Sunday, June 24, 2018

An Uncommon Servant

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21

George lived out loud. There was no façade, no exterior trimming; what you saw is who he was—and mostly you saw Jesus. Some said his approach to sharing the Gospel was a bit over-the-top, and that he needn’t be so forthright. You see, George did nothing quietly … his unambiguous passion was conspicuous. George always greeted the Brethren with a holy kiss (Romans 16:16). “Victory!” and “Wonderful!” were staples in his inspirational vocabulary.
When George prayed or sang, he did it with his whole heart at the top of his lungs, holding nothing back. And because of his fervency and enthusiasm some felt a bit uncomfortable around him. But for those who called George, Friend, they expected nothing less. They understood how George felt about Jesus … he was in love. And this love is what George exhibited unconditionally; in this he was uncommon.
George lived passionately until he died. So much so that the staff at the hospital where he went home to be with Jesus will never forget how he introduced himself to each one: he grabbed their hands, and asked “Is there anything you need prayer for?!” He prayed unashamedly, speaking to his Father on their behalf. He was an uncommon servant, living completely, squeezing every ounce of life from each day, leaving nothing in reserve.
George and Paul are much alike; while on earth they loved Jesus with all their hearts, and didn’t care how they looked doing it! They both longed for the day they would begin the face-to-face portion of eternity; yet while among the living, they lived lives of purpose, speaking on behalf of their King, telling everyone they met about His love and saving grace.
As Christians—recipients of God’s Greatest Gift—our purpose is to carry the cross of Calvary wherever we go, telling people about the Man Who hung there on our behalf, and the cleansing power of His blood. We should not sit idly by, waiting to die to be with Jesus. We, as George, should be passionately living for Him as uncommon servants.

“Lord Jesus, help me to be uncommon in Your service. Cause the world to disappear in light of Your presence that I might witness Your love without reserve. Amen.”

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