Monday, January 15, 2018

On Sale, Forgiveness!

When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly.
1 Corinthians 4:12, 13

Carol silently prayed for peace as she headed for her car. She hadn’t spoken what was on her mind when the sales manager had belittled her in front of everyone in the store. Knowing she had done the right thing by not making a scene didn’t alleviate her frustration. And to top it off, her manager was wrong! Carol wasn’t the one who had placed the incorrect sales price on the shirt rack. She knew who was responsible, but chose to remain silent.
This past week’s Bible study had been about forgiveness. She knew it was the right thing to do, but the last thing she wanted to do right now was forgive that man! Forgiving the manager wasn’t about him; it was about her. If she chose to remain angry, she would open the door to resentment and bitterness. Experience had taught her how miserable that would be. “Give me the desire to forgive Connor, Lord. I don’t want to right now, but you know what really happened. Help me be content in knowing that.” It wasn’t immediate, but peace would come.
When we are injured by others, we have two choices: allow it to harden our heart or turn it over to God. In choosing the former, we reap anger and resentment; bitterness takes over our emotional mindset. Left unresolved, it will turn us inside out, and we lose any chance we might have at peace. Though we may have a right to our anger, we must understand that by hanging on to that right, we become ill—emotionally and physically.
But by giving up our right to our anger and by turning things over to God and allowing Him to bring resolution in our heart, God can handle the problem, and we benefit from His peace.
It’s our choice; we can receive peace or reap illness of the soul. Only by giving up our rights can we overcome and answer kindly when wronged.

“Lord, I don’t have the ability to forgive without Your help. I’m guilty of offending You and others, and I want to be forgiven. So please give me the desire to forgive. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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