Monday, March 3, 2025


God’s New Thing

March 3

See, I am doing a new thing! you not perceive it?

Isaiah 43:19

Realizing that her gift of writing was from God, Patty wanted to use her love of poetry to make a difference; to affect people’s lives in a positive way. But recently, she’d encountered roadblocks and setbacks. It seemed nothing was going as planned.  

She decided to call her sister-in-law, Beulah, and pray about the situation. Following their extended conversation, God had led Patty to Psalm 22:22. “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you.” She thanked God for this encouraging word, and determined to trust Him for the manifestation of it in her life.

The next day she received a call from a man who knew of her gift of writing. He had written the music to a new hymn, and asked if she would consider writing the lyrics!

Less than a week later, following Patty’s successful compilation of some of the most powerful words God had ever given her, she received a call from the ‘Antiques Road Show’ asking if she would grace their upcoming trip to Virginia by performing part of a 17th Century women’s movement, dressed in the clothes and style of the time. Somehow they had discovered that this was one of her other passions. She’d done in-depth studies, returning to England in order to uncover tidbits of historical data. She wouldn’t even have to study for this! She knew everything by heart!

When Beulah heard the news she was overjoyed. And in another moment of God’s awesome intimacy, Beulah shared that following Patty’s call a week before, she had been praying for new outlets for Patty’s giftings!

God’s response to our prayers in these ways is not uncommon. His favor should not be thought of as unusual. We serve a God Who cares about His children. When we offer Him our gifting for the sake of others, He will put us to work.

And many times, God shows up in ways we could not have conceived, whispering, “Do you not perceive this new thing I am doing?” as blessings flow from His hand.


“I want to be used, LORD, to touch those in need of my gift. Send to me opportunities to allow You to flow through me as someone else’s blessing. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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