Saturday, January 30, 2021


Why Bother?

How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!

Hebrews 12:9

Elgin was screaming at God, “Why should I even bother?! I get it right nine out of ten times, then boom! my life comes crashing down because of one bad choice. What’s up with that?!” After a long silent pause he raised his head…and his voice, “You never answer when I ask the tough questions!”

The truth was Elgin already knew the answer. He knew what he was doing when he’d made that one wrong choice. He just didn’t like experiencing the after-the-fact consequences of giving-in to temptation.

In the next breath he screamed, “Yes! I knew it was wrong! So why didn’t You stop me?!” He also knew the answer to that one, “Yeah, yeah…free-will,” he muttered and slouched back on the couch. “I get so tired of being free. I always manage to screw it up. Why bother?” Now self-pity had set in. This was a recurring scenario: fight the good fight for awhile…experience closeness to God; get complacent…stop asking for God’s assistance…get tired of fighting and give in; suffer consequences and blame God, asking stupid questions like why bother?

Being holy isn’t easy. Most of our yielding to temptation stems from our inability to determine reality from counterfeit. Satan is all about counterfeiting God’s promises.

God says, “There is a reason to resist temptation; sin will ruin your life. Through the power of My Holy Spirit you can be delivered from sin’s temptation.”

Satan counters, “It’s foolish to resist! You’re destined to fail! God’s promise is a lie! Why bother?”

The tug-of-war between our conscience and free-will can be wild and violent until it’s brought under control. Undisciplined, our heart says, I want what I want, and I want it now! The lack of spiritual discipline creates self-will run amok; in the end we reap turmoil.

The more we actively resist temptation, looking to God for strength, the more peace and confidence reign in our hearts.

Until we submit to the Father, allowing Him to make His vision of us a reality, we will continually settle for the counterfeit.


“I submit my spirit to Yours, LORD. Discipline me when I need it and teach me how to share in Your holiness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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