Thursday, March 1, 2018

Hopelessly Lost

I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6

They had been lost in the mountains of western Colorado for two days and were at the end of their rations. They had filled their canteens that afternoon beside a beautiful waterfall, the beauty secondary to their mounting concern, and continued on downstream, hoping to intersect a trailhead. It had only led them deeper into the wilderness.
It had begun when they had taken a footpath not marked on their topo map. It had looked like a well-used trail. Two miles farther along and several hundred feet lower in elevation, it had played out, becoming a dimly discernable animal trail. Not wishing to double back, creating extra climbing, they had followed the side hill direction the trail had been taking, sure they would find a way out.
Night found them camped beside a small creek just above a deep gorge. Matters were compounded by the fact that they had no compass; each had thought the other had brought one. They had also failed to complete a prehike checklist. Three days later, haggard and hungry, their S.O.S. was spotted by search and rescue eight miles from any trail that would have led to civilization.
Not taking a compass into the wilderness is a sure way of getting lost. Even novice outdoorsmen know it’s one of the first laws of hiking. To break that rule is to invite unnecessary exposure to the elements and possible death.
As Christians, we should carry our compasses wherever we go. In it, Jesus reveals the way home. Without it, we can become hopelessly lost, unsure of where to go and what to do. Not knowing the Way, we will die a spiritual death. It’s up to us to explore between the covers of the Bible, reading God’s instructions for the situations we find ourselves in. With the help of other, more seasoned students of Scripture, we can gain hope and knowledge that will keep us on the right path.

“Creator of the universe, thank You for providing the map I need to navigate rough terrain. Please guide me through Your kingdom. Keep me from unnecessary exposure to the evil elements in this world. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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