Where Was God?!
September 11, 2021
'In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’
John 6:32.
“Where were you when the Towers fell?” This question has been asked untold numbers of times over the past twenty years. And anyone old enough to have witnessed the events of September 11, 2001, can tell you exactly where they were, what they were doing, and the horror that filled their hearts as they watched people jump hundreds of feet to their death in order to escape the fires ignighted by jet fuel that funneled down elevator shafts from the floors above, and see the Twin Towers fall.
Which usually brings up the second most asked question, “Where was God?! How could a loving God allow such horrible things to happen?!”
Twenty years later we remember those who perished in the Towers, those who bravely ran into the burning buildings to help, those who courageously stormed the cockpit, those who selflessly searched, dug, and gave of themselves to the act of finding survors; and those who lost family and friends in what has become our Nation's darkest day.
It has been twenty years but we still feel the emotions of that day, and the pain and horror inflicted by evil people bent on destroying America and what We stand for.
Jesus told us this world would have challenges. But we seem to think He really didn't mean it; not for us!
God is a God of love. He loves us so much that He gave us free will; the ability to do as we please, regardless of circumstance or consequence. Which means we can do good or we can evil to others if we choose. On that day evil people chose to do evil things to unsuspecting and innocent people they neither knew nor cared for.
God cannot, will not, break His word, nor His promises. Romans 11:29 says “God's gifts are irrevocable.” Which means what He gives He cannot take back, they are forever ours. We want to lay blame at God's feet because we think that because He loves us He will protect us from ourselves or others.
Free will can not be taken away nor choices stopped any more than we can stop the sun coming up tomorrow morning. Yet, we blame a loving God for bad things that happen, laying blame firmly at the wrong doorstep.
Where was God when theTowers fell? He was watching from Heaven as His angles pain, experienced no fear, and felt only His love. He orchestrated the unity that sprung from a common challenge. escorted those whose faith was in His Son, to join Him In Heaven, where they felt no
You see, the good thing about free will is that we have a choice of destinations when our life on Earth ends. Jesus himself, said, “ In this word there will be trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world!?” Which means you have a say in where you spend eternity. God sent His Son to make a way for us to escape the evil of this world.
In His loving mercy, God sent Jesus to pay our debt for sin so that when our time on this fallen world ends we can transition to a place where free will promises us freedom from evil, and everlasting joy! We can choose to overcome this world by accepting Jesus' sacrifice, acknowledging our need for a Savior, and asking His forgiveness.
Where was God on 9/11? He was in the same place He is today, watching and awaiting those whose claim rests firmly on His Son. I invite you to make that decision now, in this moment. Ask Jesus to cleanse your sin, enter your life, and lead the way into every tomorrow.
“Papa God, I recognize that I have a say in where I spend all my tomorrows. I ask You, Jesus, to come into my heart, take away my sin cancelling the debt I owe, and giving me the right to spend eternity where there is no sin, no pain, and no evil! Amen! ”
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