Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Apostle John’s Bio

Who was John?

Ø      John was born in Bethsaida on the Sea of Galilee in the year 6 AD.
Ø      Before he met Jesus, John was a fisherman; not uneducated yet not born and raised to be a writer.  
Ø      He was the son of Zebedee and Salome, and brother of James (Apostle, not ½ brother of Jesus). Mark 3: 17 
Ø      He was one of the Twelve original Apostles of Jesus. Matthew 10:1-4; Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-16
Ø      Named ‘Boanerges’ by Jesus, meaning ‘Sons of Thunder’. Also Mark 3: 17
Ø      The ‘disciple whom Jesus loved’John 13: 23
Ø      Apostle (spoke with authority).
Ø      One of the 3 in Jesus’ inner circle (Peter, James and John mentioned throughout the Gospels).
Ø      He was the last surviving of the Twelve Apostles and died around the age of 94—
Ø      The only apostle to die naturally. Died in the year 100 AD.
Ø      A cousin of Jesus. If Mary and Salome were sisters, as scripture seems to imply, John the Apostle and Jesus were first cousins. This would make him related to John the Baptist whose mother was Mary's cousin, Elisabeth. Luke 1
"Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary (Salome), the wife of Cleophas (Zebedee), and Mary Magdalene." John 19:25 KJV

Where was John when he wrote?
Ø      Ephesus (Turkey) for Gospel of John and the Epistles; then exiled and sentenced to work the mines on the Isle of Patmos where he received and wrote the events foretold in the book of Revelation.
Ø      He was later freed and returned to serve as Bishop of Edessa in modern Turkey.

When did John write?
John didn’t write anything until late in life…
Gospel of John - AD 70 – 85
Revelation – AD 54 – 96
Epistles (1, 2 & 3rd John) – AD 85 – 95
John most likely dictated his latest writings to his aide and scribe, Polycarp, who became Bishop of Smyrna, who in turn taught Irenaeus, who became Bishop of Lugdunum (Both have writings available online).

John suffered for the Gospel of Jesus Christ:
Exiled to Patmos, a small island off the south-west coast of Turkey, by Roman Emperor Domitian (who was known for his persecution of the early Christian Church) after being plunged into boiling oil and suffering no effects (it is believed every witness to this in the Coliseum became believers). Written of by Second Century theologian, Tertullian in his work, The Prescription against Heretics chapter 36.

First Century Historians
  • Aufidius Bassus
  • Ban Gu
  • Ban Biao
  • Dio Chrysostom
  • Claudius
  • Quintus Curtius Rufus
  • Fabius Rusticus
  • Getica (Dio)
  • Jasher
  • Josephus
  • Justus of Tiberias
  • Titus Labienus (historian)
  • Liu Xin
  • Livy
  • Marcus Cluvius Rufus
  • Valerius Maximus
  • Mucianus Nicolaus of Damascus
  • Asconius Pedianus
  • Plutarch
  • Seneca the Elder
  • Servilius Nonianus
  • Thallus (historian)
  • Marcus Velleius Paterculus
  • Ban Zhao
Check out the following links:

Historians: Christian Historians: Modern Day Church Historians: http://www.lifeofchrist.com/history/historians/default.asp

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