Saturday, March 8, 2025


Manageable, Comfortable, Irrelevant

March 8

Do not be afraid…

Luke 1:13, 30

Janet noticed a cute little cherub sitting among the shelf of knick-knacks. She picked it up, turning it in her hands, noticing the fine detail in the wings and features of the little angel. She decided to purchase it for a friend of hers, hoping to encourage her with this image of God’s angelic servants. Taking the figurine to the cashier, she commented on how wonderful it was to have angels around to remind us of their protection. The cashier’s response wasn’t what she’d expected…nor did she find it meeting her concept of angels.

“That cute little figurine doesn’t fit Scripture’s account of the real thing,” he said.

“What do you mean?” Janet asked.

“When you read the account of Gabriel’s appearance in the first chapter of Luke you don’t exactly picture some chubby-cheeked imp with his head cradled in his hands. God’s Word says Zechariah was ‘gripped with fear’ when he saw Gabriel! Angels are imposing. We’ve just made them acceptable by relegating them to cute-as-a-button status.”

“I never thought of it that way,” Janet said, amazed by the stark contrast in the cashier’s statement, and what she’d always thought. She set the figurine back on the shelf, realizing she’d just had a revelation. She could never return to her previously held concept of angels again.

Angels, when presenting themselves to humanity, elicit an immediate response of fear. If this were not so they would not need to proclaim, “Fear not” or “Do not be afraid” when physically appearing in our world. This does not fit the image we foster and pass along to our children and others when we display cute little cherubs.

Like everything else we fail to understand or can’t control, we make angels manageable and comfortable, rendering them irrelevant so we don’t have to contemplate reality.

Our perception has no effect on reality. God’s angels are formidable and ferocious. We should be thankful, for our enemy isn’t a little red figure with a pointed little tail and horns.


“LORD God of angel armies, I thank You that Your angels are imposing, great and mighty warriors, instead of tiny little chubby cheeked imps floating on clouds. May they always strike fear in our hearts until they proclaim, ‘Do not be afraid.’ Amen.”

Friday, March 7, 2025


Don’t Give Up Fellowshipping

March 7

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing…

Hebrews 10:25

Bruce and Jean hadn’t been to church in over a year. Instead, they watched televangelists on Sunday morning. Their reasoning? They couldn’t find a church in which they felt comfortable. They had broken off all spiritual connections with anyone outside their family. The past year had seen a loss of spiritual insight and an increase in spiritual skepticism; especially where their extended family and friends were concerned.

Family members had encouraged them to return to their former church or find a new one, lovingly citing a need for all of God’s children to fellowship with one-another in order to maintain a healthy spiritual perspective.

But Bruce and Jean had discarded their family’s good intentions, claiming nobody understood! They had no intention of discussing the matter, or considering there was anything wrong with their relationship with God. Hence, it escaped their notice that they had become closed-minded in their assessment of all spiritual matters, judiciously applying or discarding each TV message to suit their own needs.

When we isolate, when we are not exposed to a corporate revelation of God through church fellowship and its relational benefits, we begin to filter everything through our own personal spiritual ideology, thus becoming closed-minded and growth-stunted.

Serious spiritual and physical consequences are just over the horizon when we isolate ourselves spiritually. Satan sets us up by reiterating that we don’t need anyone but ourselves. The ensuing tunnel-vision causes us to shrivel on the vine. We fail to consider that God would use someone else’s walk to help shape our own, creating a false sense of superior understanding. First we think, and eventually believe, God speaks to me differently than He does anyone else! I have a special relationship with God!

We are not meant to stand alone. God, through Paul, calls us to persevere in the faith by encouragement through fellowship. If you aren’t in a church fellowship, God suggests you find one and attend regularly.


“Help me understand the importance of meeting with other Christians, Lord, so I never isolate myself spiritually. And teach me to listen for Your voice when they speak. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, March 6, 2025


A Godly Calling

March 6

All the days for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Psalm 139:16

Harmon had achieved every goal set before him. He’d excelled in everything he’d done in High School graduated and Valedictorian of his class. He’d earned a degree in medicine, graduating Alpha chi and Magna cum laude from one of the nation’s most prestigious universities. Harmon was driven…and Harmon was miserable.

Harm’s parents, while well-intentioned, had expectations of their son. They had recognized he was blessed with rare intelligence, and had embarked on finding out what he was capable of. But they had never seriously included Harm in their discussions regarding his ambitions. They had simply decided he should put such knowledge to use as a surgeon, and would be satisfied in that profession.

But he, more than anything, had wanted to pursue a career in law enforcement. He wanted to work in the cyber-crimes unit, using his intelligence to ferret out online predators and the like. He wanted to make the electronic world a safer place. He’d tried talking to his parents several times, but they’d shut him down, assuring him there was no money in law enforcement and becoming a surgeon was preferable to catching criminals. They had assured him, “You will be revered by your peers!”

Sadly, Harm’s true calling was never fulfilled.

We are each endowed with specific God-ordained gifts…created to find fulfillment in the use of them. Unfortunately, and for myriad reasons, our true gifting can go undiscovered and un-nurtured because the world’s approach to achievement and perception of success get in the way.

Our parents do the best they can with the information they have to work with. Yet sometimes, they miss-read God’s gifting; especially if they don’t walk closely with Him.

Psalm 139 speaks of how intimately God knows each of us. In such intimacy there is knowledge that far surpasses our own. God alone knows what He created us to do. Obtaining employment outside His true calling isn’t necessarily sin; neither is it His perfect plan or will.

To receive His best we must look to Him for direction. It’s never too late to do that.


LORD, help me realize my potential in the gifting and field You have placed on my life, then assist me in using them for Your Kingdom. Amen.”

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Avoiding Strife

March 5

It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.

Proverbs 20:3

The plant supervisor assured Rob it would be okay if he took a few days off following his infant son’s emergency heart surgery. He told Rob to come to his office and sign the Family Medical Leave Act forms when he returned. Grateful, Rob hung up and headed back to his son’s hospital room.

Ten days later, Rob called to update his employer. They would be able to bring his son home in the morning, and he would return to work in two days.

He was stunned when his supervisor said, “Rob, two employees complained that Union procedure wasn’t followed when we allowed you time off without signing papers first. The day of surgery wasn’t an issue. But they filed a grievance against us for allowing you anything past that. I’m very sorry, Rob, but as of now, your employment has been terminated. You’re welcome to reapply, but you’ll lose your seniority, and you will have to start at entry level pay again. Goodbye.” The click on the other end of the line left him speechless.

Taken aback, Rob and his wife prayed for direction. They decided Rob should reapply, leaving the outcome to God. A week later, Rob had his job back. His levelheaded approach won favor with the front office. They admitted their negligence in handling such a delicate matter, and, working with the union, they restored everything except his seniority. Rob and Deb could live with that.

In Deuteronomy 32:35 God says, “Vengeance is mine. I will repay.” God knows that revenge is never sweet...and we should never seek it. Revenge pollutes the soul and creates spiritual turmoil.

There are few times when God expects us to stand and fight. Mostly, there are times He wants us to ask, in faith, for Him to resolve the issues we are facing, and leave the results up to Him.

The key is knowing when to do which. That knowledge comes through our having a close, unbroken relationship with God, and keying in on Him in times of trouble.

When wronged, we are to avoid strife by seeking God, not vengeance.


“Thank You for being with us in the trying times of life, LORD. Thank You for Your peace that helps us sort through what’s important in avoiding unnecessary strife. Amen.”

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Sweet Fruit

March 4

Lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5, 6

The seasons were changing in Florida, and winter was descending with a vengeance.

As Glenn watched the weather forecast for the upcoming week, he was worried. They were calling for colder-than-usual temperatures. He had expected the lingering fall weather to slip into cold nights, signaling the end of the growing season, but he wasn’t thrilled by the report he had just watched. Several nights below freezing had been predicted. That was both a threat and a blessing; a threat because if it lingered more than one or two nights, his crops would sustain damage; a blessing because in order for the juice in the oranges to turn sweet, they needed cold weather.

Having suffered frozen fruit a few years ago, Glenn wasn’t anxious to repeat the experience. They’d lost several hundred crates of oranges and had even lost some tree limbs under the weight of thick ice brought on by freezing rains. That deep-freeze had seen several farmers lose their entire crops. Glenn had been fortunate enough to break even. Florida crop-futures could be a risky commodity.

All he could do now was hope and pray that the weather didn’t linger too long, damaging the fruit.

As it turned out, the cold-front lasted only one night; just long enough to bring about the final stage of ripening, and Glenn enjoyed some of the sweetest oranges he’d ever grown.

Isn’t it strange that a certain amount of distress is necessary to bring out the best in an orange? Our spiritual maturation is much the same. We mature because, not in spite of our struggles.

The secret to maintaining good spiritual and mental health is found in learning to lean on God in everything, asking Him to alleviate unnecessary and undue stress from our lives in the form of needless commitments, by submitting to Him even when we’re not completely sure of how events will turn out.

But…if we pay attention, and allow God to guide us, the process will sweeten rather than damage our fruit. That’s His promise.


“There are times I forget to ask, and times I just flat refuse to seek Your help, LORD. Thanks for Your patience. Help me choose what’s best by always leaning on You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, March 3, 2025


God’s New Thing

March 3

See, I am doing a new thing! you not perceive it?

Isaiah 43:19

Realizing that her gift of writing was from God, Patty wanted to use her love of poetry to make a difference; to affect people’s lives in a positive way. But recently, she’d encountered roadblocks and setbacks. It seemed nothing was going as planned.  

She decided to call her sister-in-law, Beulah, and pray about the situation. Following their extended conversation, God had led Patty to Psalm 22:22. “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you.” She thanked God for this encouraging word, and determined to trust Him for the manifestation of it in her life.

The next day she received a call from a man who knew of her gift of writing. He had written the music to a new hymn, and asked if she would consider writing the lyrics!

Less than a week later, following Patty’s successful compilation of some of the most powerful words God had ever given her, she received a call from the ‘Antiques Road Show’ asking if she would grace their upcoming trip to Virginia by performing part of a 17th Century women’s movement, dressed in the clothes and style of the time. Somehow they had discovered that this was one of her other passions. She’d done in-depth studies, returning to England in order to uncover tidbits of historical data. She wouldn’t even have to study for this! She knew everything by heart!

When Beulah heard the news she was overjoyed. And in another moment of God’s awesome intimacy, Beulah shared that following Patty’s call a week before, she had been praying for new outlets for Patty’s giftings!

God’s response to our prayers in these ways is not uncommon. His favor should not be thought of as unusual. We serve a God Who cares about His children. When we offer Him our gifting for the sake of others, He will put us to work.

And many times, God shows up in ways we could not have conceived, whispering, “Do you not perceive this new thing I am doing?” as blessings flow from His hand.


“I want to be used, LORD, to touch those in need of my gift. Send to me opportunities to allow You to flow through me as someone else’s blessing. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, March 2, 2025


Elevator or Stairs?

March 2

Your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

Isaiah 30:21

As Chris stood waiting for the elevator, he felt God suggest, “Take the stairs.” 

But I’m in a hurry, Lord he reasoned. And besides, I’m tired…that’s ten flights of stairs. 

“Take the stairs.” He heard a second time.

Fine! he silently expressed his frustration.

As he approached to the fourth floor landing, Chris heard muffled crying. Cautiously taking the next few steps, he could make out a woman’s voice, “I can’t do this anymore.” Rounding the next landing, he came face-to-face with a young woman, seated on the stairs, the step below her wet with tears. Chris quickly prayed for wisdom. “She needs to know I love her.” came God’s gentle voice. Chris asked, “Can I help you?”

As the woman’s story unfolded, Chris discovered she had been contemplating suicide. She was trying to get up the nerve to go to the roof and jump, believing this would end her problems.

As Chris shared with her about Jesus’ love and His desire and ability to carry her through her pain, a glimmer of hope appeared in the woman’s eyes. By the time Chris finished sharing, her desperation had been replaced by a desire to know the One of whom Chris spoke so highly. Chris would never forget this morning’s lesson.

Though at first resistant, Chris obeyed, and a life was saved. We’re not sure what his disobedience would have wrought; quite possibly the woman would have taken her life, losing the opportunity to come to know Jesus, and making matters worse for those she left behind. Thanks to Chris’s obedience, we’ll never know.

This lesson applies to us all…in everything we do…at all times of the day or night…whether someone else is watching or not…when we feel like it, and when we don’t.

Faith is submitting every decision we make to God for approval, trusting that He always has our best interest, or someone else’s, in mind.

And sometimes, life hangs in the balance. Wouldn’t it be better to be sure?


“Father, guide my steps today and every day, as I bring each day’s choices to You for wisdom and guidance. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, March 1, 2025



March 1

I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Joshua 1:5

Dennis traveled to work by different routes each morning, which is quite remarkable since he traveled more than thirty-five miles one-way to his place of employment. But why would someone take a different route to work each morning instead of the quickest way possible, thereby minimizing travel time and saving fuel? Why? Because Dennis was called by God to intercede on behalf of people who would probably never know they were being prayed for. As he drove through each neighborhood he prayed, asking God to meet each need and draw the families to Himself.

Dennis enjoyed his silent ministry, rising early each morning—having mapped out that day’s route the night before—to meditate on the morning’s drive. Then, he’d give his wife, Mary Ellen, a kiss, and set out to pray for the needs of the people on his chosen route.

But this morning Dennis’ heart was troubled. God hadn’t been as forthcoming in verifying which route to take, nor had he sensed any explicit prayer-assignments for those homes he would encounter. Dennis reasoned that maybe God was asking him to be faithful in spite of the silence. As he backed out of the driveway, he vented his frustration audibly, “Do you even know where I am?”

God’s response was immediate... “I always know where you are, Dennis. I have not left you. Take heart! For you are My GPS…my God Positioned Servant!”

How difficult it is when we experience God's silence. It can be, and many times is, perplexing to know He’s there and yet not hear a peep out of Him. It’s one of the ways He teaches us to choose between right and wrong, as well as learning to stay committed, in the face of adversity.

He wants us to continue in spite of His silence, growing in the knowledge and confidence that we are capable of making right choices. And if we make a mistake, He’ll be quick to nudge us through His Holy Spirit.

But never doubt His presence…you are His GPS!


“Lord, lead on, and teach me to trust You in the silence. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”