This is an extra for today:
Do We Share Our Faith In The World Today?
'Little Christs', what is our responsibility? I one word: Ministry...
before you freak out, let me qualify that statement. We, as believers
in Jesus Christ, have something the world needs; knowledge of eternal
you were driving along the highway, and encountered a car at the side
of the road in flames would you continue on, or would you stop in an
attempt to see if there was anything you could do? At the least we
could call 911.
walk around every day with opportunities to share the love of Jesus
with those who don't call Him Savior.
what does sharing Jesus' love look like in everyday life? It begins
with asking God (Holy Spirit) to touch your heart and mind with
courage to step out in faith, leaving the results of your action in
God's capable hands.
we listen for the 'Heads up'... that little voice inside that
whispers, "That girl needs to know I love her." Next: "So
what do I do or say, Lord?" (This is where many of us cave to
the pressure) "God can't possibly use me! I'm too inadequate!"
allow the enemy to keep you silent! Step out in faith!
22-23 says, "Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by
snatching them from the fire;"
is one of the most eloquent and descriptive terms of Hell in all of
scripture. It is not written as an allegory, nor is it symbolic. It
is literally what those who never proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior
will suffer for eternity.
bonus allowed us in this opportunity is complete and utter joy
knowing you may have been used of God to reach someone on His behalf!
I gotta tell you that when we take the time and chance being
embarrassed God shows up in some of the most dynamic ways I have ever
take a chance and become involved in ministry. It doesn't required
dressing in a suit or dress and standing in the pulpit of your
church! It begins in the heart, with an unction you will recognize
the moment you say, "Here I am, Lord. Send me." Isaiah 6:8
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