Ill Conceived
After desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
James 1:15
He wasn’t thinking logically. As a matter of fact, Mason hadn’t had a rational thought in three days. “If I can just get a couple thousand more, I can turn this thing around.” He’d maxed out three credit cards, taken out a signature loan yesterday, and now there was no money in his children’s college accounts.
Driving to the nearest check exchange, Mason wrote a predated check, knowing he could never hope to cover it, and took the five hundred dollars cash the teller handed him. After repeating this process at three other check cashing establishments, he headed back to the casino. He returned to the same table, believing his luck had to change.
Two hours later, Mason watched the dealer drag away the last of his chips and stack them on the house tray.
“Oh, God. What have I done?” he said just above a whisper. “It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this! I was supposed to win.” Looking at the dealer he asked, “What do I do now? I’ve lost everything.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” the dealer replied. “Sometimes you get the beast, and sometimes the beast gets you.”
When we allow ourselves to be led into ill-conceived plans without counting the cost of our consequences ahead of time, we usually find ourselves sitting among the ruins of our lives and the lives of those who depend on us. The beast doesn’t care.Sin is like that; it comes wrapped in the appearance of something wonderful, promising us everything we desire. Without spiritual discipline, we will be led astray. The initial thought comes; it looks so easy. If we give the thought room, sin has been conceived. If not dealt with immediately, it has the potential to lead us away from rational thinking into a full-blown craving that leads to death.
Paul said, “‘Everything is permissible’—but not everything is beneficial” (1 Corinthians 10:23).
To those who know the beast firsthand, there is help. Whether it’s gambling, alcohol, drugs, pornography, lying, cheating, or stealing, tell someone; reach out. When you do, you’ll find that Jesus has been reaching out for you.
“Help me, Lord. Help me do what’s right. Amen. “
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