Just Point and Click
I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.
1Corinthians 2:1
Nancy was an amateur photographer. Nature was her medium, butterflies and hummingbirds her forte’. She loved capturing images for posterity, and over the years she had taken some pretty awesome pictures. So many in fact, that she could publish a book, showcasing some of her more dramatic shots.
One picture in particular always caught the eye of those who looked through her extensive portfolio. The bright orange center of each tiny violet bloom contrasted vividly against the deep green leaves of a beautiful butterfly bush. Framed in the center of the picture was a hummingbird moth, collecting nectar from each flower. The tiny moth’s wings beat a thousand times a second as it hovered over the plant. That a moth could so closely resemble a bird was astounding! Its luminescent bronze wings and feathery-looking fan tail were so intricate in detail. The similarities between its namesakes were remarkable. The fact that Nancy had captured its fragile beauty was even more impressive.
When asked how she managed to capture such wonderful images, Nancy replied, “Honestly? I just point and click. The more I adjust the settings and set up for the ‘perfect photo’, the worse it turns out. Every print you see was a point and click picture.”
Nancy’s approach to photography is a wonderful example of how God wants us to share the gospel, with simple and understandable words, leaving the conviction and revelation to Him. He has good reason.
There is nothing more confusing and frustrating than when someone uses eloquent speech in an effort to display their extensive vocabulary or their grasp of the situation, when simple words would do.
Paul reminded the Church at Corinth that he had not used eloquent speech to woo them. He’d spoken to them about Jesus in simple, understandable terms. And if anyone could have wooed them with eloquence, it was Paul. But he was wise enough to understand that wordy speeches fail to present the true nature of salvation through Jesus Christ.
So the next time you share the gospel, why not give the ‘just point and click’ method a try.
“Holy Spirit, help me keep it simple as I share about Jesus. Amen.”