Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Love of a Father

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!
1 John 3:1

Sixty-five year old, Dick Hoyt crossed the finish line a fraction of a second behind his son. The satisfaction in his eyes was due to the smile on Rick’s face.
Father and son have competed in more than twenty-four Boston Marathons, two hundred twelve Triathlons, fifteen of them being the ‘Iron Man Triathlon’ in Hawaii, have skied in cross-country events, and gone mountain climbing.
When you add all the miles jogged, swum, biked, and skied, their accomplishment is noteworthy. But what makes it extraordinary is that every mile is completed with Dick pushing Rick in a wheelchair, towing him in a dingy, and carrying him on the handlebars of his bike. You see, Rick is a quadriplegic.
This amazing love story began when one of Rick’s classmates was paralyzed in an accident, and the school organized a charity run for him. As Rick watched the race he pecked out on his computer, “Dad, I want to do that!”
Dick, a self-proclaimed porker, couldn’t run a mile, let alone five! But the smile on his son’s face was a great motivator. After their first race, Rick typed, “Dad, when we were running, it felt like I wasn't disabled anymore!”
So each weekend the duo is engaged in some form of competition; a father loving on his son with all his heart, a son reveling in his father’s great love.
As a father I can say I have loved my children with a special love, spending precious time with them, building strong bonds of love.
Today’s story is a lesson in lavishing. Dick exemplified the Father, loving extravagantly, giving generously of himself, holding nothing in reserve so his son could experience life to its fullest.
It is this same love that compels our Heavenly Father to call us sons and daughters, heirs to the Kingdom of Christ. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son”, so all His other children have the right to call Him Father.


“Thank You, Father, for a love I don’t quite comprehend, but so desperately need. Thank You for sending Jesus to make a way for me to be called Your child. Amen.”  

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