Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Benefactor

They gave to anyone as he had need.
Acts 2:45

Deon had been injured ten months ago in an industrial accident but had received no financial compensation due to his employer’s continued appeals. They held that Deon’s own negligence had caused his injuries.
Rubber mill rollers had snagged his shirttail, pulling him toward certain death. Deon had resisted until the shirt ripped from his body. Most of the soft tissue in his back and rib cage suffered extensive trauma. He would be off work for an extended period of time. It seemed the worst injury was that he wasn’t going to receive any financial assistance.
Ten months with no income had depleted their savings, as well as their children’s college fund. They had hoped worker’s compensation would restore at least the fund. Now it appeared that wasn’t going to happen.
One morning in prayer, Deon sensed God say, “I am sending a benefactor.” So Deon and his wife looked up the definition of benefactor: one who bestows a gift.
They agreed this seemed a bit far-fetched, yet prayed and continued to trust God for their welfare.
Two weeks later, in the midst of foreclosure on the house, an anonymous donor provided a large check earmarked for their mortgage. Over the next six months, checks sufficient to cover expenses showed up in their account. They would never discover who their benefactor was, but they never stopped asking God to bless their anonymous supporter.
What a tremendous modern-day demonstration of today’s text—God using His children to meet some of His other children’s needs! In this same situation, would we give out of our abundance or even believe for the benefactor?
Believing God in the lean times does not come natural. It requires faith that He exists, that He cares, that He can do all things, and that He will always act in our best interest.
If He asked for all our earthly possessions, would our salvation through Christ Jesus be enough? Trusting God in times of plenty is not remarkable.
Job said, “Though He slay me, yet will I hope in him.” Would we echo Job’s sentiment?

“Teach me how to trust You, Lord. When I get discouraged, show me that You’re there. May I come to know that You are my true benefactor. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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