Thursday, November 12, 2020

 What Are We to Do?

You will always have the poor among you.

John 12:8

Walt and Erin were headed out for their annual Christmas shopping day. Each year, they set aside one day in November to go shopping with their Christmas club fund they’d so faithfully contributed to all year long.

As they drove toward their destination, Erin shared some misgivings. “I don’t feel right about spending all this money on ourselves and the family when there are so many people who don’t have anything. So many kids will wake up Christmas morning and not get a single gift.” The quiver in her voice betrayed her sincerity.

“Look, Erin, I understand what you’re saying,” Walt gently began. “But it’s not like we’re stingy or uncaring.” Stopped at a streetlight, he looked over and reached for Erin’s hand. “The truth is I feel a little that way myself.”

As the light changed, Walt continued, “But we do tithe each week; we sponsor Emily in Haiti; we’ve set aside the emergency fund for those times we see someone with a need.” After a minute’s pause, he glanced at her and said, “Even Jesus said, ‘You will always have the poor.’ And as much as we’d like to, we can’t help them all. I believe that no matter what we do, there will always be a need that we could use this money for.”

Anyone who loves the Lord struggles at one time or another over what to do regarding this issue.

When brought into the light of “it’s all God’s money to begin with,” we must then answer the question: “What am I to do with what He gives me?”

This is a personal decision meant to be brought before the Lord in prayer and discussed with those who share in the decision.

Our decision is just that, ours. We should not judge harshly the choices others make and be careful of our own.

Are you struggling with this question? Pray, seek His will in all your financial matters. We all have a part; ask Him what yours is.


“Lord, I know there will always be the poor. And I struggle with having more than my share sometimes. Please lead me to a place of understanding in what You want me to do with Your money. In Jesus’ Name, amen. “

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