Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Taking Safety Measures

Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men…
Proverbs 2:12

These would be the most unique wind chimes the craftsman had ever constructed. He had decided to make teardrop clappers to give them character; it would also make the copper tubes resonate a higher quality of sound than was typical. 
Positioning the block of hardwood in the lathe, he snugged the handle one last time and rotated the wood by hand. It spun true so he turned the machine on. With the wood spinning at 8,000 rpm, he took a roughing chisel and began rounding off the edges.
Realizing he wasn’t wearing his face shield, the craftsman shut off the lathe and walked to the tool rack to get it. The shield was not in its place. His search of the basement was unsuccessful. Not wanting to wait, he decided to proceed without it.
Snugging the block once more he turned the machine back on. Suddenly, the three pound block of wood became a projectile. It was hurled from the spinning lathe, striking him squarely in the mouth. The force of the blow split his lip to his nose, while severing three teeth at the jaw line.
Cosmetic surgery would be required to repair the badly damaged lip, and the dental work would take three months to complete, requiring extractions and bone grafts to rebuild the jaw prior to replacing the missing teeth with bridges.
Many of us foolishly tell ourselves that accidents only happen to other people, and ask God “Why me?” when calamity knocks on our door. The truth is bad things happen to all of us. While optimism is a good thing, denial will eventually cause us pain.
Although there is no guarantee, had the craftsman taken time to locate and use the face shield, serious injury might have been avoided. 
In this same way spiritual injuries can occur because we fail to take measures that could prevent them. Asking for additional help is not an admittance of weakness. It is a sign of wisdom.
God wants to provide us with the needed protection but it’s up to us to ask for and use it in our lives.

“Lord, I don’t always make wise choices. Please give me the wisdom to turn to You for help prior to the calamities of life. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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