No Equal, No Opposite
Among the gods there is none like
you, O Lord…you alone are God.
Psalm 86:8, 10
Jenna was searching for a way to help eleven year old Niles understand the
concept of physics, “Your textbook says that for every action there is an equal
and opposite reaction.” She decided to use an illustration to help explain, “Do
you remember when you tried to move that big rock in the back yard by yourself?”
He nodded, she continued, “No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t budge it.”
“Yah, so?” He wasn’t
sure of her reasoning but remembered wrestling with that rock.
“Dad showed you how to use a big stick to move it, right? The
stick provided the power you lacked.”
As understanding dawned Niles exclaimed, “Yah! Dad called it a lever!”
“That’s right!” Another illustration came to mind, “You really
like the space shuttle, right? Well…in a similar way, it needs a lever to break
free of the earth’s gravity to reach outer space. Rocket fuel is its lever.”
“That’s right,” she said, thankful for the breakthrough. “Just
remember the term, ‘equal and opposite.’”
But what is the opposite of God? Most people ardently respond,
‘Satan!’ And to that end we spend our days fending off an enemy we regard as
God’s equal. But that is not true.
Ezekiel 28:13 tells us Satan is a created being; “Your
settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were
prepared.” Verse 14 reveals that Satan’s equivalent, his peer, is the arch angel,
Michael; “You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you.” Created
by God, Satan is in no way His counterpart.
God has no equal; no opposite. And hopefully this gives new meaning
to 1John 4:4, “The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the
“You, O Lord, alone
are God. Amen.”
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