Sixth Sense
But when he, the
Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.
John 16:13
Carla was conducting an experiment in
sensory awareness. She had blindfolded Jeff, her test subject, and
given him the following instructions: “Using your hearing and sense
of smell, I would like you to locate four volunteers I have stationed
randomly about this room. You may have as long as you need, but you
must not move from your current position.” With that, Carla
activated a stopwatch.
Being blindfolded was a decided
disadvantage, but it wasn’t as completely debilitating as Jeff had
anticipated. By focusing his remaining senses on the task at hand he
began to detect subtle clues.
Listening intently, he discovered a
dead zone in the computer noise when turning his head back and
forth. The soft hum changed ever-so-slightly when his head was in a
certain position; there was someone very close on his right. Jeff
pointed, revealing the first person’s location! Carla was
surprised, when a minute later, Jeff pointed directly at one of the
two women in the test-group! He’d detected the soft scent of her
perfume as it drifted to him from his left.
Jeff’s heightened sense of awareness
was noticeable as he methodically worked the room with his mind. In
less than six minutes he had accounted for every participant’s
position in the room. It was as if he possessed a sixth sense!
There is a power within every
born-again believer greater and more discerning than our five
natural-born senses...God’s Holy Spirit! He is the inherent power
and understanding of God, born into us, through faith, the moment we
receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.
In today’s text, Jesus speaks of our
being guided by His omniscient understanding. I believe this is the
supernatural connection we were meant to have, and operate in, prior
to the fall in the Garden.
When Adam sinned, God’s Master-plan
was deferred, not defeated. God will one day make things right. Until
then, we can re-activate our sixth sense by a conscious commitment to
Christ, allowing ourselves to be led by power through understanding
in mutual relationship.
“I offer You the five
senses You created me with, Lord. Through faith I claim the awareness
I was meant to have so we can be of one mind. In Jesus’ Name,
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