Tuesday, December 14, 2021



Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint…heal me…

Psalm 6:2

Jason was from a broken home. Truth-be-told, he was one of six players on his team who had experienced the pain of divorce. It was a bond they secretly wished they didn’t share. As he stood court-side, with the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ playing over the school’s PA, he scanned the bleachers. His dad had promised to be here, but Jason had felt the sting of disappointment more than once when his father had failed to keep such a promise.

He knew his dad’s job took him out of town a lot, and he never knew when they’d send him somewhere at the last minute, but Jason was hoping tonight wouldn’t be one of those nights.

A huge smile lit up his face as he discovered his dad watching him from the fifth row directly across the court. Tom winked, and gave Jason a ‘thumbs up’, encouraging his son to do his best.

That his dad was sitting on the opposite side of the court from his mom still hurt, but it hurt a little less knowing they were both there.

Too often our children pay the price for our mistakes because we wrongly model for them how they are to conduct themselves as they mature; the child of a broken home can end up in failed relationships because they’ve not been taught how to correctly relate.

Not all marriages can be reconciled. When counseling and commitment aren’t able to repair the wounding that takes place, or dangerous circumstances are present, divorce is a justifiable option.

But God wants us to fight for our marriage and children, and resist giving in to the temptations of weariness and hopelessness. He also wants us to know that, if the relationship does fall apart, He doesn’t love us any less. He’s still there, ready to bring healing. God also wants us to know we are not 'defective' because of broken relationships. We are still His perfect creation, in need of healing. And God will lead us through the pain when we submit to His guidance.

You see, just like Jason, God scans the bleachers in anticipation, hoping He’ll find us looking for His smile.


“Lord, You are the God of mercy and grace. For those who know the pain of divorce, bring peace, comfort, and healing. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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