Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Proper Timing

Whoever obeys his commands will come to no harm, and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure.
Ecclesiastes 8:5

He stood silently by and watched as I swung the sledge against the wedge, attempting to fell the tree. It was a big, old tree, seventy feet tall and spreading out some forty feet. It would make a lot of firewood. I began to hear a chuckle every now and again.
After ten minutes of pounding, I was tiring quickly and sweating profusely. I’d made no progress, and he was openly laughing. In my wounded pride, I said, “If you think you can do it better, have at it.” He stepped over, re-placed the wedge, and in three, well-timed swings, dropped the tree right were he wanted.
Exasperated, all I could do was shake my head, smile, and ask, “So what’s the secret?” My father-in-law winked, pointed at the sky, and said, “You have to look up when you’re wedging a tree. You wait until the tree sways against the wedge, then, as it begins to sway the other way, you drive the wedge deeper and wait, driving it deeper with each swing. It’s all in the timing. To get the timing right, you have to look up.”
Often, we struggle against unseen pressures, forgoing the council of those wiser than ourselves. Instead of seeking their experience in regard to the pressure we’re facing, we forge ahead, making our own way. Our self-sufficient mind-set doesn’t leave much room for admitting we could benefit from someone else’s wisdom, and our efforts are diminished when we navigate life on our own. Like wedging a tree, we need wisdom concerning our actions in overcoming the pressures we face. God, if we will allow Him, can move people and sway things to work in our favor, moving them in such a way that it increases our strength, not deplete it. “A cord of three strands is not easily broken.” That’s God, us, and others.

“Lord, I tend to have tunnel vision at times. Please whisper for me to look up to You. Help me change from my self-sufficient ways in an effort to become God sufficient. I admit I cannot do this on my own. Amen.”

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