, and in doing so, find unknown depths of cleansing!

“I still have an offensive aroma, Lord. Continue to wash me until I am completely clean. Amen.”

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