The Hope Of Our Righteousness
… according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me.
Psalm 18:20
The Simmons and Crafton families both appeared successful in the eyes of the world, yet were diametrically opposed in beliefs.
The Simmons devoted their lives to God’s work. And God had blessed them financially.
Not because of their actions, but because of their hearts. They made mistakes, but their hearts were bent toward God; their lives began an ended in Christ.
The Craftons consistently ignored God’s invitations to know Him. They were goal-setters, doing their best to amass as much wealth as possible, so they could own as much stuff as they could. They drove the right cars, entertained the most influential guests at the biggest parties, and worked for the most prestigious firms in town. When the economy tanked, both families experienced financial loss of a magnitude most people could not comprehend.
The Craftons were devastated, crushed by the thought that they had lost everything. Mrs. Crafton fell into deep depression, and in the ensuing weeks lost all hope. Mr. Crafton committed suicide, leaving his family to fend for themselves. The Simmons, on the other hand, understood that God had and would provide for every need. Though they may endure hardship, nothing could shake their security and hope in Jesus Christ. This security prompted them to extend the hope they possessed to the Craftons in their time of tragedy.
Our belief, or disbelief in Jesus, and how we relate to Him, affects how we cope with the setbacks and tragedies we experience. Wealth and fame are fleeting. They will fade and fail in time. Yet a heart devoted to Jesus will stand the test of time. For God will forever take care of, and reward those who love Him.In today’s text, David, who was not faultless, was not boasting in his own righteousness, but rather, was proclaiming his heart’s devotion to God, and God’s faithfulness. Romans 3:22 says, “This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ.” Through Jesus Christ we can, like David, find hope in the righteousness of God.
“Lord, our relationship is what matters most to me. Teach me to live by faith, trusting in Your provision. Help me be a good steward of all that You give me, that my ways will be righteous in Your eyes. Amen.”
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