In Light of the Truth
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.
John 16:13
Out of the blue, Mark said, “You know, Britt, some of the things I learned growing up don’t serve me well today.”
“What do you mean?” Britt asked.
“Well, some of what I learned was actually counterproductive and discriminatory in nature. Some of the things I did were unsavory. They were done in ignorance.”
“So how did you figure out what things no longer, as you put it, serve you well?” Britt asked.
“Well, through studying the Bible and spending time in prayer, God has opened my eyes by showing me that some things I once believed to be harmless were actually extremely destructive. He made me aware of the negative influence they had in my life and those around me.”
Britt was intrigued. “So what kind of things are you talking about?”
“Well, one example would be my habitual use of foul language. I could, as they say, swear like a sailor. But then I realized how terrible a witness profanity is and how it offends God when those words are spoken.”
Britt smiled and asked, “So how’d you stop swearing?”
“I no longer justified the behavior in light of the truth. I disciplined myself to preappraise my speech. It’s a retraining process that’s not always easy. But I’ve found that if I’m willing to change, God will equip me for the challenge.”
With few exceptions, our parents did the best they knew how when it came to raising us. In truth, many things we picked up on our own, without our parents’ knowledge. Had they known, they would have blistered our behinds!As we mature, we come under new influence; our perceptions change. And although profanity is used in today’s scenario, the list of sin’s exposure to truth is broad-based. When we do things we shouldn’t, we notice a catch in our spirit, a Holy Spirit alert.
Heeding God’s Spirit is always the correct course of action. However, we don’t always take the road less traveled. Just remember: the more we seek the truth, the more we discover.
“Help me sort through what I believe and why I believe it. Show me what needs to go, and renew my mind to Your precepts. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
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