Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Hope of Heaven

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
2 Corinthians 4:16-17

Gently cradling ten-year-old Shawna, Stephen was amazed at how his little girl remained so stoic in the face of so much pain. Having been injured in a horrific grilling accident five years ago, Shawna had sustained 3rd degree burns over 25% of her body while walking past the BBQ grill at the moment a faulty burner exploded.
Shawna had just undergone the most recent of sixteen surgical procedures since the accident, to relieve over-stretching of the skin-grafts covering her left back, side, arm, neck and face. She would need to repeat those procedures until she reached maturity.
A silent tear slipped from Stephen's eye as he gazed lovingly into his exhausted daughter's face; a mixture of peace and pain both visible. You're my hero, Kiddo...
She never complained, yet at times cried out when movement or touch brought sharp pain. She'd quickly say, “I'm okay, Daddy!” doing her best to alleviate his worry over her suffering. Funny how kids sense things at such an early age...
Stephen knew the extent of pain and endurance her wounds would demand of her, as he had been severely injured in a car wreck as a teen. Now thirty-seven, he hadn't known a day free of pain in over twenty years. Stephen wasn’t sure what the future held for Shawna, but he prayed the pain would leave room for living.
For those who fight the battle of severe chronic pain, it can seem like they are merely alive, there is no living going on; each day is a constant battle to remain upbeat and positive, and there can be a tendency to lose hope.
In today's text, Paul, not making light of the severity of our suffering, wants to shift our focus to Heaven, our glorious reward. He wants us to remember that Earth is not our eternal home, and we will someday in the not-too-distant-future, find the peace and comfort that eludes us in the here and now. He strives to have us know the wonderful joy that awaits our overcoming anticipation!
If you're dealing with something that has stolen the prospect of ever finding relief or resolution, don't lose heart. Greet each morning knowing that the hope of Heaven is not as far off as it seems in this moment.

“Lord, I eagerly anticipate entering Your glorious presence where my suffering will cease, and my joy will be complete. Until then, hold me gently. Amen.”

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