Thursday, July 22, 2021


The Masterpiece of Creation

For we are God’s handiwork…

Ephesians 2:10

Dewey shared the vision he’d had with his congregation, “While praying the other day, I heard God proclaim, ‘I stretch out my hand, and they are satisfied.’ And there before me was His hand. Scripture says that in it He measured the waters of the earth. That’s some hand! The hand I saw was huge, yet on a scale I could comprehend.” Holding out his own hand, palm up, he showed the position of God’s hand. “I’m not sure where it came from, but there was a ladder leaning against it. I climbed many rungs before I could see over the edge, into the hollow.”

“As I looked, I saw manna and quail, water and dry land. I saw wheat fields and vineyards. Then my perspective zoomed out, and I saw the earth moon and stars. I was able to see each image with individual clarity. Everything was in harmony with the heartbeat of God. I say heartbeat because somehow I was aware of God’s pulse throbbing in His wrist.” Dewey continued, “Looking again, I saw myself walking along the seashore with Jesus. An unparalleled sense of love washed over me as God proclaimed, ‘I, We, created all this and more. Yet you, you are the Masterpiece!’

Folks, God wants me to share with you today, that His proclamation pertains to us all…we, you and I,” Dewey said, pointing, “are the Masterpiece of Creation!”

Some of God’s most impressive handiwork is found in the beauty of a sunset with colors and textures so vivid that they are almost palatable. Or in the miracle of transformation and metamorphosis we witness when a butterfly escapes its chrysalis. These are glimpses of what is to come for those who love God; the promise of something exciting and new!

Yet in Genesis 1:26, God says, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…” You see, from God’s perspective, you and I are the pinnacle of His creative prowess; the model of perfection!

So the next time you witness the awe-inspiring beauty of the Universe remember: You are the Masterpiece of Creation! Everything else pales in comparison.


“God of Creation, I thank You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), and that I am more precious in Your sight than anything my eyes have ever seen. Amen.”

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