X Marks The Spot
This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.
Acts 1:11
Mark had been asked to share at the Communion table, and as God had done so many times, He’d provided Mark an object lesson to share with the congregation. “I want to take you on a treasure hunt where ‘X’ marks the spot,” Mark began. “Most people, who know me, know that I love looking at the sky for signs of God’s handiwork...seeing the beauty He sends in a sunrise or sunset…or the vastness of the night sky.
On my way to work each morning I intermittently glance over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of the sunrise. There’s a particularly high hill that gives a panoramic view of the sky where I always turn and look. On Wednesday morning I was amazed to see that two jet plane vapor trails had formed a huge X, stretching across the Eastern horizon from the earth to the upper levels of the atmosphere. These two billowing, bright orange, contrails intersected where the greatest treasure in the universe will return to Earth! And in that moment I could hear God whisper, ‘Tell them what this means! Share the Treasure with them!’
“Folks,” Mark said with passion, “Jesus is coming back! Whether it happens in the next ten minutes, ten hours, or ten-thousand years doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Christ died on a cross so we can spend eternity with Him. This treasure is free and available to all who accept it. Do you know Him? Have you made Him your Savior? If not, I encourage you to do so right now, this day. As you receive communion, invite Him to be the Lord of your life.”
Folks, salvation awaits, and just like Mark described, Jesus is coming back! Our decision to accept his offer of grace today will determine where we spend all of our tomorrows. If you think you have all the time in the world to decide you are deceiving yourself; tomorrow, for some of us, will not come.
If you’ve never done so before, I invite you to make that choice today.
“Lord Jesus, I accept Your sacrifice as the greatest treasure of all time. Be my Savior and Lord, today. Amen.”
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