Saturday, October 30, 2021


Properly Motivated

Search me, O God, and know my heart;

Psalm 139:23

Arriving at the airport, Don swiped his card at the kiosk, got his boarding pass, and headed for a seat, intending to wait peacefully until he boarded the plane.

“Excuse me?” the attendant summoned him. “I’m afraid you’ll have to check your bag,” she said, pointing at his carry-on. “The plane you’re flying on is too small for carry-ons.”

Frustrated, he placed the bag on the scales.

“That’ll be twenty-five dollars.”

“What?! Why should I have to pay for a carry-on because the plane’s too small?” he argued.

“I’m sorry, sir. Those are the rules.”

He wanted to say Your rules stink! but remembered he was wearing his organization’s tee shirt, their insignia embroidered on the pocket. Keep your cool he told himself, not wanting to give the well-known organization a bad name. Reaching in his wallet, he paid the fee and had a seat.

Fifteen minutes later his name was called over the intercom. When he got to the counter an apologetic attendant said, “I’m sorry, sir, but you’ve been bumped from the flight.” Before he could respond in frustration she continued, “But we have these two three hundred dollar vouchers to make up for the inconvenience.”

Returning to his seat, he thanked God for the off-handed blessing. However, his troubles weren’t over because when he arrived home, following an unexpected detour, including an extra plane-change in Philadelphia, his bag had not made the trip! Once again, he battled for composure. In that moment, he heard God say, “I am pleased you held your tongue each time. But…you should not need a logo on a shirt to remind you to act in a godly manner.” OUCH! Feeling fairly chastised he gave the clerk his address so his bag could be delivered to his home when it eventually arrived.

David, in today’s text, knew he wasn’t capable of an honest assessment of himself, so he asked God to do the searching. We too, need God’s assistance in rooting out improper motivation.

Many of us do the right thing for the wrong reason. Although it’s a start, we need to examine our motives for living a godly and obedient life, because why we do something is as important as doing it.


“Lord, help me to be properly motivated in everything I do. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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