Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Gun on the Bible on the Desk

In the beginning God created…
Genesis 1:1

Nicole walked into the pastor’s office to tell him two reporters from the New York Times were here to see him. That’s when she noticed the handgun lying on his Bible. Bemused, she asked, “Is that for our two guests?”
Following her line of sight, he smiled. “It’s a thought,” he teased, in light of the reason the reporters were here. They’d come to interview Pastor Ron and one of his parishioners.
Jack Newbrook, a science teacher at the local Middle School, had been embroiled in an employment-termination hearing for more than a year following the school board’s demanded that Jack remove all religious symbols, including his Bible, from his classroom. Jack had removed everything but his Bible, sighting his First Amendment right to leave it on his desk as long as he didn’t teach from it. Terminated without pay pending the final ruling, the hearings had just passed their first anniversary. It had been a long battle.
As Pastor Ron locked the gun in his desk drawer, he explained to Nicole how the gun had come to be there. “I bought it from my brother-in-law. He was in town so he dropped it off to save me a trip.” Then on a mischievous note, he added, “But the Bible stays where it is. And if they mention it, I might just unlock this drawer.”
Though somewhat humorous, today’s scenario is disturbing. Regrettably, events like this take place on a daily basis in our public schools across America because the immoral-minority hates the sight of the Bible. To impose their ideology they must discredit it, part and whole, and are currently working toward that end by attacking “In the beginning…” with Evolution.
Satan is patient. He’s been around for millennia. A few short generations mean nothing if he can attain his objective. He’s fine with baby steps as long as the silent-majority passively play spectator, unwilling to engage in the controversy. Because given time without opposition, he’ll get what he’s after.
What will we do—or perhaps it will be our grandchildren—when they come to our homes and demand that we remove all religious symbols, including our Bibles?

“LORD, may I not be ashamed of my life’s purpose as a Christian, to influence the world for Jesus Christ. Amen.”

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