Monday, November 25, 2024

 Arch the Angel

November 25

And do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

Luke 18:16

They’d been practicing for the school’s Christmas play for a week, and Mrs. Doty still hadn’t made a decision regarding the lead character. “Lord, I know whoever I choose will do a wonderful job, but I feel like Arch is supposed to be someone specific. Help me choose the right child.”

Putting it out of her mind long enough to read this morning’s entries in her students’ daily journals, she smiled, marveling at nine-year-olds’ perspectives on what was important. She could hear each little voice as she read their entry. How precious each child was to her. She spent her life nurturing little hearts and minds because of her love for children and teaching.

Finally, she came to Pete’s journal. “I love God. He is my Lord,” this morning’s entry read. A preordained moment—she had asked, and here was the answer!

Three weeks later, Mrs. Doty’s third-grade class took the stage in what was to be one of the most memorable performances of her tenure. Arch stole the show. The smallest boy in the class, Pete was wonderfully animated as he glided across the stage singing, “I can zoom, and I can hover when I’m workin’ under cover, and folks never seem to see the likes of me.”

Children are approximately forty percent of our population—and one hundred percent of our future. The generation we are raising up for tomorrow should be the focus of today.

A child’s heart is a rough gem in need of polishing. Many of us have been blessed by the strong hand of a father, the attentive love of a mother, and the extra polishing by the Mrs. Dotys in life.

Sadly, others have never known the dedication of someone devoted to cultivating their spirit. Instead, they heard they were no good and would never amount to anything.

Innocence yields to direction. It learns to treat in keeping with how it is treated.

“Do not hinder them” is a directive.


“Help me polish my kids correctly, Lord. Give me the wisdom and patience to bring a precious gemstone from these rough-cut stones You have entrusted to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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