Thursday, November 11, 2021


One Moment of Perfect Love

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

John 13:34

The rafters of the Van Hoosen Middle School Auditorium in Rochester Hills, Michigan, reverberated above the crowd’s cheers. The motivation for their excitement? Seventh grader Owen Groesser, team manager turned player, had come off the bench as a substitute.

Owen was beloved by his teammates and coach, and they celebrated Owen’s appearance on the court as much as anyone. The reason? Owen was born with Down Syndrome.

The game resumed and the building shook even more as Owen took a pass on Van Hoosen’s end of the court. Everyone watched, including the opposing team’s players, as Owen launched his first shot attempt in organized basketball. The ball banked off the backboard and swished through the net! The noise level escalated to a raucous timbre. Owen had just made a 3-pointer!

Ecstatic over Owen’s achievement, the crowd was showing their approval of his shot and Coach Jeff Howell’s decision to give Owen some playing time.

Not satisfied with his initial success however, Owen sank a second 3-pointer just minutes later! The reaction of the crowd was so great that Coach Howell played Owen the next night as well, where he sank two more 3-point baskets. At the end of the game the team rallied around Owen, hoisting him upon their shoulders in victory!

In a time when there is an ever-increasing pressure to win it’s refreshing to hear a story of real sportsmanship emerge. There are few things in life that rival the fulfillment that emanates from the hearts of those who care enough to not only include Owen as one of the team, but herald his presence and triumphant accomplishments.

Only a heart that loves unselfishly would sacrifice the limelight so someone else might know the sensation.

This was a ‘team effort’ committed to bringing Owen a rare moment of joy he will remember for the rest of his life. It is one moment of perfect love. It is this love Jesus gives to us twenty-four seven, three sixty-five.


“Lord, I thank You for fostering within me an unselfish love that has no agenda. May You find me anxious to help initiate and participate in these moments of perfect love. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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